cher at mandate with the END tor the past 31 your andwith nearly Brynn railway oervice in all Wis feted by his colleag uu at the otfice as be started on his bolidayg on Thursday March prior to his retirement on April Numerous gifts from officials train despatcher and many other fellow employees marked the esteem in which he is held by all his colleagues lie wasborn at Bradford tint on March 1898 Aliaudale with his parents late and Mrs RGosney Sr in the year 1901 when his iathcr was appointed storekceper for the maintenance of way dc partnicntwf the former Grand VTnink Railway at Allandalc For very short timeClaytou attended the old public school in Allandale just prior to its demos lition to make way for the pm cnt King Edward School and later attended it Follmving this he attended from September 1911 to May 1913 the oidCOiiel rate Institute on Blake Street which was for many years one of Barries hinorical landmarks On May 15 1913 he entered the service of the former Grand Trunk Railway as junior clerk in lhcsupcrintendents ofï¬ce at A1 lsndalc at aaiary $30 per month He filled various cicrioal positions for seven years and having acquired knowledge of telegraph in his spare time was appointed night operator in Gomofficc Aliandale in June 1920 Seven years latcrhc was classed relief train despatchcr and in 1928 was appointed to steady trick as dcspaicher at Allandale in 193 owing to changes be ing made in despatehing terri tory he became displaced by senior despntcher from Captcol and from then until 1941 work ed at the various stations on the Aliandale division as telegraph operator in addition to being senior relief train despatcher at Allandaie In 1942 he regained his former permanent status in the Aliandaie ofï¬ce and from 1943 to the date of retirement has been in charge of despatcii ing trains on the Bala subdivirr ion between South Parry and the Don Mr Gosney has been contirr BHTMQH Weekend Visit Mr and MrsJae Rogers of Toronto spent the kend with Mrs Copeland Wedding Annitferaary Mr and MrstoiiBodgers and Mr Roulston attendcdla party instroud to celebrate thefortleth wedding anniversaryof ltirl and Mr Robert Rodgersm death of her mother watson in Toronto Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Haywood Visit ed Mr and Mrs Fort Comts on Sunday Mrs Irving who had spent week with liai mother and er rctumed to nto with them Mr and Mrs Oh aymer of Stayner were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Forbes Colitis Mr Land Mrs Elwnod Carter Louise and Bruce of Alliston were Sunday itors with Mr and Mrs mourns Momoi nusné ny rna BEYEIHIAIBES oobliltows TEMPLE Mrs John Railroad Telesraphen or 37 year and Iron not to loan was their loaf representative on the Animate division momentum rain desaatohcrs agent3 ope assistant agents linemen He was also dele gate to two conventions ofthe one in Months in 1933 in New orleans order and the olher LL in toes Mr and Mrs Gosnw have one ion Maurice whohchoosing his fathers vocation is senior re lief train despatcher and day op eratnlsjn GO office Allan Ilalc There are two grand hildrcn They have resided at i1 Poyntz Street Barrie for the last 36 years and ammembert 5f Trinity Anglitzn Cluamh Congratulations fmm fellbw nrpioyccs took the unique form traip order No 60 Allan lale March 1958 To Clayton Sosney at Allandale 0nt out test wishes to you and yours or his the day of your retirement Indjl is our sincere hope that on will be blessed with an ibundance oigood health happi ness and prosperity for man ears to come Through Oper itor Friendship are thcnames Stewart EL Goddcn Spiers Creed rake Rupert Bou hey Ryan McKen aey Doilis Emmons Ft Bailey Gosney It McFadden Lipnicky Pi Danyiuk McPherson and Shaughncssy ltlr Gosney is actually on va hation until March 3l with re tiremcnt on pension starting with April evening March with 20 mem bers and some fitors present The broadcast was based on tho title Why Lowincome Farm ers Due to power failure part of the meeting was held as in olden timeswith candle light Following the question discus sion few rounds of euehre was enjoyed the winners heing Mrsl Herman Cole and ElmerHalbert Lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants The next will be held at Mr and mer iialberts Recent visitors Mrs Robinson of Allistou visited last week with