MRS FRANCES PAllON is seen With some of her class at the old school In the new classroom there are clean finished NllDHURSVT Mr and Mr Grccnlow were Sunday visitors With Mr and Mrs Smith Captain and Mrs Dungle and children are spending the holiday at Mrs Dungles home Mr and Mrs Lynn Russell and Wayne aridLyndi spent Christ mas with Mr and Mrs Fowler Willowdale Family Christening ltlr Vinet ofï¬ciated at family Christening when the children of Mr and Mrs Dungle walls with ample blackboard and display space At the back or each classroom iscup bonrd space for the childrens clothes Lorne were baptized at the home of their grandparents Mr and Mrs Smith Finlay Galbraith has purchased the busi of Lewis Crowe on No 26 Highway He will be open for business any evening Christmas Service The United Church held their Christmas service which was well attended Rev Mr Vinet gave an inspiring sermon The choir wore their new gowns for the ï¬rst tim The choir rendered three lovely selections Christmas Concert lllrs Franlrcom and the pupils held their Christmasconcert on Friday afternoon The children and theirteacher deserve credit or M21 organized program which was well rendered The school and tree were most tastefully do curated by the children The children presented their teacher hasdiningrcomv table se anta Claus arrived and presented gifts and candies to everyone Birth Of Son THE OLD CAST 1R0 frame desks will be thingiof the cdngmmlagans Mr am Mm past when these children occupy their iiew classroom Inithe son Builders ECOntractorS or Farmer No and No seminal ï¬prncc and Pine Lumber Bough or Dressed Delivered an the 1th by truck cinnamon iiiMiiEii cu Port Luring Ontario mans sturdy metal frames Thai01d wauwin on the him of new school thedesks are made of plastic material on light but WIDER HIGHWAY REQUESTED FROM CROWN HILL TOVORILLIA Drillia NewsILetterf Eiforts o0rillia Chamber of Commerce and other civic and business groups which have been endeavoring to persuade the pro vincial government to widen Highway 11 to foulJane road from Crown Hill to Orillia serve general support The Ontario Department of Highways under Hon James AL lan has made wonderful im provement in the road from Ori id 117 Washago by widening it to three lanes Motorists who use this road frequently have pressed appreciation to he Frost government for the great improvement The highway 12 tween Crow Hill and Drillia which is now twolane road some of the way andtbree41ane over dangerous hills couldwell bewidened and it would he mu safer for heavy summer tra ic representations were made some time ago it was ex plained that department plans call for extensionï¬f No 401 iiwm Toronto to Crown It by fol lowing new route altogether which would take the 1hrough traffic into Medonte and onto Gravenhur It was said this would be are feasible because much of Highway 11 follows along cottage areas nearLalres Srmeoe and Couehiohing and summer MISS ELIZABETH MATIBEWS at the oldséhool Whenthese children take terniv they will findmany ditferences For instant over the new school xt NEW mitesneon school at New Lowell will come into use in the New Year In every detail ltsincorporetes the best in orlass loor tors aicnIgfthe wall classroom note iiieiheacing the stove in themiddlefot the JOHN ALLEN l3 and Nancy Duff ii have their work ervised by Miss Matthews principal of the school Miss thews as much as any pupil is looking forward to the ban over to the new school where teaching can be errled on der much he ter conditions modern design and slmilarto the one opened at Wasaga Beach over year ago canons one Two AND THEEECIHLD Eattonmave apreview of matter or no little excite KEN with their new home traffic in this area is such that it is generally felt that both routes will he need dto accom modate the trafï¬c particularly if it increases during the next few years in the past fourlane route to Orillia would bizimportant to the town of course but it would mean much to motoristsgenerally large part of the surnrn rgtraffic on the road rm made upof US tourists twhoï¬nd this other eel not only Gril lia butthis entire district is on the verge of greater development and more to rists than ever will be vacationinghere vin Muskoka and in other pop areas to the north The TransACam ada Highway certain to crease Canadian moretraffic to connections With eessentia Mr Alport ebnsuitrn eer has performed pirhlilc ser struction vice in making representations on behalf of Orillia TheChamber of Commerce members deserve credit for giving himgood back ing Harry Thioss drew attention theolher day to another high way matter which merits further consideration by the government This concerns the crossing of the how TransCanada route over old ghway 11 now knownas Mem orial Avende With much traffic to and from the 0ntarioHospi tal where over 700 from Drillia gt employed the intersection presents hazard which would justify the expenditure for an overhead bridge The new cloverieaf which is being con structed nearthe Barrie road on the bypass providesasafe cross of Highway 11 Barrie Road and the highway and West Streetxand the highway have been the scene of bad acci ac ss route the north have been in operation year or so and have proved themselves most worthwhile havmg greatly improved safety affic arable highway con certain to dorrriuch to aid development arid make iiihe children look relward to the do day when they will talr this area creasingly important and prosperous There are al ways new problems presented when lg projectsare undertaken andjt is appreciated that the dep tment has its hands full cop with the gigantic eonv structionjob going on all over Ontar It is the right and re sponsi tyoithe people of this district who come in closevcon tact with heccnditions as they exist to the departmentknow The Ohillia Chamber of Com merce has join highly nu Vtrltious milk cer whtch talns blotics aid in gap scours Cwnar 11 pops Repldccs unfmiik alter any oluc and grows calves bl ei thin innit at about th nowao 1351 ed ELAiNc nanzo HTHE PRACTICAL LESSON LINDSAY CF Some 100 Peterborough and Lindsay indust rial employees were giVen lesson in the problems of the blind in lecture during which they were through the blind person been doing good and twins Charlie and Steffen ckhï¬ are Grade Onepuplls at New Lowell School VIhe gt over the new school classroom will have no wooden panelling and there wi PHOTOS BY FAVEEO good ventilation and me or light ARItIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER 21 19 street festivals of italy Spa 11 had ï¬re works at mcoe Joop Laying nations are the highest energy rations avail1 le on todays market and it is nonwondet that more and more Mix iiilb or Nuhlnzlchow ln an ar water Ind feed Coop Laying hationsyare emulated produce high aloric intake of balanced nutrition to save you pounds of feed per hunt dred birds and consequentin reduce your cost perdozen eggs hornet profit from your pan try energy rations tone or ccll iniatyou fermerfoirned Simeoe Coop an have our field service man oral try operet Banuuior srwrsr dlwuz PA 83770 our wrgrnylre WHAT WE int