TIIE Slur5 count or 55 our ultieers will muster at the Armoury tonight at 73 pm for the annual Inspec tion at the Barrie Navy League chalets ratings and Above Barrie Squadron Royal Canadiani Air Cadets at their annual inspccr ion at the Armoury on lï¬nnliayl night The department the inspecting uilictlr Lummaflder Vcalherwa cn as something to be admired in his remarks llle inspecting emcer wenl un to say lhal the whole turnout exempliï¬ed the etlort ptn in it the cadets the olltccrs and civ instructors It also pointed to deal of sac rthcc on the part or the members or the squadron angllhelrpzlrents rive Flying Scholarships The chairman or the civilian committee the sponsoring bodyl oi the squadron welcomed all the guests to this ninth annual in spccllun He stated that the com mittee had decided to spend 5850 originally intended as band load to provide llying scholarships ler rive cadets The RCAF pays the major portion or the cost of these scholarships The riveboys who wl have tltis unique opportunity this summer are Sgt lloy Downer Sgt Bob Noble Sgt nob Warner Sgt talph Rowe and Cpl Yaék Grad lam Pride the Town Mayor Willard Klnzie slidilhat the Town of Barrieivas indeed proud to have such rule body as 102 Squadron in its nldsli He had oltcn heard that there was hulking for the young boys lu do in the town Here he lound concrete example of what youngl lads could do they wished His Worship commended lite cadets lor the obvious trouble they had taken in their work and potntcd out that the present training would stand tltom nl thetman said that lnhis capacity he cadets on parade was describedtjvlsited all the squadrons tn the Wingiarea and he would not hesitate it saying that Lidrrie had an out standing souadron layer 200 relatives and triends good stead no matter what they civilian instruct vvttncsscd ï¬ne display by 102nm in later lile Golng Slralghl Ahead Charlesihichiarlln 222 chair iarl oi tlle that this squadron had the saute C0 or the past three years Squadron Leader ll Oates DFM was do wonderlul jobs The onlyway for the barric Squadron to go 195713 was tratght ahead said Mr ltlcllarl tin More Than Drill Squadron Luadcr Oates Conl mandlag Oiliccr in his briel rc marks said that it was marvell uus to see so many turn out or the parade lie assured the par cats that the cad did ulherl things besides drill drill was about the only thing that could he demonstrated As proot or his words he in troduced to the assembly tIt live Standard Ticker Traffic Offences Start Here Sunday Provlneldl Police District Headquarters ltt Barrie lodrty announced that the new standard arm at trntlle ticket will be brought into operation in No Police District this Sunday June No Distrlet covers the munties oi Dulterlu and Sim vcoe and the skirt of Mox koln lhis will he the ï¬rst Provincial Police District to be operatingllte new tickets There are our Barrie girls in the 1957 graduating class or the lloyal Victoria Hospital school oi Nolsing who will receive their diplomas at this evenings annual graduation exercises in Barrie District Collegiate institute Audi inrium They are Allee loan Buschlen Anna luarie McBride Catherlne 4am Mcuartin hdCollecn Par trieia Robertson Onlyiour oi the graduates conic irom beyond the borders or sbncoe CountyLois bain of Kitchener Shirley Anne Ceasar Owen Sound Shirley Anne ptlc oi Toronto Valedictorian tor the class and Helen Mar guerite Wordell sol Queensviile other memberaot the elassot in arc Blanche rgaretIAdams ol Alilsion Ellen Wiltuurcd Chossoli or CollingWoodhiarlorio Helen Gordun oi Callingwoad uncnuellnc Allce Hanstord or MidlandLBarbara Elizabeth Lethe bridge oi Waubuushcn Audrey Eliinbeth biapcs oi Coukstown Maiy Joyce lillnty at animals hhona Merle niicy oi Midland Eiliabetlr Margarlt tort Roblnson pile Ethan betti Wlplesro Elmvttiemhd Mary Eiltabeth white 91 Qoillngwaod ge 0mm Emilia rear Barrie Folds Will receive Diplqus This Evening alRVH Annual Graduqtlonl Exercises at 330 They will be presided over by the chairman or the hos pital board or trustees William Craig Rev Brehn will give the praycr oi invocation Presentation of pills and di plomas will be made by the train ing school superintendent ltliss Helen Shanahan Eachmcmbcr or the class will receive dliurscs relcrencc book hold the Womens Hospilardux iliary andnew thls yeara class ring treat the edical stsfl Speaker at the graduation will be the mRev John Fuller ton DP or Toronto member at the Ontario Hospital Service commission COLLING 00Dlhebodynt Wally Hints of Comm first mate at the motor Ship White Role was found gloating early Monday ln GeorgianBly bout lulled east 01 Cape Croker and Ibout0 miles north at Owen Sound Hines was mined thorny utter amwhen he filled to at Mr rarenu ruvnare normal actual cura circulation miscest II he ct an no one not lorries hurtIllam howl torched member public school orchcsin recorder ensemble will be among periormcr ll