Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1958, p. 5

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twins View osmotic ly VT DOD the is the illY club in Barrie two senior one at Central Colin nother atNortlrColle er name comes from reviation of High Sthobl and GA Tliepiirposeoi the club wiu is repeated at each meeting is to create maintain audex ad in thehoine in the school mi throughout the communlty high standards of Christian chlraVrle Hlvl has been an acute and national group since the that ill clubin Calgary in 1913 There are hundreds oi illY clubs in Canada slone and in 20 other countries of the world Vlhe club welcomes into in memi bershlp any high school student regardless of race creed or emo omic level who acceplsfseriously the ELY Purpose and tbe lti sponslhilitics of clubuiemiiers in ilhc illY Ciub is hired on friendship so thatthemember will like being togeth nd joyeach other VThé Hid Clubaims to carry on aprogram which enables the members to learn and grow the qualities which lead to usef ness and happinets Membership in HiY carries with it member ship in the YMCA the National IllY Fellowship nndtheonrld Alliance of YMCAs This club and the YMCA an intehlalth in composition and respect the orent religious faith of their bcrsV The llilY purpose Vand pldtform arethe basis for program inqu llle Club These are road ough to cluV to press it own individuality by fittingits program to the needs of our own members and com munity HEYClub la callyfa Christian organization expressing itself through Chris Vn service All HiY Clubs conduct programs designed to develop Christian ats titudcs in school life inrelation ships with othe and in citizen ship responsibilities 0ur Club conducts devotionnl pe ship Because they Vdeterin no the program themselv the discus sions panels and speakers that they have and thevlsits social events and proleclsthnt they un dcrtakeare of particular interest toyoung people Som ofthn things they do help their to grow as individuals These topics ire good examplesboysglrl rel ships parentyouth relationships alcohol education carrier grams interfaith and interraci relationships citizenship Philoso phyofli£c Social recreational activities are pertgoftlipir pro gram too and the thlrdmsior area is servrce to rfrthers Service pro Jocts are con ucle elsehool YMCA communinty ormlay ve thonalgassemb1les give fill opportunlt toshare pro gram ideas and wild Es club fl schooV Con and run visors to North on grateGmdo Watt is the school advisor and the gametbey spirit and iY title at its meetings as part of our preparation for Christian citizeni pro Bahrdayuniu at the YBox in classes napprlob mes the beau feed and hoatof other utivttlel including NEW tooling underthedlrcction or Meritor ris Art pluses lnrtructed by Hrs David Garrick will be held as usual Gym classes It Elllcrut and Codrlngton Schools dance class II crthe direction of Mrs oodywillI be held es usuah iew more applications cnn be aceeptcdi Leighton for the lliary Vof tbeY are planning monster rummage salo for lYldoy March 28 from to 12 noon at the lijouhave itemsthat would be saleable and you would like iocontrib please bring of used clothliig and objects will themtothe llding All kinds be graciously eivcd Ys Mens Club livelygruup youngmen de rooted to having topVnotchV time and fun and giv gotltstsndlng serviceto the YV meet for supper each Monday at 30pm Thisgroup welcomes young me 1365 tofu and friendship The train club cooper tooling for adults boys airplane classes and the egular clubs ot the will hold their meetings as sched tiledin the comlugweck VV ck Again rw nd Mrs Erichali have ruined fnom Stayncrsto oper ate the BA Vstation Owing MrszS Dolrgslls ill health Mr and Mrs Dougall and Charles he returned toTomnto VWA News Vlhe Womans Association met at he home of the president hire Aubrey Gdfien last Wed nesday afternoon and fquilted quilt to begiven to hidden Mission school in Bnandon Man Asho meeting wVascpnduci£d in vicepresident Mrs 362aner Sympalw of Community sympathy isV extendcdto the family of Cyril McDonald of Stinud who passed away in Royal Moria Hospitai last week Cyril spent his boyhood years onthe 3rd llne oft Fina nd he and hi FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE PA 82414 odd Motors MilliLACSI 1957 rmmwooo snoaufi beauliful black finish with all of Cadillacs amour equipment 55595 1955 COUPE Vsbowrr excellent care low mileage fully equipped in eluding electricwindows standou Alone car clean in every respe tV ll ave Furczk IN Campbell Marv to variety night To Raffle Certainly you have choice take it orieavo it Miss GMennloJeineygis on holidays with hcr granthnother Enchn Vlarty An enjoyable eudrrewias held kmy at the homeot hlr andhalyard mm mipéemhel lt Strand rs Saw Edam sauna with baby showers Mrs omit evienlng Pm es were won as and Mrsufirflmm served love Mm mm ms ly lunch titconclude the evening Sriglstv men Ted Ham cmkinolc Wendanckle nearest birthday Vain Little cky one es Hrs Little Mrs Lack Javanese cous Japans exports otgutoni lies in 1957 was estimated at 600 cats compared with 4800 in mu ill Coronation Wo 1953 mens Institute will meet in llolly church hascmentnnMarcb 25 at p111 Home economies oonvener Lin Willis will have charge of the program which will be demonstration Motto is Waste not want not Roll call is he of hlnt Lunch committee Mrs Schen dlen Mrs Johnson and Mrs Srigley Euchre on Saturday euchre party will beheld at the home of Mr and Moore on Saturday evening March 29 committee to assist ls Mm1lurwk reed Srig ley andVMrsE Dyer corationti visit Mosdaw IackieV Willis row Lougheed Kenwell and Mr and Mrs Downing nt tended the Womens Institute at Bradford on Tuesday where thc ladiés pro sented an itemfor the program Your correspondent would up preciatc your ncwsitems Montreal visit Mrs Brown and Connie flew to Montreal over the week endwhcre theyspent few days with MrsBiowns parents Baby Shower An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mrs Brown when close