Min diabci Ellen Lucal Ill Broattline Mnmchusctu has been named president oi The other Church The First Church at ï¬hrlstScicntlsI in Boston it today mediate decision awaited request ntlons nItlnnwltte mow to hnvr cry More than 2000 member ill the civil Servants Federation at Canada at protest mneltng held Toronto yesterday gave their support In motion nsklnl Prlmr Minister St Laurent lor an im on their long or national sniary increase They also endorsed the leder lhe quehtion oi the increase lcl maglnntlon nsplratton JII the line tllrnnut for aide ilon Earl Rout lmzresslve Colts ervltivc candidate tnr Dutlcrln chase the no The speech came onciusion as In theypnr smeoe spoke at Jones the slit nn bad llith ln hi own llis ilic was true to quick lllzc nin drops mattered the ground prelude the downpour vhleh iollowed Dr MeKclvey sought to Insure he audience that this was only of warm rain uutot the political arena lasslng shower The terrain Whitehouse president or hc lhawer vm sulflcienl to the iedention said that the led with IE will In school lillss illABEL llucns Active in various capacities in the christian Science morenrcnt she is native ot ldahe und gletv up In Spokane Washington She yolncd The Mother Church in wetland ior many years has de voted her lull time to the public prxcltce oi Christian Science heal ng hllss Lucas appointment was announced by The christian Sci ence board oi Directors at the annual meeting oithe christian The First Column Continued rulll page one Vote llowe the turn you Know And someone quickly came up withDont Gnniblc Vole Camp bell Down the slrect we have gentleman with lisp and Tory inclinations over enwiee in Frankys emporium the morning he otiered his own slo gunYou cilnl mitil it you vote lhmith Tune lungnzlne reported the Prime Ministers rur accident on the Camp Burden rtlzttlwith this noteFive miles village oi ltilrrler now Tilne uti uil lrukc hereon or St mini sented cueh Sund the term oi mus cultural aspect is being ed It is noted that uego ore nith underway weekly wrestling barge propose ally improvement in title sllbtlrtlinaliiln lo the pub ters oi the pulilic they do not sometml play Johnsons time was i70llrt764 Levon He turned wile at tile lireaktnsl ask Du yuu know really important in the world ltepiy Nu dear but there is one less him you think From Los Allgclcs headlll Bridegroom Nervous So Po Cl Help Ahovcwe priest in tb trfada In chleag oration Tuscntetl issue or their other west oi the Conic comp lilnts equivalent to statingTile lotvn ot Torontox orarenhurst has unique tour atlrziclitlnil hrgn anchored rs culture has been pres evening inl However the in present show on they Quotatton lur consideration by lllctrttde WV 50 near lnl pericelron that it is not easy to But as every ilrt ought to he exerciscdl lie good cannot but suppose it llltlralquchlitln in those nlur whether tuu wantunly with our pas 0M Dr in his table to how many men there are Times Clark ireron Week lolll as selected by rrlntlng week the tart that politicians had made political salary schedule Ilr Std Laurent ï¬rst mentioned the matter at political rally at Concurg on May lie slated then that no action would be taken until alter the elections Science Church The term of BIA lice is one year she succeeds Clifford Voodnrd ot Cam bridge charter member oi the Chris tliln Science organisation at Sim trlona College the has served as llildrcn and PM remaining Ilolri Their Ground to send the band rcurrylng with their instruments covered shelter nearby Those ii the audience who dldnol that over had to he reconciled to the sartial shelter ot the trees It group of school children In zeniously converted their banner an umbrella Jud held their round by the edge al the trees nllicial speakers lisorwealhercd out the downpour Wt it Cnnston the Arch colonial chairman at Sites Board quippgdr that tho dayr lritruic lnn gmt plonoe beekeepcr was wet one neorgc Johnston MPP tar Simeon Centre introduced on nyln CIthcatt Provincial Minister Travel and Publicity whose brie address was drowned In rain it was only alter the minlsler iild completed the unveiling oi the plaque that the rain ceased Klan Mitten ccitthtalad broad caster and oneol the eommunlly remarked There wasnt dry incl in tho house Guides and Scouts BP Centenary Continued irom page one only do pcople lose cunlldcnce in you but you let yoursell down lasing eonlldcncc in yourscll the worst thing at all it he could not vouch tor this quality in boy or girl hcwould not give them character reler cncc tor employment declared Colt Shcrringt SltndThin stressing the sacred quality ol the promise they took ls membels at the Scout and Guide movement he laid the boys nntl girls that as ionu as they lived it wouldlkccp tbem busy to keop their promisel Tit society and tile Although the would hit our ind over min the important titan in to do their best because that promise was veryutred thing and not to be treated tightiy The whole trouble in this mat ht world today is nothing morn unbroken prnmhu Show your promise to your parenlssand ten chcrs and to politicians and heads at governmenta and tell them that pmmire is sacred tiling it you break promise you cant be trusted Ind conï¬d ence isgonn Thcir motto BC Prepared he deï¬ned It being prepared Tor life big order But they had great cxampltl in Jesus Christ who took so years to prepare himsell iot three short years at work it takes years to prepare boys IllLl girls to taite their place in You have wonderlui opportunity to prepare yourselves tor the tuturo Take lull advantnge at it and be pro pared lot lilo Double Celehntlon Tile centenary oi the birth at Lord Badanincii was not the duly celebration this year remind ed Col Sherrlng Scouts and Guides