Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1957, p. 1

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Tomorrow community honor the memory oi man who gave name to town and him seli became known as the ace King oi the lath century At Beetnn cairn and plaque will be unveiled to David Allanson lanes loaadolo by Hon Goodlellow llinister of Agricul lure province oi Ontario and rillnlstcr of travel and publicity The ceremony starts at pm Varied interests Jones born at ningwood In York Counlyrtwas man with varied interests Ntnety years ago to Ihe day he bought his first 50 acres of properly at Clarkes ville and for nearly 50 years he was the postmaster oi the town He is most widely known for his contribution to the heckeew ing industry iintlas dtrfiiltle tu hi deavors the post offlcchanle Annual BantaUei Barrie June4 Canadian National nailways pcnsioncrs annual dinner meet ing will be held lnBarrle at Col ller street United church Fcl lowshlp Hall at 115 pln Tucs daylunc Veterans from Division No Toronto also irom London nam ilton Stratiordand Lindsay will be present together with CNli veteranI nnw residing in Barrie and district Arrangernews are being made to accommodate sou LKinzic will extend welcome Pensioners on behalf of the Town of Barrio lion Bryan Catltcart Dnlnrioa double walled hive with the llayor ttlttti illlllt titltlllrv In their ot Clarkesvillc changed to Beelon in 1874 Jones came item tamily oi beekeepers but the earliest re corded interest at himseli in bees dates back to 1870 when he pur chased two swarms at bees in Langstroth hives item neighbor in july at that year he patent The Jones Perfection Bee Hiv was ternal one all tin and glass Successiul acekccper in than he produced 700 lbs oi honey irom loo colonies and by I884 he was operating apprnx imnteiy 1000 colonies Following the snowing oi large exhibits of honey It the Toronto Fair and at the Colonial Exhibi tion in London England Jones was hailed as the most successtul heekecpcr oi the day For several ycors students came to him tor instruction and tawork in his yards at Beetun He also entered the field oi imanulaclurlng beekeeping equip ment and achieved lame as the Iirst importer so at as is known of bees from overseas Inlu Dn Iario He tried to establish eel unics on Islands in Georgian Bay but with mixed success From the imported queens cs Iablishcd inf foundation stuck at Beetua he raised queen bees which were dlstrihuted all over Canada and the United States for as high as $15 each However repeat orders were not numerous as the beesrwere too cross in temperament Editor And Publisher Jones started the publication of the first paper devoted to the Interest of beekeeping in Canada The first number of the Canndian Demcnc general superin Ienilenl CNlt North Bay will he the main speaker genera son will preside ing at Simcue day June civil action two appeals nine nonjury civilactlnns Among the criminal thE case of Helene Robinsun chlrgEd with thetown hall on Aug 21 1956 follows Criminaltattoos aol itor tor deience Regina vs nelene nobinso ALivingston ior indecency qufor defence Reglna vs and utt Midshill QCyf Réglna vs ClltfvrdJfatchkts Lock actions is arson allowing limit Stayner whieh damaged List of caststar hearing is as Regina vs Joseph Couture and Huyke theit MeItlrk Baullon ltlarshall noscmory Agapi nee Journal appeared on April nuhml Gordon hieTurktItat thi prosecution did not have present material witnesses hrnughl shout the Iidiournment to Juno ol the hearing of charges of careless driving and falling to signal turn atcC In Angus larmcr The charges arose out or an all icelclenl on Highway 90 on May izttl I5 lflilii lire swept through the whole plant destroying both the eaaipment lactory land the printing oiiicc This disaster was soon followed by the loss of the grcatcr part of his bees through Ioulhrbod and littlewits heard of Jones in the beekeeping world after this date nullds Community lie then turned his energies to nuiiding up the community in which he had come to live The land which he had bought was surveyed into plots and laid oul into streets along which were planted native sail maple bass wood and elms all pollen and nectar producing trees litany of these trees are still standing living memorial to his name it Jones died in hislsilt year at Boston on Nova 204919 He was buried in the rresbyterian Cemetery Beeton Weatheriioday Mosily Sunny Some Warmer The early part at the week wasialrly cool but with little rain Today indicates warrmr and mostly sunny Boating is booming on the bay Temperatures were tllgh Low May 25 72 42 may at 54 ltlay 21 50 May 23 40 lilay 29 as May all 49 May at party 52 VITAL FORESTS Forests provide fourfifths of 1886 and the last number issued at the Benton oiiice Wits on June tittdgé ISeslonsv0f15The Monti ll llis Honor Judge nohin Thompusn ior plaintiff Onley at theGeneral Sessions of the Peace commenc County Court House Barrie at It am Mons cisted or hearing are live criminal actions two jury and and Hate ior delcndant Damages forassauli llarry Wiekham plaintifi Gor don Cleaveley dctcadant bassel Sullivan Holland and Lawson tor plaintiii Alexander Fumes tor delendant Motor accident Appeals Regina vs Arthur Trafford careless driving Hulse ior dcienee Regina v5 appeal by the Crown Thompson ior theCrawn NonJury Civil Actions Leonard Perrault nlnpany Limited and Hotlntan tor plainti and delivered Robert Murphy and Murphy defendants