Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1957, p. 1

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well Rothweli School at the official opening ceremonies Friday nightJ Dec money manager of Eastern Regio Si Lawrence Seaway ence project lNGlLEsioicscuooi NAMED AFTER FORMER Hugh Douglas Bothwcli was born on farm near Giiiord which is now occupied byhisbrother Elme and sisterMi Rob Both in addition he hasan orchard of acres that nrea and spends much time there although his home is in Toronto His sister Annie Mrs EoberLBoyesL author of Museum Notc inconncction with the Simcoe County Museum at Barrieand her live on the fruit far Mr Rothweil school at Giltord Bradfmdjligh Sc pieted part of his 1ioronto university it is also notewor had the privilege of some tim th Thomas ison in Orange New Jerse aftc becoming nterexted in theeiecé trical ei of ence in electrital him GILFORDMAN areaginciuding Toro to Brantijord Kitchen anqu very prominent in the reor anlzation of the Ontario Hydro in 19178 when the variousirefiionh organiz ations were set up across the pro Vince This ineludedfithe Georg ian Bay office here in Barrie which be established and as manager for the first four five years Heads iiitatinn He was then at the end 1952 chosen to head up the rev bill of thev hich wouldbe ihundated when Lawrence project wascon This included the re location of twins the construction ofL new churches MOOIS high ways railways the removal and relocation of cemeteries and the provisionpf all essential services such as water supply and sewers lle was engagedt this outs lidi School Takes Name Very definite evidence of Mr Rothwelis standing with the res idents not only ofCornwall but Lb Seawaythree after him the new schoolat Ingieside municipality which is formed as memento of the submerged mun icipnlitlesfilong the river includ ing Aultsville Farrens Point Dickensons Landing and Wales which was farther north from the river Wales was actually namedat the timewhen theiatie King Ed ward VII asPrince of Wales paid EAngué Get Four cits Assault Charge Cleveland Keellflll aid Ferguson 24 both ofAngus uwcrv entenced nMoi1day at Court aily roldwonian fwnyiaid in alley in 0ctolt ln Novem with one fatallaccidcri Stilli killed fin to visit to thesite ofChryslcrs Farm where the battle was fought in the war of 71181213 IA park hasbeen built upand anoid brick hot which wasused by the American forces at thattlmexas they were enraute to join as they thought other troops fromsouth of the river wasmoved intact to thesitey Air outstanding achievement was inthe transfer of cemeteries in the inundated section to one union cemetery in th where all idenbminat re in cluded both of Protestant and Roi thoiic belief an nuchuew The Cornwall Daily Freeholder Standard Saturday Dec excellent account gs on that occasion cial opening ceremonies of the RothwellPubiic School took placelast night from the stage of the new schools combination auditoriu gymnasium Speaker at the off 31 ceremony was Looney Qttawaymanager the regional branch of Ontario ydrh fThere is so much that new here new towns new houses new schools that it Rio hearts ofrevell areasaid Mr Hydro has endeavored to provide good schooigat Inglesldeff tom gt149 mum amp area He also re rred tothe pride and satisfacti that the HEPC brgaiiiuftiondeltrat the choiceof Mr Bothwellfs name forthe new 99 the on school in the pro named in that way and the choice was ting tribute to MrRoth wellsconneciion with the task designingthe new towns and plan ning the rEhchllitatonproject as sociated Withjiie ydro St Liale evelopment proiect the officials of the prJC th th 4ojecti which Jerestiirosperlty to agara Peninsula Hamilton tions are He thought that itfrwas Dowell is maintaining his lacking and eliminate overc 39mm niii was crushed it treats Frederick Peacock on Christmas Eve when struck wife production now for the most part ing and défoctive trees in hit iiaison engineer Photo caurt esy Cornwall StandardFreeholder held at Community House 11an daygllcc 29 Morris McArtbur of Oro was reeiectedipre his third term of office officers electediwe ccpresideii gt or Ora secretary reasurerrnoy Hickling Barrle auditorsplier guson iick Strou ndCecil Dunsmore Barf DireCturSLsppointedw rie Gordon Atkinson Dairy Mei Jamieson Tomv Ross Cecil Frankcom Lakevie Dhiry Marvin Graham Ferguson Frali Howard VPartiidge Quota comm ector to the Whole Milk League with Morris McArthur asassist ant agncifi tural representative for North Simcoc addressed theWeilattend ed meeting and eressed the need for crganiz on thekeep down of productioncosls an essity of giving the full support vIie alsoconducted the election of officers Morris McArthur covered the work of thequotacomm cc and called for better coupe from all members of the as tion Roy Hickling touched 5briefly on tbcworkof th Milk League in TorOnto Twp of members from Barri plan ning to attendthe Milk ducets Convention at