Aboui Springvveier Parki The iBirdsAahd mails Just about year ago there was public elurm st whatmpearedto be the hi closing oi the small 00 atBpringwnter Pork TheOntnrioMinister oi landsand Forestshad put his name to an order which said there would be nonexhibizion or animals or birds in anyoi the provincial parks and it appeared as if immediate action was being taken at Midhulst to see thetthese instruc tions were carriedOut Pressure public opinion bmu hit rorth the stotementthnt it all sunder standing lherowiverop lor greatly im proving Bpringwaterlnrk but there was no intention oi doing away entirely with the collection of birds nnd animals There was certainarnount OVerstockingnnd pen tein animals on would bejremoved doubtoibout the im park Any movementsbeing blade to visitor today can rindthe roads and making parking spaces But Anemone birds and enimalsrthere is groundsior douth It appears instructions were given to the effect that there should be no animals or birds taken away Iron the present collection but thereshouid be no additions or replacements The ultimate consequence of suchqpolicy must he obviousjto anyone Give tanner 10 cows to keepjnncltell him theremust be no additions or replacements then in the course of timethat farmer will havenb cows Clearly then in time there will be no birds and animals in Springwater Park for the depnnmentto lookptter The zoo will be dead and the original objective at the de partment willhave been attained But is that whet the people or Barriennd the surrounding area inzthe County Sim coe and the many families whoyearly visit this park want It isone oi our Ratio ist nttrsotionsand our members oilrovinv ciai Legislature should keep reminding the Government at that much of chalice before but now United staff hurdntwork building new picnicshelters improving the essential bllls What diilerenco we oouldvmske iionly thlilosliered ie pnporoouid bevelimlh aiedl good deal it is paused by careless rubbl dlspossi and collection it owntown store keepers would keep ti inourclly walk and curb in ironi of their premises decent we could one In inï¬nitely bet ooklng shopping section Iho some Vining es of course to householdersto someaxtent clean city is pitJud city Tougher School Policy Fredcricton Gleaner Universal education is line ideal and no lower goal should ever be accepted in planning demo mile countrys eduullonsl system Nonetheless note has toberisken in many schoolsot snail percenisge oi incorrigible delinquents whose pro sonce disrupts the routine oi thefélsssroomlhnd drive teachers to the verge oi insani ioughorsiuiude towerdthis of juvenile hoodlum is being reported Irom Widelysepnraied areas yAnnuainSprmg Epideml ozgewalJnuzuel mun blessed with Iwlie and teenago dough ters is understandably coniused it is of course ebit puniingodd nihiratlnsmst about the um mans wifelsconvinced there is little hope of élianglngher partnern mans daughters undertake io=remodei the old man slickpppermngszines Consider lheepldemic of annual cleaning Just why ihe lever strlke woman with such lorce is problem that man had better leave alone Why teenagesgirl whoseroorn re sembles thedebris iroma hurricane ii months at the year also mommy to the fever isa mementor psychiatrist rind not for ii men wh tries to hive enough on hand the end of the month to pay One couldund rstandihe situation thrhlouse were dirty but that isnot the The house 13 cleaned oncea IWeekVandln March the home is just aslivoble land comrorlbalo asii wssln October or January But come March aciiizenmsy as well moire up his mind thesnnusi tornadowillhit pring houseclenning is 03 ritual nd Stwtes hunters are cutting out most of the guess workand porter the us sportsmen say their shooting pr serves are the answerxto the noun acres popping pf many birds us they bag limit They pay aboutvs5a bird the lesserpensive pie seijveslond in re Vetclubs whereflodges méeis huntin age and refreshimnis at United Antoni lie Worker goodsare oi evencompeiiog he preserves maintain you monomer one but isnt de VThe bibie oioertain businessmen United States News world lï¬eporhspe otwhot it callsmhe foddiactthn£ while jobs at the present time are men ces continueto gohighor Whats odd aho lfjwages remsinhig or on nue iogo myigingitmore costly lo slop higher prices Economists usedto gt ll us hsi high prices in iinlion suited fro too much money chasing too fewgoods Well theres urplus supply money after someigoods today Ontho con trary our factories our lesale houses our retail shops are examined goodsgoods with pricevisgson the that make one dizzy And no mystery shout it thebigli ce itirehther hecsuselbey are related to What or to produce goods what is non goods made plus whet itis still toubsve them ade Wages fewer jobs thstandlng not golng down in many ii cars is down sales iv cars hredown workersiare eing hideofl oesnt esna thing to the not only is of the automobile poinyiniés year proï¬t sharing plan itwsntsa of cents an hour as well To rqueslio is rs wagesprices piral to end And more espeusilylbe question 15 wher shespiral is toendiii we are to sell or at least lo of them invcornpetiiive market Rigbilnow demandi our pricesere so hieh our one markets resemble pleiures in Sprlng house her cost prentlce tournonoth Shilo Manitoba th irom the Royaicdnedlnn supper apprentices from the inn School of Military Engin gt iriions of