ho ovurmqé nor nï¬ï¬nc when rain nutr first til be knowngthat hewu going in move to have overtime play elimin ated from ORA Junior Ahgamha tun es in town as there were hunts However we feel as resui reeent conversations with fans that the tide is swingingin favor of Mr limms if any proof was needed the advantage or no overtime it was supplied last week Monday and Friday tobe exact Down in Peterhorough Monday about 1700 fans cheered wildly as thePetea scored in the dying seeonds of the game toeorn $3 deadlock with the llyer iii theylei the rink the fans seemed mos proudvoi their club Why flecause they had picked up point What good is point its better than none attail Friday evening right in our owdBarrie Arona Danny Patrick seor ed Barrie goal at 1919 olthe final period The them that followed all buts ockithg rooi off the buildingWbyfljdeoguse the fans were happy The score at theend of the game With the Marlboroswas as saint Incidentally the game that the Petesiknotted theconn in the final seeondsind Fridaysï¬nlsh were identi 0neaohoeoasion the team that ivas one goal down yphlled its aifehder Whats more thrillinghtï¬lgseeing club score while its goaltender is out ofthe cage Emmyjpollit and have In overtime goal steai from the climax oi thetilt Wethought Emma idea was terrific when he first proposed it Now we are more fsura than ever that he isrright The Monday and Friday games of last week were two of the most exciting the season Most of thefansseemed to think so anda good deal of thebattle is to keep you nndlhanizy Jusr sores mm marina the rugged centreman the Barrie Flyers heroine is poppa for the secohd time last Thursday morning around 3am when his pretty We gave birth to daughter Another happy event eiihe into the lived bf Mary and ack Lelt page last weekendMary is the sistertifTheltbtaxitiners Amb Bivett Jack istschoohteaeher at Camp Borden highsohool Hes one of the fellows who plans tocoseh football teams that wi set the local coly legiatesquads back on their ears Jack Kane and John Chssczewski former Flyershator in town for few minutes lastThuraday while on muteto North Bay Both are members of ChaihamMsroons of the 01iAN911Aï¬epltirï¬ league lie hasnt saidso Butvsince the OgilliaPontiacs are throughufor the season Ray Gariepy may line up fora few gamesrvwith Chatham liiaroons The Martians wantedllay to play the full season butï¬hen set tied for the odd gameAs soon as word leaked out that the Pontaanight fold Gariepy received call from Windsor Bulldogs of the Avloop Theyvebeen after him for several month In the event thatjnydf you are vean Alltar pro gram hereat theoifiee You are ome drop andleafthrongï¬ it Jihgenerai meeting of therldarrie and DistrictSeniorSoceer Leis gue is to he held at the Community House next FridayAny and every one interestedin the game is urged to attend Meetingwill get under wayatarpmï¬ Andspeaking of meetingspre dent Charlie Gorbamofthe Barrie and District senior Softball League says that meeting of that league will be heldthis month Considering the trouble the league had gob ting started last summer Chariie shouidbeleommended for hisfore sight InciudingJoday there are only four moreiresting days before the nawsmenfwho play the police in benei hockey gameron the 22nd hold dieirbig Workout gt minorhoe ey ea Arenasatl Pro than nine TheiLeg sonopened at Barrie urday with no les games being played Only one gaine was played the NationatLeague segment of theassociation In that one New York and Boston played or 83 stalemate JonFelL leriy Yorke and Joe Saso scored for Jim Bradley Gary Cuculidi nd Larry Bibi potted heroes thegoal post wlth one poin of gt theitabuloua mam And may ooh vflelwl hymn Turks nting on Soturday was helped rig by the 66 drew his cluhplsyed withthe Byers the previous evening Born at only th Mm menoo lschuckling setEd die Bush coach of the Guelph Bdmww Andwheredo the Hilts fitinto the picture Glad you asked The Bills who were conceded the basement apartment in the leagues final standings just few wee ago are up to within just two points of the local Bills Here Wemay Theyffthe Biltmores are still raring to go after oonsecutiye victories over OttawaHull Can adiens andSt Michaels College Majors Eddie Bushs gang would be tier to add the Flyers to their list of victims when the we rlubs meet on Barrie Joe this Wednesday The Sunday loss to the Marlies was most humiliatingfo the Fly era especially sincethe locals should have grahbed the decision quite easily Instead lastminute goal by Dally rick inerely gave the AFiyers split of the two points It was also humiliating be cause the Flyersg have outta following right in thacityof lb ronto and the Hogtown