Yet the fans tell that Si THE TEAM OF BEGGIE SIKI letti and Gorgeous George Grant right won the Herb Parks Memorial wrestlingrrophy last night at the Barrie ArenaThis duo defeated Johnny Demchuek and Karl Kowolskt in the main event Earlier coin decision Krusher Embodiment AiiD=Siil WIN lllltlsjltlllllsvsltvtllwlltt 0VKQYiWSiilililflcili tlterotare good guys and bad guys hitherto relerred to as heroes and vlllnlns Accordingly there need be no deliberation about who gets the cheers and who gets the tears But who happens when not just two but lonr villains are in the ring at the same time in this case in tag team tangle Well according to local light tans thcrc just has loathe dis tinolion between villain and Vi lnin Such was the case last night at the Barrie Arena Arlen two elimination houts two teams oi such daslardly ï¬ends hooked up in the main event boutiot the Herb Parks lllemortal Trophy Who would you pick as your leam On one side the team at Reggie Slki anti Gorgeous George Grant On lhc other is the duo of Johnny Demchuk and Karl Krnshur Kowalski Well again unless you were one oi the 800 ans on hand that would he pretty rugged ques tion to answer Anyhow the crowd chose Gorgeous Georgcand Reggie Siki as subjects to the ltissos Reason because the black and white team gained entry lo the inn round by the lip of colll They taught Larry Kasaboski and big Dave Simms in prelim lnary For so mtnutes thcteam oi Kos and Simms heat merry latoo on the villains Then the hell sounded indicating that the 30 minutes had run out NOW What To whom docs mi orce Tony Falctti give cntrancet lo the ï¬nals Kasaboskl and Sinttns wanted ï¬ve more minutes to settle the whole altai George and Siki said no Finally the heroes gave in and agreed to loss avcoin No more need be said So comes the main event and Kuwalski and Dentcituck who were soundly hooed as they licked Bill Fletcher andsFarmer Powell heeatne good guys to the crowd anyway This was anunusual haul in which the relerce had little or no control at all every trick in the book win and George were too sneaky However alter three ailsthe leamot villainous villains how else can you say it got the nod via Lsmash on the noggin by Slki Wal ovcr the place and running lntol Khad them in It tiny when lhfl Ihcii sounded to end the bout Four men used straight snorler the Knsaboski and Storms Slke and George hunt outshone It and any other match in lhe local arena this your George and Siki were chased out or the ring and aroundthe apron They were stumbling otl themselves Kas and Simms hanged their heads togcther and Next weeks card will be or lured by tourman midget tag team match headlined by Farmer Pete Frank Doyié Death Recalls Lacrosse Era of County Orillia NewsLetter day of Frank uoylo lormor Ori illla hotelman removed sports ï¬gure who once was much lo lhtl lacrosse limelight ln Oriliia The 73ycarold Newmarkct as sessorgpiaycd an important role in gating Orillia into box lacrosse in 1931 when the first or nunrer ous great Terr machines of the period won lit Cuunly champr ionship Frank headed tlIcOr illia club and also was prcsi ent of the TriCounty League which included Newmarkot Rich Aurora Bradford Gravcnhurst Bracebrldge Camp Borden tnd Pcnetang it was quite league did 1an Bonlhrott one of the original Terriers who also included Wee nie Ariscnnuil nUW oi liespeler Ken lelhiek Ui Toronto Will Varlcy Crozicr lricc Andy rod hope Howard iehit Ernie Cl ran and others whose names blazed across the games headlines The crriers then played in the old rink at ColdwaterJiuud and West Street and altitoughvaeeommoda tion wasnt nearly as good as ill the modern Community Centre it was oitcn tilted to capacity Terriers won the northern sec tion allcr some great games with Camp Borden in whteh Stan Port tee Stan Cable and Bloekle Cltcvlerproved hard men to stop and thcnwenl on to lake IlieIll mono toll in the ï¬nals two at Driilia the bleachers at one endoi the rink collapsed under the strain of the crowdnume thing whichwouldnt happen ttr 4241 rnvenr tn the evening the champs won rtipotu over Lorry Knsnboski and re invenutod Dave stmms In the other prettni tnpry Kownlskl and Demchuk made short work or Former Powell and Bill Fletcher Weather Today Clearing Latér Some Warmer This nook has hcensontc coolor so tar hut yesterday wa grand sunny and moder ate Today starting cloudy and cool gives promise or clearing and some warmer Temperatures were High Low as 55 as 61 June June Juno June June seriously hurt and the game went Orillia won because TCHiCIS Wecnie Arlscnault was zlhlc to outscore Richmond Hills Rusty White powerhouse who later on starred or years at Fergu Doyle ruled the Orilila execu includctl Len Pratt ch Miller the late Norm Cooke and others The team stlrr