Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1957, p. 1

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BARRIES lllSTORlAN Fred Grant casts ballot this morning in the Iederol election at St Josephs Auditorium with Matt Robertson at right Mr Grant in his has voted for or 89th year states of Governor Silncocs exploratory expedition course was largely iorgottenpntil Chllinllcr Cominiree prevailed lion ihrough Vespn Township rlvenl Coniederution except llon Alexander Mac kenzie who headed the governmeht from 187378 when Conservative Rt Hon Sir John Macdonald was returned to power until 1891 That means 12 dliierent prime ministers against every prime minister in Canadas other lines Record Air F0 Brilliant sunshine greeted crowd estimated at 20000 who NY on Saturday altornoon to see play Shortly atter two oclock the line or traffic into RCAF Station Camp Borden began to move at snalls pace as it became increasingly difficult or the personnel to rind available space to park the cars When it came time to go home the immensity otthe traritc handled through the camp became obvious for it took an hour to proceed in line or cars bumper to bumper from the hangnr area to the camp get lilanl of those who left little late setting out for the air station missed the gigantic cali ithumpian parade thc only non of its kind in Canada Ilowstagcd at an Air base on Air Force Day Each year the Commanding 0i ficcr has to decide whether this parade shall be retained in the program orwhoiher it hnsrserved its usciul purpose each iiaclred twatme RCAF at work an decision to retain the event is more than justliicd Every camp unit enlcring float in the parade is allowcd an expenditureof sl the material must be supplied by ingenuity and iimaglnalion Neither at these two qualities were lacking this year and ihcrt was too an abundance of wit in the presentation to entertain the thousands who lined the route oi thepuriidc through the camp Autograph llulllcrs It was only to bc expected that major attraction lor the many young people at the display should ho the two special gucsts who had been llown in earlier that day irom Toronto Siclla Stevensiand Jackie Rani DFC iormerly 01 415 Squadron RCAF were overwhelmed with autograph hunters Charming Stella Stevens one or the Four Grads was dopu sing or Jonn Fairfax who wasindis year the ELECTION by KEN warms Noticed heading inched the rather numerous weekend5atu day or Sunday journalistic ven turcs which of late Lhave been of Muddy Yor ELECTION FEVER HITS CA Ridiculous over at all coming Theres no in fact one could even Say lhcro has beentoo little Sorry State of affairs which makesone shudder or the any per cent who do cast ballot today in this favored load one wonders how many know whatits all about Enoughpl til milo to ozoxrbs interest aircrait rceiDay ir0wd traction The posslbnity oi lose ly exploring the mechanics of Sabre lel traincr or CFiOl Canuck AllAWcathcr ict lighter was magnct to boys of all ages Throughout the afternoon ad jacent to the main runways model acropianc enthusiasts gave brilliant display of model flying Captive models bulzcd alter cath other likc angry horncls while lurther infield radio controlled models successfully cmulnled the real thing in flying Blots out Sun Close on hailpast four heavy black cloud oi smoke rlxilln lroln the rest or all corners to the runways onstrniion crashVrcseue technique Aerobatics Too Television stars craft still retains much of fascination in thisjot age heads Rae commented continuous flying unveiled on illt old post alilce Barrie nully afternoon June 12 mark ous ceremony will onlnry ithrough lhc marsh in point at ho head oi Thls wnicrwiiy tlon with his Notiawasagl diver iNineMile Porlogc crn depot stood on high ground the ed JimJLeaiutoiitvxnaiWW thl ground to blot out lhe sun brought spectators hurrying 1ln cloud and lialnos was douscd ill the matter or minutes by on stud cnts of tllu Fire Fighters School who had staged an excellent dero of modern aircrnii Judging by the interest shown by the crowd the acrobatics car rlcd out in