lpL directors inrei curgian any Vucvclop aliun held In Midland the general manager ric was instructed In it plans to unit Liund and the Cnn in nbnlsry and March on the economic develop Georgian Bay region uld probably like cks and all munici industrios in the covered for leads all oi the year per cent of all indus rcgion have now been representatives of thc nd comprehensive is in preparalion illlrc of the associa cs will be the lssu lilic intervals to local or informalionrc pcration in Industry and management coordinating direc pcmuinclt commit rs Wundr uilier oi membership and ur Wagner ni Owen urist Stanley Darling rits Falls industrial Thompson of Stayner iays and parks and Ben catch or chcslcy agriculiure tire was given by Turn oi the trade and industry rll ol the Ontario govern tlll that ii meeting ol the gen snl managers and presidents of the seven legions now lormlll will he held in Toronlolnn lune which do ii Comc in and letus discuss withyou our HOG FEED FINANCE compilers NU FINANCE ï¬lllï¬ï¬‚ylï¬ SHURGAWHOG respiNG izitositAM FIG BOOSTER smar aii Feed lroln lo days to 10 weeks 16 HOG GBOWER trccd lzo from 10 weeks to pounds 15 HOG FiNlSliEir ced irorn 120 pounds to rkct weight Ali to alnraile according to ain Formula using all quality western grains Accept our invitation to come in and watch us make your iced trash daily All feeds at money savingv prices ShurGain saves and makes you money We are as close as your tele ph call as ett no no two open you all tilï¬ll nd insecticides itjls now possible lnor to discuss mulualprobl area dcvfiopmen sr 51 055 iv section or 35 xx xx LOOK WHO IS MODELLING Barrie Examiner Printed Pattern 4613 with hereown smart monogram on the collar she is lovely motion picture actress Martha Hyer now star ring in UnlversalIriternatlonals hit tilm Battle Hymn leemllllons or other smart young women this talented Hollywood star loves to sew and ilnds it Wonderful way to have really distinctive clothes with her own personal touch For cool spring days and summer evenings Marthas llnc black and white woven cotton has accents or white pique for wide boat collar yoke and hip band Making this smart dress was quick and easy job with the use or our Anne Adams pattern with sewing directions printed right on tissue pattern parts Sewing time was further minimized by the use of sewing machine attachments recommended by local sewing centre experts The handybuttonholer was used to make the tlvr buttonhnles in less than half an hour The decorative zigzag attachment made it easy to applique the neat monogram To dupllcate Marthas fresh crisp lashion start right away by ordering Anne Adams Printed Pattern 4613 It comes in Mlsses sizes 10 12 14 16 and is Size 16 requires yards of 39inch fabric and yard contrasting material Just send FORTY CENTE ln coins for this Printed Pat tern 4613 Send to Anne Adams care otThe Barrie Exam iner Pattern Department 60 Front st West Toronto Ont wAVERLEv in norpllal noskins and William siti thorpe are patients in sunny brook Hospital Toronto lirs iicWattcrs spent the wcolr end in Toronto Fishing rrip Herb Hornsby was on lishing trip up unrth tor ten days At wr Convention Several ot the Wt members from here attended lhe WI cons ventional Ailenwaod on Friday May 24 Orlllia Graduation Mr and Mrs ivan French at tended the graduation cl liliss Ann Graham at Orillia hospital on Wednesday night May 29 Weddiilg Guests iiilo Mr and Mrs William Wes icy oi ilorlrham Mr and iirs Lloyd llcynolds and boys Strata lord and Mr and Mrs Warren French or Guelph Kingston chltcnd Mrs Wallace Wand and Mrs Kenneth Truax spent the week end in Kingston Mrs Clarke henchvisitedwith her husband in Port Colbornc while his boat was unloading Golden Wedding congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Freeman French on the occasion of théic 50th wed ding anniversary on May ca GRAND OLD LADY KIRKLAND LAKE CPMrs Evangeline Widdiiicld ol Savard Township celebrated her 99th birthday Shc as 196 descend ccpt perhaps for those members made with very tew ohstacies and boy has catapulted inlnsudde lune and interantioan recegml tlon At the tcnder go at led an nyewhen moat liule ooyx in more interested in phylni instill nd wlctling ball adults than anything else he toarldtd our contemporary scient ltlc minds with his idvanecd knowledge and almost lnlulllvc ilclore lhc idvcllt or television such en