THERE WAS ENTERTAINMENT both day and night at are all lined up undreadyto go lntheir race Sn urdoy he Barrie Winter Carnival and Speed Skating Meet held As for activities themselves they were tremendous Thelo onKempenfelt Bay this weekend The picture acrossthe cal participation was gratifying But the crowds down on mic is of the parade which attracted much attention the Boywere almost nil However attendance at Saturday Friday ntght At right group of local primary school girls nights entertainment in the arena was almost capacity Timmins High and Vocational School Timinins and currently in his junior year at the North Chill New York College attend ed Lorne Park College in Fort Prom rmhnghphah io TlIE HAPPY JUNIOR CHAMPIONS at the Speed Skating Meet are shown here The lad is Larry Martin who retained his crown THE BARRlE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 24 19533 Disappomiing Crowd Paironizes Speed Skating Continued from page one Wolverine Frank Lask Saginaw James Quinn Buffalo Pony Girls 220 Linda Hern sko Wolverine 293 Peggy Ter rell Ohio Pat Hoban Wolverine Shelley Dziepak DSC Toddler Boys 50 yards Maur Deloof DSC 52 George Chapman Rayl Toddler Girl 50 yards M9Donaid Saginaw 91 Smolaski Wolverine Senior Womens halfmile Delta Renshaw Saginaw mih 427 secs Joanne Speckins Ray Betty Abgiï¬t Buffalo Shrub Canales Rayis JuveniicBoys 440 Mike Gall Frahtz Aipcna Pat Becker Buffalo Karen Walden Wolver ino Kathy Cunningham Ohio Juvenile Boys 440 ike Gall agher Alpena 44 Mike Bober Ohi Dick Blasy Midland Jerry Martin Sagina vSenior Men5 halfmile Bob Snyder Rayls 137 Tom Augus tjtis Wolverine Terry Browne Wolverine Senior Mens halfmile John hoozendaaiWainfiéet and Ralph Eiasta Wolverine tie 1216 John Ziots Wolverine Art lili chie Wolverine ntermediate Boys haltmile Terry McDermott Bay City 1295 vLouis Pelowski Buffalo James Aifiolter Wyandatte TomFrank Peggy Judith Boys halfmile Larry hartinSaginaw 122 Don Blasy Midla Al Balika Ohio Chock Bertrand DSC Junior Girls halfmile Gail hoogasian Wolverine 138 Maryanne sheets Midiand Lor etta Chapman DSC Mary Schultz Buffalo Midget Girls 440 CathySulli 1m Chebo Linda loe shuffclo Ma Kelly Buffalo Jackiequinn uffal tMidget Boys 440 vidrLove ad Ohio Drew Munch Bay Robert frank Niagara Den sL tie Mldlan intermediate Girls 440 Ma Tom Luxuiore we Cody Bay City hi Wolverine Junior Girls my final Loret hapmnn DSC Mary etstMidlnnd We erlne Mary chultz Mena Chamionships lienshaw Saginaw Tom Augus ititis Wolverine Garry Lewis Bay City Mother and Daughter Race Hernesko family Wolverine Dzie pak family DStl Father and Son Race Quinn family Buffalo Affholter family Wyandotie Frank family Sagi naw Sundays Results 1nteimediate Girls 220 Nancy Renshaw Saginaw 223 seconds Marlene Kurant ARayls Mary Beth Terrell Ohio Pat Falken berg Saginaw Pony Girls 100 Linda Herncs ko Wolverine 152 Peggy Ter rell 0hio5helly Dziepak DSC Toddler Boys 100 Maurice Dr ioof DSC 17 George Chapman Rayls Toddler Girls 100 Peggy Mcy Donald Saginaw 176 Judith Smolaski Woiverihe Senior Mens 220 Terry Browne verine 202 Wally Renshaw Sag aw Garry Lewis Bay City Bob Snider Rayls Senior Womens Delta Renshaw Saginaw 246 Betty Ab gait Buffalo natty Koppy Wol verine Joanne Speckins Rayls Intermediate Boys 220 Terry McDermott Bay City 205 James Affhoiter Wyaiidotte Louis owski Buffal Ken Patterson Rayisr Junior Boys Larry Martin Saginaw 211 Dori Biasy Mi land Chuck Bertrand DSC Joe Adams Buffalo Junior irls 220 Lorctta Cha man DSC258 Maryanne Sheets Mid ail Glioogasian Wolver ine Mar Schultz Buffalo gher Alpena 237 Neal Mahall Ohio Jerry Martin Saginaerom Doyle Saginaw Senior Mens 220 John Ziots Wolverine Wayne Hitch Grand Valle verine Frank Lask Saginaw McKeon Ohio 254 Cathy Con ningham Ohio JoycevThoinpson Wolverine Pat Hebert Woiv Pony Boys 1003 ave Oh 15 Tom Luiunore Wolven ine Don Cady ay Cit Thursan Rayls Midget Boys 22 Drew Munc Bay clog335 Dick Grebe Mia Iand Dave Lovelady won here last winter champ was pretty LorettaChapmanL Juvenile Boys 220 Mik rGailav Art Mlchie qu Juvenile Girls 220 Maryanne The junior girls Photos by Feverv ry lichermott Bay City min Affhoiter Wynn ghnr iaefferL Quinn Buffalo Senior mile John Roozon daai Wain Fleet 3588 Frank Lask Saginaw Ralph Piasta Wol vcrine Bill PulLondon intermediate Giris halfmile Marlene Kuiant Rayls 226 Mary Beth Terrell Ohio Nancy Renshaw Saginaw Judith Gainer Ohio Juvenile Boys BED Neal hall Ohio 210 Mike Gallagher Alpena Bob Pelowski Buffal Roger cady Bay City Midget Boys on sixth mile Drew Munch Bay City 412 Dave Lovelady Ohio Dick Grebe Mid land Bnb Tank