her sonin iaw and daughter Mrand Mrs Steward Dermolt Mrs Clare Halberl and Mrs Rusï¬ell Halbert spent few days last week in Toronto visiting the farmers mother Mrs Ruhy Pink erton Mr and Mrs Harold Gilchrist ofStayner wore visitingin the vicinity Wednesday afternoon John Buyers son of Mr aud Mrs Lorne Buyers was guest at the College Royal Dance at Guelph Wednesday night In Hospital iths NorvalKerris patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Her daughter Eileen is nursing broken right wrist Trouble never seems to come singly WMS Meeting The meek will He guid in judgment and the meek willBe teach His way was the theme of the Burns Womens Missionary Society meeting held atMrs Stew ard Dermotts Thursday evening March withlB members and three visitors present The hymn Guide Me Oh Thou Great lc hova was sung followed with prayer by the resident The minutes were read and approved and the roll call answered by the mambo Bible verse with git the heme word Correspondence was read by the Secretary which included andnter esting letter from Miss Phyllis Crosbie of Nigeria MrsFergus Kerr Christian cit nship couven er saw an interesting paper on fBrothcrhood Another chapter ofuthe Bible stady rile Second Mile based verse 1860 whs by Mrs George afi ay Mr Ross illiamsgave the last chapter of the study hook on Japan The theme at the chap The Churchs High on Philippians ALL 80431 Social ducationicliliii demiseran Dance factory also one curma oosuar Train Despaocher at Allandalewlth the CNR tor the past 31 years and with nearly serviceln all was the recipient of several gifts upon the occasion of retirementon Thursday March on be itItdrch Meeting oiOrOCouncii Much Routine Business Handled Arena at CommunityCenire Oro Council met at the town ship offices on March3with all the members present Reeve Gill spic presidingx Communications were presented from Department of Highways Canadian Automobile ServiceAs sociation Iashley Siddail Department of Planning and Development traughan Frcd Hunter Nash The alvation Aamy Registrar Gener Robinsonz Muni Dapartmenli of Municipal Affairs Bell Oouin lock Co Kiihour As sociates Stew rt Page Find lay Royal Victoria Hpspital Mid land Securities CorporationhAsso ciation of Odtario Mayors and Reeves and Earl Richardson Received was department ap proval for installation oi furnace at machine shed Lashley wrote acknowledging ccipt oi copylof byinwveatabiishing Guth rid Arena as Community Ce trc which wa accepted as satin Lantth ena pioperty from Guthrie Co operative Sperting Co Ltd The clerk wasr instructed to write the secretary of Boardoi Transport Commissioners request ing an investigation with respect to railway crossing on Town Line Oro and Oriliia Townships The clerk reported deeds of transfers accepted at last meeting had received departmental appro val and been returned to varicus solicitors acting on same Department of Planningand De velopment that conditions of up gt proval for proposed subdivision Hour hymn andiprayer clos ed the meeting iollowed with lunch served by thalhostess assist ed byMrs Buyers aners Blakely Honor Nciilyvieds large crowd from Burns and the surrounding districts attended the presentation Friday evening in Baxter Hall for Mr and Mrs William Henderson In recent newlyweds The evening was spent in dancingto music supplied by Notval Robbins Orchestra At midnightthe bride ahd groom were called to the platformand an address of good wishes was readby JimWaJes of Everett and the presentation of an occa sional chair envelope of money and other gifts was made by George McQague Theygroom made suitable rep Lunch was served Weekend Guests Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Clare Halbert and Myrna were Mrs Ruby Pinkerton Thomas and Miss Eileen Wilson of Toronto Mr and Mrsï¬ltlunoy Bonney Dwight and Clarke of Barrie vis ited Sunday with Mrs Bonneys parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Sw El ls Charlotte and Brenda of Barrie with the former sister Notice had been forwarded to son were present requesting also Mr and Mrs William Pt as Lot 27 Can had teen 45 years mu the officials am the old Danie in rue claim is thatttie building no doubt built lnthe aamedeeade urtbe marketbollding not suitdbia for other purpoaéaor mines lints Baek not so many years ago thefm coiiacll