Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1957, p. 9

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Tull Art plmd It the third melon OI the 25th Lexlilatun OI Onurln lneluded Rules the Road Vehicle equipment pro cedures penalties conditloln at firilnlial responsibility Ind the Unsatisfied Judgment hind Chlnkcxln the Finlncill Re aponslbiltty Ilws and the Unntll fled Judgment Fund become git ectivo Jun 1958 The balance become ellcciivc Juno 1951 The Act has been rewordedtn permit the use oi Yleld Rich DI le Ilgns ll through high ways In substitute or Stop signs where appropriate Drive ers approaching Yield niehi oi Way sign at through high way upon reducing weed to to mph or less may then proceed in the same manner as In this case or Stop sign lliter having come to lull stop Wide which over 30 may not display either green or umber Iront clearnnee Inmp bring in Ontario proclire into line with that of other Jurisdictions Used car dealers at Ihe lime of each sale must now provide certificate separate from Ihe bIII oi sale Slalillg whether or not the vehicle is in sale operating con dition Penalties range from 550 lo $300 lar eilhcr normomplianer or Inise stalemonli Penniliel or violations at fluid or to Road as wuilcus the new crnl penalty section which cover all sections of the Act not covered by spcclllc pcnnties havc been Increasedi rinos range train 55 lo $50 or the first oifenee $10 to $100 or the second offence and $20 It 5200 or the third oilenee Penalties or second convictions for Ruler oi the Road violations can include throemonlh license suspension Dl sixmonth suspension in the mac ol tlilrd convictions These penalties Ip piy also to spending convictions Convictions or criminal negli gelice now carry mindatory lier cnse suspension at three months or ii In accident has occurred six months In all cases OI lic ense suspension whether mindl tory or imposed by the court the liccnsc must he picked up en sod and Iorwrirded to the hog ARE you will cavrrrw IF YOUR KID DID gt the damage would YOURJnsur ance eovcr YOU rublic Linbllity insurance costs so little and reliev as you at so much worry that ou should not go without it An to be sure YOU are FULLY COVER ED you should consult an INSU ANCE SPECIALIST one who Eealiy knows insurance Call us to ayt tmsuiiiioi HISIIMIIEE ScoUSFIBST ror Insurance of ALL KINDS Fill ot Motor vehicles bytho enlirtt had voted against them ionparity prices was not clear ai Noi vAIliiPtediiioli Iiieiiilieiillés in user oi appeal hit coir victims emits lieenu or per by mus limes en sue on zlors give The film has it nwdsltu bad rcputatlon lo the entire unit surpelulon 9th luponrion will not apply it met or flmnclll responsibility ltprovidsd unleu or until the gonvictlon in tushined upon the herring oi the Ippui FlannelL nerporuibllily hifli mum limits will be lucrused ell ecliVl Jan 1856 to $10000 hgainsl dellil or injury ot my one person 320000 to the cue ol two or more and $5000 tor prop erty damage Whlre securities lire deposited ls proof it Ilnlnclll respoilslhllity the minimum lmDuflI will be incrcxsed Irom SILOOO to $25000 Maximum payment permitted under the Unsahslicd Judgment hind will be increused iroln $5000 to $10000 or death or Injury to one person lmm $10000 to $20 000 or two or more personr rind lrorn $1000 to $2000 tor damage to property Their new limits will apply to accidents occurring liter Jln 1953 Owners who are not insured for least the newminlmumllms he required to pay re at $5 when securing 1953 registration plains This ls In addition to thei regular fee or reglslntlon end will be credited to the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund ROBIIISOI Clashes With Farmer Union At Jarrail Meet Orillln Packet and rims Liberril candidate or East Sim coo William liobinson clashed with the president oi the Ontlrio Flrmers Union last night It Inrmcrs union rally It the Jlrrntt community hall Asked to outline the Liberal policy on agriculture byehllrman Harman Johnson lilr Robinson cialmed his purly tried to do what ls hcst ior the country as whole and that thia may not be good or gertaln groups tit times out in the long run it would he beat tor all the people he said that by 1930 there wotiltl he great increase in population and prosperity so that at that time lhere would he greltcr domes tic market tor larm produce The Liberal candidate Ihen charged that Dleionhikerand the Conservative party voted for pill ity prices or agriculture products at one time and tit mother time Following his speech lilr Robi inson wasprevailed upon to Ill awer tow questions and union president Robert Cormack rose to quiz him on parity prices it was then that the verbal clash occur red lilr Cormack attempted to point out to Mr Rnhinson that the Con servatives had not voted against pnrlly prices but against parity income or Inrmers lilr llobinson interrupted and amid cries iiisit down from the audience he insisted thnt he had agreed to answer questions biit not to listen to speech Chuirmnrl Norman Johnson was askcd or ruling and he snidi lilr Cormack bed the floor Mr Robinson continued to eizhorate on his point thnl the Tory