Ou LEVIfERSEIo Ourvunion is not dominated HillcréSt Pupils Enidyéd Visit To Examiner Plant Bunle April 1958 To The Editor The muleExaminer SirWe were writing this letter to thank you for allowing us in tour through The Barrie Tth iner to see iho pipe in ng camv posed and printed Wo ssw many interesting things We liked seeing howpiciures were prepared for ibepnper The most ihrilllng part or our tour was seeing the press illaction We enjoyed weiohingthe iinoiype ake the ords on the linolype We can keep them for souvenir of our trip We would apprecisie much it you would alsoihank the other men for Liking time out from thelrwork to take us on this wonderful tour Yours MRS WINTERS CLASS GRADE 3mmnesr SCHOOL UnidnlOrgaflnizeir SaySMeicDonald Smear Campaign BameAprll iosa To The Ediio The Barrie manner SirIn you issueotTh gt ex nmlner on Ap nleiier appe mosey Production of Mr lickering orphan of smear campaign HE and its members MoeDonblds lie psigli by the organizers here Msc Donald knows out ch lery Camp grille showed héir visitorsrthe lness has been open to question Pay what you vow EooL fwemmdxeeabeu The following it nudy oi the pmiiession sodium in ques iion nod answer form Tbe pndesslon ad from the BootoiCommon Orvier oi United Cbulds of Canada When enjoin the church we make certain pmum or vows mused Delu Photo me 130 the sighting system or 105 Howitzer at Le to right ysl Cennd ing Chilli seh oi Breton man and for ihe proot we kmerzsooo membersin Cs one of the organuerswho beenhere in Barrie sineethe hmpsign opened strongly resent seDonhlds lies shoutstrongurm eLhods being usedand would like is sshusenonsid iogprovo his jtniemenis or be big enough to tell the truth andspologize lt shouid be known but our on has on umberof does one =challenged seDonald to ébsieh charges front of all 061 orkersihst oiler still tendsjut MééDonald worms and unirms eryumeand undoubted willlsgsin wl rhepublic Iillitherwe know that as in as wesreou is entitled jo Gnome Assrsvnns uOrgnnlizerUE presents CF Vieweomi Elecii same April loss The Editor BartieExamm er SirTQo editorial psgepf iii issue pril in your com merit of theeleau result you made statement with which The splinter ponies whose use on Afierrnvajh firepower demonstration Spr Bill Gutsell Bpr Hurry Quick Peterborough Bpr Gordon Knutson Kelvingion Beale Qnr Jim Morley de monstrnting ofBnrrie and Bpr Donflrm Alta not propose loaven recapitulnte wbut has beenthe stand oi the CC on the various measures but nsmy opiniono£ their eflecï¬ve ness msyvbe somewhsi bissedl wish to bring in your attention the opinionoi others who are and havebeen in the camp of the political enemy On the editorial page of The Globe enomu oiApril in welldeserved thing or the iwo outstanding CCFJesders we read of Coldwell in part thinkof him as never hurdbended Socialist but rather ss the idealist and humanist nnd it wnsiniheueslm oi understand ing that he gave iheilnest exl pre ion of his louistandlngglits of Stanley Kn fWithvdkiiowle€l£e mentary conduct auditions equal led by low iniliis country The new House will Vkeeniy regreti his It may beho to Mr Coldwell and Mr Knowles the opportunity Will Come andrihst their éonirlbutlon alr udy notable the CCFmemhers Again they received praise of highorder From where conï¬qst to the meld be To whom do we make these promises We link there promises to God slope boilire the minie ter and mine presence of Hie conesWu liiowlong are wempPDsed to cop the promises we nuke We are bound to keep thwepdiomisos for the rest of our liveson tidsosrih Profeslon oi Beliel Do you believe in God the Father Al mighty Maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who wns born intotho world snd who grinned liar its and in the Holy Ghost the Holy Catholic Church the Communion of Saints the FWIWW sins and the Life erlastingi Mere else do we find these beliefs enpressed We find these beliefs of the Chrishn Chunk ApostlesCreed Dozyoo believe mood Yes This is libe only possible answer for church memberb What is meant by Godizbe Father Almighty We mesn byflris no God has all power in heaveli ï¬nd on earth He condo éuMbimlIe wishes do He is the heaven iyï¬ihther nnxne 19 What is meant by telling more linker of heaven and urea in the earth mi nnd has given man hmms nnd and mm in him be forgiven ond have life after at school home The Holy Ghost itwa willallavl it do so wide us in our dollyllves and leak us in an understand ing of the scripture sud ofIGods willjor as pgww is man by the Holy Catholic Ghth ilWlnt is the thumb AL The Holy htbollc Church islhsuniversl or world wide church the Church of Jmm itll all Chmn people everywhere bonded tow geiher through wmmon alleg iance and obedience to Jesus our only Lord and Has er in Thbllhiled Church oeu ohism um Initial Thc Climb is the wholqoompsnyd Gods believing poop 1s in haven Ind body Chris by whiehHocvntinues iiiowing worir inlthe ld lieelimi ship inwlllehws who our modded minim Mire ChristsH ndeto Eis bidding infile=wblfld in lipsAio speak the Gospel andï¬is ieotio any the no nutrition to others From puz Living in the salmon thenew Wm gtsense Cbrisnan believer the Oonmlunion of Saints themdtual Iiove oon nd fellowship binding NikoMund belief in God and in lesusVOhrlsi ii wetry to heaved intelligence to use Lhese ï¬xings for his oomfoot and Knoll Gods Son IN More flesh in dwelt amnmguis you believe Jesus