Mrs nix entertained scrum Anglicanflfl other homaj Wednesday utterneon Woolly Euchre There was good attendance It theiwcekly ending on Dec ii tables playingv Prize were won by Mrs SprouleMrs MUN Ill Lucas and Percy Davies liam Wright and Hagdid Robe son From Gravénhmt Mr and Mrs Liï¬ï¬lfln and ihmlly oi Gravcnhurst weresun iiy visitors withMr and Mrs erman Palmer Missionhand The annual meeting of the Sunbgani Mission Band James United Church strou was held in the basement oi the church Saturday Dec The meetingwas openodhy singing hymn itth Black played an inst rumental piece Thermluutcs of the last meetingwere read by the secretary Bobby Cummings The lreasurers report waslread by Marilyn Riddell which showed substantial cash on hand Wor ship service was conducted by Linda Small who reada very in teresting Christmas story The eieelionof oflleers was conducled by Mrs Wanlcss which resulted as follows rPresideni Bobby Smail vice president can Newsecretary Shirley Rix treasurerMargaret Wanlcss world fricndsw Rita Vaniusen press reporter Marilyn Riddell Helpers Gerry vaniusen Ruth Black Lynn Ferguson Janle Small leaders Joyce Smithy Mrs Bruce Wice pianist Elizahelh Wanless dainty lunch was served by Mrs Wanlcss Meeting 91 séd by all singing the Miss Band Penv Vsion llonnr Brideelcct Miss Deanna Sahln bride elect was guest of honoriat sur prise miscellaneous shower when over 40 friends and neighbors gathered at thehome of Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt on Wednesday evening Dec 11 Their home was very tastefully and attractively decorated with bouquetsnl mauve and gold mumsand Christmas motifs gt The bride was usheredin to strainsot the wedding march to the chair of honor Whit bells and pink and wlrlteslream added to the attractive settin Many very iovelyand semi gifts were received by Deanna for her new home Openlng te gifts she was assistedby ha ter Miss Donna Sabin Deanna very ably thanked udi for theigiits and invited the ladies wait them in their new home at Shar on The gatheringheartiiyjoined in singing fFor shes jolly good fellow All enjoyed cup of tea and tastyiuncir to complete the evening wlNevIs Womens Institute held their December meeting Which was their Christmas meéting Thursday Dec 12 Roll is was answered with whi gifts exchange of Christmas giftsand delightful lune Thursday evening regularmeet Joust of the Order of Eastern Star held the annual Christmas supper and we All lea curling hamletwai hlld It Churchill rinkon SIRIM and anuurber of the Jody mm here took part Mix Mel Martin is an onset ihewi iilng rinks runeysim succesiuluboollng match or turkeys was held on Saturday at the farm of Thomas Wright Two Dlya in Toronw Mrs Campbell spent two days last Week in Toronto Christmas Party Mr and Mrs Brownï¬eld their annual Ch stmas party or Milk Pioducersoi the Toronto distrrct northern division when produc and their wivesxand tamlli were rtained at Chur chillCommunit flail splendid evening as enjoyed by all who attended dancing to by York County Omhestra Recent Visitors Mr andMrs Seymour Kell 61 Churchill Dwight Nelsons Mg and Mrs Geongc Lccouyer and Don Sharon atMr and Mrs Sabins Miss Mae Sutherland and William Sutherland of Cooks town with their uncle Suth erland Mr and Mrs Sutherland Mr and Mrs Douglas Robert son of Toronto Mrs Anlt drew Hanover Mr and Mrs Sutherland Mr anders no hert Sutherland Bobby and Susan of Brampton Mrs Robertson snd Ross and Mr and MrsWil liam Robertson oi Lynden vis ited and helped to celebrate their fathers grandfather and great lalhers 96th birthday on Sunday pee 15 Christmas Tree Concert The Sunday School Christmas tree concert and Santa Clauswill he heldlin Presbyterian Church Monday Dee23 GILFQRD WMS News Mrs PEussell was hostess tn GiltordVWMS for their Christmas meeting There were 13 members and our visitors present Mrs Keil read paper All Men Will Know Mrs Kell the Christian citizenship convenec gav aeh one present paper oomai ng 10 Commandments for Teenagers Mrs Keil also con ducted the election of oï¬ficers which resulted as follows PresidentMrs Grsawye lst vleeqrresldent Mrs Weaver 2nd vicepresident Mrs Ross Neil ly secretary Mrs Russell treasurer Mrs RKell friedship and assoc ie members secretary Mrs Guild lilerary secretary Mrs Bayes supply secretary Mrs Todd Christian steward ship secretary Mrs Kell Mis Vsionery Monthly secretary Mrs Ross Neilly flower committee Mrs Sawyer Mrspw Neilly pianist Mrs Neilly Mrs Russell Mission Band supe Etendem MrsP Russell leadersp Mrs Todd Mrs Hughes Mr 11 Hell took the study book on Japanvof Yesterday in the political religious and sport and music fields Mrs Weaver conducted the wor shipaervlce assisted by Mrs Todd Mrs Kell Mrs Neilly Mrs Guild Mrs William Keli read one of Peter Marshalls sermons Lets Keep Christmas the Whole Year Through Sev eral Christmas carols were sung during the worship service and the meeting closed with Mrs music kg Iteasier and brighter rry Christmas in am recommendedtemperature Nesti stews quickly in girl arable cemposi inn leetr llnmoulded Pin wmruumuu Minimumteam Excellent terry cloth controlled hell switch with Mt noiIahed alumina motqmver lie kn or quch drylng or xi Paint etcr 60 EATON Pride oh and npmdllc on logo Ii3ttam 3oo Moder siiicim win axer llrlc solrelatei Stejninn Dryf hand Lightweight heaLI up quickly rteIna In Jllfyl Jun dl martenan Itum to lull the nitric trul mum even elm exin Ilmoinlc plte cuvcn greater run with each lmnlnl stmhe and hcl re duee ironing Li vi cool pl bundle amides ull bl ncehu twin thumb felt or Xllht in lo And use Modern styleNoSeg Sittings Arm Choirs EAEON Special Price gt ench Anew aeesaving design vRichly up holsteregfandvdeeply padded through out covered in heavyweightCotton Ra on iabrlcin decorator col llis oinoast Natural Coral Gold Tone or SagerGreen Legs in either Black or Natural finish Brass ier gt rulesand swivel tips on legs Boiis qts of water menf kettle shuts dry Wide openingspout easygrip cool fBak ancedjtor pouring steam zone Heavay ch PileChristmas Fireslde Zchalrs exchange of gifts Weaver leading may woofernnd Queen Anne Style The Presbyite ranladies quil 31 gwmhf story in every blockouilt an CALL EXAMINER F011 built automatic 45pm ch nxer With pung order by Bramptonylady PRINTING PHONE 82414 419 Pl ell 911° WI gt in Blue with my tens Brown scuftand stallores sta iod Style and craftedbythe House oilFarquharsonGiflord these chairs stlnetion and beauty wrth workmanship and mater ialsIn beautiful Walnut finished woad Withtine quality Rayon or Wool Frleze fabric in an attractive range leatdre permanent idea lenty ofvolumo Léghlwelght errylngeas len eret