the Roy York HoleipToronto on lab and Dong McDovVell IHNeWBU tress Lehves Moore Co Douglas McDowell who has been district supervisor Moore Business Forms for the past five years with offic MacLaren dc cs binding onCollier Street recently re ed this position GeraldnE vTawse has coine Barrlefrom Torontcfin succeed Mr McDowell and will be mov inghis family here when housing accommodation isravallablcT Mr McDowell has gone with Vett of Toronto and Montreal tising representatives the accounts Lthey are handling under name of Vance gtPubiiéa dance in Barrie on Ducioworth EMr and Mrs iiticDoweil and family attendeCaill Street Un is treasurer ESPONSIBIL gt er ce rt at edpietdonot eke eir his ilities ltizens erious gh esai thirdhrmhl Local Nobs Wallet AiAlldnciolei gt of sixrmonth Lastwintcr sine the re wasfclearcat him treatments follow of scariiicctlon bnish dl and artulqm in improvement project trees be marked for removai in aduncé imdx the area treated on aeleeiivei CNE station onChristdias hightii The wzillet contained two eheg to the value of $485 5250 and train ticket to firm intranetthe retires em of the station answering thecabov description He went to the ticket office and took out hiswallet when the man struck his handgrabbed thewh let and ran from the station along the tracks nyiucimvitn noon there are thousands of unwanted children withouthomes they can call their own in the province of Ontario They are children who have never kndwn the love of parents They VeflngIBJtrplefi ieiiced hergreat oysaf family Christmas They are children who are growing up Vin7 temporary foster homes and who have the same craving for love and care as do any other children waitingtfoi hdoption eoupies seeking to for Lhe parents willing to giverthemh the inveandcare their special semestory toteil Everyone wants goldenhaired girl under he age It is difficult to kid csjwho garconot it is these kiddies are not made to order who are bei Welfare branch These children maingroups in st of rim wh rob fall into thr more fortunate infants They can findparen 0v and careioi teied Accountants gently present operation chiefly sia dn Eectiorh security it there are those uiider whichhe was working tell pnvhlm gt The truck apparently illpped from supporting piles of pink on avhich it had been driver for repairs Mr Peacock ayes six children Barrie Men Papsis ¢hsrter°4 Five Barire men were success ful In passing examinations con ducted by the Institute of Char ff ntario re hlichaei Keegan of the Mans ficid Rubber daLimited staff gained Chanered Ac countant degree cs Dallas niuk got in Economics Vand Graham Creightoh passed the Primary both ofthe Macltaren Co staff Barrie Paul Palmer pamed intermed late andHugh Currie passed Primary both of th Gordon Co staff Theweeksotlr has been variable with veering winds very iiimpg James The wedid was milder and white Christmas went else pNext Meier owns an infBilliltial thesmaloo questions tobe decided by next years towntouncil will be the matter of new ward boundaries An abortiventtempt was made to get council toagree atthcir iast regular meeting on Monday December 23 to rebound aries recommended by the finance committee in their report to council Reeve Murray Mills asked that the matter might be given urgent consideration on the grounds if the new boundaries were approv edthis year the assemrsoflice muldairart imrnediateiy revising théir records This change we are recommendinng necessity before assessment starts on Jan Alderman If JkPratt felt that the matter was prematureiand should be held over for considers rich by next years council All of us have knownrthavwbenen nexaiion was settled there would tremany moremattois to discuss Heleitthat there might be even strng argument for elght wards instead of sixeven for reducing the size of the council gt Need tor consideration Deputy Reeve Lester Cooke said It was not my impression that this would come up for such firm discusion so soon He suggestedthat thereshouidbea Dec 24 Dec 25 CAS iisis IN particular diificult forth thistiine of the year They know that more fortunate mildreneimect big Christmastheyran see pictures of the lighted tree the turkey dinner inithe story books and magazines the read Theyknow that other children can look for ward to showers of toys and gifts and more important love But they can look fonwaid to none of Yet hen people come to the Childrens Aid Societies looking for children to addptgthese are passed bybecause they areygtoo old Welfare branch show that those older children can be successful it 011111811584 an Dlder ho canfiive compan iohshlp and devotion in turn ior the loveand carc bestowed on it As one parent who adopt hoyof ten said of his experience 1We find it hard tolkeep our resentment from showing when people say to us Isnt he allucky boy We know he isnt thebniy iuciw one We wondered too at first whether an old child could eyergmw so dear to us as help lessrlnfantulBiit