are also celebrating the 50th anniversary the matter than at their movement No lcwcr thnn six million boys and girls are now banded together in the great movement and in do their duty to and Queen million have come under its in ts tlucncc ml the years Pruetatto ot Colon Rev hotel Ferguson at St Air drewa Presbytnrtan Church Kalle invocation and thc cioslnl benediction at the centcaalsl scrv like The singing olthe Scout and Guide tlymn preceded the presentation at colors and ltrv NewtonSmith at St Grab Anglican Church read col cctlon lnnrthe Brd Psalm toll owed by praycra the hymns is Hy Fathers World God Our Help in Axe Past the lesson read ny Col Sherrlngi Kcmpenlelt Division Girl Guidet choir rang accompanied at tact emu by blrs Harie Martin oi gt ShInty nay district commissioner ior East Simcoe The hymn nwnrtl christian Soidlers was sung below the re turn ol tings WELL DOITBD The lnhnd sea at Japan stret chlnl250 mill5 has as milny its 3000 islands DOMESIICAIED BIRDS Chickens probably were lhc baseball question which has become serious sit jcnl since tht Vancouver lttou eient man Spanish eonquistatlori brought the wt to the New World Though varieties of chicken Ircjlunlerous present igln the nod iungie Fowl oliColumola in second roldcr ot branch church and also has been member at the Bible Lesson committee which prepares the Icssonsermnns used by all Cnrtsthn Science ehurehes lol their Sunday sco vices StrumAllah Fire Shows Need More Water one at the most stubborn tires that the lnnisiii volunteer lire de partment hrs hadto right took place Friday niterneon ablhe old home oi the late Senator Allan The spacious rambling home built when lumber was there lor the cutting contained many layers ol platlltillg and timbers The SITE which was thought to have sarted in the greenhousel which was at the rear ui tiae home worked its way hack in spite oi the work andwnter put to The luck at continuous sup ply oi water was the greatest handicap Several times the times were under control when the water supply at the pumper iran out rhls had to be haulch mm the lake in the lank trucki For this reason and in hopeull saving more ot the big house the iCoukstuwn brigade was tasked fur help it was thought that their water supply tank would supple menl the Strand tank so that at steady supply could be pumped into the tire Uooktowneame over With both pieces oi equipment and the cumE nined eliort ot bulil outï¬ts wusl responsible ior saving the trout wing oi the building even though lit was somewhat gutted llyiirc iand smoke The wind was blowing the tint llint the building and tanned by the heat caused by the very hot lire this helped to make the light ing that much harder The heat was so inlunsu at times that it was diilicult to get claim to the The old building which is said to be over 100 years old was once the show place oi lilo district was later occupied by the Hell muth lamiiy but was sold to treat estate syndicate low years ago The house has since hccn used as childrens camp The loss will he ilmosl complete as the remaining wing is so badly dnmiged it will hnvc to bGJDIII down The experience oi this are points out the need at more water supply equipment The tank truck is valuable part oi the tire light ing equipment and couple more in the township would add great ly to better protection Progressing Favorable Township Clerk Alien Ire ton whm has been in Barrie hosv pi or the past week is thought to be out at danger unless addl vnaLcnnlpllcatioaneLint ls not nllowed to see Inyunc ex cept the la Iy Mrs lrcton who is nulse has taken residence in townand spends lot at time with her husband Shc toidthts writer that she was quite satisï¬ed with his progress and hoped that with her and her also nurs2 he gets what is most needed re and cnrélul attention REEVE Wltncs HAS woltltso ror FEDERAL GRANTS FOR HISTOWNSHIP Essa rowrisuil Now RECEIVESVTHESE GRANTS SIMCOE COUNTY BENEFITS FROM TH ESE GRANTS county COUNCILLoR WALES HAS Woltltrn rolt coonltpaos HE srcgltsn consortium Ass sTANcc so THAT THE CAMP BORDEN ROAD lNroXLLISTON COULD BE Fl AC CHAIRMAN or rel SIMCOE cou NTY hoops commrec nUlth WALES is RESPONSIBLE rod equrT orMbltE THAN ONE MILLION DOL LARS FARMER WALES HAS WORKED FOitA TAX REDUCTION 0N CIGARETTES to title liiilldril to walls titties Béilelles lll Service tillIS husjslirvelihls Tovlnsllill tlillillllily llclllllli Swahili has served his county wall has served in leiliiw grellels diligently NISHED nnorllnlls Alan and John tlrlt htrds domesticated by anlTwilÂ¥g take dig at the Sundny in Vancouver tics entered the Paciitc Coast Base day species have common or ball League in 1958 The Bri shiTWigK brothers dressed government has not this or the annual West Vgncou lcramp slated oilllia Mayer EndorsesStand oi Charles Parker fin signed statementisrued last weitk Mayor Wilbur Cramp oi Oriilta said he considered uld land Mayor Charles Parker onuv 1oi the ablost municipai adminis trators in the province llis municipal experience it clected Mr Cramp said would bring in Ottawa the problem at lhe smaller urban centres up ortunately the mini mayor con ed muebine politics usually lude experience torname per sonalities notable example is thé untortunate releelion oi Chan loite vnilton iormer mayor oi ottaua ltiaypr Parkers decision to run as an independent is most laud able Whether he wins or loses his stature as courageous in dividual running in eiieet against loaded dice deal is most com mendablc He will product the oownlo cnrlh problems at the average taxpayer which all too seldom are recognized in the high er levels oi government llayor tics play on Sunday in Vnnmuvcrl They sell tickets on Saturda all legalized Sunday sport but hioun ver childrens parade