mHagmalnlug it not gt much money ehanges jhmdr that there is that spirit of com itlon touch of tSpring Fev and desire to sea the last in winter disappear that alll to the excitement ln lost one week of no no light and continuing mild wen er there is quite structural comingovcrthe ice in up is not toofar distan interestingto in at hauntsto see the of eager fishermc wait to have At the firil Spring otfshore pinning or trail ing Quitea fev Lake Trout are picked upslo the edge of the ice fioo and ultenear to shore in the ear Spring and also quite to Herring andwhlle fishnot to forget the verypr0 liflc ch which are quite firm and asty when the water is still uold Of special interest to the aag ilng fraternity is the change in the Bass and Muskie season This year we are going to be able to havea go at them for the whole long weekend commencing June 28 This is the first time in years that the epartment havoyscen fit to havetheseason opened be fore the actual date of July We arereferring to our own area of course which is the part at OntarioSouth of the French and Mattawa Rivers The area North or and including the French andl Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nippisslng opens June 20 Speckled Brown Rainbow and Kamloops Trout season opens May This lathe big date for lot of anglers antla one whichls cag crly awaited by thousands of fish ermen in Ontario Pike and Pickercl season opens on May 15 except in the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay where there is no closed season The tilay 15 date includes Southern Ontario the French and vMattawa Rivers and Lake Nippissing Of special interest to lot of local fishermen is the change in the law covering Lake Dalrympie this year This change will be wel med by lot of sportsmen who frequentflhesefwaters is missiblé his year troll dr fish and to use art cial or live bait for Piekerel This applies to what is known as the Kawartha Lakes which includes Upper and Lower Dalrympleand Lake Song From the Department comes report on National Wildlife Weekfl in their District of Lake Simcoe Weekly Report Nation alWildlife week isApril 612 and is sponsored by the Jack Miner Foundation and established by the Dominion government As the ake Simcoe Weekly Report stat es Conservation protection and use management of wildlife is something we accept asa conti lag responsibility and which is steadily receiving moreattention in our thinking and activities This National week is set aside asan opportunity for all individ uals and the many Clubs and or ganization interested in wildlife to emphasize this theme and to promotcinterest With more un derstanding andmole knowledge wildlife needs and thepreser vation of this resource comes less need for enforcement and hettcr managementand benefit National Wildlife Week deserves our whole hearted support Club Chairman of Junior activitZ has hwrence Maison showed tlae shelter for those beautiful iandtlmid cream the wood ducks According Io surveys the Wood ducks suffered heavily dur Hurricane Hazel and any ng we can do to promote their nesting and rearingnf families is all to the betterment of this area Durance showed fine example of homemade not which is ac ccptabie tothis breed and went on to point out that it would be the first project for the Junlor fembersu the club Another program which we feel the Junior Members should he cm barked on is the keeping of log on the arrival of the various spec ies of birds and animals which incidcnmlly can add many hours of enjoyment to the lives of all of us We can think back to when we first started such log and arm ed with the Wild Flowers and Trees of Ontario and Petersens field guide to the birds pro vided by the late Dr Brereton we really got started into fuller life of appreciation of the wonder ful world of nature Like lot of Jpeople we felt that we knew all of our native birds if we could recognize spar row robin wren Starling blue blrdcrow biaekbird oriole chic adee grosbeak hawk illcker mew dow lark and few other con Inon varieties What thrill is was when we discovered the many varieties of Warblers especially when we found Cerulean Warbler on one of out first expeditions out intolhe field The greatest thrill came when we found and had confirmed the sighting of cnrmorant at Allandaleï¬ock some years ago Some people great many we are afraid think that bird wateh ing is sissy stuff but you can take it from me the catching of thecontagion was the start of fuller and more understanding life by yours truly Just for fun why not pick up copy