David ight jilst TARIO proper length of time for consi eration of thequestion by indayi ual alderman Leta in the debate the Deputy Reeve slid action this coun oil may take milgbe solely on the recommendation of the mmittce service on thepart Ontario pet pie in the adoption of these ch dren with handicaps True they demand greater car than tihe av erage child They need adoptive parents of sympathy and under standing who areudnmgto devote themselva to creating life for these unfortunate children But here againtheecperience can be iemrdingyin the knowledge of life redeemed by love and care he third group ofchlidren the unwanted category are chi drum of inn ity raciai origins Turn to basis it please as soonhiwespent every day of his life with us He means every bit as much to us llesa real member of this family Thére are manyof this children waiting for option more of them proportionately than thereareinfapts They ca prov good opportunity th investment another groupof children abou il unwanted whicbthe Child Welfare branch concerned in the questfo adoptive parents These are hildre Todly with physical errors easily corree and psychoiogical prob ms and understanding they successf little love in and not on personal study prdbiem Alderman Hersey warned that it thequestion was bypassed new it will be another three Years before any change ismade Now is the timerto do it Too Premature Alderman Robert Golds felt it was too premature to settle the wards now feed that until the Municipal Board has laiddown our boundaries referring to an nexation we should not waste $400 the price that has been quoted to change plates in the assessors office Alderman Williams felt that the finance conunittee must havehad information about the annexation hearing which was not made available to the rest of the council This was refuted by MaydrVVillard Kinzie whoxsaid that as yet new town boundaries were only assumptions Nothing dafinite had been hailed Mn by the board wilich hed heard the case ofthe Small Maigin An amendment by Alderman Pratt to the fleet that the recom mendatiotn for new ward bound aries should bereierrdd hack to the comniitteefor further consid P3559 of one on recorded yo voting against the amendment maximum Aldermen Churchill Pad son Morrow Heiseytand Hambly itwas broughtjto the attention 7mm if ation of new wardboundaries had askedthat the plan should he putbefore the 1958 council Suggested Boundaries Following are themew bound aries as at present recommended by the finance committee Ward Comprising all that portion of the Town of Barrie east of the centre line of Duckworth Street from Kcmpenfelt Bay to the northern limit of the Town Ward Cmnprising all of the portion of the Town of Barrie fromKempenfelt Bay east and north oftihercentre line of Mul caster Street to the centre lineof Codrihgton Street hence on the centre line of odrington of Peel Street ng thecentre line of the centre line of once along the cen tre line of Rose Street to Highway HA an aimingmu ouncflai tooand on mean by the west edly WmdaryofWand No Ward Comprirlnztaii of that portion of theTown of Barrie from Kempcnfei ay east and the centr line of Bay flcld Strcet to the centre line of Dunlop Street thence along the centre lineof Dunlop Street Turn to page five please FAkg Mayor Pays Tribute To Fou Aldermen At the conclusion of the last meeting bi Barri gTown Council for 1957 Mon at Mayor Will ard Kinzie paid tribute to the work of four alderman who Would not be taking their seats in coun nil in 1958 Aldermen Hersey Golds Cdughlin and Paddison He expressed the hope that the retiringsmembers Would continue to be interested in civic affairs Alderman Paddiscn who com pietcd his seventh year on counlt cil said hehad found pieasum in is work and thanked aiL who had helped himiso ably to do his duty Alderman Goidsseldrhe was completing his fourth year and was leaving con with rc grets because he ha found the lastfour years he most interest ingi hislit Alderman Hersey said that the Mayors remarksabo been more than gene us workedwbileon council and had enoyexg hiswork This yearhad tummy ambitions and thishad meant tb muchofwhnt couhcil had accomp hed llfld not been publicized Alderman Cough pressgd thanks to ll memiieisoreonhéu andlh ayor for theirheipfuliicss and consider ation to him He had enjoyed working with them gt Reeve Murray ils speaking on behalf ofcounci andextending their good wishes to Mayor Kin zie said he was not sure wh ther he was the dean of the council or ave been on it This hasbeen we shall not all be meeting in the New Year Reeve Mills complimented the staff onthe excellent work they had done through ut th year and thankedMayor Kl for his ceilent leadership Deputy eeve Cooke also cx pressed appreciation of the leadership shown and thanked all muni pal staff for excellent co eration throughout theyear wondErful cnun and am sorry

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