Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1957, p. 17

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Celebrate Feaifs Ancient Calendar Many people who use the Greg orian calendiir still solemnize tra ditional feasts including New Year in accordance with ancient calendars The Jews observe loday New Year season at the time of Ltlie begin on Rosh Hashana and end on Yom Kippun Rash Hashana commemorates the Day of crea tion and is also the annual day of judgment with judgment be ing irrevocablyseaied on Yom Mantegna151m autumn etiuihoxli The Observances to ROBERT FLEAR it came to pass as the ange were gone away from them into heaven the shepherds said to another Let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see thing is come to pass ch the rd hath madelrnown unto us And they came with and found Mary and 4J0 scph and the babe lying in And whai they had seen it ey madetlcnowntabroad the saying which was told thenr eon cerning this child And theshépH herdii returned glorifying and BETHLEHEM thoscdays The footgeail of that age wouldnt make stones em any easier to wa over There was no chanceoi gettinga lii There would he danger and bandits on the way Theair gets very cool and true mtorlablc at nights in those parts of the world However the shepherds kept eir eyes on the starand con nued steadfastly to Bethle erris the rdadnto Beth lehemthe way to Christeasy toda Peopleelven iriends robbers Ihe Histow Oi Chnstmas Iree some histo trace the light land about1840 Records show ed Christmas tree hack to Martin that 35000 Christmas Luther 1548 Christ Chi pre ed with the beautyoigtha thoughts Denmark 1810 Sweden 1620 and Norway about 1830 Fromfthese Scandinavian countries the cus tom spread to France and Eng recswere who lived from 1483 to sold in Pants in 169i The story is that while strolling through the countryside one Christmas Eve un comm 195 films 0f cotton At first the trimiingsif any and strings of popcorn and can Aberries other decorations were flowers replicas ot foodstuffs istapgr ornaments and the like heavlensandthe wintry landscape 32 filiamiHx He observed the snowflaked highly coloredomamemsfim evergreen trees sparkling in 1he Strings of electric Ems and accepted the custom about 180 531 churches andin business houses Christmas vwnuld without themLV bake fun at moonlight Returning home he ions noveltié related the eiqpemence to bistiam ily and attempteth reproduce 111° Minimal useAmfiveF the outdoor scene To small green Hfifisfiullllgéhle 011115111138 evergreentree he attached lighted season crowdes time when all Kippur theme of Atonement therefore the spirit of penance dominates the solemnities Penance is also afeature of praising God for all the things that they had heard and seenyas told unto them Luke WHOQOING TAKE THE 18 BARBIE mum MONDAYDEC 23 1951 Tolanship Council Handled Mu Newand Routine Business liter Méfitfily Meetingpiec Whip council held in montth memo lnAn on Dec with all mention Minutes od the last snugvine HcFIdden destiny ing pours villager advance Wilson Iirnott Willow shun Saharan WinnAdm court ulrr Art Wilkinson Stewart IvyI MVWSIIMM supplying relief $2356 ivy Thorrlon telephone clerks ac count $6470 Harry Banting mumufeiief 17 Dermott caurtot revision 510 MA Den ey court oi revision and one trip Alliston 15 Dayis court ot revision and trip to Barrie $15 Page court of revision 310 leacock court at revision one trip to Bar rie ma Alllnbn $20 Normn Combrth Cnleman hospi $43 Health supply loan it Me Bar pamin adyt re county son cuh relied vnuch Neil Campbell cash relied vouch Mn nret Henry cash motion byDouncy and Davis wal that find ccounts paid AnemittPageihat lin nce accounts he PageDen that John Hogarth add you two weeks holiday with pay Motion by Davis and Denney that copy otlétter from Darling and Denney reH Duflins claim fordunagcshe forwarded the township solicitor and he ead vised that council eels that no ctlon helaken Motioaby Davis and Benny that this Eacncilrgive permission to Malcolm McGeorge to register aim thank tar your ho ay seasonba one tint Myths backonw illuminate easilll ALBERT mi Mus CHALMERS DEALER COOKSTOWN ramnm deed or lot bought from Arch ie Duckworth being tlic NE part of the west half of lot30 con cession containing 30 acres more or less Motion by Page and Dermott that $25 be granted to Archie Duckxvorth for fire protection services Fence to Be Erected The clerk was instructed to write the Chapman Mobile Home ParkiolwnerA and advise him to have fence erected between this and the houses next to it The treasurer was instructed to givr Julian Smith relund on his 1954 taxes on his store de stayed by fire and also on 13545 an the house Treasurerwas also instructed to give Art Fultord an adjust ment on lattes on an assessment of $126 for the year 1956 and on an assessment of 375 for 1957 when taxes are paid The clerk was instructed to mite the department of plan ning and development and get theschedule of requirements for min um size oi building lot and minimum area of building lot which must be kept free of buildings as per schedule for residential uses and schedule or commercial and indus tr hospitalaunts letter was received from FCameron secretaryfleas urer Royal Victoria Hospital re minding the members it council that rcquesthas been made for grant of $1155 representing the netiloss on indigent patients in 1955 letter was BliOleCEl ed from Mrs Mary lilohllaster secretary treasuiier of Utopia Centre with statement of receipts and ex penditures covering the period Jan 1965 to Dec 31 1956 as audited by Jocely town ship auditor letter and bylaw was receivA edfrorn the Bell Telephone Co setting regulations as to placing poles and wires on township ads and other businessot their telephone services Adjournment motion was by Davis and Denney and to meet again on Dec 16 in council and court ofrevision at 10 am LONGE$T YEAR Once there was ayear which contained 445 daysoran extra two months Numa Pompuus supposedly created the Human