of agood idnnï¬finatinn guide by an authority such as hoger Tory Fetersen and see how many birds you can identify You can take it from me there is lot more fun iii getting out and ob serving audJcarnlng lessons from the wonderful creatures of nature than to go out and Want oaly to destroy them for the holiowiand Vmeaningless thrill that lot of people think they are enjoying We heartily recommend to all people especially those with small children that you can spend many enjoyable and profitable week ends just stopping by woods swamp and seeing how many are tures of the woods you can see If you decide to get into the act we recommend that you get hold of good reference book map out representative area and We guarantee that you will become confirmed nature lover Wherr going out to identify birds he sure and pick the various representative habitats to other words there areshorel3irds which inhabit rcedyareas around water ones that can only be found in swampy areas ones that are more easily found around hard wood bushcs and still others which can he morcrcadily discovered in meadow or more open lands aymnd large you willlind greater variety around waterways with an average cover of wooded areasthtle Lake isan idenlvarea as is the Minesing swampylï¬oti sewers IN PLAYOFFS AT KEMPVIEW howling competitionsare com inggdovm to the wire in most leagues at Kempviow Rowland at least one group the Ladies gue has completed action Mlxeo Mme The Wednesday night group the Mixed league completeddls section finishes night Then pent Wednesday and Frir day six teams three tron leach its playofzts to wittl total pinsta be th eclding factor Mens Rogue The threegroups ntthe Mens League have finished theipindlz vidual loop layoflsï¬and the two top teams from each will meet in sixgame round robin tourna mentpMonday and Tuesday Agaiu the winner will he decides by total pins Still Go Sonic leagues at ompview are still in regular season plhy such as Canadian General Electric House League DeVllblss House hagueand the Childrens Lea gues It will be couple of weeks he iorethe 0613 and Devllbiss groups hit the playoffs Tlie chil dren will notgo into playoff row with the final standingsin dicating whos who own playotls The Friday night group willmeét in erratagame round robin final tournament in playoffs at Personnel irvmg Scheduled play willend tmnon Févriéoine 2T6 Cclrolinq FolGolf Wéek 11 on quite early tau morning by our for Barrie golf foursome at eatbusiasts Alfred crossllnd Dr Neil hallo Dr John Postal koltyaad Ambrose Blvett are heading for North Carolina and thewarmhrceacl of the Snnny Soutbt Their decline tlon which the should reach tomorrowis the Pine Needles Gou clay Southampton With daily roundson the our chumsin this area re da Bradford ns Ea R0 1Trophy Two Bradford rlnlsicapturim th lion Earl Rowe curling trophy kstown cher sauna slmcoeconnnunltles partic dating neludod StroudChnrehiil Alliston Thorntonhtlceton Bond Head and Cookstown who we last year EITHER new Visitors Easter visitors withMr and of the vietorious Bradford rink Art Evans skip Ken Wood CharlesDavis Bob Vealcr Bob Button skip Lloyd Knecshawlete Flat baker Mel Mr and Mrs Gordon Mc Keownand family of Do it visited at the home ofhis mot er Mrs ll McKeown and at Mr and Mrs Frank Smitham Mr and Mrs William lrishand Mr and Mrs WalterBarmaon and families Minion Ban soar and program in the United Ohurch hatemcn on April The Wills served lunch and sold home baking woman at the home of Mr Easter weekend were Mlés Em maline Edwards and Mr and htrs Peterziinrpcr of Toronto idly LawrepccJohnson Sm Perry and Larry Clement of riliiaspent week with thelr grandparents Mr hud Mrs Mort gnn Edwards owingto the death of their grandmother Mrs Wil llam Clement of Emma The sympathy ofzthe community does mm Clement and Larrytn the loss of lie and mother Holiday with Parents VMiss Bonnie Bannon teacher at Allenwood school and Miss Myrna Bannon lfromj 0A0 Guclph are spending their holi days withdtbairrpa ts Mraad Mrs Walter Bannon Visitors vwith William Tinncy were Mls Cecil it not Mrs Mr and Mound of Drum Miss Doreen of Midland and Faye and Joan and girl of Toronto gt and vltlrs Ira Tlnney of Hughtonr Sask visited at Mn also church The MissionBand held ha Weleprcsen and Mrs Manleyj Words for years withhgr MeiLinks ohnston of Mansfield oleph Johntson who Ken pimntatm Duflerlngzuos we of Mr At he Easterch on Sum use any Bruce Buaull omens am an botmemo was tobc Eli14 Neel en to for funhe treatment portion vBalher has his right hand in cost having had