Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1957, p. 9

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Hisfory Is Important Year by year more communities andor ganlzations in Canada achieve the century mark British Columbia is currently prev paring for its centennial in 1953 03 such occasluns the past is suddenly mode more vivid Much research goes into the recon struction oi pastxdays Parades revive lu cidents exhibits display historic items and much or the iniorrnation collected is incorp orated in book form in undertaking at dlilerent kind is the removal of much or the village or Iroquois Ont to make way or the St Latvrenee Sea way and its reconstruction on lresh site This Is only one among many property transiers including monuments cemeteries alid stone iarmhouses that will preserve the work oi the pioneers or this historicain noteworthy area along the greatnanadiali waterway These arerblg ventures iirillg the imagin ation oi many progress is reported lnthfl news and coloriul celebrations climax com pletion The history oi any community ls import ant Today builds on yesterday and the preservation or concrete pieces of the past develops sense oi history background and continuity ior institutions and communities lCanadians should be kept aware oi the eiiort and achievements that have built ollr nation it is especially Important for liew Canadians most of whom have come from much older countries than ours to reel alid learn that Canada has traditions and his tory of its own The Historic Sites and Monuments Board oi Canada has marked more than 500 sites across the Dominion bllt these are only iew relatively speakingm those worthy or preservation in 10 provinces that stretch irom one ocean to another Loeul organization can roster civic pride and stimulate tourists interest by marking nnd rciurblsiiing their oldest buildings opening and illrnishlng local museums and preserving personal and municipal records Canada looks iorward to loilghistory and now is the tllne to preserve and record its beginnings Delinquent Voters lnthl 153 Dominion election only 07 of every 100 eligible voters went to the polls This showing reflects lack of apprecia tion on the part of many Canadians of both their privileges and responsibilities under Canadas parliamentary system of govern ment Roughly onethird apparently overlook the continuing significance of the long his toric struggle in England between parlia ment and throne from which the present form oi parliamentary government evolved It would also seem that they are unaware of the equally long struggle between the people themselves and parliament which brought gradual widening of théiranchise until now in Canada every person over has the right to vote 21 and some or the fault may lie in education How can children who rind history dull be expected to grow up with an understanding or the drama the violence and the heroism or the conflict between king and parlia ment How can they appreciate the deep sense of conviction that led men on both sides to risk property and lire for their be liars Men and women with an awareness at these things of the past will not let small modern obstacles or inconveniences keep them from the polls some folks stay home irom sheer indir rerence They are doing all right they say and what does it matter to them who gov erns the country Only major issue or one that atiects them personally willstir them to voting activity compulsory voting What is the solution Some people favor Apother way is con tlnuing process or education not only by poiitical parties but also by individual men and women possessed of the abiding con viction that to keep the usg it allot they must Time does not become sacred to us until we have lived it WALLS President mlnr ol Ciul Iivnrngc Net Pld ABC Clrcullillon ThreoMolllhs End March 31 1851 JOHN BURROUGES fiat Class Newspaper Published Monday Wednesday Friday WWW At The Wilson nuilding Port oulcn snuorc Barrie Ontario Colloid THE BARmE AMINER pilllira uvronugu oi curldd cnd lllat is subiecl to his associations not the way he swlmmerswho insist in using cano 02inions Of Others Union Jack Fine Flag Sudbury Star The Union Jack is line flag it is Linc oi the nuts colorful IE5 In the world it has been biouli drenched in wars ior freedom and lramplcd in the ground bydiciaiors The Union Jack has been hoisted on the roar oi the world and has draped the Collins of some oi lho worlds gmaitsl lenders Racket Time Arrives ulcrinrd Express Now ihai springs lust rround lho corner rho gelrichiasi boys and girls will bc spreading our in llrc smaller communities in lho province You may be sure lhai theyll have rainbow lintcd story on how they can save or make money