PO L5 Syrup oi White Pine wit Eucalyptus and Honey dunno an to coin owl warms nsnst upon at all Druggists Sorophrnlsi Guest The February meeting lirqu Soloptimists was held Thursday Feb 13 atlhe Community House he specter were Mr and Mrs Harold Moore Mrs Moore is one oi the clubs member Biro Moore is local architect They providcdone oi the mo interesting programsuus ye Mrs Moore traced brinflythe sludy otarchllccture from the an clentrtlmes of the Pyrimida to the present She mentioned some excellent examples oi oil types of architecture which are In the homes in Barrie Vauch as the Georgian architecture in the home oi George Caldwell on Co ier Street Mr and Mrs Moore gave ser ies oi very humorous skits which dealt with the problems and pit ialls 01 building home with and without the services of hnarchl tect The program was very carefully planned and carried out The skits were followed hya question period and the couple wereibom bardcd wlth many One of Mr Moor specialties is lowmst housing and he had scale model oi an inexpensive Armstrong the secretarytreasurer oi the hme Mm any 1° and club and one half oi the ladies doubles gmfï¬ï¬gefï¬Ã©rffl mm champs Herb Mays wellknown basket boll star in Barrie Roy McFarland oi RCAF Camp Borden who isan international track star and Marge Hickllng an accomplished the Officers Mess Four of the reasons ior golier and the other hall at the ladies Barries strength are leitto right Joy doubles winning combination Birdies fly for Barrie In Competition FOUR FEMININE enthusiasts oi the Club which plays at the Armoury Wednesday and Friday nights and Saturday from on are Complete RlUPIIOLSIERY Service Let our experienced crdlts men REUPHOLSTER your were or iaded furniture NOW PAUL CEANNEN studen 01 music at theUnlversity ci Toronto will sing the role or the MajorGeneral in tho North Collegiate Glee Clubs production oi The Pirates of Penzance in the North col Legging Auditorium Feb 27 some Tag Awningyv The next total eclipse oi the sun will be October 12 1958 BARRIE BEAT ORILLIA 25 to 15 in bad minton tournament held at the Barrie Armoury on Friday Feb 21 The Barrie Club which has an enlarged enthusiastic membership this year was host to Orilllo Ior return match ioliowed by party in nvero Wellknown Barrie career girlJoan Garrick is success iuicomblnation oi housewiie and businesswoman Director or the JoanGarri Charm School which is centred in Barrie and covers the ar she still ï¬nds time to whip up batch at her iavorlte lodge for horse and husband Leon Joan will be turning her culinary talents to brewing baby iormuln come MSY Pavcrv waiting their turn for match They are leit to right Audrey Holiyard Sandra Fur zecott May Lees and Pam Nixon 33ng ihe regula meeting of the ShantyBay am and school As sociation postponed on account of the wenthercondltion will he held at the school on Wednes day Feb 26 at eightoclock liils lilacLachlan will he the special speaker for Foundelfs Day Everyone is urged to be present CHOSE THESE Creamy Chocolate Eudge 18 teaspoon oi salt gtablespoons oi butter lteaspoon oiv vanilla 2cups oi sugar 201 squares oi chocolate tablespoons oiaorn syrup ZScup oi milk Comblne the illst Iive ingredients and cock the mixture BRAS AND GIRDLES until few drops will iorm iirm ball in cold water Allow to cool ior 10to 15mlnutes then pour into mixing bowl and add the butter and vanilla Beatxunill batter loses its glossy finish and then pour into buttered pan If the candy hardéns in the bowl add tablespoon oi milk or table spoons oi corn syrup and beat until smwth Pour immed ldtcly Barrio Women Gather AtCollier UnitedrForWorld Day Of Player From sunrise to sunset on Fri whether it be sixccurse meal or day Feb 21 an in more than bowl of rice i40 countrlc 0138 linked to rvliirsNTMncponaldpresldent oi the Alicrnoon Auxiliary oi Collier Street United Church where the service was held led pr yor Mrs lamcsI Fé Andlews Presby terian led the praise and Major iii Beaumont of the Salvation Army the repentance Dedication was made by Mrs Brenn of central United Intercession leaders were lilrs Ncsblttlrinity Anglican To give vocslim smooth youthhll lines beoutifully naturally Good reasons to try Ployiox next time youre at Evangeline lycaur bra andgirdle shop7Cbmevin this week undchooso the siylesrbesi foryour figure SirIdler gather in the annual World Day oi Prayer Thirtynineyears ago hand Us 0fnylori elastic driés easily ï¬t AlEVï¬ll elillcinWhirrg