sco With and operation on one tingcrlu Toronto last week Hold neon 91hr Young Peoples Classvot the United Church and their leader Mrs BarrySawyers held retreat Saturday evening and Sunday morning for all the young people of Everett Rose moat and Mansfield communities who cmd to some at the Saturday cvcniug about in charge illituticdge led in slngsong John lreland eon dueted the worship and Jim Sawyers the recreation followed by label provided by the ladies of the church The highlight of the evening was an address by Leslie Cooke Christian business man of Bar rie who Is well known to the group He took for his subject Good mungghackward For ward Outward and Nomad The Mayer boys Ernie and Louis whomre home for Easter from thelr school at FortErie favored the group with two solos on the trumpet by Ernie with organ aeeompanimentand solo by Louis on his electric tluitar Several of the vial ors stayed was home for Easter weekend with herparents Mr and Mn Ross Faint Vv Also Miss Norma Toronto with her parents Mr and Mrs Harold Cowden Mr andersu Jack Walpole visited at Mr und lilrs Keith Walpolos and Mr and Mrs Mur ray Walpoles Last Tuesday several here attended the funeral of Septumis Maugham and also Mrs williamplemgnts ot Elm va from Then onAprdl 25 the kids will be feted at banqueL tawasagahiver and the Shanty Bay area if you are looking for Warblers coniferous trees espec ially around manure pile is an ideal areato find these shy lit tlefellows at this time of the year if you wish to coaxbirdsaround your yard few bits of string and otherdehris which they can build nests with hirdhouses suet and Mrs Harklcy Allen were Cpl and Mrs Leslie Allen and family Trenton Gym and Miss visobe irving of Ban riel Mr Mrs John King no family of Alliston withMr and Mrs Dennis Cooper Mrs Grififn of Enniskillen with its Squibb hit and Mls Herb Hepburn of Toronto with Mr and Mrng Rainey Ml 11s Skinner and Miss wm an The Easter attended Conmnrnioa at th seryic atvll oclock Mr and and Mrsiosoph Tinneys of To Nancy Hamilton Mrs Orr Lake Easter Services Sundoy rs smlEdwardsf Glenda and Leonard spcnt urday evening with wards parents Mr whetham Mr service was well Donald Edwards Glcanixon of Toronto visited hisparents Mr and Mrs John Nixon gt FOE EXPERT IR WORK you oppose oasoto patience are the tools you re quire Now that the snow has about left us for few monthsthe fire hazard will be back with usiet cigarette out in the sh Ltray=ot es and take allvo sense precaut ns ventiforest grow fore all of the Work PREVENT FORES it maybe an old saw agocut downfon the eedless millions lapeptonhrmaments Use port of the moneytoseild food to the growing and hungry nations of the eastern world Grenfell Sask Sun Milka Eves wrrkéno laminar lln one thEWVWAKEAtONG mass AND SERVICE EVERYWHER lightly hl herin Iomc areas our lot on dealer about he lirtcdjn your ooky ow page 4qu new rowerslilo is wow srvm Tilt Toronto Jaek Murray into the habit 30fPlltï¬ï¬‚E flour one we should have come toiong nd MrsFrcd Coon and Mrs all of erslted Wr lam Clement on sunday Elmvule Miss Caro aint DEALEB 515 Bradfordvst Poona rs 35m REGISTRATIONSH liow elng accepted or leagues for the 195359 season not Examine scrutiny 7P onePA 83008 vr mntoearly this week an Ernie lth Mrs Sawyers Cowden of Innate Morons Elsin MdJare arrays contributed to the service you theiioly qtty played onjthe mmpet organ accompaniment Good Fridly servicewas held atthe amen Church at tip to which everyone was invited The Mansfield people were weiirepresented at theacr vice at 1030 am at theiverett United Churehon Good Friday The Presbyterian ladies held their April meeting at church on Thursday altarnoon Arm in Cost Mrs Alex Armstrong slipped and tell while moving wall paper bending hick themiddle linger 01 her left hahdjnd breaking bone in he hand Her arm isin cast Visiting at Ath parsonage week areM are Foraotaroot Ottawa Beatrice of Bradford and girlfriend of thetalnlly tram Mattawo gt To North Mrs Carl Ireland and vArthur were motoringyto NOrth Bly on Monday to spend niost of the weekwith Mrs lrelapds mother Mrs Wisemao MentiyMlniod Congratulations to Marlene Orr daughtcrofzhtr ad Mrs Arden Orr of Mansficl and of Homings Mills who were marljicdyon the NOW Change over to Havolino Melons Completelubncation Transmission and Differ entlal Charlgaovchv We specialize in Hand Wax Wash Jobs SpringTuneups ron PREMIUM runner gasrovaortw fsaa Texaco Service Station 84 Tliiin so rumor BIIS PA 32563 Res PA $5039 unishun was adson Props COMPLETE Wheel CARBURETSON fSEilVlCE