dV 8W5 an IEWS gt meeting at Grout II Commodityvannrovxu hold on Monday evening Jan21 It Cloughlcy was chairman and MrsVHowud ecretarydor By ALLEN DODDS the meeting Reports showed SecretryDmctor successful year FRIDAY FEBRUARY l958 wonderful response was given to AEdlnison the speaker at the ï¬rst annual meeting of the Executive for 1958 past presi Barrie last Week Throughout dcnt Garnet Mddaster presi dent Maurice Baldwiek vice president Russell Harr secre his address be continuously sprln kled anecdotes and stories His magic way with words quickly lary Charles Cole treasurer Wilbur Walton corresponding changed the mood of his audience from one of clear vision to deep secretary Mrs Victor Howard emotional spiritual experiences Board of directors for two years Jack Holmes that words spoken only by mas ter crattsman can do Mr Ed TwoPages summer with if you do You dont have to believe everything they tell you or you might be disap pointed but rather remember if you aim for the stars you might at least get your feet off the ground in other words if you remember to water down the des criptions littieyouil not be too misled If you dont get any catalogues and want list or any special catalogue like Dahlias Gladioli etcsend me self ad can CABLE to 16 With the heavy wind and snow oi the put week there is need to pay some attention to how your hedges small trees and shrubs are standing the winter The heavy snow on the hedges is apt to crust and then it wont blow of and thawelght of it can make very nice bolerin per tectly good hedge Such shrubs as spires honeysuckle and golden current it not tied may be badly Section Holmes Cliflord Earn your Harry Pan Cloughley Norman McGirr 10 such success Financial Campaign There are over 80 volunteer campaigners in the yearly financial campaign now going on from Feb 345 We still rcqulrc volunteer helpers PArkway 87261 tlon direct to the or phone for canvasscr to call Ladies mison left real message oi what thc work can do for commun lty The Barrio is now form ally chartered organization and we know thatthe future holds many worthwhile evcnts 0ur sincere thanks to all the people that made the first year of the Barrie you wish to aid us and canvas please contact Holrum at the It you are not called on please send your dona Auxiliary oi the under the leadership 01 Mrs Clcmmcns vicepresident of the Board This group orcplannihg Auditors Mrs 11 Harris and Mrs 11 Cloughley baseball com mittec Harold McMaster Wilbur Walton Maurice Baldwlcir Jerry tee to buy prizes Mr and Mrs Mdlaster Mr and Mrs Cloughley Mr and Mrs Colo Mr and Mrs Hdward tec Marie Harris Edna Harris Jcrry Donnelly Gordon Ford Mr nnd Mrs Harold hiehlastet Euchre Party There were 10 tables at the cuchrc Friday evening at the Community Centre Prizes went to Cami Miller and Garnet Mc Mastcr lone bands Mrs Tom and John Morris consolation hits Wilbur Walton and Edwin Donnelly Committee in charge Mr and Mrs Jack Holmes and Mr and Mrs Frank Holrncs special tea for Wednesday af ternoon Feb 12 from to All indies are invited to attend very nominal charge will be made and we can assure you that the food all home cooked will be well worth visit Those ladlcs in their quiet way are doing and for the planning many services youth Wrestling The Barrie Club will be competing wlth teams and Central on the evening of Feb 12 Members of the Club from Toronto Broadview who will be competing are George Abcrcromhie JoeMcBride Jack Howie Art Sanford Events will he Olympic method oi wrestling and will have no comparison to the TV professional drama How ever there will be plenty of The public is invited to attend and cheer the home town boys on to Nicholas Van Leeuwen speed action and thrills victory Model Aircraft Class on Tues day evenings irom 101330 This group are now on special project of building the same model plane Pole Mihay Ian by all members Croft and Robert Prestonwill be directing the building of this sne clal model Aiew extra kits are available for boys still wishing to join the MOdclHAllCldft Closs Coppcr Tooling Max Morris Will be conducting classes for boys as usual this Saturday morn ing at 10 am The adult class in copper work will be held next Tuesday Feb 11 Adults are wel come to attend Weight Training Wally Staitr ton has crowded room on Mon day Wednesday and Filday nights new for his classes However members are still welcome come lnto thls groupL to GraY Club Thursday nights at 731 the Tiger GrnY Club meet with John Henderson as mentor These boys are lormirlg basket ballteam to compete in the championships at Drillia later this month Boxing Classes These boys are reminded to be on hand at 930 Saturday mornings for training and instruction in boxing under the leadership of Don Wallace Thursday nights Vspecial classes for adultsvwili beheld as usual Gym Classes Saturdaygmorn lng classes for buys and girls at both Codrington and Hilicrest Schools will he held as usual Girls from 845 