ii neighbors lrom all around friend him the neighborhood who had known orilllu Fungal well Attended At Minasing Station One of the llrgeit lunenlr ever held in bllncsinz wartbat ol the George Wallace McLean at that village who died on Thurs day May ii 195 in Wellesley Hospital Toronto The luncnl service in his home ll Mlnesing Station on Sunday May 12 WIS conducted by Rev Veal the United Church Among the many present were and relatives somoot whom umc ironi Georgetown Gait Toronto Richmond llill Orillia Penclang uisbem Stuncr Ind Barrie innit in an attendnee which showed the esteem in which Mr hlcboan was held by all who had known Interment was in hlincsinx Cemetery and pallbearers wort Andrew ltnapn chiry Allortl lllrry Davis Norman Luck Sid MrFlrlanc and Thomas McKee Many lovely lowers expressed Ihe esteem and regret at those in Mr McLean and also came from Mlneslng United Church and We mens Auxiliary the Township ui Vespra and also train the cm ployees at that township the Min ing Ball Team and from Cottage ot thc Ontario llnspllnl in George Wallace ltleLean was born on tiny it tons in Min eslng son ot the late John Ed ward ltteLean nndthc iormer hliss Addie II Dobbin and all at his lite was spent there at ninesing Station which is actually short distance cast oi the village lie hnd inllowed farming was or the United Church Liberal in politr icrl prelcrcnce and was much interested in baseball and hockey Those oi the iamily still living erc brothers John MeLean in Barrie Allan Stanloy human in Drilllr James Harvey McLean oi Mincsing Wi iam Edward no Lean ut Watson Luke and sisters Miss ltlary Ada ltieLean in Mill esing and Mrs llarvey While sides Nina Pearl whose home ls in Alliston ï¬o Remembered As Nurse Mrs Annie Stork Dies At The Home of Daughter After lung illness which she bore wilh great courage Mrs Annie Elizabeth Stork ilicd on May 13 1037 mm stroke which loliuwetl coronary at tack at the home it her dauglr ter Mrs lvan Melreztn Cundles llcr maiden name was Hamilton The lunerhl on May 16 was mm the Jennett Home Barrie with servree ennuueteii byltcv Nuiimeyer ol Emmanuel oapiist Church and Rev Mitchell of Oshawa lormeriy of Barrie Slcssur sang Mrs Storks favorite hymn Abide With Me lnlcrment inilowed in Prospect Cemetery Toronto Pallbearers were grandsons name and Thomas Haggard and Newman Stork William Cox Lcsler and Ronald Stork Flow ers were lrom tamin connection and friends and mm CPR yard staff Steel Workers Local 4175 Vospra Township council and cleric Emmanuel Baptist Church neighbors at Cundies Tenth Line WA Clarksburg Square Wese ton Some oi the relatives and lricnds attending from distance were Mrs Payne Mrs Agar Mrs Wood Mr and Mrs Stork all at Toronto Stork lctawat Mr and Mrs BHrggard ltir and ling gard iiaggartl Clarksburg Rev and Mrs Mitchell Oshawa Another group lroiri Toronto included Bohcnler and Shirley Mrs Stork and Pearl Ronald Stork Mrs slerk and Mr and Mrs Cox The late Mrs Stork was born on Jan 25 1872 at Ivy daugh ter of the late James alld Eme line Hamilton in March 1892 she married Harvey Stork and they lived at llolland Landing Ihcn Craigloith and Dtlnlroon tiler lhe dealh of her boy hand she lived in Clarksburg Toronto and Cundlcs Her voca tion was nursing She was member of the Baptist Church and was active in ihe Dorcas Group work at Dovercottrt Church Toronto Trisom likhldlmtn walnut mil 1i LhuJeavu our daughter and two sons Earl and Sidney re relate one ramLester bad Ioldlerr grave instance in ma pauabten are Mrs Fred Hughes Pearl and Mn Ed iiuurrd Esther Chihours Mrs van Ilclaeln Eva Cundlu Mrs Bohemer Elizabeth Wetton sister Mrs Maude Wilson Ind brother Chlricl Hamilton are in Ivy There are it grandchil dren and grentvgrandithildren booth Coma SuddenlyTa Mrs FrankW ingmni Ar RcyuIVictorlu Hosp rhr death oi lirs Prank le lugston on Saturday tiny 111957 came suddenly riter briei lil uess through coronary Ihrorltlt basis at the noyel Victoria Hose ital Barrie and was deeidedv shock to the irmlty and to irlends ni whom she had many The lormcr Miss Annie May Gilchrist WI horn on March 12 1388 in Mintsing Ontario diuri ghter at Mr and Mrs Alex and Emma Gilchrist Indhrd lived iur live years there ior years It Edcnvalc Iwo yells in Saint chewnn and or the past 39 years in Barrie lilrs Livingston wns memhcrl at St Andrews presbyterian