pvzn 600 SCOUTS Guides Brownies and Cubs ot the Barrie district marched in the BadenPowell Centennial parade yesterday alternoon Sponsored by the Kempenielt Division Girl Guides the parade wound up Weather sorely tried the pioneer spirit of Beeton comrnun ity on Saturday the occasion oi the unveiling at cairnv and plaque to the memory oi the pioneer beekeeper Jones but Beeton prevailed When the dark clouds could no longer contain themselves and rain deluged down the stoieal mast er of ceremonies Dr MeKelvey saw to it that the pro gram continued to plan With only the suggestion of shelter from an umbrella against the teeming rain Holt Bryan Catheurt Minister or Travel and Publicity for the Province of Ontario pulled the soddell veil from the plaque in the community park while the loyal bystanders huddled as best they could under the trees The paratle or school rhiidreni ol ileum and neighboring schools in Tcrutnseth complete wiill banners and lctl by the Little liritain Bond in scarlet set out as scheduled iroin the arena ur the cemeleryln only the suggestion or drizzle By the time the crowd oi some 500 people find assembled around the veiling the unitrt he snid dadpeil eairn the rain had tell As we vi hrs to and Cunccsslon to Weather It slnilil concession was matter In the threatening eath ini that the otiicial speakers werei hrici in their remarks Rev Taylor oi lhc Presbyterianl iiecton dedicated the Other Bunches limetitted Remarking that there was no hianeiles are so interwoven Glaham uoinied out Dr that other inlit clover and legume growing had bencilucd directly by the pioneer work or Jones on rn Eltlnn Ankollnian piesidcntl oi the Ontario Beekeepeis As suelnllon outlined lite career oi Jones anti noted that queen beerearing which was onc oi his outstanding although unproill ahlc rnjcels was now being Carr lit by lhe Ontario Depart oi Agriculture at Point rr Speaker oi the pntario Legislature inirn dileed ciliiorrl Graham De puiy Minister or Agriculture ior Ontario who was deputiring tor llle minister who had beentun all to attend The Columil Political Slogans iiy WALLS itow To increase Town Reven There was parking tag on my ear the other morning itwost not the ilrst But this one was unusual got parked artcr the usual struggle and allowed iur one hour by inserting nickel Fig ured the time not closely when the ogre had to be led With couple oi minutes io go bad visitor in the oliicet His conven satloo took up several minutes then realized what might happen and rushed out to the back street Too late theguy on the red cort heal me there who was the visitor who held me up None other than His Worship the litayor Guess heshouldowe mc odrinlt milk naturally among discussion or general business at the local skating elub annual the subieeivof proiession olscame up director related that he had beenutaiking to an instructor who was leaving his job alter only two seasons lie was asked why Thats all leanteke at any one place with the skating mothers The chairman at the Kiwanis Club was telling about the any nuol public school esso contest two judges his year pe alist in English and sp sit at nFrencilhe related didnt expect any would be wr led in French but we were pr pared or any eventuality MoKELYBY holds the plaou top left Top right happy is Carols acher Eleanor ng uyni tilave nosed ii over Hon Br ancatheart while he unveils nnealfugh With her ecegue oi WilcoxEchoo which marehd at Queens Park for special outdoor service commemorating the 100th anniversary at the rounder oi the movement It was one at the largest gatherings oithe organizat ions ever heid in town Wu read these words may ii noi only honor great man but may it be rhdliengc In those in ogrl culture to go on to greater things in ihis industn The ceremony compleied ni ihis memorial day Proud Day In iile park Tllolniis easion which all her or long time threatening weather the honoring oi luresenl name Warden Fisher Ganion broughttrol and rolled oii the road Th Countyiiour youths were badly shake childreuiand were greetings lrom Simeoc and congratulated titt Turn to beta erghr blea the umbrella renohed but In the cemetery the parade and the spectators hastened lo the com munity park tor tho second part Liilic reeve oi lleeinn said this was proud day tor Motor and an no would rememv He welcom other industry when ihe various ed all those who had arrived tholim whim the In io witness the man who sections oi agriculture such asthelped to give lite communin its pared Lower it banner me ti unwind at in or arprtronl cm iormo el WWI can and an um demu BerrieGirl M55304 sixtcenyorrolu mean meet his crowned tlss Barrie radio by Gordon Sinclair at Blflk Arena on Saturday nigh Seven tinalistt took part in this beauty contest the mint lilraclionï¬qt the twotlry aorric Home Sbaw sponsored by CKBB nunncrsup were Shirley Al ion 20 oi harm and Edaairy DnVls 21 irom licttlcby iiidgrs tor the contest were Mrs Ralph Snelgrovo Mrs Leroy iiosser ind ortstone Barrie merchants tilled the usA have Mun arena with attractive displays 195 In Central antnto household lurnishiogs gtrdcn lg rkets during recent weeks an all our equ pmen re or lt mm 15m machines and Eroicst meetings have been in electric cookers and high tittclity gammy lfe di WPJML CM pori potatoes should be mum to so had recruiting display which my For some me my hm attracted dell oi atienliont mum 1mm me me While the number nllmdml United States charges on Imports Friday evening was low accord in their country in in manila Saturday evenin These present imports oi pota lhe arenawas veil ï¬lled on toes come in tree oi duty to merchants were