lo limit icsti and Soplecc tenured rnorrow evenings being presentedin llarric lily jury said lane language and had atlasfln in directing ctl she had set the promisesthe case was purely question ol Kindree An all male juty yesterday nequittcd Helene Robinson 33 are by WW or Toronto on or charge orurson ut the Court or General sessions The case was heard bciore Judge Robinson the Courthouse Barrie The charge arose out or tire which seriously damaged tuyner Town Hall in August at last year Miss Robinson charged with having deliberately set the build The evidence given by lira Mr llulhers had said theitacl know there Kinttree impresscd llim Yuu have allghl accused hail all tire lldthIrx publlcschools at town The lIsi local assiagcd school concert centennial ycrr rm and this years evening of being looked lrlcnds or the chil dren and the gcncral publle concert begins lncladcd lgrsm will be dances and novett with special scenery dIIumes and lighting or particular so it on lira rcmcmhcrcd her to decide whether ng she had got eren with thevou believe lhem or nol llis she had srt the In hall Honor told the July llc hail taken no nullre iiee lheir evidence llien there entertainmcnt torward to subsequenil jnu en tire is The Crown called evidence to how that the accused had called at the provincial tuatcd notice it you be alight the time because he knew it is no question but that you must wits the town hall ihich had haenilnd the aecusctt sui at eight the pm shortly altcrt pm she had spnkuicltl the her ï¬re chief and he stated she seemed lo have grudge against ilc had come In colson in his address obpoinled out that in many serious there was tnsttiltcient evidence to crirnes no one ever saw the tit1sttbstantiote the charge committed what is known as circumstantiali evidence which lends itself to lthheory that Ihc ac cuseu ls guillyt ll you believe this evidence conclusion can you to house to telephone the pol come I0 Will ihai this Woman ice later that night Two wltnesswscl lire la the building csllrsNellie Kindrce am Harry liiltthers who were at tile houseflbr 5pd1called no wiincsscs ncc but in his address to th stated it was their respon1tvhich to now taken over by the tllty ps jury to reject apycounty is still sponsored by the Ihtllighl that live charge had becnIWumcns institute vurkinzln tn mspnshtcioperatlon as helme He pointed out that thcylnnw trorrt Tucqltty had to be satisï¬ed that the ev oclock uwund 7J5 llurnutlt The jury was out an hour bi Crnwn Attorney ll Thump iore returning with verdict ol an the grounds that attire building muniripal olliccs and garage housing new hose tiricr for the tire bri gade and thc oer can some time previous lo the tire She had stated oltircr in charge It the time that she wished to lay charge again third person had contacted Russell Somervill recveot Sluyncr and justice the peace who said he would be The otlicerhbd and other assignm at and so had asks cd her wait outside the otilie gave cvtden TOWNS All acts behlnd contains ihc jury not guill the police lrct hose to take out tor to be done clsewlllrct Fire broke out around pint ln eenlrc around evidence SubLt Laurie Dowthwnllc inspect mo let ship together with Jim Daley 131 and Larry Mudigun 13 two or the callers inlercsl will be the section of lhe pregllln devot cd to folk music and opera tram with pcriormaners by the recorder ensemble and dancet rhythm groups Fenlured will he linuslc mm Czechoslovakia iSlavie nations and Spain crest Schoolwill present hullï¬ghl with or characters Silllcoq Pioneer Muiellm Opened For lheSummel The Simeoe Cnllnly There iEuropc and appeared an oil drum sEIuated ill the ï¬n the police Mater evidence fur the Crown was conversation place when The olilcei which tuuk llobinson went what complctc cas iudlng but und Robert hicct will be hcar Escumillas lrom Carmen ballot in walti iSeoilish dances by group lrom frodringion School by Piper James rorguson nistl be coloriul numbers Canadian country bring the program llle closer to home éï¬dy The llecusetl was representetli Livingston Barrie who or the dc Toreador along late tempo and Museum accompanied ixiil0N MEETING fills loitllllio RATEPAYERS The poor rcspensc to publicnexalion were again voiced Thei ny olher probable conclusion xpohsored by Barrie tact that the population density 100 per assessed with 90 province it is open to Saturday inclusive from 230 to 530p consistent with fee at 25 And me or lirovcn hcyontl danccs will ulluellud to close lilac squadron Geoil lancs chte instructor Elmer Wilkins aerol vrence william Flnni idcnee presented with guilt and inconsistent withtrlrcn As beiore school children with their teach cr are admit rd tree or Sinlcne cnglacs John Ambulanc SW photography and sport West igartltTaylor navigation and rar idio presentation rm Paul raulkener by sxl Oatcst success he put down to the lacton bcbalt ol the Squa on in cognition ior tltc had given in