law To since romntonensisnrst iippeored laoa only one grad uaiin eiass has goneputmnrecorded By its pictured page Peih ii is signltieantgtliat the members at thatrcloss called themselves thenaughtyones Thcfomlssltln how ever rls regrettable tor 1901 was thegraduation year or Charleszruee Smns and had romntonensis then appeared the world might have been warhedthat Victoria College had produced tightlngclassicist with the courage or Robertson in Greek mountain lion and the conscience or Methodist His graduation portrait may be seen in Vletorlll Alumni Hlil whaite in lieId at haudiotnr musinchini therexppenna rug ged set or masculineleutures with no other hirsutc IdérnmeniJhnn ll thatch oi curly hair it one looks closely one sees speck that looks like chip nthhis shoulder For biography our may go to Act Victorian and rcad thatirl hissenior year Signorwar President or the Vicioria College Lit This distinction however seems tilhave impressed the his agrcpher less than the achieve mum at his subfectJn netball hockey and tennis Football at course in the Sishns lcxieon is spelled soccer Forty years aiter graduation he would still Iurn nut in show younger genlt emilonhow to drihhie and there are some who elaim that his abil ity to kick tasi hard Ind slilight was never lost but merely trans ierred to the Council at the Facul ly Arts But thats an oftside Lets have fresh start Charics lirucc Sissans was born onll term in Simeon County third generaiion Canadian on his lalh ors side and filth on his mothers Between harvest and hayiimo he wont lo school in Crown ilill and Barrie is best friend was boy mm the ncxt arm by the home oi Ernest Drury Aitcr im lshing high school he taught for ll year in get money for college was oneroom school of all grades tram ioddlers to teentigers both sexes Our tccnagc teacher found his ieet kept his head and got to college There he chose lhe honors cause in Classics and Studied under two of the intst scholars at that or any other time Bell in Intin and it was prob ably iheir influence that deter mincd his choice or career During summer vacations he worked or the next years gas and keep it was probath quilo loriuitous that one such summer job took him in surveyorspiirty to thc Rockies but the exponcncc led to one or the most absorbing latcrcsls or his litc his love or ihc mountains Alter taking his dcgrcc he taught tor two ycars in the chatham Collegiate lnst ituio Ontario put as soon as an opportunity occurred he applicd or post in British Columbia and was appointed the first Prine ipal oi the Revelslnke High School Several 01 his Revelstokc students come on to Victoria Coi icgc including that iiaggen who later became Rhodes Schol ar or British Columbia and re mained in England for disting uished camelin law In 1908 himself went to Oxford to read Ancient History under contraet to return to Vic toria College He joined the stall in 1909 and was promptly ear icatured in the Boil as anOx lord don with an exaggerated accent it wasnt true Oxford eccentrieilies lei very little im press upon his rugged Canadians ism To his elasscsln Greek History he often used to quote favorite passage irom Wordswoth Son net Two voices are there one is at the sea One oi the mountains each mighty Volcc In both ram ago to age than didst rejoice They were thy chosen music Liberty But itwas always the valeeoi ihc mountains that called moic loudly to rSissons Hé was back lathe nockiesat the earliest the Canadian Alpine Club ll wasliter that he met his future will iier mine was Anna Nor mart and she came of long established Pennsylvania lamlly oi Quakers One may roulecturc that lhowas ivon by ax rtyic oi iriendly persuasion or snapshot or the pe show the lady Mill rope around her win umiihcr suitor standing above hcl wilh an iceaxe In his hand Another companion at lhase ainesummers was hisrousin Woodsworlh the founder of theCanadian Commonwealth Fed craiion One may surmise that the pn ciplts oi the weird mite weregivcn good airing Isthty hivnuacked togelher under the clear cold light at the stars on the slopes oi Selkirk peak These influences undoubtedly mellowed the mores oi Sissulls but there is no evidence that he ever sirayed irom the Methodist old or voted or any nlhï¬i than the Liberal party To thc iatlcr statement however there may be one exception in will the Unit ed Farmers oi Ontario went into polilies and much to ihe