Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1957, p. 1

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sime fin Cl or run CANADIhN LEGION on Mon ll the officers for 1958 Presidentot the the coming year is Ivan Crowe taking over from Dhuglas McGlbhonSented left to right James Diamond ordingseeretary Al Mllllcan treasure Ivan crowe 1p esident Don Tupilng 2nd vicepresiden Truman Wil hl the deadline set her and rnloavx single copy opens needy families in We vian to receive Chrimnn or the eqtdnlent After receiving up plicfatlons 12 otherllamllies were heard about and the committee eorpecu to be able to acconund dile head families ton In addition to this the High liibs of Barrie will be enter ta £720 needy familles to Christmas party on Each immediate pistpresldent KenMi vid Garrick executive flohert Blakeexecutlve Wl Jones sergeantatarms Absem from the photograph Cliff Kelly lst vicepresident Fave CHRISTMAS iDINNER HIGHLIGHT enjoyable the cur However there were brief sch ionsmessages given byPresident Darch and Past lnlemational Director William Garner it was an evening of good fci lowship 11 One the most Christmas dinners of rent ar wa that Lions ClubolBame whlc as held on Tuesdays the River Gardens Restaurant Highway ii north Ciiown Hill Thi ls presently gtoperaledby Reg and his family Magi amine Sulascrlfii 9W Chrisimas Glfi Forranapprcc ted giltto distant or homodistant relative or friend what could hormone timely ap propriate than years subg scriptlon in The Barrie Ex airliner This can be arranged any gt time up to next Tuesday ternoon atJive oclock when the office wiltbe closed for the Christmas and Boxing Day holidays Just drop in atThel Exam lncr and your order will be quickly handled Anattiacy tiveeard will be supplied to mail the announcement to the recipient The Examiner will not be published on Christmas Day or New Years Day But it rwill he published on Mon day Dec 23 which is the big annual Christmas greet lng edition Friday Dec 27 and Monday Dec gular hlweckly publica sided at neuron bles River Gardens was beautifully tension and there was the trad anal Christ mas¢ree gsily adoine 84 Lions and gusts sat down for the dinner resident ilarold larch Presi wanis Club was the head table on dother Kiwan gpresent in cluded Ken wanL tephens and liob Armstrong Flight Lieutenant Clare Dixon C0 oi RCAF 13X Dcpot ther guest ion ABell was at the piano for the singsong ledby Lion Dr Gerry Woodg the inner carol ed as tape rec Grade gt8 forget gt mhergyour carrier boy or when they call with next ctron conducted Christmas edition Go id Goughlin bl Rulherlord Commands hihncfinns deherh Horse the oldest cavalry it da lt 1Ahntiveo£i0we sound he is son of Brigadier Ruth lord and Mrs JIutheriord pl OwenSound nd Ottawa Col Rutherford has impressive mill vtary career behind him and at omes one of theyoungesrmili 9m gr country 11 0CVI and claimed Lester or thE slightly hener months but had not reached the Barrie qu Toronto Dinner For Pearson was one of 2009 peopiejwho at tended Ha testimonialrdinner yes térday held at the QueenEliza beth Building CNE honor Lester Pearsonw1nner oithc Nobel Peace Prize Mr Boake knew lat but channel of negotiation for peace Mr Pearson 89yearold moL ther received on hér sons behalf special plaqueat the dinners honorof canads firstNobel Pr Winner yuterday waspro arson by in Toronto Sinioce County health unit is investigating widespread infec lionamong dairy herds within the county hutDrL cott health uni director stated that the condition didunot afiect pas teurized milk Recent inspections of this was very good Anhough hdt dentiner iden tificd as yet the infection ap pears to be formoi mastitis an infection of the ridden Such in fection ina dairy herd can mean agtserious economic loss to the farmervandis ensive to treat hat provided farfel£hed The investigation was prompt me the year for raw milk in October was man uld havereached oi the year ot confined to the county at sundae oun spread across the provi Weather Mlld Iéday Gearée Silk zedany sug gestion of affects on humans is NEW REEVET Bnnkc 81of Barrie DeConkey who has been servl on Matchedash council and previously made an unsucdessf eii hi Saturdays elections as re shipAfor 1958 for many years won the eeves seat with 102 votes to Mr 80mm 74 In the election folcouncil iormer reéve Nobie Loverihg entered the vrace again and emerged at th ofnhe poll by wide margin other memberselected were on council in 1957 School board trustees acclaimed had been Les Borrow Ls DeConkey 83 For Council Lovenn B4 91 William Otlklny 85 Levering Rio Lovering Ellev White 480 Barri the rear of vehicle driven by Vimated at $350 to Seanlans car at child in the amin lnvltedto the partywlll receive present This is the first year thnt Christmascheer has been dis Pensed through voluntary cen tralco mittee in Barrie Taking part in the scheme were the thmen Club of Barrie Kiwanis Club of Barrie VLions CiubM tary Club Kniahis oi Columbris mcni ofvpublic welfare Sitncoe County department of welfare and from the reeves and deputy reeves not the ighboring triva ships The hi Canadian Red VCrossSociety also offered lohelp if rgquired is lates exams finish today vthexstudentsiwlli start th Christmas holidays bid for the reevcship was elec mambo Earents children and guests packhd to ovemowlngone of