ior You ll may be girl or supposedlobe vctcran ieiil ing mugailne it may bc reputed lnw oiiicerl sclllng police bcoklcl it may bc someone sciI ing iancy chlmneys siding ilrcploccs ur insulation or your home It may he be pholncrapbcr who will do piclurc of lhe children or cnllrge and lrume one at some depirlcd dclr one The ioueh and lhnlswhrt ii is may come in many wryr You my be sure oi ilailcry and lhc incl unitI youll have money galore Theres only and lhing to remember and that is no one can sell good or service wilhout prnlil nnd the best mm in do it iur you is your local Iladcsman supply house or mcrrluiul They are prepared to back goods and service wilh il dcr pendllblc guarantee Election Printing Nclvmarkei Era and Express Elcctlon printing is nicc bil oi cxlra business or the small town prlntcr ii he can get it but voles or he job he ls trying to do in the com munlty This year ThlI Newmarkct Era and Express has no orders or the peoples printing or the icocral election nor has The Aurora Banner we under stand The Era is owned by ihc Conservative candidate the prrty in pcwcr which dccldns where ihe prlnling is to bl doncmakcs sure that we receive none This is done in spilc oi the lati that our prilllcrs jobs are not subiocl lo the way they vote We recall that whcn The Newmarket Erawls ouncd by Liberal it did receive election priniing iur ihc provincial election from tileConservative authorities We find itvmorcdiiilcuit iovtlndcri stand why Toeerrlin Bonnerdidnot recoursemed business shareholders in that company have nol been restricted to the Conservative parry Poiillrsi It is high time that election printing was taken out oi politics and divided among thr prinlers in Ihe constituency We also iavor the ending of printing kickback payments about which most printers have heard something Boating FaialilySeaSon Owen Sound SunTimes Boating iataliiiesere again being added io ihc usual toll of llic taken by motor car aecldcnis There is every reason to expect lliat this summcr wlil sci more lives than ever lost to this type of accident Ami as in the case Willi most oi the terrible toll of motor accidenls carelessness is the main iaclor quile oiien Ilie only nnc in act in recent years there has been tremendous increase in the popularity oi outboard motors ior boats Great improvements have been made in this type of niarlnll locomotion including vast in creases in speed and power which they supply As result because of natural ioolish daring to be found in great many people very serious new halnrd to life has been created Yet it is hazard which little common sense and caution can cradieaie There are the old hazards of course The now Those who step in to these rail crait in careless manner or who once in ignore the act these light inst crait can be easily upset unless one sits very close to or on the bottom And there are always those who will crowd into small linat even though it is already overload The new dangers are my oi putting too poweriul motors on too light craits cutting capers on the Water in polish manner and ignoring lhc regulations calling or life presurver or each person in boat Actually where one is travelling inst and particularly it one is going to indulge lnihe utterly oollsh practice oi cutting corners at high speeds the pteservers should be strapped righ on for there will be no chance to hunt them up il person isiosscd into the water at high 51 Strangely there are adults who Even will subjch little Children to the hazards oi high speed andl dungcrou practices withouithe prolcctinn ni lllc prescrvers it wouldnt but bad idea to acluaiiy lost out your preservcrs bciorc putting top much lililll in them The tests couldbe made in bathing suits of course thoulzh iI would be interestingio be as realistic about it as would he advlaablc IliVElT SecretaryTreasurer Vimam RIVMrnrlch inn up ultnur cooem aupvrlnunlinl Abraer uniclcnt linicrnalional note Wilirid Jliry 5A This lsdunLh couronywt LiVEiN if RktlUuisu dlandFrce Press Herald 15 on May 31 the University oi lsmrcv lies on is can Montreal conferred an honorary plan broad conservation iur ffiiiififif Lwimiw resourcnkihe sicnporls oi the pasl which pnlnl the way In our The event was oi no small IconIMPde mum Wm °Y mine 0mm Iluronla has noun proud to have ally of Western Ontario which he Jury warping with bar Serves as curaior orits Muscumvgcfi has hum proud and oi lndian Archaeology ind Plan mined many rm incl ecr Llio tn iiurnnia whose his ism my mum is proud torlcal resourccbhe lino both ex 50 my may hm ploncdgaddovolthtnuue Wigwam pcuplcol his entire land mummy summer hm Wilirid Jury now Doctor Jury ll my 500 SHMEWhEl skiing is dedicated man He has givcn his lite to an underground