exceptionally gilted child might have gone unnoticed ex at the leaching pmicssion whose privilege and extraordinary plan sure it might be to liuirucl him Bu television Is medium of appdhlinlly and has bccn the means at providing more than tow highly talented ppopie with he possibility oi displaying lhcir pills to highly appreciative has tlnnal audlcncc Littlc Robert Stmhm whose re cent inhtnsllc and unhrard of climb to pinnacle built or $192 000is what is technically known as ted or exceptional child giltcd or exceptional child ll simply onl whose capuhilitles in tellectual or artistic or exceed those or other children in the same age group when Robcrt Strohm appeared on the Ed Sullivan show the childs mottlcr scnt along note to be rcall bvaullivan to the millions of viewcis obsorving the extraordinary mental abilities of her little boy The substance of this note was simple it was word at advice It was directed l0 parents who might possibly be blcsscd with child as gifted as her son Robert Seek nutrlhcsc children she advised at on eurllcroge The idea behind this advice is very sound child with super ior abilities should be given ihc opportunity and advantage rt superior training child whose capabilities are lua ugly clear pi ing or at least one in rtrulrient preferably the piano and possibly the violin lnnddi lion in this he should learn lhc elements vocal wnrk even li his voice is not exceptional or every truc musician must under strand the basic principles or sing musleaily giltcd child glvcn lhcsc opportunities at as early an age as possible cannot help but beJ credit not only In his com munlly but to the world at large it you have muslcallygitled child who really wanisto study the art you can be the parent years irom now themember only bnc thing Ynur gillch childgmunt want this for more than you do lAnd how much he wants ll will largely depend on his early handl ing and lhereiorc inevitably on yoll Copyright 19587 cnown Hill lll Homemaking Club The 4H Homemaking Club of Crown Hill held their achinve ment day at Guthrie on May 25 under the leadership of Mrs Vl oln Aconloy and Mrs Miles Hick iing Four girls received County honor ccrtiilcatcs and pins They above and beyond those liornially wcrc Fat Aconley Margaret expected or his age should lac Drury Miny Dunsmore and put into expert hands ior training Elaine Drury as early as possiblc Conducts Services This is becausc his inevitable contributiontd society will he Ar 1me St Thumas Anglican Church Shantv heightened by careful attention lu early bungling and mining Buy conducted lhe church service liirs Strollm was perhaps ad dressing hcr remarks to parents who might perhaps some day make outstanding contributions in the soientilic sphere and thus take their places as great bene factors of the human race The musically gifted child is equally valuable Down through musical history the greatest virtuosl have stem lncd irom child prodigilsr The composer Mozart ox amplo was composing diiiicuiti minuets ior string orchestras at an age when our modern childrcn are starting school child with musical talent should be given every possible ad vantage at as early an age as its shows thistnlcnt Musical educatinn proceeds along lengthy and arduous road prospective concert artist must have every minute of his timeschcdulcd and all his studies properly supervised The idell situation exists where ina musicalchild is cnrolled in strict boarding schnblwhere the musical faculty are well qualv flied and then progress can be virtually no distractions Amusical child should be given the opportunity to learn all the aspects or music such as theory ants including to greatgreat rhe following visited with rain gran child tivcs and attended the Beaulieu Corlett wedding in Peneiung on Saturday May 25 Mrs William Corlett Sr Mr and Mrs Clayton Hartley Mr and Mrs Fred Mor ley and daughterloan Mr and Mrs George Ross and girls Ger 81d French Mr and Mrs Willis Mowtars all of Toronto Mr Did you know that weeds cost thecahadian nrnTer which is 20 01 tile Weeds greatly reduce farm protitr tillage nuisance tiring harvestin and Mrs Wiilia Monday Buiv By the time youve brought your 1957 flock to the ay ng stage you will have invested considerable time pllnning andmoney and you want the best porsihle return or your eitort ahd expense lelding BIG RETURNS too just AS You want your invertme 0N AS POSSIBLEI or