Niagara Juvenile 580 Maryanne McKeon Ohio 2287 Bonnie frantz Alpena Cathy Cunning ham Ohio Joyce Thompson Wol verine ANorimii SCHOOL BREAKJN St MarysSeparate School was broken into over the weekend sum of money was taken from two Red Cross boxes but theexact amount is not known yet The breakingin was discovered this moroing ¢s Weaiher lylodayx TutningMild Partly Sunny Since the record storm of nearly four days the weather has been of7average winter pleasant exceptforc colder spell on Saturday Today in dicates milder Belowzero ldl onion da odil on the otherside bi its Wins Scholarship Wesleyan College Nentyyearold Raymond Goheen mnbf ltcv RE Go been 210 Hayfield St Barri hasbeen granted an upperdi ision scholarship by Roberts Wesleyan College Gohccn 1955 graduate of Illedit for two years The scholarship granted Ilhe basis lmcnt in his ofa half tuition award Roberts Wesleyan college is Christian liberal ms instit Lion offering courscs of study in educa lerial and mission ary training nursing music and Ihe fields secondary Linn premi business if you should chance to ineet man on Saturday March with what appears to be iargegreen onion pinned to his lapel stare at him if you must but dont ask him why he wears his salad next his heart Dont ask him unless you have an ear for poetryand the time to listen to itu For the man will he Welsh manhand the ornamentwill be leck Andif he is the sortof true ngsbman who wearsa leek on lilarch lSt Davids Dayhe will be full of the beauties and wild grandeur of Wales tumbled moun tains and lovely shores and he will tell you about them in the vmusical speech that is born into every native of that little land The Welsh celebrate StDavids Dayas their national holiday and they wear the leek on that day but hot too much is known for sure about either the saint or the custom Drop in at any banquet uwhich Wclshfsopietios will ho holding throughout Canada and you willghear nsmany different explanations as you wish This year the Welshman will be wearing his leek or the alterna tive daffodil with particular ly proud because 1958 is very specia year for Wales Bri tish Empireand Commonwealth Games open in Cardiff ingtJnly one of the many highlights of the Festival of Wales which runs from May through October Welsh princearid heuudoubi edly was one of Wales first bish ops the founder of ball hundred churches and cathedral in whose modern l75 years old his bones lie today He was born in 500 AD perhaps earlier and the legend says that he lived 147 years and died may be in AD 600 mayhejour decades later At any rate he was holy man andythe Welsh made pil grimages to his tomb and Nor man king ofEn and who found the Welshunwi dnced Pope Cal like David lfl in 1210 TheWelsh who are any mans equal but no mans slave were not appeased They accepted the saintbut not the king andwent on ï¬ghtin the English forcerlturies until on the throne at London Dee legend about the leek says that St David told Welsh to wear it as nbadge ofidentifica tion in battle with the Saimns sincere dark Celtic Welshman is not difficult to distinguish from blond Saxon many prefer the in France plucked leeks from the emblem Today the Welsh Guards one of Britalnhse Vckin fentryregiinenfs Still wear the leek on March And since the Welsh have 1a sense ofhumor young Welsh Guardsvofï¬cers are forced to eatquan iesof them If he leekris first eoiisln an isialso relatedt the ly Thus some lri Wales wear hood wages and king ens saturda at ernoons David was piobably the son of successor only Tudor king with Welsh blood sat story that Welsh ariny fighting fields andadoptedlthem asa nest algic aï¬on ceremony wen Patron Saint Homiredifln Month the daffodil instead in honor of David ThevWelsh are famed as coal miners and stch makers But when work is done the poetry of mountains and sea comes to the fore and youths and maidens men and women sing and dance Everyone has heard of the Eist eddfods the Welsh music festiv als The forests and dales of theirlhomelnnd the liquid place names like Llandnrcy and Dol wyddclan will be in the hearts of the St Davids Day diners in Can ada Andthere will be proud icons in their eyes as they join in their anthem Hen Wlad Fy Nh dauThe Land of My Fathérs ioset off an evening of song No there is no need to ask what thcleek means ILlsemuchto know that there wal ma semble is fashioned from stripes on cas ual line cut and of moderate length of academic achieve first two years of icollegc work came in the form us The coat is straight Enioyedhylz The torchlight parade began last year as the openingfcatun of the annual speed