piston engine air its The visitors at Camp Borden enjoyed again the thrill ol seeing alpiiot loop and roll just above their hcfii dStation Camp Borden istinction at being the that he had graduated lrom Camp Borden in 1941 and binhplncc ol the Canadian sir called that where the Command lug Oilicers house now stands was at that timea hog land lhroughwhlch they crept when late returning to camp Mllor Attraction Oi the many static displays the assembled in Hangars Nos 17 and ill the riatest in force and thc record of 40 years continuous flying The publie 011 Saturday could not have helped but appreciate the lactthat the RCAF has grown lrom strength to strength andthat ihE personnel at Camp Borden continue to main tain that high tradition which has grownthruugh 40 years of norma on and uu onioo wvlmlil mu All hislorlcal plaque will be green near the on Wed ing the eastern cnd oi the lam NineMill Portage The be performed by the Hun Rryan thurt0n Iario minister oi lravcl and pub city Although this old lndlsllporh age was first noted by member ill 1793 its cxaci 1955 in that year the rie on Willrldluiy iin iirclincolog isl trom the University oi Wcsh em Ontario ill trace the muic From airrlc which grow uround the landing place it the head or komponicu any the portagcran Ino woslcrly direc or eight miles to high pronto overlooking Mioesillg wamp The final mile lay navigalion on the lugglsh Waters olWiilow Crock winding and small was navigabic to its junc ind then on to the open waters or Georgian Bay nuring lhc war at 1512 the portage playell ii vilol part in tho reliel ol the isolilcd English gsrrlson at hilchilimacklnoc and continued to be In lrcqucnt use untll about 1630 Supply ilcpols including warehouse and living quarters were established the Iuastorn and woslcrn cnd at tho That at the eastern and formed the nucleus of Barrie Thcwcsl about one mile train the actual loading place and was known is Willow Fol gwlth lhc linprovc thumtolmianm offered by lhe ment at roads ports than that Grenieig Man Killed by Cor itan him no bad lust trom workin to remove the shock absorbers Apparently the ear on his body Funeral lakes pinco Home Barric at pnt mom will be at no ng To Describe Film Council Work on TV Cyril Fry president of the Film Council Federation and Mix Olive Kelllngton at or ill Film Council will give an outline at 11111 the film council plays In ll community In telecast from CKVllTV this evenlng at oclock The program should bowl particular value vto clubs rand organizations seeking help in wilh lhe old post oilicc was de balcd dcbate the members present favored lhe ro nt olbctllxl mouth of the Nuttawasnga River the portage was abandoned nround in middle of the Will century novorlcy Slack 2i of orcnlol wus hiuou instantly on Saturday when car he was working undcr rclumcd home at garage in Bar rie and had ackcd up an old car look give way throwing the whole Weight oi the llowas the eldest son of Mr and Mrs Frank Slack Grenici tomorrow iroln Lloyd and Steckléy Funeral inter BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY JU Fiat9r Retention Old Posi Office It mom regular mccllng ol thl Central Mens cluboi Con iral United Church amic rho qucsllon oi whit should be done Al the conclusion oi lhc mnlorily oi lhc ztl lcnilon oi lhc buildillg prescnt term Sum of the conclusion WCIL To scll lor commrichil pur poses would complcicly oblileriio any grccn secilbnS trom ihc ccn tor of Barrie and dollar rev énuc per capli uld be smoll There woul beJurt or aggravation ul lhc parking situa tion it the site uiis commercial lnlts reasons fur this Council nl lhc County or Sim coo will open their summer sit llng June ii at no am at lhe ell niy buil ng Barr Normal cu il sililng starts nn ai Weather Today And Pleasant The past west had even temperaturel no white Lilacs and Rose flaw lhorlls arelovely Bay level is average spring high but Georgian Bay is very low facilities down town It would provide in ideal loom lilln lor some town oiilccg such as the chamber ol commerccn travel and local lnloimuuon cool ire museum it could