though the year lilist passed lng our readers one an all hippy and prmpcrousNew Year Better Agricultural Prospects Ahead the report the Gordon commission onagr ultur can be accepted as telecast of better things locome it would look as be thcturning point for be at thing hvoi to enquire into the 1mm £19127 ï¬nlbat gig is produce or an that which con mt may am th original producers ma get more con14sharéii1hesa Mars The Gbrdon VCOmmlSan shied that 1966 amda will have 75 per cent mammoth to lead ahdJBper cent momflncomc per person The ouï¬mt of cattle Mil havn toln crashes per cent and hogs 20 per ednt to meet the estimated in For the first time in the rather short history of thennnualYule tide Bonapicl conducted by Camp Borden Curlingcluh aihome rink managed fowinthe major trophy This came alig ton Saturday night when Sgt ClarkIand his Camp Borden nk defeated Vern AdanELanIJHeln the finialgame for the Keefe Trophy The fact that the dumsflenyiry were the only Barr participants in any of this three event inals was quite contraist ta lastyoarwhen Ban rie rinks won nlluthree events skip NohbyClark and hissink of Major Stewart Captflobu Atkinson and Caiptl Ml Stiilwell won the finalgame quite handin from VernAdams andhisentry of Bob Green Jim Clyne and Ashby Rivett Clark hadeiirninated Bill Dyment and his Barrie rinlt of Herb Shannon skip Art Powell and Ken Walls to reach the final Adams had to beat Doug Finch of Drillia in the other semifinal Around The Clocll noveltysolihe spiel this year were the arrangements to comb plate the games in two days which necessitated around the clock cur ling from Friday morning to Sat urdny night Curling at three oclock in the morning was some thing new for some competitors Main Event In the first round of the OKeefe event the games went like this Oatrom RCAFhnd bye ClarkCamp Borden beat Earl Cookstown Donnelly smookum Cookstown ric Orr heat Ken Treadwell Barrie l3 Langdon RCAFheaf Len Sproule Collingwood Ver Adams Barrie heatM creditand prune years Idtninis wnwujoneotthehutalthair mini achievements lh MWQEII Balie man and beans nine ch rival graded yiduucl lt lavas almost an enlllleenng achievement as modulo it Mas across low lying areas which mtg have given more expert engineering staff problem However with tbcmmul ch townshlps own commie an siafl plus few hired machines the roads department accomplish resultjwhirh only flmawill how itwill stand up The co leted work was greatly ap preciated by tho usersln that part oi the township wilan the of ihoigrzvy past did not et too big share Jacklimoks ï¬lliston liehtfGeor go Kennedy Barrie Doug Finch Orallia heat F5 Revoli ECAF CampifBorden Small Round Main Clark doteatcd cstxpm defeated Smookum anthems end 1T ie Wheeler ng Orr in the third rouhd Clark beat nan Dymént heat lnthe semifinals eliminated Doug Fin andNobby Clarkth BillDymont on the side lines This setup the final be tween Adams and Clark vmngmiuia Evcht Revelllost to George Kennedy Sutheiland beat Holland Sproule haat KenTreadwellJack Kennedy best Grainy Sutherland than de tested George Kennedy Jack Ken nedy heat Sprohle watt beat Carr townhcatDonnelly In the semifinal Brown beat Watt and Sutherland heat Jack Kennedy The Saturday night final game for the Dangerfield Trophy was won by the Brown entry from Unionvillev in close game against Majorsc Sutherland and his Camp BPQL Fink Campbell Event Revell ihoat Hoiland Grasley beat lreadw lgwho wpn that ev cur last year Qan beat Sutherland Ca 11 de gtLondry Barri won or Ostm take the of thc 1957 program This 10nd DEL COLE marks the lt Coles Restaurant gelpfls aththe Avenuegnd DunlapStreet Reecome all dynasties in the afternoon is feature Well Known in curling eat In $115135than who saw the parade the emahslon that has taken place in the pastlten years which was buiitthc previmxsyear lsnowhard surfacadand has she in ahsorbi Th securing of right of way between the 7th and Elklines whichha been necessity for Eaves only the road no and certain portions to be uiit and surfaced to make road from north to south along the shore area Th surface in Stroud lag wassomething that every in ideal along that stretch must wel uome snojlonger will the spring bre up ï¬nd the dust later be nmmem which the housewives and motorists in that area will have to face The pavement in front of the township