skating competition held on Kcnipcnfelt Bayoff St Vincent Park Mayor Willald Klnzie led Barrie Whiter Carnivals parade for 1958 Willi Model lord in which Grant Mayor president of Barrie Chamher of Commerce was passenger Members of the broomball teams competing for The Barrie Examiner Trophy followed the Mayors vehicle carrying torches to make an Impressive sight for he spcotatorsaiong the route from Valley Taxi to St Vincent Park on Fridaynighh Saturday nights activities at the arena attracted 1200 people Enioy Barbers Harmony Parade Conlinued fiom page one The performers wore long black und dolly hats to present very demure picture of feminine har monyl The East York Chorus Decca four International medals made two popular appearances on the program Under Director AI Shields the groupcmadehvteclsiod entrances and exitsrand three of their choices were everybodys favorite my Bones the story of Noahs Ark in TheAnlmuis Arciomlng audvforitherï¬naie fay The Good LordBless and Keep You GeorgeShields led an audience singsong in The Good Old Sum mertime and My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean during the in termission popular director of the Barrie Barbershop groups male and female led his male chorusthrough their pieces so Long GoodBye Sweet Rose of In The Evening By The ht and How You Going to Keep Them Donin on the Farm2 The stage was set with an oldfashioned barber hop dur ing the entire performance and pictuijeJijame for fullAsize 1ch scenes was added for the Barrie group of 30 Mrs Dlivld Gar rick fShanty Bay was the clever artist The Sweet Adelines were very sweet in appearance andpcrfonn once Mr Hall dlrectedthem in Love Me and The World 15 Crazy Rhythm quartet in the Barrie chapter The Georgian alres sang My OldNew Hamp Jubilee for theirdebut in Barrie Lend Stan King tenor Ray Blair baritoncï¬eorge McKay and bass Harry Smet rst are the musical members Following the East York Chor nal numbeiail the partic ating quartets joined the group be led in the Barbershoppers themo song 5Keep America ing3by Al Shields The Sweet an afterglow cafeteria which was attended by 130 hungry members of the dienceand MoodSSin Dance Carnival was the grudge Vamen 21 shirts with white frilly blouses recording artists and winners of liline Alabama Jubilee and shire Home and tSugar Cane denies sponsored till 00 Spectators Agroup from Barrie Skating Club opened the program with preview of theirannual carol val to be held liiarch Ten young ladics skated through the Buglers Holiday The championship rbroomball game between Stewart Whole sale and Lakeview Dairy was then played and ended with the Wholesalers winning 21 zstewv arts men made an empressive entrance to the music of the bagpipes played by Jack Gra ham With their plaid scarves waving the group marched around the ice surface following which Al Thurlow did Can adianversion of the Highland Fling Stewart Wholesale won The illarrle Examiner Trophy vfor their victory The highlight of the evening match between the pressradloTV boys and the police force won by the PRT Léon Mangoff of CKVRvwas an outstanding per former for the winners OKeefe Breweries presented Bob Mc Lean with choquc fors30 to be given to whatever service club the tcam wished liic mocassin dance wasen ioyed by over 500 people nvho danced on the ice surface to the music of CKVRs records jGenerai Eleclltics cl formed throughout the adding their slapstick humon to the occasion Wheat Producers meeting Wednesday Feb 26 at pml in the Board Room Department of Agriculture Barrie to organize the Simcoe County Group of the Ontario wheat Producers Associ ation and elect representatives to the District Wheat Producers Committee 22lt23 The Barrie and District Retard ed Childrens Association invites the pnblicto their regularmect ing on Monday Feb 24 at pml in the King George School on Blake St Guest speaker lilr William Mavis will outline the progress ofSheltcred Workshops and their communal beneï¬ts 23 As man grows older and wiser he talk less and says more COMPARE the FARE Toronto Winnipeg 552Ul Toronto Halifax $4600 Toronto Vancouver Sutton Toronto Montreal SlGiltl Toronto Calgary 26900 Toronto Edmonton 155900 AND GO BY AIR CONTACT Barrie vaeletvice 102 nuniop PA 664 THE essa rowusuip BRANCH orruE Progressive Conservative Association WILLHOLD MEETING lNTllE ORANGE HALL IVY FRI FEB 28 At pm for the purpose of appointing delegates to attend the conven tion to select candidate for the coming elect and necessary bus ess Everybodyvelcomo Ladies es vited sp peakcr will address the meeting mix Pres NonMnN Coxwonrii Sect