mission just as insclnuting and just as rewarding as any normal ly associated wllh that glamorous adjective mnn whose prime education has come from first hand contact with lhc soil he has learned to read in Illat soil all lhc early footsteps ni mankind practifili archaeologist and naturalist or the doctorate ni laws on Willrid iury th it nrcd occasion no surprise His name is synony tcrcst in our nnlivc history irdm coast to coast has been able to build irom pols hérd irom carbonlled purl mould irom bead skin ing kniie nnd animal bone the story of those who lived beiore us in this prov ince oi Ontario And he has not only been able to rend the may but he has helped to rcassemble it in by nor LABERGE Canadian rrcsr Stall erlcr OTTAWA iv cPlA total of 863 can 95 are con recdlly understandable visual testing the Dominion election lnne iorm whichhos in his iavnritc io Vnune Will be held for 64 expression knocked the in out seats since the niiicinl nomina lion produced one election by oc elamationin nurinBurgoo in Newfoundland where the Liberal of hislory and has made the pastreome alive His reconstruction at Fort Sie iiiarie ii For Penelunguishcne and at themorerccent indian village at Midland are known the continent over Thisis lhn kind lnlc while the progressive Con oi historical story telling ivlncill5 lives and which captures lhe inies mm 25 lsezts com ared with 247 in the we m9 0mm lest cleclidin The car has 162 mm his wiic Elsie no mcun compared with historian horscli lir lury has me and Social Credit has also conlributcd lo the records 118 cpmnarcd with ii in the 1953 ui this province mony elicelienilvole The frcm ing candidates printed studies oi both our indian iare oi various rhadoslncluding and white pioneer Iorerunnersllo LaborProgressiveCommunist and now as valued member ollpariy The ion communist cnn Carter was returned with uni opposillon The Liberals have complete dc Mam 1ciirirtllln sci ever arcincl EXAMINER 1957 bll our people oi their historical ihzi itiro leading university in another province which cullierrcd nlous with the reawakcncd in lllilliilll filldflldfim memblu oi the last Parliamenli crown eompany had unceiormipari of Bram to find better alsomade bg tho didatcs in may all lost llicir do posits At dissolution oi parliament lasl April 10 the standing was Liberals led Progressive Conser valive 50 CCF 22 Social Credit 15 independent vacant AtomicWaste The mines department rod ieruwn companyAtomic Energy oi Canada Liddisagrccd at lcasl temporarily last week about Ato mic Energys disposal methods ior alomic waste material nut in the end the department said it would revise llluy 30 press rclensn iiiat led in ihc disagree lment nnd reissue it later The release said the Geological Survey oi Canadaa mines de counlrysgeolog will rludy the companys nlnmic Energy sltc nl Chalk River 0n this silrnmer llo determine possible arca where this livaste material may be sziely stored The wording vralsed at All ic Energy where clril said satisiactory program has been in cbrows oiil lsposal peration iornls part rd in cominulngcxnm inutlcn into disposal oi the wastes the official added The prcss tireleaso said the Tapacvied tnlbo survcylor help In In swer tpihc appeal gcplngisis would try lolcnrn wheiher there thcphallc ltivcr Illere is practical iy no movemen or groundwater or better still none at all GenenlTlrograin sale storage 01 lb radioactive es the department raid Whether the Chalk Rivbr district contains su bcknownvulli dirirlcti geology The Atomic roid thegeological surveys general pro sposul lne odl Geologists from ihe survcy to in the Chalk River ill Milcidl adde liku mist and the wilderness hlossomcd as the rose ling sor thal Ontario inr lo years The surveys study or By LEWISI UGAN As oneiimo immlmnl have every sympathy or the new arrivals wbn ieel ulcy are Irnng lis in strange land cut oil mini lbc cbcrlrhed associations oi their native lands did not cum from inc lone iheiiing rnd the misty islands oi the llcbridcs but knew somclhlng oi how those old Cairdonlans ielt when they rang hiounlains divide us rnd waste ul sens Even the inn iholilng lvllh all its hardships and nrivr lions my dear to them in incurl nry as Iho only home Ihcy lirdl cvcr known The wild iorcst re gions in which they iound ihcm lhey rel to work and male those primeval glanls til waved oer the lam bi Kedar Where 10w ulc nirvrrls rhlnc But wit can tell lhc liory or ill the toll cud sires From out Ibo Wilderness whal llicy owelo lhuse old pion ecrs who laid lhe ioundailons vasl Dominion under lhc TilIi nag still lies over the rich herilagc bequeathed i0 us by hose first immigranls and long may il wave There is no nccd lu apologilc cmbieniill Ille imn