ofï¬ce which cost about $1090 does make an ideal spot for the employees to park their cars ltmay also be Used by visitors to that eenfr ofhusiness oveniif only to me their taxes We feel we are expressing the feelings of the ratepayers in thanking the 1957 Reeve and Council for their efforts and ac complishments we so go theschoolboards They get very ittia of the credit they eserve or theirworkand time The care of the hundreds so ol gé ch drenisa hig pro ble Thus ho stood at the year wllenrhhe the school children took place would real the anxious taskthatlla inVolved inche management of our educational problems mhis arch ast didnah repre licséhools the of appreciation should ngj taken over in the iasL Barriean lnnistil will have to begin at once to plan lorextenalm especially it more develwmenttahes along thenow boundaries The south area haslts problem also Even if diploma continuation school becomes part oi thumbs llc schools system it will barely iakecare the pupils now being hoiiaed inptempoiary buildings They also have litres to on sider manage Notice Behver Rebekah Lodga No 190 regular Jan meeting is cancelled 149 New Years Eve dance at Guth rie Cpm it Bennys Orchestr Emnnns strea mers lucky spot dancesuAd $100 Dance of the New Year Newton Robinson Orange Hail Friday Jan 1958 Auspices LOL 209 Good music Lunchcounter Coma land bring your friends 149 Gals NewYearvs EvelDance at Pine Crest Hats halloonanoia makers Dancing train 10 toz to the music of the Music Makers Admission $1 per person mama Annual nomination meeti glur the village of Angus will he held in the Simone Street lubllc School on Friday evening Jan 1958 at oclock for the election of three trustees fort year 19 Ratepayers are requestedto tend 481 vnNimLs nusv ORMA CFO43I of vandalism was hla ed for an increase in hrokenstijeet bulbs when the monthly figure from 130 to gin vmi nous REPHCEI mars am ID an CIlVQl hum than milkdtflfbout is the coat Nd fleplecudoo im milk sums par nyoubrm vnona IndgggJyg ï¬n dflflmcu there ll unsung at above 19 district mana er or sustain cipline locally contributed in no COIlleL Recondnuas can Nixun PM niï¬rugewmem CM Ltd homuzchaseflhemliurlnt fmldBobAngelnffq Wink neicmresixneania Goblin hp WA OWEN president at Barrie Agricultural Societ just prior ito Christina passedthe ï¬nal for associatenf the Apprai stitute of Canada Mr Owe Business Ystartad may but wn uses picked up iateralthnughnot with their imam sh olihe previousSntxmlay mam was agoodmlpply chiii naknot drawn unseat few Iaheaeat 55 nd du ta mi doughnuts lriscultsvbran In fins cookies and other daintim Handicraft ria intbla wabi blanks towels aprons pot holders workï¬ï¬iittedgobihfaisoflmm for talile centres rumofalllfjsscgw naaaasymnmn who he Apples Vegetables Pmld5d 10h Mm Spiesland Me Midlnhdfs court of vialonlap Rmreï¬c pmtlvrbolievewhahflbsieimpoa as will kw Maurine lag Itulljhusiness tareYea though Po annulled at in thade is largely idle it can low pvriceot ape basketor$L35 Carrotsvheetspsrsnipa wereï¬c basket and turnlpatwo tor 15g Squash ere laitv t6 dd aobyhmesomem don the Efï¬miaiipï¬ihï¬Ã©e Sc anal211134 contrary It egeourte eclaion whichiit difï¬cult to back np 53 my legally and which miyr well be subject to opposite harthe some lieconcentratedvat Coli ihgw od theMid nohhaVe heelrad Midland liarhor is farxsuperior to thatdf Collingwood notouly for launching of shipa but or white ticups and thetmlllfl CanadafsteamahipLLineg top nt however has appar GiltY lauded mt Elude 0f Just the same Canada Steam ahip Linesaiad its new ownersi Algoma tceland the hoe Cm sur 1y do not wishrforever to hoard this ideal shipyard kite simply asAmeans of ensuring that no other firm can successiully for new ship construction took st delnned their members ness snaarr Steamship Lines must accept some blame itself for thatunipn at titude Theyfepst plus thinking of management at Montreal and at Midland nd the failure for some years to enforce proper dis snniNKINGSoURCE The fact is that high taxation and succession ties in Canada saweil as the ted States have robbed the universities of the traditional source of dowmenta to ch they havelaoked or their fin al needs in the past small measure to the unfortunate attitude of union hea For long time heywere given too muchavidenee to an ortthe MANAGEMENT AND STAFF Pinning Marc