to 945 am and boys the following hour boll gameskgym mat work and other physical activities will be corlductcd Phalanx Fraternity special spaghetti dinner was held thisgronp on Wednesday Fe usiness meotin bined with the din line of the sports program forltbc nextfewweeksvwa presented Ys Mens Club Monday supper meeting on Feb 10 will be held at lb lei ya it Volley Itccent Visitors Ellis and Hugh were recent Visitors with Mr and Mrs Ellis and family Midhurst cnumb ltieeting The annual meeting of Grcn tel United Church was held on Rev Hewitt presiding Maur ice Crump was secretary for the meeting Reports were given from the various organisations of the church Officers for 1058 are Session it Dobson Howard El lis Clounhlcy McMaster Ev Harris Stewards for two years lit Crumpi McMaster ii Harris Howard Harris Ford one year Cole Donnelly Holmes 11 Parr Trent Wilbur Walton auditors Holmes Cole organist Mrs Crump assistant Alice Cole In Florida Mr and Mrs and daughter Reta have return cd from two wccks vacation in Florida speaker for this occasion will be Jack Patterson of the Community Programs Branch who will speak on Leadership as on Art We know that you will enjoy this special presentation Young men are welcome to join this Service Club Friday Feb Hotrum campaign chairman is asking that all captains and canvassers in the pljesent campaign meet at the at pm for report and instruc tions Light refreshments willbe served following the briei get together HivY Club North Collegiate will have as speaker this Friday Holm chiropractors Central are working on progrilm plans of interest to all teen agers An nouncement will be made later MidllIirst Stallion Legion Euchre The Legion weekly euchte was held Thursday evening Prizes went to Winnie Monteith Mrs Greaves Mrs Lil Richardson Anne McFadden Reid Richardson William Davies and3Gebrge Fra lick From Toronto Mr and Mrs Itodway and Gail of Toronto spent the week end at Mr and Mrs Charles Bow derys Hospital Visit Mr and Mrs spent day last week in Toronto and called on Charles Boy who is still hospital there Guests Knapps were and Mrs AyllnerKnapp and family of Tori onto and Mr and Mrs Knapp and family of Barrie lsited the the world a4 PA64427 0515 nordb Donnelly GordonTord commit for eucbres entertainment commit Thursday cvcning Jan 30 with ary Clifford Harris Sam McDowell Suhday visitors at Mr and Mrs Ph and Bobby Peacock Bar grandparents cock on Sun schools but also great variety Norways Seamans Mission maintains 32 churches throughout storm at NewtonRobinson appeared ln The Barrie the Grade lalprogram In most of Canada secondary schools fall into four types ac composite Academic high schools ordinarily prepare students for junior or senior matriculation and university entrance In Ontarlo special category of acedernlc high school known as the colleg iate institute has existed since 1871 These schools now have to have at least five teachers who hold collectively specialists certiï¬cates in art classics Eng lish French German history mathematics science health and physical education as well ascer tain types of teaching equipment of specified value Saskatch ewan also hasa number of colleg iate institutes Technical Schools The iirst technical school ln Canada is sold tohave been in Hamilton Ontar Toronto had thc tirst nllcommorcial high school in 1916 but commercial subjects such as bookkeeping were taught in many Canadian schools long before that Voca tional education was strongly pushed during and after the First World War andthe Domipion government encouraged the con structioo of technical schoolsvb liberal subsidies Technical schools are however expensive to build and operate and in recent yearsdhey have commonly been combined with ac ademic and commercial classes to form what are usually called com posite schools This type of school lends citrto great elast lcity in its educational program It is particularly valuable to rural areas for this reason in Quebec Catholic secondary schools fall into more than one group Thele are standard high oispecial types The Quebec cur riculum provides for numberoi distinct coursesto be offeredlin any high school where the need exists and thestaifis ab These are Igeneralvacadej co MUSIC av anonymous looprslftows TWP hospices L0 01r ademic technical commeleialand mercial home economics ngricul The Ilrst article Examiner Wednesday Febru In most provinces secondary education formally begins about Grade or and carries through to Grade 12 or 13 Where there are junior high schools the initial grade is sometimes year later For more than thirty years Ontario has offered senior matriculation standing at the end of Grade 13 originally regarded asthe equivalent or the first year in university arts course British Columbia also pro vidés Grade 13 standtng but onlyabout 900 students out of total school enrollrnenstof 250009 werefin these classes in 195555 Other provinces have been experimenting with tural