bl used tor rental pf lites returning sufiiclcnl rcvl enuc lo make it sellsupporting Wises sunny rind ll should be lc to stand us oi pgmpmym om mulinnltnl or line architecturc High Low and landmark of bygonc duyoo It is diiiicuil lo imagine ani June 42 other spot in Barrie which could June 61 is take the place oi the old post of June 5r 4t lccsquarc with its Cenotaph June 63 drinking lonntuin and green sur June 10 in roundlngs luiieiosiiriy so Barrie MusicCollceri Makes CoIOriullEntertainment Corning away irom the icstlval Concert presented at Barrie Arena by the public schools on Thursday night New Canadian was heard to remar We ought to tell them over in Europe about this sort or thing it might change their idea or Canada as wild do we placegi trilnment as good as many pro tesslonal program Robert Ricci Grade BBC student was the special soloist and sang with great promise lhreri numberslhe Toreador Song lrom Carmen Old ltian River lromshow Boat and the well known Negro spiritual Go Down Moses burlesque Corrida De Torus was an obvious choice to ollow the excerpt from Carmen it was scene which will be long remembered in particular the fanaasilc bull played Jointly by Alex Lapslcy and David Bell Musically the standard was set nt the opening when the newly lormed Public School Orchestra reeled by John Murray till chorus and the band of recorders cooperated to present Classics by the Three Great Bs in Music Thero was the Ode to Jay from Beethovens Churul Symphony Brahms lullaby set in Victorian drawing room and the ever beauti ful Bach choralc Jesu Joy of Mnnsbeslring played by the recorders with flute obligan by Weisz Folk Music and Opera from Europe was colorful with grades ii and children in costumes made by the pupils and teachers This was followed by waltz ballet by two groups or lour young girls Dancing through Scotland End The smoothness and effcotlvo ness ol lheconccrt was the result or much hard work behind the scencs Headed by the very cl iiciént and énergetic principiis committee the lollowihg stnlf members were respohslblc inr tho outstanding staging and the lea lure numbers Stage setting and management Principal it Mac Lcltnan Cndringtoh School pub daily and business manngomcnl Principal Law Prince of Waies scntlng and chorus mans agemcnl Principal Smith King Edward School program and sound management Principal Bell illllcrcst School enrdas Miss Norah DcHzrt nnd Mrs luurlcl Lamb Toreador scene Ken Gathers Scottish reel Mrslchiaciiennan Mexican dance hir Smii Skeleton dance Mrs Banting Ancient Huron scene hrrs Cameron assisting in con duoting Ross onldwcll and Princ ipai Smith with oil other grades and teachers giving capnhlc andvaiuallle assistance The committee headed by Lloyd Tuilord are greatly indebt ed ioJohn illurrny vlolih teacher or his very elf cnt work with his students and his constant in hires and help in the Publlc Schooi Orchestra since its incep tion year ago Thcmuslclnnship and eiiective ensemble of the Recorder stud cats is ducto the fine instruction of Eric Weisz llute lencher The quality or the production and the high standard ofenterv bainmchl enjoyed by 1200 people warranted lhe pride expressed in this remark choli oi 100 chit dren program ranging from was successfully obliterated Monday but because oi the ied cral election lllt county muaicts pal rcprcscnlaiivos will convene on this occasion on Tuesday lrilrn the Ontario department all morning more will no delegalmspd tion iroin lhe lilon chm extremes icnunc will be present at the unveilingi the Ninelilile Portage plaque post uliicc in nunlo Mexico the nudience were brought to the deep southand another burlesque in which Elvis Presley From here it was at short trip back to Canada rind the highlight was the square dancing ogninsl um ei Wur cwurwmrui upon is NE i0 195 pectcd there will he sonic In dlcation nlvcn as in when this homcwlll be ready lo accept rcsioonis and possdily ion the on the morning or the oponiulllclal date for the opening will ng day or lhc session oliiccrsuic lixod Al lhis session it is customary ilcd Ylands