Frost Birks Comiskey lorplaintif Midland Foundry and Machine plalnlift Rawson Jr defendant tGelman ch Vane ior defendant Goods sold Vera Annie Graham plagtill aisy BIIEES Langdan and Mc Richard the raw mate for rinrands texpurt industri lit arrie icndanl Damages Io automa bile Pearl Miller and Gilbert Miller plaintiiis Robert Beverly Bert ram deiendant Livingston and Myers for plaintiffsStewalt Est Motor accident Simmonds plaintiflgKenneth Wclls dc icndant Onley and Haig tor piaintitt defendant Gonds shipped Les Bertram plaintiff George Loekhitrl defendant Stewart Esten and McTulk for plaintiff Cowan and Iowan for defendant Balance owing and materials sup plied George Oliver plaintiff Wat late Starrctt defendant Stew art Elsen and McTurk for plBln tiff Haffey and Sherwood for de fendant Motor accident Robert Beverly Bertram Aida May Bertram plaintif Pearl Miller and Gilbert Miller defendants Slewrt Eaten and Mdhnk for plaintiffs Livingston and My for the lions Club Transport Limited Moore and Carter furl as close an tooweer MJII Ml tom acctcoin contcntton by deicncc l6 Involving lhe car In which Prime Minister St Laurent wn travelling and Ihatof the defend an At the time the Prime ailnlst tcrs car driven by Mrs Pearl Payeltc was the iirst car in cavnlcadc escorted by police cruiser proceeding trout narrie tt iiCAF Station Camp Burden at the conclusion or his election tout oi Slmcoc County Mr ItlcTurk said that at law il vas the duty oi the prosecution present all the acts and pro ducts all the Witnesses or make them available It Ihc defence He was of thev opinion that the person sitting in the right front seal of lilrs Faycitcs car wasa materialwitncss In this case Prime nlinistcr St Laurent was the passenger ltlr llclurk was of the opinion that had the passenger been anyont rise but the Prime Minister there would have been no question but that the prosecution would have stalled him or her as witness He asked Magistrate Gordon F05 er to instruct the prosecution ac cordlngly not in position to decide who were material witnesses in the case since he had not yet heard lny evidence He asked the as sistant Crown Attorney ior his views Assistant Crown Attorney iL Kennedysald the deience suppression of evidence and ducedln court because at the im portance ol his position ltlr liiefurk replied that he did inter that witness was not being produced because oi his status but he made no suggestion ihal there was suppression oI Inets Magistrate roster decided to adjourn the Case to allow the two counsels to confer on the matter oi witnesses COLLINGWODD LIONS DRAW 0n liloy2t adrcw tor port able TV set and record playcr was made at the Regent Theatre Collingwood and the winner was Toronto This was sponsored by Brief Barrie Stop against Norman Magistrate Foster said he was dissociate intermtham thereans that witness was not being pro Garywilkinson 23 Linden Street Pearson Makes IforL Lester Pearson Mtn lstertor Exka Attalrs uoppedat the Linen cont rnlttetsroonl In ethla mornln oi hiswa to OHI lia when he was scheduled Io speak In support at the Liberal candidate for Slmme EasttW Robinson llcrc lac met Camp bell Liberal candidate for Slmroc North and lpoke brldly to those at Iht cont miliee room infirm loltlllltl Méeiing this Sunday mass meeting or Federal Government employees will be Held at the Odcon Theatre Carl ton Street Toronto this Sunday alternotln to hear about progress made by Ihe Civil Service Federa ion at Canada respecting salary increases The meeting is to be addressed by Vhlieltouse president oi the Federal nognots notional secretar nd Ilewi White executive secretarytrcas drer of the DVA Employees As sociation It is expected that members at the teduration from Camp Borden md Barrie will be attending the meeting TO BE INSPECTED MONDAY JUNE No 102 Squadron Royal Canadian Afr Cadets or bar rte will hold their annual In spection parade in the Barrie Arntnury Monday June at pin Wing Commander II Weathcrwax CD will be the inspecting oiilccr ills nsslstnutwlll he rlylog olfi Beron Faulkner therwax is graduate at Royal Military College King stop IIE entered the RCA in 1933 and early in the war served as an Instructor III nav igation at nlvcrs Manitoba In 1942 he went to Western Air Command now No Air Division lleadqllarten Vancouver as Command Navi gluon Ofllccr where he rt malned until 1944 when he was posted to west coast milll time operations on Conan alr craft and Instructing at Paul cia Bay BC In 1945 WC Weatherwfl went tuKingstnn to attend the Canadian Army Stall Course and alter graduation was moved In Toronto for ten and Mcfurk for defendant ground instruction duties horn in Orlllla WC Wea BABRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAYMAY I957 The Liberal Government is Ellen Foirclough Progressive Conservative member for Horn iltun Westspenklng at meeting in Celllngwood on Wed nesday night In support or candidate for Slmcoe North of the countrys raw materials this she claimedaccaunled to large extent tor the monument al trade deltelt it now nnmountlt cd to one million iour hundred thousand dollars the great dif ierence in price between the fin ishcd article and the raw mater tractor Crushes Farmer itl Death Starlinngachine Pcter saylgalik 57 iarmor living eight miles northeast of Alliston on Concession of Essa Township was crushed to death yesterday afternoon when his tractor pinned him against the back wall nfa small shcd Acordlng