surprise at themselves and everybody else won provincial election numar said that the new Prime Minister at Ontario the Honorable Drury oiiered cabinet post to the iriend his boyhood days Thc oiier it made was dcclincd Such reiusai could hardly be ascribed to an aniipulhy for con Iroversy ora reluctance to engage in public scrvicc or the Sissons career abounds in both lie serv ed on the Ontario Housing Com mission of 191819 rid was Dir odor and Sccrclary ol the Torah Io Milk Producers Association from 11125 1932 His Homeric battleglce purliamcatary do hate was ieature oi University councils or many years lormer prolcssor of distinction when about to leave the Toronto campus or lusher paslurus til the south is said to have described the University oi Toronto as mildewed wilh discretion To such blight Frolessor Sissons made no contribution He would as chcoriully break lance on President or llcan as give pat on the shoulder to the youngest tiro Few men know the University oi Toronio Act as well as he and none was an rcadier to invoke its statutes in delcncott tho constitutional rights at iaculiy councils colleges colleagues and students mic or his eliuses eels cbres occurred in 1942 when the Board of Governors refused to admit to thc University group at German nationals who at the outbreak or war had been inv terned in England but later released when the Government iclt sure at their allcgiancc By agreement with the Government of Canada it was arranged that ihesi young men might resume their studies here provided that they could rind Canadian spons ors Sissons stood sponsor for young German Quaker whose icmily had ten Germany when Hitler came to power ilis ellg ibilityIoi admission to the Uni versity at Toronto had acca estab lished before tileGovcrnors issu edtheir edict so Sissons entcretl him in Victoriavcolicgo and claim all rght or the its students to Universiiy classes for instruction and examination in the non college subjects Fortunately the case was settled out at court ll which they HHSiiethem selves ihutall the requirements at loyalty were met The Pro fessors protege graduated ï¬rs opportunity chartcr member or iirst elass honors inJEngiish La The Governors evolved lolmula guage anduierature and is now Idljflhlycslï¬enitd member or the teaching suit 1n University oi Toronto eirl eles irolessor Sissons is best knownytor hi inity years of sub cesstul teaching and his terrytour ycarr at unceasing vlgiisncc in Council and Senate He served as graduuierepreseniativeon the Sonic alter his relllemcni from the professorate But in the wider tleld Di educated Clos Ida he is best known for his pubs llshed works Canadian biogra phy and history Champion of causes not lost but neglected he eannoi rest until wranla have been righicd victimsvindicatcd and the judgments of history re vised in the light at new evidence thoroughly examined and im partially ialurpmled So runs Irlbute on the dustiaekct All his History oi Victoria University 11952 ills ï¬rst book Bilingual Schools in Oniario 1917 was ac claimed as calm appraisal at controversial issue and realistic contribution in naiional unity iin recognition oi it the University at Ottawa honored him in 1922 with its LLD Egertnn iiyclsnn liis Llle and Letters Vols 1937 Vol 11 1947 woniar him eieciion as Fellow at the Royal Society of Canada and the Tyrrell Medal granted or outstanding work in Canadian history My Dearest Sophie 1055 isu toilet tion of personal tellers from Egerlun nyerson to his daughter which forms deliéhliul sequel to the austere correspondence of the politician churchman and Oil nationalist Now in his scvcniycighlh year Sissons ii Vieloria is still stud eni Siili writer still mounts ainctr an athlete and armor ilc keeps up thc arm at Orono which he bought soon after his marriage and into which ior many years he poured his savings and his labor as insurance or his family iris our sons are now all independent all married and themselves fathers oi families thirteen grandchildren for Charles and Anna Theres no longer any need to lgcp the prize eaitle which he owned in the ram host years Melpoment Minerva and or course an ex cyed Juno lie had Dominion champion once but sold hcr or 51200 in big price in the de pressed thirties He stillhas his orchard which he tends and prImLEi with lite Georgie care of good Virgiliali The miniesta tion on the west bank of the creek is