Church Barrie and the uncral service on Monday May 13 in the Lloydnnd Steeltley Funeral time limits was ennduetcd by Rev James Ferguson minister at that church nelutlves amt irlends were pres ent lrom town and area and also irom Ottawa North nay and To ronto interment was in Min eslng Cemetery and ersltet bear ers were George Culhum Itch CulhnmWillon Livingston lienry Livingston harm it other and Norman Gliten Surviving members oi the lam ily bereaved by the unexpected passing oi beloved wile dear mother and sister Ire her hus band Frank Livingston three sons nay George and lloward Livingston all oi narrie two daughters ltirs Ross iticCurdy trranees oi Chesley and Mrs Bruce Price tHelcn whose home is in Actinolitc and two sisters Mrs Elwood Giiien and ltirs Newman Ciiien both oi stayner Mrsmmnedy Highly Estaemed Former Resident Died May 16 It was with sincere regret that lhe many lricntls here or Mrs ti Kennedy learned ol her death on Thursday May Ill 1057 in Toronto train coronary throm husis with illueo oi just one wcek ihe lurmer Miss Luey nay 1iuls icn daughter 01 Mr and Mrs Henry Bulion site was born on March 10 1036 at Cavan Onto 35 years on Concession 14 at in nlsï¬i near Barrie and the past 12 years in Toronto ltirs Kennedy was valued member oi the Essa Road Presby tcrian Church while here was or ganlst of the church or about six years and the lamin had mixed quartet She wns also active in the Womens Missionary Society and tor diilerent years was presi dent and secretary in Barrie and rorontu was liie member and had the same honor in the Pains wick Womens institute In Toronto hcr Interest contin ucd as member at the choir and also the Womens Association oi nigh Park Presbyterian Church rhé iunerai on Saturday May 18 had large attendance at the Turner tit Porter Funeral Chapel Toronto with Rev Robert Man ning Toronto and1tcv Grant Muir ol Essa Road Presbyterian Church here both taking part in lhe service Relatives and iriends were pre sent irorn North Bay Dunnvi Pelerborough Pembroke and Burks Falls Many flowers in re membrance included tokens from the Womens Missionary Society the Womens Association and the Session all of lligh larii Church They came also from the chairs of Pembroke and Lenbkdzle Pres byterian Churches From the nnul Essa iload Church lien was an In Memoriam Bibic lntermcnl on the same day in Barrie Union Cemetery and casket hearers were Cameron Leask Fred Elliotson Dick God irey luek Johnston ilarry Don and Fred Timncy Mr and Mrs Kennedy had wotiunili on carrier has not liritve mend it your en call und spent 23 years lhcrc then loci alit Coven Died tt ï¬gment2o Following Hadrlï¬ï¬‚ack heart rttaelr proved tatal tor Kn Dountld Cmn the leaner Etta Doulse Ellis on May 20 1357 at Brillil Soldiers Memorial Hosp or Matebedrsb pioneer desceiil the war the daughter at the late blr and Mrs Andrew Ellis and was born there In um slnce then her plates at res idenco had been in Coldwattn for 44 years RR orillin lor six years horny on rm Hawke rtone tor the out to your member ol the Presbyterian Church she had belonged to that denomination in Goldwater Ind Orlilll Surviving relatives or the tim lly are the bereaved husband Dougzld Iowan one daughter Mrs Kenneth Ncllc Kathleen at home and one run Melville rt home Thereis one sister Mrs Emma Tilus in Port Sytl my and another Mrs Rhoda iluie in renetnnguisbene Ellis ol 131le Lille and three grandchildren Brucc Barbara Ann and Mrrle Nell also a0 nephews and live nieces The service on Wednesday May 22 was held In the Doolittle Rev Dr Melnnis ot Orillia and with him was ltcv Leonard err llleicslone lntcmlent was in St Andrews Church Cemetery Oriliia Pail bearers were Albert Fucrter Roy Dudonhotler and Albert llurl oi lllt No George Crawtord Marry Slessor and Lurnc Johns stone oi hit itawkestone Relatives and iriends attending were Mr and Mrs William Miller Bruce and Lorraine Mliicr ol Scrlnnh Mrs Elmer Fogualr Mr and Mrs Kenneth Jarvis Stelt phcn Jarvis Mr and Mrs Wil liam Wrightman Leslie Wright man Miss Montgomery Mr and Mrs Leslie Secord lllrs Wil liam Jesse and Mr and Mrs Clarence Moore all oi Toronto Mr and Mrs Fred Yule mm Sarnin Mr and Mrs Dclorme and Mrs Roda Yule ol Penc tangulshenc Mrs Norman Wilson and Mrs Joseph Gmham 01 Mount Albert Mr and Mas Herman Titus irom nolton also iriends and relatives