anli lurlesis will walironiimr mm mum in mm The basement of lhe li lldin counly comic In iscuss Y¢his reporl and rocommoniliilluns could lu ullllzod ror muchv hoof Sunny Again iurevcnllun in ioresl areas li lsllor equalilcd assessment on led supcrviscd public washroom unwed Kim on Wednesdaywhich the i958 assessment will be This presentation Invar dirlrict column iohly gives rise to lively de in tiarnc requeslms bare and it is known that thrco ii iUlsiVL cursidmtmn wor the major urban municipal im open door season throughout mpg in hcvuunty not lully lilo calmly this year satisfied to lhc mclhod ol ar The Vnrdcns picnicv an ilfliriving oi the cquulizcd usscss nnnl ailair which is always nimunL urea social occasion will lie hcldh alSpringqucr Park on Wednesqcornerv day afternoon Prior to this Ceremonial lualcd nn lho groan bytho old on Thursday lhcrc will be an scholarships and tile Jei inrys memorial awards During the session cilunl uiiiciai proscnlntion ni priios to iwinncrs ol ihc county centenary The ceremony of the liylng ol ihc cornerstone of the new John son Slrcot school will bc carried and recommendations oi the on Wednesday June 11 mm dciencc commliec set up at lhememng at in Th Mimi wuh hlacLuren vice cnmml 10 WWW ainrosidoiir ol anrric public school Progress 9° Mi new PF board as master or ceremonies lane Home inr Ascd ll the lormulilius will open wilh thc presenting ol Union Jack by the chorus and orchcslra roinbin Emery president at Emory in to Planet Snead Our Cuun Engineering and Contracting Cu try and Cinadu Limllcd lo hoss Caldwell it was lhcsludeiitsol the pubiiwhl wllltrillithc post of princl lic schools who made lhe evening pal lhe new school this fall cred mi Asilvoi trowel will be donated principals committee and the by Jackson of Mom 30 and WW3 chs and Arioclilos architects or made such crcdlublc perillrm new ML to mph Snap figfflaggsmg 2330 in grove chairman ofhlhc board or pliiciul laying stone by my mm lullv Scott lnspcclnr of pub it has become the practice tui present these concerts every two years The last was in 1955 at Hilicrcst and Codrington schools and in 1953 the pupils guvc grand concert on the Centennial theme in Barrie Arena it is matter or opinion as to Ch was the best ccrlalniy the standard has not deter rated Working Weekend new conierencc hull an by 24 feel with fluorescent lighting and blackboard panels has been erect ed by fast working learn of 100 mm Board Trade members lrom Toronto at the YMCA ooh eva Park leadership campat Lake Couchlchlng this weekend This youth leadership training centre at Canada was chosen by the board to benth from its an nual chorlly proiscl Other sump huildlngs wer relurnlshcd and painted lic schools will give the main ad dress and liov Brennpresi dent oi Barrie and District lilin isierial Association will give the piaycr or dedication The Barrie public schools or chestra and chorus will also be taking part invillc ceremony folOnto Men sentenced Fol Brudbrdiheif By Brian Roach 25 and Clifford lioochlrlss ea both ol Torarf received rciormatory sentences at Court 01 General Session Barri on Friday The two men appear ed bclore Judge Robinson on chargcol stealing$975 irorll locked drawer on the premises ol Bradford dairy Roach received 12 months def initcnd six months indefinite Hotchkiss was sentenced to six months and three modihs indcfiltv lie Judge nohlnshii ruled thit conversation iovellheard by police while secreted in anadjoining cell was admissabie evidence our the grounds at the placing or police oilicor in cell was panner ROOF argonr anrrlc Fire Brigade were called out on Saturday afternoon when spark lrom rubbishfirp set garage ruol alight at John Street The fire was dealt with holore ious material damage could be no Shortly alter the brigade were callodlo deal with blazing roast Bach Beethoven and Brahms to tourdistinctivebackdropsi igthelr prong muklngk square dancing provided enter Too soon came the finale with of meat at house on Codrington common practice and used unt Street

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