getting to he beautiful sland oi timber He spends most at the summer on the arm but in wiatchdrivcs to Arimna whcro he and Mrs Sissons can still enjoy hit or mouniainecring iusl cw years ago they wcnt to Greece and climbed Olympuswhen it was deep in snow Thc natives could hardly havc been more astonished had Zeus and Hera suddenly ap pcarcd in all their ancient glory ills tennls has onlyrceently yielded tagolta late addition to his spnriing repertoire His stance is terrible his swing is all wrong but his drive goes straight down the airway and his pull nortaneatACrr Airline Tlcltcts stcamshlp lloohiau Hotel Reservation Truck Rentals alarms DRIVEACAR TRAVELSERVICE 102 Dunlap Sireet West Piioae in 2772 his sons mast oi the timeInd the writer every time Perhaps its due ll carryover ewrd ol ivelIspelil life He doesnt drink and he doesnt srn ke his only obvious social vice is srmhb dlilig wilh duhiouslnlinderlv aiives Hes working on annlherlllnolt He has hccn travelling ihc coun tly mari usque all mare lnvesi igating ihc inierpretation which the provincial governments put upon the educational clauses of lhe BNA Aci From all accounts nsgoing to be good in iact it looks as ii we may expect Sissons Sizzler ClowEs Sunday Visitors Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Percy Ennncy Mrs Home and ills Cairns Crown Hill isaae Shaw Haivkestone and Mr and Mrs Cairns Sunday callers at Mr and Mrs Percy Bunneys Mr and ilirs A1 bert Shellsweli Hawkestone and McCrone Mitchell Square Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Marehiidon Mr and Mrs Beicourt Anion Mills and Mr and Mrs Paul Shanahan oi Barrie Back in ilospllal Ernest Marchildon had to re turn to the Pcnctang hospital He is not as well as his many iriomis would like to see Sunday visitors with Mrs Ber iha Sampson were MrsVioiei Frail Mr and Mrs 13 Crawford at Dro Station Mrs Beasley Braeehridgc and Mrs Stoddart Guthi Mr and Mrs Paul Kenney and children 01 Driliia were Sunday Visitors with Mr and Mrs Arihii Bcnham Mr and Mrs Chase antll Robin of Scarboru spent Sundayl with Mr and Mrs Lavender lloss Lavender Toronto spent never overruns ihc cup lic irlm inalioo pcrhaps its the frcward of Midland Plant put rowboai into so Leiiz Expansion Coincident with the celehration at tho lilih anniversary at the ï¬rms establishmentin Canada Guenthor Leiiz president oiErnst Leitz Canada Limited on May 29 announced Ihe construction at an 11500 squareioot addition 10 tho companys lilidlami plant Contract iorthe new building ivhieh will he 50 larger than the original huiit ï¬ve years ago has been awarded to Allrcd Roi Midland the long weekend at his home hcte Mr and Mrs Darcy ONeill and iamlly Mi hurst spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Bldweii The Clowns Womens institute will meet at the home of Mrs Lavender in he aiiernoon of June for uni radical You cant havs In many as but hosmlghty god you ens train your la wflehppmv North Ameri can van tints mavr call us lad it youre moving roan our csilmlc lr ruse Cnrapheii leucd Menu in North Ameylcan vrn Lines Moving and Sroralc rm liiirttln Ave room on ctlss LEGAi PRCEESSlONAL miscron Accouqullrs BUYS SEAGRAM ROWE nrrisicrr solicitor Notaries Public Conveyance elc MONEY To LOAN nulcc and st Barrio Branch Office Eimvaie onurio ol now me suonam CoWIiN COWIiN amlxtrr snlitltar Noun consulting Hours in mm to pa Mondly to many no Cavun MONEY TO mm coiiler st uarrie act GLADSTONE RIE 00 ssrrutcr and So lcircr MoNav T0 LOAN nualop st Barrie iil lli m1 JOHNS0TI0N 35 oarrlhter solicitors Notarie si Dunlap 5t noon llamas rmms rli um uulcil sr mt iilacLAnENat C0 cllliltrlznen ACCOUNTANT miller st Barrio LlcENsw TRUSTEE LICENSED MUNICIPAL Aunrmn HARRIS NEEDHAM area esttilled Pupils Accountai Toronto and narrld Burris omco Wilmn nuiidinl Post omcc square Telephone PA c1391 Resident Partner is NRBDIIAM cm ARTHUR rowan CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Bani Telcpliouc PA um ROSE HARRISON cllnnTrnxn ACCOUNTANTS SAMUEL nose cn SAMUEL nannlsou CA is eouicr rtroc pliantn Hats nipartant openinglz nowiu Cunada in lntelligen skill and initiativetor viutlon Technician Therelz grotto uture For iui du lea DI and other benefits it Phï¬ldior you sulrn MeLEAN Sumerian Duncaer MrCuIlg KC arnrtsis Soiiclton I9 Do op St Phone LIVINGSTON MYERS unrrlrtcu loo solicitor lau Coiicr at Phoe rli mu flAlinlE OPTOMETRYl um rho ROBERT