and for the last two or three years special classical course covering the first four years of the classical college course Classical College An unusual element of the Que bec educational prograsz the classical college sort of com bined secondarycollege institu tion with an eightyear course an ter elementary school Certain special grants are made to these schools by the government but they are not partof the public erahle number of special schools for girls with courses emphasiz ing home economics bousehol arts and Iamilylife In addition to these schools the Provincial Secretarys department operates Schools of Commerce and the Provincial Conservatory of Music and Art The Depart ment of Social Welfare and Youth runs number of schools nd trade schools other institutions are run by ferent govemment departments culture graphic arts Iishing seat mansbip and others Some of structure and wellequipped Schools for Blind ernmcnts maintain schools for the blind anddeaf These are usually the larger cities are providing classes fortlle profoundly deaf as well as the hard ofbearing relatively new development In pronncl education is the cases requires ploma for entrance Vancouver Calgary Winnipeg Toronto Hamilton Montreal and Saint John NB all have substan tiai examples of this type of school In Ontario as in Quebec there are other technical inst itutes forfcertain trades and cupations ning Schools teachet training schools of them in Quebec Except for certain licensed normal schools in system There are also consid teehnica1 and offering courses in forestry agriA Nearly all the provincial gov bcarding inst utions Some of technical instltutï¬whicb in most secondary di Theremreover 18 elementary rvero ROWELANDS FARM the home of Honorable Earl Rowe AFTER WORKING allday Bob Garner finally got through MP needed Allan Cooks blower to remove the three feet of the101oot snow banks which blocked Letitia Street as re snow packed on the quarter mile race tract as result of the sult of lost Mondays blizzard The height of the snow is shown by the bulldozers size CANADAS EDUCATIONAL liESiillliEES gt by BASCOM ST JOHN This is the second of two articles Quebec these are run by provin cial Departments of Education and one or two by universities There are 24 colleges of education for training secondary teachers Eight afthoprovlnces maintain correspondence courses for both children andadults who live in remote areas or are unable to at tend scbool Prince Edward Is land and Newfoundland also use correspondence courses for limit ed purposes Semcschool boards in areas where qualified teachers are not available use correspond suitable person supervises the pupils and maintains ordor zln 1054 about 25000 children were receiving instruction by correlt spondence in provinciallyopernt ed schemes and another 7000 adults were enrolled Railway Schools Ontario has for many years maintained number of railway school carsfor teaching the chil dren in northern frontier areas These curs visit about 24 places on an itinerary for few days at timeleavlngwork to be done until the car returns About 145 children were enrolled in 1955 who would have been without schoolingcxcept for this scrvicc Sponsored Education In additionRo all these faclh ities for education under publlc auspices there is also an exten slve program of privatelysponsor ed education inCanadal Some of the schools are owned and up erated by churches or philan thropic institutions and some by individuals chartered foundalt tlons similar to universities In 1954 there wer neérly1000 ac enrollment of these schools are elaborate in The were 315° mm 225 vate busincss colleges and com mercial schools which in1854 re ported arlcnrollment of 15000 in day classes and another 17500 ln evening classes and corre ll Meeting Communlfy Centre wiilbe held in the Commum tyCentieon 0151 FEB 10 at spunsharp to discuss closing of ball disposing sets eneet courses for instructionwliile spondencc courses other private schools in technical fields widen thesc facilities Schools for indlans Mention should also be made of schools for the Indians There were 461 schools giving instruc tlon to about 27500 elementary And 644 secondary Indian boys and girlsin 1054 Thc Federal Government maintains botb day schools and residential schools for the Indians It alsobuilds and operates schools in the Northern Territories or both white res dents and Eskimos In 1954 there were more than 2600in attendance TheinomirlionfGoverelneonalso operates educational services for rnenand women in the armed forces as well nsyfor veterans it maintainsa school for navigation in Halifax School gt Broadcasts In addition to all these facil ities there are numerous school broadcasts on radioand television sponsored by the CBC and provin cial Departments of Education There are also publiclysupported libraries museums National Film Board productions and numerous government grants to educational bodies Schooling