populace seem to like nothing batterrthan watchingrthe Barfle lads pi it mteMmlhorosbmgo Surprise The kl onslaught somewhat of surpn too There wasnurscoring infthe ï¬lm periodaand shots on goal av almoa nonexistent with the Mariies settling five and Myers iou Only near goal of the per came around the10minut mark when Pete Panagabko of his ther outstanding feature of the in frame was that referee Jerry Olinski tooted is whistle like he wasdirecting traffic along themain streetvof Kitchener onv Saturday am noon As result the penaltybox Was eontinuously inhabited whetherioceasiondem ed it or not Then of course aria the THE READERS wane rTofthe Editor Perhaps you could pu some where in your paper note toliap Enrnis Whyis it that eve cept the Flyers can with themon their Mtifipsffor away gamesl think it gives the mammary Inorai suppprtand erha wouldlwina few games Thank yo Yours sincerely inns LISA BRENT But was ashocker Harlin had on Brooks nhie of then finding the mark ionicbad six rshots Jock Cole hittingqiaydirtfl And oh yer 01insld wssso 1913 rodeï¬ck with one excited by the pueks flylng into theBarrle net that he only blew the whistle for four two toeach aggregation soonevin hit for pair garlic markers in the third perv l0 trqin the sticks of Rose Cote Jack McMasier Jim Murchi Anderson It shouldhenoted that Flyers went with 12 stacker for the first 40 minutes Jack Cole and Marvin Rutledge didnt touch iheice atallin the first two periods and Dale Rolfe wason the ice for fewseeonds during change while play The three youngsters finally took regular turns in the third session It was nhis third trip to th ce that ole connected Emmi Murray Brydson and hard working Jimyqiosephson qBaek oFridays game the Flyers lookedhothfgreat and terrible They looked sharp in building up lead by therend fJJi filstO etePanagabko his 215i of thegseason Hurray Davison sinpm was announced Tommy Black rand MurrayBrydsonBob Nevin Score Here inutes on goals Norman Jacques to triad of thegmne stand ng in thugplayersrbenchat the coach flap With singletons coming ards Josephson Cote Pana ga ko Patrick Forh Brydson Cole Cmsiand Slack Rolfe Officials referee Prank Si ll of Kite Evie FlyersDavison Black Forhan MarlinNevin McMsstpr rlyemBrxdson Jqsepbsd Blackburn 1525 wJosepha Davidscntï¬ And osephson 1738 Riseiey and liaig Blackburn 237Curry Patrick 707 Davidson 1121 Osborne 1424 no andmis Al Fi vc BEJFICE vun NA NCE CO iinesmen Gord Shuttleworth nd the Barr lonviile took third prine Perkins Unlonvlll Johnston Brampton Iun ea defeated Hood 10th defeated lino erg VGleOfl def to Rollo Perkins defeated Pad layfieiddcieated spmule gt winsmdpluaofld onion Wm Igaoo vjn 33mm ZMarliesNevin Mediator Morrison Penalties Andersonjs 410 Anderson am Panagab hp Bisckdlam Curry 9441 Anderadn 1950 Masha17mm Oshome Davidson clutter 328 640 3Mnrehle Anderson MarileeMomma Nevimldohfaster Mirnaanaemia Kennédyl1iseiey MariiesaNevin Mumhieldolhster lOMaIliesOdootn fCuny Anderson and one lady ifum the0rillia Yf club will put on the simm have far too many injuries and football rWe in hookey ihelf win or that cup TParksvafl Mac Progress Fourtbprirewentiw Rollo Toronto who had nine win aggregan score of 29 narrie Hichies rink ot Barrie won the second draw It had three wins and plus of i2 Along with Harry on therink were Claret Wingrove vice Dr FredMcDow ell secondEmeison Webb Second prize went to ithe Sam Neiliy foursome rof Churchill which also had thre wins biita plus of only 10 Mae Fendiey of Barri le rink to thirdplace and plus of Elgin Boyds kofJ MaiMale grabbed fourthrplacewith onetwin an an aggregate scoreoi 31 ocmx 11 Wn Dangerï¬eld deleatod IA Layiield Oakv Hood lliston defeated Les Menzies lleOF ferKn Patliiurphy 0rilliade gart feated Gprbutt Hood defeat Idleatedlienzies Johnstondeleated Mum mi defeated Edwards Perkins do fteated Layfioid Dangeriie de erg Rollo defeated oi Sp ulo defeated Paddiso 11 oclock imp MrehieBarrie defeated if for utherland Camp Borden Ma Fendiey Barrie defeated Bililday es Barri Chas ChryslerColling wood deie ed Eigin Boy Mark dale Clarke KW MoTaxgart Weston defeated HarrisGerald FunkWell footed Sutherland Ba Neiliyr Cburchil idefea GihsonBarrie Clarke defeatedlunk Neiltyyde leatgdvFendley Miehi efeated iiarris Chrysler defeate as art Major Sutherland eated Boy RSutherland defeate May cs ishn defeated Gibson Neilly defeated Clarke Mteljuo defeated Chrysler Fendley defeat ed Funk Harris defeated Wilson Sutherland defeated Major Sn therlnnd Boyd defeated MeTag bbons defeated Hayes 6mm armatqu scum RUPIURES mi tum between wool and um omit DOMINION 55 your meowunion 6th Dealer Quicklj arms tarrmnriressi Service Organization