to the Provincial Pol ice the tractor was in small shLQ engine hrsivith about foot ID spare between the much ine and tilcbaek wall The blit teries were low and the tr tor wasfihwvw Sangallk went tor on the crank The machine must have responded and driven him against the back wall by Ruth tarsah hired help on the way up treat hold Shl attempted to pull the tractor away with her ear but could not manage She ran tor help to her husband who was working in the field gerhard Karsah broke dtlwn the back wall or the shell to re lease the victim lie pulled out the farmer who was unconscious and died soon alter Snngalik leavcsfour daughters and one son Mrs Helen Moltrem Mary and big are all in Toronto The son Mailln Is also working in Toronto Betty is student lat Alliston High School the tire Lakes and Sh hasnbeam ate are trad rlctited necessitating the Importation or the inlshed nrtiele meant that the high plaid skilled Jobs were being given to foreign labor Instead of to Canadians lie was found in this position wife of the exporting labs charged Mrs the Progressive Conservative Their policy or allowing most to go to the States to be fab naplottlog Lower standards Thc Conservative party also does not believe in heavily Im porting manolacturcd products tram countries with very low standard oi llvi said nits ralrclough she cited the disrup tion oi the Canadian textile shoe and electrical appliance industries caased by Liberal tallare to put itrm controls on imports from Japan Increased lianitruptctu The present tight money policy to stop lnilauan continued the speaker had resulted in more bankruptcies of small tlusinessc this year than ever nature The diiiiculty oi getting small loans was also slowing up home build ing adding iinancial burden on municipalities who Italic In sup port construction workers whodo not have unemployment Insur and Progressive Legislation MacDonald under wheat in 1878 the first measures to recognite unions had been introduced The Workmcns Compensation Act Introduced In Ontario by Conservative government was re garded it model throughout the free world While the Conserva tivc government had been In power in Ottawa in 19345 lite had brought In acts assuring fair wages and an eight hour day and an unemployment insurance act llrs Falrclough herself was re sponslblo tor the Fair Employ ment Practices Act which she first put on the order paper in I951 and which was finally passed in 1953 and for the Equal Pay ior Women ior Equal Work pass ed in 1950 Relates Rumor Also addressing the meeting tiller Smith Progressive Con servativc candidate ior Simone North related any suggestion that Conservative government would close Camp Burden He said the strong stand taken by the Progressive Conservatives in Ottawa at the time at the Suez crisis should be suiiiclcnt to con vince people that they would never cut defences or doany thing to lower the morale oi the servicemen it such an idea was part oi the Conservative plat lfrt Fairciuugll claimed that the Conservatives had been prtr grcssive in labor legislation right back to the time of Sir John Denis sheard was reelected president of Barrie and District Association lor lietarded Chil dren at the iaurth annual meet ing in King George School Mon day evening year special school tvas reviewed dur ing the course at the cVening With some pupils moving away and new ones coming to the dis trici there are now llenrollcd at the school in the morning Seven also remain tor the alter noon class progress at the Inrrn then he an oxscrvlce man and member of the Canadian XLegion would not be standing on lit Year Progress Transportation Still Big Problem Mrs Hamilton the orig inal teacher still heads the staff An additional teacher Miss Rhoda Youngwas engaged dur ing the year New Executive The 195758 executive oi the association consists oi ltcv yErnest iLéwis lst vicepresident Mrs Ernest ilanktn 2nd vice president llrs Dukes record ing secretary and Baxter hirs Third Mervin Paltenden Mrs Bowles and George llam ilton directors Property Improvements hirs Hamiltonvreported to the meeting that the new record play er provided by the Rotary Club during the year was proving at great assistance in aiding ot speech work the teaching at games and square dances etc as well as helping to teach music upprccintlan All the children received Salk vaccine as in other schools and specialdays had been marked by little parties Mr Patteitden rgpnrted fur the property committee that consider able interior decorating had been done throughout theyear Tile school looks very well iinsidc However he felt there was need of work to be done on the out side and this matter is to be dis cussed wlth the public school board which owns the building Mrs Cliff brownreported for the social committee on such special events as the schools open house in October and the childrens Christmas party Ki chen supplies fur the year amounted to $1099 smi gave detailed report he program enmnlltv tcc He is warmly commended lor the educational value of all programs presented Mrs Hamilton reported for the transportation committeeythat excellent service had been rend lered in this matter but trans portationstill remains the major St Lawrence River grotin or 62 reetaridadepth or 33 feet ripest villibe paw ed bygn 4400 SH Westinghouse 1th ter in tn problem facing Ihcachool Three are not covered by taxi rcpe Iedon Net

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