decid edthat the market building and location wemmost suitable for town hall and Rimbaud so it cant to in the buildiflx originally had main wound floor for market booths at one despnhchera land other lellow employees at gathering in the office Chief Despateher Stewart very pleasing event completed in manner satisfactvt cry to township Statement of accounts for 1957 reads expenditurcshad been re ceived frqmDcpartmcnt of High ways and accepted as satisidcto Notice was received fromv Straughan Town Clerk oBarriB of further hcaringnf theOntailol Municipal Board with respect to annexation of parts of Oral iii and Vespra Townships to be held in Court House Barrie on March 10 Notice was presented of Depart ment of Planning and Develop ment Workshop meeting to he held in Oriilia on March 11 and 12 and Reeve Deputy Reeve and Clerk instructedto attend Garth fieatc was presented from Reng trar Genera that there had been 20 deaths registerd as being from Oro during 1057 Fifesented from Mcdonte Township statement oi debenture payments payable due 1958 by Draiownship obic Presented in gist viii plan airport Lot Corn List of Receipts Treasurers list of receipts wau received and accepted as satisfact ory also number of hydro con tracts Notice was presentedfromhred Hunter county clerk amp nts required from Ore 1958 for county purposes being general levy $3228093 county road ievy $1415054 Total$46 it at Victoria Hospita invite coun to attend meeting with the hospital board on March with respect to proposed plan of financing an addition to hospital grant of wasmade to NorthSimcoeSoils and Crop Im provement Association Seed Eair Norman Johnston and Alex Patter grant to Jarratt rink Gordon Moore was presentwith regard to snowplowjng services Rflhd Work Road superintendent Currie pre sented his report on work done during Fcbgiary pay sheets etc which was accepted and passed for payment gtA bylaw was brought paSSEd to provide estimated roads expend uresviorjsss and ordered forwarded to Department of Highways iorapproval Pre ntcd from Departure of Municipal Affairs memo ndum with respect to pro works programjor ï¬nemployed and also memorandum regarding uneondi tionai grant procedure Various accounts before council Weie pass ed for payment and they djou ed to get again on April CENTENNIAL ran Come andfamily Mr andMrs Peta ourteiiay Effective service The following copy titregister The first regular meeting of the month of Branch 14mm place Monday evening March with 53 members present JuTeifold of Eariscourt Branch was visa ttorattlic meeting andwas in trdduccd and made weléorne The minutes of the last meeting and of special executive meetings Held since that time were adopted Considerable correspondence was read discussed and passed for filing ju names were in itiatcd into the branch William Darby Emms Di Murray Magalos orris or Iddel oi St Giles artist in 33919 All of these ven heir Legion Buttons and tlien warmly welcomed by their comrades It was brought to the ot he members that Mondayand ay nights March sure playoff dates Lcgion sponsored Minor Hockey This is the climax of the long sea sonin which the Legion was the means of providing hockey time for so many Barrie youngsters The whole affair thiswinter has been weii and capably handled by Wally DeSiansssisted by avery energetic bunch of helpers For small admittance price the pub lic are invited towltness lotof enjoyable hockey on these nights and archance to win themselves some worthwhile prizes being giv en away Thc sums of $15 each were voted to be given the st John Ambulagice and the Redcrossjn Speeding Lhoir eurrentdrive for funds It was decided to sponsor deserving veterans childthe de eision to he niade by the Branch Education Committee under Dr David Garrickas to who will makethls interesting trip It is in connection withthe students tours to New York during April 811 which is being introduced by the local YWYMCA rganizatiod The trip willinelud twoday sit in that city and visit to the Humming Whatever child is chosen to go his or her expenses be borne 1MtliiililY Milli 17 pm I90 ooJACKroT toor unat COLLire $1 Ichardson arid the atten 118 of the bythe BanieBradch of the Le On it was decided that the regular and initiation meeting scheduled to be held March 17 be set back toltiarchzd This was due to the fact