grams who hnvc come here irom nlhor cnunlrlcr lhnn nic iiriiish Ilslrs They were borll and brcrl under diiierenl national flag nd lhey speak dilicrent tongues and most of Ihcm gladly adapt them wives to the new environment and lnynlly coniorm to thc laws and tradilions undcr which cin ndo has prospered as Irce na Tntsc New cnnndlnns wlleihcr lhey cumc irom orilnin or other couniries do not or should not cxpcct to be pompmd iargc lhcy have entered eagerly lo the social and lnduslrirl lilo oi Cnnndu nnd mnny or them licvc done well ior thcmsclvcsi They sec and seire opportunilics ilom under the very noses oi could not see the gold or rocks all lines that has taken plucc anadarin the lnst ion years dunln the rcvlvni oi lmmrcru tion which it is only air to say was initialed by Col George Drew when he was Prcmlor oi He was the lirst ln ily immigrants atis lhr Allanti Tim bold stroke gavcimpctus lo Ihe movement lhdi has added over million lo the population and enriched the country by dusirial enterprise and record lniiow ul capital Invostmeni in the early days that capital came solely from Erliain along wiih the flood oi immigration from all part oi the British isles Nobody lhcn complained about iish colonialism or even im perialism when British capilal and enlcrprisc were invirhly Chalk River are siller llndeiv ground in stainless steel tanks in special disposal ground Wastes not considered dangerous are dumped in burial ground wilhin the project properly The burial grounds chosen aiter studies by depend ent geologists Once the wastes had been buried there was no ap pareni underground movement as result or the movement oi groundwater Holes are drilled periodically in the perimelcr lli thedisposal ground and insiru moms lowered lo check on sprcad ing None has bccnzindiooled so far was selves were homeless indeed mime mimmm Thai wrought lmrl oi glory lion in he BrillshCommonwculih Ely alldl some oi us old Canadians who The remarkable progress along veal nlylntbc colonies bnl rho in liidia Egypt Airicz and in the Far East through lion Kong and Shanghai ii nrirrln got her with by trade and commcrcr wilb licr emA plrll she relurned ii wilh interest in the poicciui government nd prulcciion oi her depndencles and sprcinlly ilr maintaining the ircrdcm oi the rrvcn scaniur rll nrlionr by her uhiquilous and costly navy Kipling only in part summed up unit cost when he wrote ii blood be lhc price at rdmlrnlly Lord God we in paid iuill Canada loo has paid her lull more oi blood and ircrsurc in doln or which tholag oi Brilzin Canadians old and new shoul Lbu proud to saiuic ihilt symbol mm ll ml undcr which they have ioughl The spruce and monorchplne mum and mummy Canadians should ncvcr iorgctlm Information Gien Re Sturgeon Bay For Huronia Group Golden liC May 29 1957 in lhc Editor The Barrie Exa llcr noticed in The Barrie lExanlllier bl iluy 21 news item whereby lhe Huronia Association sought news oi early days at lSiurgLon Elly As small boy was in lhnt villagc from mid August lo November 1885 The sawmill was owned by illc Playialr company of Midland cnd nuwcrcd by waicr wheel lurnnd hy the slrcnm lhat the mill was bulll beside There was spillway just below the mill lilonled by board over which icw inches oiwacr ransecni irieg just enough to carry the lumber to where they were de livcrcd lo spot handy to haul illcm lopilc in the yard to scar snll Playiairs owned llic store to serve the villagers and the lgan tlcman who looked after ii and ithc posiroiiicc heroin wils an Arlhur French He had bru ihcr who was an Anglican mill islur in Cdokslown and later at Shanly Bay The small vnaiherworn board school house oi one small room was also used for church ser vices There was only about i2 lor 15 houses in lawn and lboarding house for the single mill hands never heard or any particular historic association connected with the place and presumed it became ghost town village when the timber adjacent to it was removed have heard no lthing about the place since leii there nearly 72 years ago ibut anything may have develop lud Tlicrc was no shoemaker in the vlllilgc and one Saturday in Oc tober cousin of mine and were split over the narrow trail through the push it Waubau silene to get poirot shoes hali lsoled We had each just turned six years oi age nml recall oming home In the dark our little hearts lhumpcd all lhr wny as every dnrli stump or other on iich was thought to be bcar ior the villagers spoke irequeni Iy 01 how zhcy iniesicd the woods irnund ah ut However Yours truly THOMAS KING partment branch that studies the Such an area isa must for the ll Irwin sleeps and we ar lrived home quite laic but sniciy

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