neighbors galt MONEY THE BEST MASlIlIS TREATM ENT YOUVE EVER USED lli Iionslly uu tha bast Mast Ointment youve ever us ll dontigleddlml bacheerfullyuiunded NFZ Ointment domains the Mame enalcliemi cal NHRO URAZUNFthl ldlls broader nn at llllSll samtlasler moo marl Inns donoi do trio res stance to NFZ it my whmn dried mils ioiiiS haw ll ledlls fat Eggnog It Tryit see tor yourselt how quickly Inn to clean up even llll most dlfimlt use ess Thenext meéthigwill be held det Auxjrarjy fo Quith hurried to olos the evening on Clapperton Street Mrs ll her Smith gt University Blair Guest st lllaberSmlth wuexorvthe bill for Simeon guefi of the University Womens Club this Hum night at their monthly meeting in community House Mrs Smith popular and humorous speaker will discuss the opening of Parliament by the North wilLbe the omitomen oeuat 1111th mumnun prisonrneuu attire bonle nonmoigaauce BRISTOW PLUMBINGHEATING max 0664 84 DUNLOP 511551 ow PA 83770 14 mm mm ELLV frnsn reunited j$39°fflfiI5F For on have been issued Bulimiaii will or natrases to Are nouSIua lnslpite enception iiy heavy snbwioil in February DWELLING PERMI of 1958 anincreos in the first two months gt ovef the someperjodV iri i957 AND PROS ECTSLOOK EYENBETTER FORVMARCH ime iiFOR 009 GOVERNMFN Wonxlme racerHER sites CAN DA DiEFENlBAKERS YNAMIC PROGRAM GUARANTEES AsETrER LIFEFORVALLOFV ANAD SEEVPL NOI EMPTY PROMISES nit 3me victim EARSON PLAN assess Eon BusINEss Cdstonors 7What Canadian businessnecds today is customers withclash it spendt The measures outlined above would provide those customcid by restoring employmént improving incomes and providing more security against illness and old age Canadians have plenty of unfilled wants and Canadian business ladsktnows howt at present has idle capacity which could provide for those wants The intern party program Will bring necdand capacity together and ethnic Besidcs dealing directly with consumers Canadian businesses deal wrthone another Our farms and factories depend heavily on confident business buying To encourage business to expand and increase demon for machinery and equipment as well as construction the Liberal pa proposes to uchtho tried and proven method of accelerated deprecia tion for tax purposes This means that business firms large and small whoundertake new investment would stood still By making it profitable to be progressive this pronga credses the rate at which the Canadian economy ENNIS Specifically we propose to raise by between 50 and 100 cent therates of depreciation permitted on capital expenditure undertaken in the fiscal year beginning this April lst This Special Excise Tax on Cars it wins sensible measure against inflation Now inflation is notlthe problem The special excise isnt necessary Yet the Conservativesrwho said they would abolish it at the wrong timcdldnt abolish ittatthe right time but1meiely reduced it from in to per cent Now that the economic situation justifies change we would make the proper changes We would abolish the tax altogether This would reduce the price of cars and if the full reduction is passed on to the consum would savo the Canadian public about $80 million year Credir gt Tho Liberal party believes that fiscal policies in working for steady economic progress in Canada Thi is necessary in order to safeguard the purchasing power of the Can adian peoples dollar in times of high activityit is also necessary in order tpslimulate business and employment if activity slackens Just as economic conditions required rcstraintof credit inglslsd and early 1957they now require expansion of credit and aLiberal government the banking and credit system works fully in the public interest at all limoswith this objective we would safeguard thcpnblicv against him es of cbnsumer credit by bringing small loarr and financchompanies WithV in the scope of the Bank Act Ov secvaarkets II drainode policies don sult old customers they win new ones instead of empty talk of diverting tradefrom the profitable channels through which it naturally flows the Liberal party will pro slblcltasis world trading pictur ngchanging rapidly We must uuV imaginative and constructive to take advantage of the new circumstanc es which are arising Thesix countries of WesteV Europe have decidedto form eus toms union which will establish common market of nearly two hun arrangement with this group our new Commonwealth partners in Asia Africa and the West Indies are making heroiceiforts to develop the economics and to improve their sglandsrdof living The countries of the communist bloc have indicated eir Willingness to expand their trade with thest anada should have apositive and flexible policy in relatio these momentous developments in order to ens re that the opport ies for ncwand wider markets are available producer Bettercreditfacilities through new ExportBank based on assured findexpanding nVinr ets for our dustrjes as well VafeguaVrd the opportunities forVall roducers in the marketsof ourlatge custome Thiswoui nottalt meterriotous run business We believe that the individual businessman inCan run his business and needs interference iro go ernroents What we propose istax relief for 000 ye by cutting the corporation tax rate to 10 per cent on rofr up to $1 000 ear an that pomtbusinesswnuld continu Wiper cent per cent old age securitytax busihesscsup to $25000 now Ths taxcutgtwou1d savo busi The facilities of the industrial Developmen tied to include retailtradeVOursmll conpetition from the large ebbins it no asingly difiiflillt monetarproiicics should reinforce pay lower taxes than iiiins who The Conservatives used to complain about this tax at time when would promote that expansion ltwoiild also constantly make sure that vide new opportunities and expand Canadian trade on the widest pus dred million people Great Britain has offeredto enter into free trade Here are the constructive proposals the Liberal party in ester thepresont Export Credits insurance Corporation boenable

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