red lot at local interest and hing an era whiéh saw v0riliia go on to win three Canadian senior titles and champion He will he remembered all who were acquainted with is The denlh at Toronto tilt ulilcr Wm in Him ms MI gene once hockey stalwart is now living at Toronto and two daughters Mrs Dickson and Mrs Robert Jolie live at Ookville tive which also marked the our Ontario senior ships and it lnicoJes octlvciy ls or one owner car hln Thomas llulehlnson Comm 399 annual Cemb Bee Iriil held It the tnmgr Mflhodtst ry on Honda alternon dsrvenlog dun ll Anyone vlann interest or plot is ked lo try and Anovl nee il to be erected Please tr and or Lees endemi ren vlsltcd with Mr Ind Mrs lqulllekllng at Oakland nut is Sunday hr and Mrsw Pottgnu ISCIHWH were recent vlsltors llh Mr rnd Mrs Lees Recently alarrtod Congratulations to lllr and not NorineJearson who were mlr ried recently llr and llrs Kellh Lees eutel iltnc Mr and Mrs llulrht son on Saturday ntght About 40 people were ororent and enjoyed ziriendly game or words During ragody St Again NowCdnudio Mother Dies After Anliiness tragedy in lhe llvcs uta new Canadian talliin is revealed by the passing ol Mm Alircds Abolins the lormer Miss Eleanor Svilpe on Friday ltloy 24 1951 at Gravenhursl She had been in failing health tor almost year prior to his and had undcrr gone two operations she was born on Dec 17 1921 at LudLl in Latvia daughter at Stoolslous Sviipo and Sonia liar and had resided in Latvia unlil September at 19 then in Munich Germany It 1949 when she came to Canada to join hcr husband who had come to unrric one year previously Eventually new horno wns hollt the present tomlly rosi dcncc at 32 nerczy Street She was employed or waitress for some time in uorrle and later at Lobiaw crocoterla Rev Allan Read or Trinity AnglicanChurch was ln charge oi the funeral service on lion dny lllny 21 at lhe Lloyd and Sleektey Funeral Home Barrie with the family and number of triends orcsenl Lovely llowors expressed the sympathy at those with whom they had been ln eon taetLoblaw Groccleria also the produce department Room 218 Hillcrcsl School nnd the Barclay C05YFuiivgnyldldj il For intermenl in italrte Unton cemetery the casketbearers were monagcr Laklng Allan Kadin 1and Frank St Amand oi thc Lob iiaw stall and Janis cheris Uidis Bcrzc and Alfons Udrowskis Left in the loss at young Wife and mother are hcr husband Allieds rAboiins daugh ter Valda one brother Siglns 11 Toronto and vcr ndr Anna Holowskt in 1953 CHEVROLE BARGAINPRICED von low mileagcand sorvleed regularly by lilinneapoli llllnn UsA 51th this dealer This has received the best at care Slip Covert lnrludod in memorable game tortunalely one was ï¬rnnEE TIMES As trunnion lint FOR Glut 0W Does tltutsuund like the golden Rule Sign oEnLv Talus But its true 0hr governmentsare paying outssjoa clay to maintain prisr DlIElS in jail yet all they are allowing iormen and womenwho have given their whole lives in work is $150 per clay in old age pensions Doesthls seem rlghttoyou7 It youd like to support some one spe tive or party polities who will stand up for your rights irr Lees will in latnily friends the youngceuple with gins Both gin Keith Lees readaoworitu Iddrentrlnd tutpllé tlayu lidin drl hiremelnhnson presented the gt Tom and Norltie made mung rev otToronto plies wA andWMS The WA and wsts will most at urea llayes on Tuesday evening June ll Arrangement éarden party July to Roiiu OUR GUARANTEE lo 94 MONEY BACK PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE Yoo MUST BE COMPLETELY SATISFIED the name Roll call Mrs Root and iron andBiily Sheisweil and Jesse nidweli dIir mg the weekend Vl Meetan womans ll oclock mcnt at Mrs Waller Howells on to be made or Wednudny evening June 12 at Mrs oclock the study hook Canadian thustrles Mu Vincent llayos will be in enthusiastic its contagious tutgs ol the WMS devotional be given by lint SheardownfSiales accepts mm Cade in invorlteJareg volumer Tflplc name vixlted with Gordon institute agriculture and llotl your MODEL ult 623 AT terry Reg 52591 YOU PAY ONLY plant In plants Mn nailey Mr and unalllo Hutchinson land George and Mn tlurls wth Sunday with Mr and Mrs Percy Frankeom at Elmvalo it than Mr Simk vtslt Newsprint la the only unnu willtactund product that the united srovE RAuGETTE YOUR OLD srovx ls wonrlt 56000 MODEL an 6300 tanovn FULLY AUTomArlo CLOCK CONTROL potgs ANYTHiNG in MINUTES THE RANGE or TqMoltllow yr the proé which nghtto broadcast as well the right to print stems back in the suspension lo Lkennl Aet previously had allowed pntil than to operatemnly with government license tuellldex 05 95 at Britains In Act hleh now MILES 0F RIVER Canada on eight rivers oi more ilhanl000 mlles in length your OLD srovn is WORTH 51000 YOU PAY =1