that Legion Hockey playoff night is being held on March 17 and the bulk of the members would prefer to witness this lat terevcnt After the notice at iidjournment of themeetlng was declared the altendance prim was drawn and Comrade Bradshaw was the lucky winner of $20 The ncxtreguiar meeting is to take place Monday March 24 Pï¬bably the average citizen tines not know that additional sittingsXI court are held each week on ionday and Tuesday on March 11 this was by the OPP with docket of nearly 30 charges the regular routine of the tome day and night Inspector Wingrove leads one hood $ome wthe adjournedbut Her man Clarkewas convictcdfor an over load of 1000 pounds on his truck on Feb 15 in Essa and was fined $40 with costs of $250 No Tn Light Checked by PC Carney on Feb 25iu Ora Douglas Niches son going north ony11had no tail light or other reariight on his 1940 station wagon and was fined $5 with costs Some of these charges were ad journed but Elwyn Miller on charge by Campbell OPP was fined $20 plus $5 for doing 65 and Wayne A0Dounelt was fined with costs $1550 for speeds 170 on Feb Quite number of others were given the usual 6x5eusion from PAS4427 090 815FIRECF mostly on traffic with 14 for speeding and gave some idea of the CommercialVeh icles branch Was also present and had urchargcs laid for excess mail summons tolpersonalsuvice time with fourbutchen in but lness there all year and the town hall upstairs1n fhe original opera and music hall Architects and builders carried sent and practically every foot of the building is in use The ground floor and basement accord module the munidpalpfficea with even mayors offiw but th thecxceptton of the municipal assessment department which is in the former police cotnt build ing actth the road The terms of settlement if any with theJamiers and also buav lness menlinked in were never shouted froni the roof tops but the farmers and vendors oftown were allowed the use of the orig inal armoury oftlie 35th Simeon Foresters tobe shared with the Barrie CitiensBand Thc Barrie post office which wos placedthefl in was by the government when boom was an ticipated for the northern town is of most thorough construction wcll Worthy of transformation The ground floor is ideal for an art gallery andsjaangely enough the idea has had no support from Barrie artists who stand high in art circles of the province Astrikiug illustration in sup port of this angle is that right now hanging in the town business office is masterpiece by Thomas his studio window which faced the square of the old post office build ing insvlnter Would he have spent so much time and study in the varying tints and tones of the brick insunlight had he not considered it of interest There is just another thought bearing on traffic and that is that Simcoe Street has not any suit able outlets east or west mvonca mm Canada had about 5800 divorces om mm MODERN fllttiltlt SATURDAY wear mi mucus Tom Pattenden Orchestra ltllltllillthS mm Collier 5t Berri Annismonsoc ausrtcas roor through the change as of the pre Mitchell ARCA as painted from in1954compared to the peak of 8199 in 1957 MARSHALLDWINNELLcaught 10pound lake trout right in Kempcnfclt Bay recentiy and brought it in to show the gang His is the most recent catch of the many Barrie Works CGE fishermen Mopnt St Louis Tomnto Visit Mr and Mrs Theophile King spent few days with their family in Toronto lu Hospital Boyd Miller is avpaticnt in Sol diers Memoriai Hospital Oriilia and Mrs Edgar Beianger is in Penetanguishene General Hospital Penetaug Carnival Several from this eommunity attendedthe carnival at Benetang on Saturday and Sunday Rose Mary Buchanan has been out of school with the measles Diclehioore of Toronto visited at Maurice Fitzgeralds my AN mums waur an REE Vail Will RFD THEFTJNSURANCE is includcdtn our new Homewners combination Policyand YOU SAVE 10 ohimoreh All theveasential insurance you need fnr your home is includedin onepolley Call us today and let It explain how this new torn bination policy will give YOU FULL COVERAGE NSUMNCE andravc you money too Stimson lllSlltilittCE uermsr ro lnanranee of am KINDS an at IM5 aw Friday mrHricoun crested Pmmdnew ST JOHN AMBULAHCE BARBIE srucmLLv ron INDUSTRY REQUIRED or wonxnraNsooMPansArmNroan éek Course Commences March 28 pun CiLCHAMBEKS inten ions