theclassroonis or the new mreemmschwl at New Lowell on Wednesday night to witness the official opening This modern school similar In dign to that opened at Wasagn Bench over year ago cost $80735 tovbuild and is expected to meet the needs of the community 101 some years come It will be used officiallyas schoolln the New Year with Miss Elizabeth Matthews and Mrs Frances Patton garkness ot si in chargev of classes and ervisor Macklem inspector of pub lic schools for Slmme County No districtofiiclally declared the school open He paid tribute to all who had sovmuch to dwwith the construction of the from the architect Ca to the taxpayer He reminded his listeners that the school was more ithaniust abuildlng and he felt sure thatvthe combination of cap able teachersand students the community had would make the building into an educational inst itution Kiwaniaas Gliristmas Christmas dnner Barrie Kiwanis Community House had Rev Peter ltosettisA priest of st JohnVianney parish 7m Al landale as speaker For his sub he hose Meanng of He was was bornJlolead men out fthe 10thé4lighw0f We do not haveto eat and drink to he ioyfulor to ce1e threecar collision at the Clapperton Street junction of Collier Street litBarrie caused damages to the thrvae vehicles of $1 $80 nd 5350 ednesday VA ca driven by Ernest collided with Henry Kanis 56 of Phelpston which naturn collided with the rearof car driven by Jack Scan lan 39 of Barr Damage to Whites car was est $80a oKa shat sl brate that day is an emotion altime when we feel ltind to each other and to our neighbors and otten it is the only time we do throughout the year We oilrselves cannot repair the lniurythat sin has done to Gods boiler We need hell and it is this help we remember at Christmas time The great bene fits we mri receive will only he ours if we keep in mind the true message of Christmas It is good thing to exchange gifts his good thingpto eat well but if we allow these in cidentals to push out four minds the true can of Christmas then we have missed the great pumserfit all liagan rites andenstoms often piehse mans lower appetites and Mrs Idle Ribble the music sup Brlefly he described what const itutcd good school lt wasga place where the young people werg trained to think objectively and to communicate with other People it was place where the youngergeneration lcirned to dis tinguish between what was worth while and what was second rota person iiiled withwisdom la good man good citlzenfsald Mr Macklem Evidence of Awareness Emeryl Nelson inspector of iMeslsage Music got hiive swayed ristians to follow Inn Monday atth But we must guard again st elebrating Christian feast in pagan manner it isup to 115 iosee that Christ is brought back to Christmas andthat He is the rtant part ofxchrist musical at er of iheBarrie District Central Collegiate Glee Club brought double quantet of tour boys and four girls éins smupflf carols with considerable effect They sang solo parts duets quar tets and double quartets Miss Wase gave brief story ofthe origin of each carol which added to thejnterest Some were written severai hundreds of years ago Members of the Glee Club were Dianne Pratt Jeannette Pratt Gail Pcthick Vicky ilom linson Don Lainson Don Miller Gale Nelson John Lamont Splendid Mr and Mrs Mike Magus had splendid turkey dinner and plum pudding for the occasion and the club hadiits largest at tendance in some time Special guests included Am brose Riven Barrie Examiner Owen Stvohn imperial Oil Earl Kenton Ontario ijdro public schools at Fergusand the principal speaker said the provie slon of the fine bulldi wu ampleevidemeot thewarches of the community at theirrespons lhilhy lln education The cer funny at opening school he felt wasi worthwhile one for it gave the public an opportunity to see the school and to eramlne it at lellt sure It gave Ithema chance to assess and appreciate the steps nun school boardihad taken to overlies the problems educalt Mr Nelson was formerly teacher at Brentwood andrvsome oi those he had taught wererpresent at New Lowell on Wednesda night as paren early schooling shlpwasrastudentat rrleDolz legiate Instituteand went on to of LWcstern Ontario At the be ginning nivAthlayéar he took up his present appointment in Wel lington County Obligation of Parents Commeriting that that legislative grants wards its cost in 1946 were 29 lots in 1956 they were dollars and it was fioreeast thatin 19 Vince would be paying dollars towards education We have an obligation to pro vide the best for our children said Mr Nelson Today ny of the homes where the children lived wete modern in tion and it would be unfalrgtfl the million teachers and the children ti ei pract than to continue schooling in the oldstyle oncroc school DilSfi gt Honor scholastic Success needed thé full on the patent it ism 1mm tion of you vwas big buaines he fated Christmas Tree Vanclcilisin ls Police Probieml Someone in Barrie does not like seeing colored lightsdecorating trees in at ofhouses at Christ Police report there basebeen wave of vandal ism in the northwest end of the town in which colored bulbs are removed from ogrterior Christmas lee believe that those asleep with their cars in the vicinity uniopistreet West The as are fitted with pecial exhausts renting an no ecessary loud nois

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