record Then Mri Cormack regained the floor in his dcienee oi the Con iu SI0000$20000$5000 Wlil Boating irtalti are again torpedo bombing dutiesi ado will playa large part inih question he linishod up with no you realize that litr Robinson After answering lew more questions lrorn the audiencehlr Robinson said he had to attend another meeting and leit honor WATER ing added to the usual loll or tile taken by motor car accidents And as is the case with most oi the terrible toil oi motor flelt cldents carelessness is the main actor Fort Frnnees Tinte UTLCT MT 10H VIT 11 PHONE GFiiERi IIiiIIRANCE 95 Dunlap St PA 85201 servative stand and to comply with the condition thlt It be lililrPillilcflsggms sciPIECE miCORDlSli GROUP Four billionaire sons BARIIIE PUBLIC vocoL leTmiMENTi BALLET WITH ollcnlsz or celvllc ercmler solto0L oncliEsrhA Ala SOLOISTS ltlRA SATURDAY JUNE THE RCAF STAGES ITS llTI ANNUAL Am roncomit marking the occasion with ground and nerinl demonstrations at 21 stations across Canada Airbrnth shown herelenmre performers inthe RCAFS yearround work are among those whlohvwlll hold the spotlight is the Air Force goeson displny Top left is the P2V7 maritime reconnaissance Nep tune latest nirornit to entersquadron service with tho RCAF Carrying ton and hall oreloetronle detection gear this sub hunterkiller doubleslormineloying rind The highlymnnoeuverable TSS jet trainer at upper right it tnmlllltr sight at most lying pilots fuselage Stnr ot the Air Force Day show ngainst aggression stations across Cim climbs abonrd arm is Air Transport Cnmmhnds Flying Boxeur which won headlines in the UN nlrlilt to Egypt displays i=5 size and carrying pOWErQl lower left yawning cargo doors fire truck rolls into the podtype RCAFs cFlilo longrange interceptor aircraft which gunrds North Americas tie Here the blunt nos weather lighter makes striking pictu still lIlE liens innit iilrlilio iiiALr THE ridtill 0F Fletcherjl lower right will be the the nilweather rilll approaches or the big oils as the crew National De cars Lio the aircraft used to train Cultndidn and NATO student the aircraft Through its iis habit ol tangmsitinz in naisviipccics The rollowirig instances flocks in thc morning Ind econzmumfle me Win lng not to mention the evidenrei The mam diwwum or they leave certainly docs not coalmmm or My be hme in courage mans triendshlp Like1AM nme mm wise Iheir Mullah for dellrWlcmalc tor who discovered that ml cats uni young of the birds the helpless animals were ready is mother illck lurk The my source oriaoil tor her young ones also wig gardens be nsmiAiter lambs hadibeen killed and quite out We Yminnd taken to tlis den the yixrn observed Ilium walking gruundiwasibot and ths depradztion your Iiiwn in recent mornings mm The starting is cunridcred onet numb award m5 dig iii the chict predators oi whltoimmm on Kng1wnmp grub that perindicnlly In yourfcnelosure until three were lett lawn trim art0 wilt l0 aiAtoit was linaliy caught In the dead grass SA the prcswizactbt clearing lcncc with lime starlings can be bosoncommit In searching lhe Iaivnslor the hint in my me numb n1 brown June hueHm adult Ellenlucid lambs were observed ina ol Ihe while grub The IIllnflsibzrn yard cach with holes pierced seem in know where in 19cm on opposite sidcs oi the hack ln thcsc hcctlcs and alter humpimgaliun showed ma hm lilcm they carry them oil In lhcirlhomcd owl was mum mod fwd it Is quito understandahle that You may well sure your lawn the elimlnhllun til the birds or by saving the starlingsvni lcastianlmals guilty it such ortcnccs tlriiiLlnlLWheli lnurpatieneema bc exhausted many cascs the majority rd in Along this same line all inlirt iniduals= in this socelcs go through als and birds oi certain species lilc by being oi more benelli l0 should not he condcmncdbccause man than to his detriment BELLE EWART ai Oshawa to Douglas Harman Toronto in Nortllien Uniletl Wedding Gurus Church in Toronto liliiy 25 1957 Mrs mum Mm Kmi Mrs lorkhiirst of Niagara iish and Mrs Qunniz attended theiFvlls NY went lvw days In chlreiid at Cottage town this week Mr and Mrs cnit riume iml iiiaughier oi Toronto spent the AUTQ FIRE LIABILITY lwcclrcnd at their cottage loveliner as srclmrss Taronto Visit Mrs liuileit and lilrs ll iChuppeI visited in Toronto last wcek lilrs Slicox Pamela rind innit Evans DI Toronto were with ems lilrs QuentL IN sail morn Sympathy Community liluelt sympathy is extended to relephonc PA kway 84000 1thc lamlly at William he who ipassed away at his home in Le troy on llay 29 ivs rinsrsnilvi sinus llriills rill lilDN TUES JUNE oi MALTA STORY ALEX GUINNESS JACK HAWKiNS rLus lion CHILE mov CANOVA CAniooN WED rilUlis JUNE 56 DREAM OF JEANNIE Colour RAY MIDDLETON rLUs lute rolls llFE IllIIIA ALDON RICHARD CONITE CARTOON rm SAT JUNE 733 Lori eon colour CARTOON COMEDY lion TUES JUNE litth one 6065 run coriEilv WEn rlluns Burefoolconl JIJNE 1213 essu Colour AdiI CltlliooNr rubstr JUNE 15 THUNDER PASS LAUREL ls llAlior COMEDY cnltioON lilo IiUlzs JUNE 111 snip rulir ibiro or silAlilr JUNE 19sz WEDTIIURS its Lona WED rrtUlis AS Isl II ED thaneeemryotlilusamiytimo

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