son olllecr Cunip hordon Woman Found in Buy MIDLANDHarbor polite to day recovered the body at litlssy Elitabelh Skinner 89 of Gerrard tSlrLet East Toronto who drown trd when ell His Honor Judge no meeting oi Barrie acre comparcd cnilnty itiwns in with densil of 17 is elearl the town is liei Codrlngian with the ob ing the business or nnexallon to the ratepayers may rompl second thottghts respect further meetings Hillenst School on June ll and King Edward Sehnoll on June to The malarin oi the attended were icilll members or council town or members ol hoards whlcmhadrbecnmnecteddtrm problem ut annox counrii School last jeei oi expl institute bill groups irom outside are charged Womens groups EChild Killed By Spreqcle itltt count Custodian Kenneth ltamsay who ing help irom ilrs ottawny he did so much an rtearrange ent last year iilrs lland is on the property ll 0itu with made to indication that coming overcrowded Grittin chairman ol the committee chapter or Comntcrco voiced the shuruy alter being taken to be second strong reason when helpitat lrom moltipliniuries recci at the present lime only about split planned Gg Burie illreeyearald capacity as liar RCAl Station lay at tVauhaushcne ncar Mills ilund Monday night 50 pcopio stated that iisre were manurernnlmittec and lilrs prendcr near Crcnmore yesterdnyliway as chairman oi the museum ncrcmvailcble iorinduslrinlupur The latheroi the child Jflhntronlmitteittuls seneinl surehls Miller look out his tractor imp ml which was attached the manurcl gtsprender He did not realize that tthe spreader was in gear with title tractor and Peter and his the Town Planning Board the Chamber or commerce23335ds3fw° playmg industrial commi cc and the he pailmcnl at Public This is not bribery or corrop mg said But already done the job Following has all air arranging group visit datings by telephone Count Treasurer is right behind alIV eliort lD Lur iher the building nd is arrang ing tor large sign to be placed Win the west wuli or near it hear Counly Museum Wumen be visible in uses in the town is ltlso Speakers treat the Barrie Pub lic School tloard the Public ilics Commission titll Telephone Company ly wilh vzllion it is dnubttul whether council with arrangements further lowland Drowns in lake John Andrews 25 of Toronto drowned Georgian Bay speetion and march past the cadets gave drill dtspley and then the guests had anopportunity ol inspecting otht er cadets work prior to having tea provided by the Ladies Aunlwas si Coleman tviu proceed lor huldihg meetlngs Last night rehearsal There were nerial maps in plent rather like Sunday oil Crcsccnlwood Beach near lcnutanguishcne He was making his ï¬rst try at outnK idoor skin diving believe he trouble with his and pulled rcter got caught by the paddles Walks mhIol the spreader and dragged ing lite words brtelly survey or hmvThc mm my Co Sponsored by wood General and llarine Hos iulmf pital but died from multiple in tralltc on MulLasier and Worslcy Juries tour hours alter admittunce sircets lliary and colored there was the program or spca panickedters each speaking on particular pait oi the problem And there was lhc small audience as well tlninlmed as the speakers and int convinced at the necessity ol annexation Throughout the built at Tovione small hole hcir particular dcpartmentwould tackle the problems which arose out of annexation surveys altlluugtlt Barrie Girl Wins Nursing Scholarship Police twhcn he had breathing apparatus at the air hose instcad or breaks barrio gi Louise Walker3lng the salety valve which would daughter ol air and Mrs rraptyhavo causod him to surlace lualkor 123 luulcaster Sircct wast the scholarship evening only oi controversy when any Hickling reeve or Vespn diplo matically suggested that little ess land annexed might be more acceptabie meeting iiluyor wiiiard Kinzie remarked thatthe absence oi large audience might be due to the ï¬ne nightor to the Andrews had always done hisfaci um there was little 0mm in swimmingztion to the question married and wasilim ï¬rst weddingireasun Two His companions Brian James and ï¬nite Smailic gradudtstronto clad in rubber suits masks slutty given by the WA oi SLliInd llippcrs were swimming on wards rait when Andrews sank about it loci oi which They took him ashore and adv respiration presented with or one Michaels Hospital in Toronto at yesterday afternoons convocation croiscs oi the training school There was another local nurseminislcred DomeniA resascitator brought by pro Camp Borden lvlhcial police was used lol three hours iron Vaspra Opening among Johnston resident Judith Harrison graduates and of annexa previous diving He hoped it was the latter He was to celebrate his anniversary in two weeks 0N MIGHTY RIVER From the seaport city oi Mont ipool real to the open Atlantic Ocean is distance of 1000 miles trong arguments or an lIvrl All CHO RSH rnhum thy when and Rnlph Barrie Air Cadets Hob wnrncr and Noble