calendar in the seventh century BC Although revrsed several times the cal endar by Julius Ceasars time was two months behind the sun when Ceasar set his exports to the task of revising the calendar the thh century they found they had to meet the problem of catching up with the sun So two months were inserted between the mouthsoil November and Decem ber or the year 46 BC Hindu Observances solemnizediii accordance with the ancient lunar calendar during the spring equi uox The Moslem calendar which dates iromjszd Al is unique since the twelve months of the year begin withpthe approximate new moon without any calcula seasonal equinoxes Thus the monthsand New Years too year in about 33 years PARADE 0i FIREMEN Firemen have Lalwaystoeen p0p NHLflbnl 19 women makes them fire hazards So an bake yearjs supply of bread annual feature New Years Day Christmas time and store it in isthe annual auomeshikimr mouseproof mm ade of the rite brigades ioqu this lull mature at good diurl gt 515 llillNi surplus gistaims CHARLES CHURCH 174 BURTON tAVE BARRIE JUST fro SAY IAI FOR YOUR FRIENDLY PATRONAGEPURING THE PASTAVEAR RABBI RABBI135 ASSOCIATION BARKERS wormiris mes sms CHURClllLLS wniRrEns CKAIGS nurses peacocrrs arms tious to keep them geared to the retrograde through the entire ular heroes in Japaiy because the construction at Japanese homes 151 Hand verse 20 Ch ist was born in stable in Bethehem of Judeaein an insig at corner of the earth The ill Christ Child Thus Christ cam to the poor to the wealthy to all manner and con the message from the angelsthey dec ed to go no not tomor row or next week or next month hen they werent busy They lettltheir sheep an the hillside Thelset out on foot in the night or Bethlehem It would have miich more comfortable to also must onow even if it vplves alittle miscomiort the get rigout of rut the giVing up little pleasure or relaxation Vt can spend little our the way to Christ by of and meditation on What could rmnrc as thershepherds di by co nuing to read andstud ant Bi es regularly hetweén brist maSes also ecan set out for Bethlehem layattending Christmas ser But dont stop on the road ue to attend public wor therealter with hope and etc pee ancy as the shepherds conA Lin ed to Bethlehemnot as critic going to the theatre to ev uate thelatest play Start to Bethlehem tox Christ now bysome time spent each day prayer Let us try Jitlle by little day by day to search for and remove barriers in our lives which may be blocking our way The trip to Bethlehem wouldnt beeasy for the shepherds There we no nice paved roads or even good gravehroads to toavelonin ed by candles to simulate the reflections Whlcb will our thin MW of the starlit heaventhe heaven Nevertheless wesmust continue on that looked down oyex Bethlehem as did the shephenk We cant expectto along We must walk every step of th on the first Christmas Eve This would date the first light way wiselvesxfiomgone elsecant Howeve the use of read and study Scripture at rently did not tend pinhlicworship for us How firmly established as decoration ever the company of others wal ing the same waywill make th because mentionof the Christmas tree custom inlstrasbourg can going Allttl more pleasaht and tury later does notAreier to ights less lonely Cares and troubles may tendvt rah usor what llittlejaith lwe Play give DIP but rather keep on ey on Christ and His way of ii an travel steadfastly herds kept their eye on and continued to Bethlehem They came withrhaste should we Bible reading study praye attendance at lic worship hioandmissir we follow the ex ample of the shepherds These born 1804 mambo At fimt lights on tree were con sidered ridiculous or child Until about $1700 the Christmas tree custom appears River district From 1700 013 when lights were accepted astpart trad in Germany Dur the American Revolution the tradition 01 the Christmas tree Christmas iesti ities at Fort Dear good men did not dillywy Christmas treeVHUwever the along the way We must nLkel riigent use ourmeans of grape if we are to reachour Bethle hem assoonas possible When these sh Bethlehem they made know abroad the messages of the an ust we when we have alué oi the hristia Lmaka it known abroad in practice did not gain ninch head way on this side of the Atlantic undltaboutt the middle oi the nineteenthvceritury when after tmders 1e Year of controversy nd doubt it became an establ he Vcustom in Cleveland Olzu Mould be verygfoolish to stop goalLwe also will gloily and everyone we meeton the street praise God We will rejoice be and preach to him However it cahse oftbe great peace of nd is our duty to make friends of androntent even in the ace newcomers to our district to in of trouble éawhlch will be ours Vite them and also our 01 so Let ustnow go even unto friends outside the church to Betwehem and see his thing chumh Sunday School study which is come to pass which the groups etc then go with them Lord hath made known to us or be there to welcome them The mad may be very rough and them feebwelcome at home an at ease in our group Show fort When they arrive Ty tomake Micult The trip may takesev eral years bu thegoal torbe reached is well worth while Christian love symnathy and un thu demanding toward others set 33¥4 300d um in our daily come ye come ye to Bethle The shepherds returned glor hem itying and praisirgfio Ifwe start to Bethlehem t41 learn the ways 0d Christ if wecome with haste ke persevering Themagic of Christmas is in the airand we ricercly hope that its spirit teams your whole Holidgy Firestone STORES hian 931w Canadians are4brought into close contact with the fragrance and freshness of the forest Christ ed Cbr tmasjreepriorto 1546 have been confined tothe Rhine gt of the decorations thechristmaa tree was lpn its way to hwam crossed the Atlantic with the Hes be nonstankmtt sran soldiers description Finlaln is cre wit having this direction when we reachthe to tell you appre at ur patmnng all my nA

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