ii SMITHR9 ommnnlsr v2 Ilolln as daily pump at zast raouo PA our NOEL STEPHENSON E0 Omflflnlsl Daninp St is narrlc rhano Hi Hzol FUNERAL DIRECTOR BISHOP LYNN FUNP AL HOME LMVALE yon Phan now unuumcn snnvxon DAINFS lull Licmseo dunere MAssmni oiutlncn oni tleher smithqfl tutum Mcmu lnatlons at our noyai Canto ntory at Toronto uil grades1neludinl on Islis Massage Hydrotherapy CH IVROERVACTOR JAMES WVE1TCH ILC Dacron OFCiianPnACTiC lay pointlnent rnoN mun till uudrla st MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSONyRJlliT TEACHER or PIANO swollen and rpizoav Pupiil prepared or exams lum nuns Modern mods iiililo iamdronlstI Phone um ANGUSM Rossna Rumored Marie Teacher lustrueiinnin plum and then lira eoachlnl in French Latin In some Mil Dunlap at Barrio olhér liehuol subjects LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED HARRIS loud uudcrwritcr and Famiiy mus Program minl Analysis Close can oratianï¬roiua Key Man Formerlth gehsl vBolaPropi lord insurance IA raeruw ulscusuou ol nun Llrlz INSIJRANCB Ill nepmentlnl London Lils lnnuranee Ca rhadc um PA7H Imi VETERINAR maximum Rupiah II enee between launching and float naiorf Still To 38er lN voraus nailins their svrviees if the not chooselilem duet no harm it the wonl nintom and COLLINGWOOD The dim1 gungslels are named on the ha it the voters lire enroll to vote in IMP is ball1 chum against them by supporting men ugno There was none used at the time they floated the Sonar tnr at Canad into slip ati Collinxwood shipyards last Thursl day noon However this did not hampcrl one at the easiest launching unl record at this busy harbor The eastoot lrcighlcr built or lite Palemn company dmppedlniol ihe water as easily as one would Poweriul hydraulic jacks work cd by hand started the hull on the way down ihcgrcascd lim bers and she slid sideways into the water with someslighl tip oii ihc upperstruelure but ihc great chains attached tilled steel boxes soontonk up lhepull and brought her back to level it was all over lloweVLlH ihc uiiieial christcnlnghas still to be done when th aginesl and ï¬lling arc iasiallo on tho ship will get her trial run and lullfledged ceremony will he held when the wine will low over thoprow She will then he otlielally launched Today she is tioaling hull rtady to helllloltl PEST CONTROL Airplane spraying at New Brunswick forest at ditierenl Limes has shown as high as 09 per cent mortality among bud worm larvae dmwn ughinst Savings cHsoumo account is inliormadé for youl Heres how 11 ACCOUNT works prepay licrvice charges at th service charges ni liny kindl use PERSONAL CilEQllING because there is no passboak write up Instead you make your deposits using special deposit clip in duplicate retain ing tile carbon copy We mail your cancelled cheques and complete rtatement of de cancelled cheques are proof luv been paid and the statement lets you know exactly how your personal ï¬nances stand lmnédént retain your present Snvmcs on which you earnregillar count in for raving money masks 1957 in heavy irlln If you now pay your paisenui and housphold bills by cheque than oRoyoi Bonk PERSONAI PERSONALCHEQUING When you operate Pensofltt CIIEQUING ACCOUNT ynu use special cheque bank containing 10 or 20 cheque whicllever yoliprelcr on which you role of 10¢ cheque There are no other No time is lost at the bank when you withdrawals every three months This We recommend very strongly that you gt Permulzi coming Account is for making payment by cheque SalEng Ac PHONE PA 83992 AVAILABLE JUNE Account tundra mom new low AccoeNT quorielly posit and that bill uptodutc ACCOUNT menu Sorntdmrrili mnxoput all your in one build when in your insurance protection Youll enjoy or coavsalcau clinics on your personal imurlnce in the hand cl anspema who loom your iadtvlduli needs Call me anytime ill yrIo how yur STATE FARM Aponl liiiliiidlli nun 25 NAPIER STnEiTT BARniE You can iovo upvio onethird on No ponhsck in will Can ed shcquss and element mollcd to you lo rmz mam EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE its ind women 01 principle In it does no good to have the courage The rupmmcroi Pm inert citizens in the co ntry otter llament mu myAn ectolsido nitric voters VCochrane Northllnd Post can as unicorn ilirijilenwtly tii personal bills bycheqw OllMONEY you automoll lly pupcy all ICNlGI dluvgojoilh awdow roommate diequl may you goiysw cheque book lac hapdr viedlo