well pleased with oils but it potatoes areshipped the business done irom Canada to the United States duty is are cents per hundred Theamounl that can be shipped at this rate however was an Inn March by use agreement with the ieocrol government by one million bushels attcrwhichiile role goes up In thecxeessive figure oi 75 cards per hundred Many growers in Simeoe county recall the years when large quant ities ohseed potatoes were exporl ed irom the county lo the Uniied Slates Semis years as milny or so coriouds went irom the Litton ine arcs oi Tiny Townhip They then took second ca alone and drove north along ltiitbwayi tinder the present setup it is At the bent near ltin practically prohibitive ioini the car went out of cons Holvever local growers erode prlvcd oi lheir own local market berausc oi imports irom usa On missioner lay so 22 earlnads ot potatoesv ontnti ies or poialocs maintain and Mflnlreal Winnipeg etc Crash Stolen Car Youths Charged trip in two stolen Calser stllied in crash and subsequent arrest or tour Toronto youihii on Sunday Lemyre Harold Cole man James Owens and William Carson nll oi Tomato stole car in Toronio antidrove to Brad great world movement packs in recentyea at lite iainr charged wit heft Donald Cracker Marga Reynolds 14 displayitheyspeeidil seho Pomo growers In stmcoe Counvday previous 25 on Tutsdry at greatly concernedbout week at May 25 about 100 car loads arrived in Toronto rom United Shins Thursday 32 Wed nesday 25 Tuesday 22 etc Elch ear contains minimum or doc hogs All these potatoes repllee rox and Kent will be ready latt Canadian potatoes local groweralin June For quantities that grow similar chenm ers have beeniortunate in being stances are occurring in allows able to soil under presenl condi On His other hand shipmenls from New Brunswick and PE are sumgs standpoint potatoes have land Icresr yet the numbers We now Ihree carlnads below last alwayr been con tiered yt at in same date emu te Over six hundred Guides Scouts Brownies Cubs and Rov part were lhnisill district de ers marched in the parade route along Barrie streetsyester day alternoon to Queens Park or the BadenPowell Conten nial service commemorating the birth or the ioutlder oi the ltvwas the largest gathering or eomltlatiiesp troops and Th2 saiuieiwas taken byMrs sured by Kempénieii Divisioni PrankCartcr Guidocommlstlonfelrl Guides The line aitcrnoon and an Weismon Scout eom weaiher draw large crowd oi reviewing spectators Growers in Maniioiia have large Slmcoc County potlio flowers quantities on hand and pridBilieel disappoimed one let down by have been ridiculously low Brio the appamni iinconccrn oi the Iiish Columbia crop will soon be govermneni my this matter which ready or harvesl and supplies has been brought enniinuously to iihcir ottenllon by organized group representing every pru Vince in Canada who are unan imous in oslqng tor an equal rate slmcoe Couhiy the largest potato producingucouniy in the mm c0provincc withpround seven thouss irom southwestern Ontario ltlons prices are now about onci quarter the average tor the past three years Yet no host been becoming less and less dur buy In locd value ing rcccnt yeur Shouts BIP ti land Brownies1st Barrie ouidcs i4lh Barrie Guides Sim Pauls is Aliandaie Guides lst Minesing iGuides is and 2nd Earlit Bruw nies Isl Allandale Brownies Ind 15 mnesiol BrowniesElm Sim coe district Guides and Brownies 2nd Earrie Guides 5th Barrio Guides fllh Barrie Guides lst Shanty Bay Guides 5th Barrie Brownies 6th Barrie Brownies lih Barr Brownies and 8th Ban rie Brovinies with lheir leaders ihey num bered about 350 Sixteen of the 43 companies and pack in the Wmadistricltbwerrrepreunted There were around zoo Scouts Cults Ind Rovers in the parade is Alilndaie Scouts and Cuba 9an Allandale Scouts and Cubs lsi Barrie Scouts and Cubs 2nd lBarrie Scouts and Cubs 3rd Harv Arie Scouts and Cubs 4th Barrio Cubs5ih Barrie Scouis and Cuba 61h Barrie Scouts and Cubs and Painswick Midhursl lst innisï¬l St Pauls and Siroutl Scouts Martial Music Thcy marched to Ihe musicrof the Barrie Citizens Band tho bond oi the Barrie Disiri Colle lziitc Institute and the our Kil tie Band who participated in the inter nominational event Guides and Brownies iakirlg be Preubreil RE Preparedhe Scout mul iAwas the topic chosen by Rt Sherring oi Trinity Anglican Church ior his cenlen service He reminded the younii oule that thogreatest prepara lon they could make ior Ihe lite hetero them was to be honest and ruthluland trustworthy And you cant do that by your eli You have to put Christ right in the eenireol your liie 11 your ile is doing to be useful You will make good citizens if you are going to be honest and true and upright Be prepared add obey that promise that you have made He emphasimd the virtue ill trustworthiness asking the Scouts In remember when theyrepeateu the Scout promise0n my honor promise that will do my best to do my duty to God and tho ttuecn to help other people all tim obey theScout Law that they could not be trusieti nobody would want them if you Cant be trustedw not Turn to page eight please meme Author AridArt To conlpiieGuide Kerr nerucykWells thrwe known author and artist resi cat in Medonte Township are schedtfl fled to start oui onenothcr waterway trip on July ryear They will cover ii boit tite southeast and ed ol Georgian Bay eriiinry Polnt the east side of Loire Hu to Detroit gleanlng tor cruising guide to he Ge glen Bay Water heVguid will he did rig lids arearh designedzlo attract thou yaehtingtrade iliiill the ubiis ed hex the Georgian Associatlooand lit Onilij Dep rtmertt ofilravel and EubIIEi