programs are conducted in pcnitentiaries re formatcries training schools and in some hospitals This summary of canadus ed ucational resources below the uni versity level has only hinted at the detail of services available Nevertheless some parts of tbe country iall short in technical training and other forms of sec ondary education This is chiefly due to lack of financlnlresources RABBIT TROUBLE TISDALE Sask CPLine man Jack Cruden found dead rahbitIenmeshed in wires 15 feet aboutfthe ground when he in vestigated circuit trouble He be Liaise itwas dropped there by Loos Proceeds to Fund bounty Hill to damaged by the wind The drlptroln the eaves is an other thing toglve special atten tion to If it is hitting plant or shrub large nail keg placed over it or boards placed at good on gic to divert the drip may save your plant This is the time to make close study of all the seed catal oBIles You will teei much bet ter acquainted with some of the plants you grow and spend the MMSHVG Moved to To nto Rev and Mn Kin and fam ily moved to Toronto on Friday Jan 31 to take up ministerial duties in his new church at Scalboro Walter Lee of To ronto lay rccder for this dean cry is taking over the services until the new minister comes in the spring Recent Visitors Mrs John Weathcrbee oi Bass River Nova Scotia ls bisltirlg at 31 sons homo Russel Weather Jim Knupp of Weyburu Sask visited with his aunt and uncle Miss Irene Knupp and George Knupp one day this week Mr and Mrs Tyson Johnson ofrPhelpston spent last Saturday with Mrand Mrs Stanley Fla lick Florida Holiday Mr and Mrs Fred Tracy lett Tuesday for few weeks holi day in Florida in Toronto Mr and Mrs George Johnston went to Toronto on Sunday Feb for some weeks stay while Mr Johnston attends the Legisla ture Getting Better Glad to bearWllliam Grant is slightly improved He will be celebrating his 95th birthday in April so he will hag get lhgignihfor tï¬ht Beekeepers Convention Mr and Mrs Wilbert Maguile spent week in Columbia Ohio attending the American Bec keepers convention St Peters Chumhwn The January meeting was held at Mrs Kings with 16 mem bers and three visitors present The meeting opencd with hymn and prayers Scripture reading by Mrs Dusto ills Thew program Convener gave an interesting reading on the work done by missionaries in Japan lovely tablecloth iron the WA and business were dealt with The February meeting will be at Mrs Channens on Tuesday Feb 11 lovely lunch to Mrs King on some MODERN DANCING may SATURDAY Lucky mnANeES TomPnttenden orchestra DBDEELLOWS TEMPLE Coliier St Barrie nonlsSloNsoc Aussiessloos Mrs Dnsto presented Correspondence Mrs King served dressed stamped envelope and Ill send youalist This is an excellent time to get bird houses made for the spring An excelient bulletin entitled Bird Houses and Their Occu pants may be secured by writing the Chief Wildlife Division Delt veiopment Services Branch Dclt partment of Resources and De velopment Ottawa put out 25 bluebird houses with the help of many interested people last spring The reports on these houses are now in and it would seem that in some townships at least there lsb great housing shortage for these beautiful little triends oi the gardener would feel happy indeed to have bluebird nest in our yard but they prefer the farms and open spaces verydlstinct advantage to wren houses is making rectangu lar slot instead of round one so they clln got the twigs in more easily Havotou ever watched wren try to get that longtwig through round role Each of these little birds you canentiee to your garden will cut down on the insect crop to be dealt with in ever increasing numbers At the annual meeting of Barrio Agricultural Society it was sug gestetl that the prize lists be available by May If this is so it will help all those who exhibit in the borticulturiai section of the Fairto plant accordingly Bennnt is chairman ot the Horticultural Societys shows and we hope to get prize lists out for all of them in good time The membership drive for the local society continues until Feb 15 We would like to invite inter ested citizens from the surround ing district to jointhis society and partake of us services if they have riot Horticultural Society close enough to make use of or if they havent one atall Outstanding speakers will he comingto our meetings in March and April Thompson chairman of Metrol Toronto Parks Commission will speak on Some Simple Steps to good Home Gar dell Mr Thompson is dynamic speaker In April John Clark willbb back Wlth us and all who know John Clark wont want to miss Ahim M1 701 FUUY CGVFRFW DOWN AND OUT Many pen lo are laid low when 1m lawsut grabs off their savings could happento You too So tn order to be suro or your INSURANCE covenant2 you should hnye rent leunANonerClulsr study your insurance needs and tell youvhowju get the best insurance the lowest compmhl cost sisvsllsoll lllStlllllllCE SEE US FIRST insurance ALI DS ssodulop rs sszoll