Lecéal Paris Curls Up For St Marys people like parish Cliiion Mrs Corhcii Mrs parties and aside irom theicharlcs Saso Mrs Jerry Cough prayer on the Two years later they were joined by womenin that United states Todaydt is estimated that many millions observe the day filhe women of Australia provid ed the servic thlsfyear The theme was simple phrase as Leo lilchnn MrsfM Murdock Mrs McClosky Mrs Ed La Also in pink blue or beige in 3234 32 work of the women who plan their great success stems enthusiasm with which everyone joins in the inn and The aiiair on Wednes 12 put on by Catholic League proved this Most of those present hadnt laughed so onkcys age St Josephs Au torlum was gall decorated with lovely hearts and valentines and one pids were swinging from the chandeliers On entering the hall ladies and gents were given numbered valentine with their name on it ThEy then had to find their partner for the dance someone who had ihesame number on his valentine The home tnlcnt entertainv ment which was highly popular included the Jazzo Belles group from Sweet Adelines Chapter of the female SPEBSQSA Barber ship Singers composed of Hel cn Coulter of St Marys Marion JonesPhyl1is Davies and Jo Hall Betty Nesbitt playod guiA tar andsang accompanied by Betty Anne Marion onlhe ac cordion and Jerry Padiield and Mike MqLinden presented two comical sk Theparty opened with grand march directs by Charles Tlerneyr assisted by ddhn Miami and Glon Soandrett This was by iseveral popular music for Thirty couples competed in the Putting the Babyto Bed relay and 30 women raced with paper bagson theirieet while contestants and spectators laug till tears came In an ell Lion dance Breoht Were crownch King and Queen by Fr Manley The door prize was won by Pierrot Rouette Lunch was served downstairs followed bymore dancing Every one wenthome tired but can vlnced thatthe part huge auccss rlhanks are llowlng ladies11 lin Mrs Calvert lunch Mrs The program oi assistance for tho retarded is one which must continue from the cradle to the grave Anything less is not worth while Chairman Murray Finlay son Barrle made this statement in his remarks at the recent first annual meeting of Region of the Ontario Association for Retarded Children held in pwen Sound About 50 delegates representing Meaiord Barrie Guelph Orange ville Walkcrton StraLtord and en Sound were present Ir Finlaysonreviewed the est ablishment of the eight regions in Ontario just year ago There are alien associations in region iour with membership of 336 anda total of 89 students enrolled The work for the retarded is tremendous project with unlimited possibilities for service Mr Fin layson said It is necessary to edu cate the publicitodo its part in helplngihc retarded to take their places as fullyaas possiblein so clay At the election of officers for the coming year Mrs EHankin oi Barrie became chairman by accla mntlon Guest speaker at the luncheon Hon Dr Maekinnnn Phillips Min ister oi colth spoke on some of is condition or which there is at present no known cause or re med born to normal parents in allstrata of oclety or or illiterate and such 1a us develop hatev Yip era the problems resulting from men iol retardation stating that this retarded child may he poor educated schoollon Blair street lm Planie Mrs Partridge lBarrie Woman Elected Region Chairman Of Association For Retarded Children Recenin gram oi help for the retarded has dcve oped fairly recently in View fact that the problem has of always been present marks by assuring his their places in the world 26 The next regional meeting is Walkerton on March 22 Womanj Ignored For Cancer Work lieutenantvgovcmor of ï¬eld At meeting Cancer Society she received teer workers at cor Institute Trall lurgical plant Comm 1th DAI NES MASSAG The speaker concluded hisre listeners that the program oiresearch and assistance would be carried on and enlarged so ihaiihese unfortunate children would be helped tofind It was announced at the business session that the annual meeting oi the Ontario Association would he held in Windsor on April 25 and TORONTO CP Mrs Louis Breithaupt wite of the former Ontario recerved twogiits recenlty in honor of her work in the cancer of the womens service committee of the Canadian silver caduseus type of baton which is the emblem of the society Another gift came from volun vlheOntario Canr GIANT PLANT flhe lcad nd zinc smelter at is the largest metal ln the British iavorite