ruin Coldwattr Illuntsvllle Dorset and Port Carl rig er Born l876ln Donegal John Carney Died Ar Hospital May l0 resident oi nurrie tor practic ally all his liie John Carney died lon Friday May ill l957 at ltnyai Victoria Hospital as the result oi heart attack born June 29 iiils in Donegal Ireland he was the Sunni the late George Carney and the form or Miss Mary thGarvcy who had three are in Barrie James Kennedy and Mrs ina Ell inlson In Toronto are her hus hand William Kennedy Mrs Grace anhey and Miss Eleanor Kennedy At Willowdalé is Mrs Lila Timncy at Pembroke Miss Audrey Kennedy ill Lcaskdalc Mrs Bessie Lcask at Mustard Mrs Muriel Godlrey at Wycvalc ltlrs Jean Johnston at North Bay Archie Kennedy and at Mincsing Neil Kennedy The only member 01 the tamin missing is Mrs Mary Timncy who passed from the fam iiy circle at Newtonbrook on Oct years ago and Authnny passed Two brolhcrs Ire Thomas and Henry runeral ilome 0rillla taken by Ross and lived in the eutend ot Barrie inr some time The only Living member at the original family is one sitter Mrs Edward Walton 01 730 Nlpilf Street Barrle His wife the former Min Maude Peters died on Mirth 21 1932 one brother died in Barrie boy hm ther Tom died in Toronto mny le Just last March in New York The late John Carney had work ed as laborer on construction and had helped in the erection ol nearly Ill large building in the Barrie business section such as bank Ind others In keeping wllh his lrish back ground he had dry sense at worked in lumbering camps ior years and until two years ago had walked in lrom Ferndale School to oarrie several times each week but had come to live with his son Joseph Carney at at North Street others at the lam Pflllitkhl RR Barrie Ind Mrs humor was very active and had lnbn Carney was Libersl ln politlul viith and was the Roman Catholic faith The tun erall on Mondry my 13x train St Marys Church Barrie where requiem mut wu cele bnted by Rev Father Thomas Manley with trlendl Ind rela tive attending Some coming iron distinu were Ali and Mn Carney at Thornlon Mr and Mn Black Illd wtlkle mm Schombcrg and Mr and Mn Clqu 113 Barrie Flowers in remembrance were train the rclatlvu Ind lricnds and rum Norris Dairy hid and from the ECB Heating Unit at Camp Borden interment was In the Roman Catholic Cemetery located onvtbe ouukim ol Barrie northwest INLAND PORT Big oceangoing tankers dock ilv Ire George Carney Weston atluton Rouge 12 250 miles irom thé mouth at the nlulsslopl BREWERY 28 1953 liEliEnll llFlllE mtltiltnttr Muskrat helped his Indian lriend Wisagdtcak prepare dinner by hardening the hours grease swimming throughvthc waterwith it As reward his broad litshy tail became thinner and smaller allowing him to swim much faster Thai is how the muskrat got his tail and why he leaves smooth greasy wake when swimming He did this by Cm Legend LlMITED lfliifl iiili it for people to ï¬nd you IN BUSINESS Use extra listings to Show other tirrn ndmestfor yourbutiincssto associate your home and rcaidcnoo telephone number with your ï¬rm name or to show afterhour numbers for you and your ltisy employees fills grill with lllE lamentint DUPONT ltit0lt cunt nonv Slronllv than ihelI0091rNylon Carr eonrrrueiian nus NATURAL rteum TIEAD at bi wholeuln dluounl rarinar only Sudantartle ISOLevel Nylon Supreme in you Nylon card with Natural itubbar at price that Ielttrlly tar below new car tirrr rayon tlrsr 1hr Super Lame Nylon Sunni ll rtronyor than the rimto has no tresdam tram blowout baton pouibln rdrautrger oi Natura Rubber repulsed by Home engineell irritable ln Canada iv in Super I30 lilch Nylon suprem SAVE SAFE inar Howdth heel ddli iris its uni manna COLD RUBBER TREAD illliilll llliiillilltslllttllti grtus éiilitttl billingIE arara Cnn ntlalnrdl omen COLD RUBIEK YREAD Vern soil in Clu lnde Rely Prie SIZE ssnIs ssots szsxle 60016 Yewl5 osote aveIs 1tols 76015 bools Reg Lin Price Your not with Class Tu 2325 2080 2525 2625 Tubeless or Whirewall tireravailnble Satetyat compar bleprlcesto metreads or Used Tire ekule iiiLarernsym card vrtre li ilnallar to that tutored by tire mandiuiurrnvior uth lntnp 91 hand is remanded to toe mnlorlrtytho wmrltlmtncrvtlle be lirnlted tbebur¢ aor onylnx Duo mu mnns out our rdttn Tllnl Inga burnertower lntt lull prankmargin IIIIIM ilitittt 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