yours bigger and stronger 3th PAYi ninpet costly extra ockage and lowar grades on Elï¬nnow to call cop iorlnlormation no By spraying weeds of an eirly tags up to 50 as youn weeds are aaicr to legume gross lands an By using brush kill rprays you canrcln land Iva libieytor production crop LAY No my biittlierc la AWAYJo grow those pullets harmony counterpoint score readlng composition the piD WNWW EHLIilEAIN and iiistcrttris year to oi ï¬nished concert artist several Hittspaté ht crest idly AlbértCookJook Mn llnrvsy Jobnstnn Mrs Harold Martin William Richardson ud Mrs Gordon flown to prillla on Q14 thy May 2t to attend the Pros pylorin Rally and they heard ails Stephen liowe speak Sunihlno Mission and The Sunshine Mission Band Incl Wednesday altorllyon dilly 22 in the Sunday Sclluol room with Around in boys and girls were prlscnl rs Cook presiding wr Dlrlrict Annual The Womcnfs instllulc dislrlcl Vannuiil ior Nnrlh Slmcoc was hold Thursdny ilay 23 at Vusey with lhe licldul institute as hosltss Thosc attending mm hcrc were Mrs Gordon Thompson Mrs Jo mph Lca Mrs William DoualaI Mrs Frawlcy Mrs lascph Vile Mrs Cllflord Porter Mrs Grant Dunn itams Mrs Jack Rumble and Mrs Gordon Rowal Orlllla Visit ilcd her molhcr Beck in Drilllo nil Sunday Weekend Visit Miss lllabel Turner From Midland spcnt tilc weekend with liir lllurday wl May Meeting the school on Sunday chair In Toronto on Sunday Mr and airs Gordan Rowat vly Mrs William lllrand Mrs hiacnollliall and Mr and Mrs ltoss oi Tn ronlo spent the wcckonll with Mr and Mrs Currie ol liiltllantl their daughter Mrs Glen Murday and Thc Hlllsdalc Womens insi iiuic hold their May meeting at Mrs llarvcy Fallis oi Vascy showcd piclurcs and the girls nt Crown Hill halston and Edgar She was asslslcd by Allan Ncwson and the junior Mrr and Mrs Carl Drury visitcll 12 radisher wniiitisndr wNi is lost nor the Hi Homemaking Cliih audit Wannwus rhowed their node on the clothes Britain in about 2290 miles ol closrls up to date canals and inland waterways Nlhe mm was expllned by Ancy Gr age Ind Patsylllylord MOVING BACK iren Morrison Lola Lockhart and June Nixon sangiwo songs BROCKVUE CV All living In lhe same house more ra Alvin Dnn all thanked the Emlyn ir 50 ï¬nchzlfmfm ruidcnts have decided to pull up states his lenny halter and Bach ionic Again her sister hill are going back Mr and Mrs Ed Faraghcr have to lhcir native lllaic Eastfln relurncd to their home here Corncu0nll ler spending the part yclir or in Midland Week with Slat Mrs Gillespie Mcidui ls spending this week with her sit tcr Miss Mabel Turner iirs irvin lohnslonol Mintsing when early pastures green is vililing with lire Rowat um mm mlk ppm mm marina ANCO an crincv ll thasscisi ni Vancouver wean HES dcs ml iirst prim the Vernon Woo llcmorial essay competition Wlhfllflrf mm open to all Anglican theological ésnm students in Clnnlia iormï¬r my 94 llculonanlcommandcr in navy he will go to extant ior Fvedwvanyurwwslhc PUBINA when water lull and lush the grass This is the time ior DULKY LAS greet hlg bag or hulky iced hurt neutii on Wllh all the tiriniu that your COWS ncc Mm mm ilolosscs mukc iiiaslc just Steamship Bookings right om cumin Yoursï¬Ã©ixs will clean it up Truck Rental Dont let the seasons prollis pass Just call your cows on BAR aunxv LAS Barrie form Supply l1 Mulcaslcr st Phone PA $2982 TRAVEL ssitwcr lo Buniopstrect at Cmu ill and Discuss 11 Perrdrml Chrqmng Amount when Your NEED is armrest because you have young tiliiily bin Family Income Beneï¬t provides maximum prplaflon at low cost As of June 3rd Personal Chequng Accounts are available at any TorontoDominion Brancirï¬Y umay ï¬nd theyre justrwhut youve been No minimum looking for if you pay manij by cheduen Your cancelled cheques will he returned to you every sixty flow along withan itemized amtarnenhAs you can readily see this will make your personal bookkeeping much easier and more efï¬cient Distinctive new cheques willha issued free of charge for these new accounts and charge of ten cents pea debit entry Will periodinateid 6f tlléhighar bearing leavinga accounts balance is retiuired The Personal CheduingAtJcount is an hddilunand in no way interfere with thalwntinued operation ofyour Savings bunt be mad at the end o£ each argoapplied cheques on interest quire riowtabout opanl PersonalCIiequing Accounts that you handle 11 your regular pdyme by cliequ riis gtBlvANK THAT