fashion dress with adcrsey cardigan med touvmatcln the fabric of the dress Easyto make with helpful Printed Pattern Printed Hattern 4648 Claims Sizes 10 Size jacket lining and roman 35inch jacket yard Mine Printed directions ioo each pat tern part Easier accurate Send FORTE CENTS 40cln red for this pattern Please print plainly gSlZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNEADAMS tern Dept 60 Flont St Torg onto Household 80m littlegirl version at Moms Sew sunscoo fld dress coins stamps cannotbe accopt care ofThe Barrieflxanliner Pat Bread of Life designed to stir the imagination oi women wlidas homemakch of the world prepare the daily bread for their iamily MUDDY OUTLOOK We are not saying that there will be any mudslinging in this campaignbut it is quite certain there willhe plenty of it around that would he slung about March 31 Ii is our guess that if we have heavy vote good many farmers are going tohave to come to the polls on their feet or by hellcop rannmolvar nan No sovereign has entered the British Housed Commons since Charles who in 16423ttempt arrest iive members ed to Humanismth Norwegian beer brewers had their own guild in Bergen as early as the 12th century NArunAL Gas Alberta accounts or almost 90 poicent of Canadas production of natural gas Ethel l3rryirnore popularized Péoï¬lé s1 HPCfsimouéy séIVilelsiwhhdlng the lines Thats all there is there isnt anymore Knuth calo schedule to ecomoiended consumer flnanoe mpaliy Moneys rvlu bucked of exporter lulnr In on tcr Stanstead Que Journal the kidneys wu1 st dlflerent tYPcn of them wine cnnner wouldusn cane sugar tlilt Waoiten It without lmowlog Mrs Smith Emmanuel Baptist Mrs Goheen Free Meth odist Mrs Emmons First Baptist Mrs Spring Bethel Pentecostal and Mrs AM Gard nor StJLGiles triooi Mrs Dobson Mrs Welsh and Mrs Arm strong aang Thanks BeTo God The offeringwas taken by Mrs Dawson Mrsil Maxwell Mrs Siddtfll and Mrs Sav age gt Your IIEALIII By annoy new nc nomnor coniomacrrc olanlres Dlnbctcs Is the pommuu dis ease onlne Nuna American vanrun entL It is due to damage mum in Inn producing cells or the pm creas thn this happens not en won or insulin in toducedto convert Eliesugars absorb ed mm the diges tion to glycogen llï¬uhml ll ge Dr the liver and nasal to throw of the present bioodand the patient sum to rub tlon itching wuakncsu taint etc Diabetes is practically an incurable conditionphut Ilot canoe done to prevent from developln Howver to do so we must hov standing about rangers excess auger perlcllce excesslvc urln more are or its effect overloading the panelus mild diabetes rigid avoid glucose sugar Ind cereals inJll often sufï¬cient to proventgurihor trouble Glucdae has anotherxaerioua drawback nnmolyvery ltttle sweet int to be uled in large That is why it is nyery iorm or rug and uil happons to be the cholpeat lulal it Bitch and Iiller pl adulter antin Ioodl Dried iruitl nreoitoo saturated with their weight bunny chocolate and am drink in other products cons manlycontllotngthln typo sugar in rnoat Glhnedlrultulucn used an Iï¬ller and adultennt whole tho evident than um liucoaegis an insidious mm or carbohydrateInd dangerou ntltie Ibelou inanequ Ivlcum diabc make sure to preventthe In the me under cm at tent in testanimals by reï¬ned arms is glucose to increase oonditio aettlozwone So much he done thll mpect wen improvoiyour genera well being 3234 stnan PLAYIEX MOLD 14 OLD ZIPPER Gllllll Zips on and oil easily with this smooth ï¬tting zipper Made from new miracle material of cotton and lastex called 9Fabricon Exclusive is the nonroll top that stays upalways and the magic front and back ï¬ngcr panels Foradded supportand conirol In Pink Siz extra small small medium large extra large VPLAYTEX BRAS give and move with youK never against you they fit and feel as if made for you alone Alsogmllolile atEvangeline is the Playing Living longlinhra of nylon and elastic In white AIM36 3438 3440 PLAYREXGIRDIIES have ho yet are ompletely comfortablehepause there are no seams honcs stitches anywhere Theyre cooler too because theyre made withFabricona downy soft comliinationoicotton and lastcx that never changesvgha either Also Iobleo Evong Playtex 1iï¬ng gartergird in Fabricon Slzcs eitrn small small medium and large air $495 MayicController in extra small small mediumandlargc npink $395 you Allin sum silor hrj ol FltllnlRoonlr Trained Pauo rlnl in all my Complain Selectionalways iouoou durum relinlorouoit KluosroN