sxnoncw SECRETARY BOOKKElEPER unnted Ior lonn oldnee rnovlnr am Good mrunt ullry wlth Inereuen conupenturntn thh nblllty APPLY lu nun blnd wrllnlo hon hrrrle Our elnployeu know lIutt Enmlncrl lhl ndverlluulenl POLICE CQNSTABLESI Folj Ltownshlp 6t Innlï¬lll Police Force Appllenunur um be noel jun AIo Deiember X7 1351 by Ina undeï¬ned Illls ELIZABETH KlNNIlAR llulto CAPABLE Woman vented to one oi yenruld ehlm Phone PA pm EXPERIENCE flilnlreuen wlnled Apply llr pernon Juln Gnrrlob School aueusr lustr MANIFOII lllhl wlrehoun work bf tween no no yunot Apply to Sunshine Uhlrorm Supply van Ltd Johnlsl nlter PJflr 1115141 wnauzsAuz Henlln Firm requlru Ae coltan clerh Ior permnnene ponItlon wul be IrnIned hy ludlkurlo handle lull omee roullneRaply sutlne nlI dull ol enperlenee educntlon nnd onlnry nqulredApply Port omoe Box Ill harrle lIudls RURAL SALESMBN or snlerwomon Bern extrn ole ennh commlnelone hy wflllnl hnhy ehleh orders full or part tlmn undlnghreeds lneludlnx eany nelllnz Kahluns Wondflecord lAtflm Leghorn wrlte to Fuwler not Inl hlltenrll VOlItlIlu IIuIlo M141 henrs FIEE 16350 lxcAvï¬ggtlEAfln mun Inu RUBBERSTAMPS MADE1° 6mm mm Tflll APPLE CIDER APPLEBUTTER APPLES 71 eenln who putter soe uld noonrt ApplesSnaw nelutmh North Cuuflllnd Wall Rlvur will 2mm 00 Mr humel damp lmllMAN PETCHPA muse gtBfll1 dlrtlnounn Line no 74 clmlsnllls MEI ll Dellve Phone PA5BOJ 1II Ito TROJAN yuuu flatten llhe now 20 Phone PA $4 ItANunns Vlklnx ullhfly ureo IIIIe new 15 Phone PA mm 7Ilsllo 1313 luv extra POOL nu St hflePAHlZa 75544 AcCOhnION In Just nllhont new Cost nusPhane PA amy clllusrllus IBIBS Spruce Plna Snpllh 51 Phone EA 04577431 one yenr In good eonnlllon Phone PA Mm 7145446 Posilioins Wgntod ï¬EPBNDABLP Womul wllIdohnhy dmlnl Inyllme Phone PA asm aIqm LAPY requires pnllllfln hlb lllkr or hauuekecpar Apply ll Re chwlld gasop Cnlllp Borden or write Po Box 7455 amrANDmu Gln Applu Vlrlulll Vlrleuu lllli hluhel loll PhonacfA M665 1714111 ï¬Angflln ggood condltlon eunorpooe 5374 gt 71611 cllluerAa Tunas Spruce $115 to 52m Apply no anle Ave Phone PA was 7ltlllg laYEAlhamhoy wlthu work Pnnn outdoors warehouse 81 construction Wllllrynnylhlnx Phone PA Mm alter ll pnn zIlello NURSE mature mapnntlblel verse tlle apexlancer undemrnduute nod yplltgnllnbla annulleur plenum per sanalllx Avnllnhle Jun151958 Box 22 Burr P0 2143149 WANTEW Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAPlRON METALS FORE Bums RAGS BAIrEluEs Pmmms LIVE POULTRY slingsth nour Burrt 52 MAX PUSHKOFFT 0le TON or Red Clover Hay wanted Nleh Condles 53mm llnnd Typewrlter sultnhle tor sludentxldust he In work Ing order lmd rdllionnhle Pleua Pluto Prluer Bax I4 Barrie Btumlner PIANO Wnnted nnyi nine or men Pny etch Plenne wrlte stntlnx Helth armno7 Illa nnd pueal else In or address phone nunher Bold Burl may IIIII Véioldhké clmlsmAsAPPms order our hurhel In $135 PA Mosh 1951 F0 muralPeli gloves PA um LDsIPalr ot lndyn lortolee elem In store In Blrrle on Phone Batden 4nd eyn 5n may ewnd 17451 LOSTEdlrok rubbeu lndyr wttll nlpper elde nnd pllIXol new shoes vIeInIty or New uhuws on lllnple Ave nndhors st Plnder please phone PA 34191 new Ilus srltAlmnTohot ch 12 sun nIane In September nur lmsteevi red ronn nonut sou Ihe Owner mny hnve some by provlnz ownernhl nnd pnylnz eipennu llobert plinth Phelpltou gt delhem 5335 344145 wmle 344534 szi mum em all spacu henter ril cellzï¬tcondluon hennnnole Phone 2m Thornton 7145 WBSflNGllOUSE Aututllnllc Dupllcnte 1m scarcely used PhonnPA awash 7ll51l4li THOR GLAanoN med very Jlttlo In excellent condltlon Rensomhle Phone PA IHIDL 1145145 +l GRAHDPIANOH Hood condltlon $150 or hert alter Must sell Inlnledlntel Phone PAdIm 171454 sAms Speclnlhflntrlnmnr treen 51 Fret nellrery PhonelA mat or nee tnenrnt ClseyoflolIy 7Iu sInIeWALK ulcvcus ndjuetnhle out duels nlso don urrlnlle convertlole lhlustroller Phone PA wzll 7lto szs SFACBIlehté wlth neoeneorleo Id1513 tnnk $3 APply Ida culn LAIIGKqulllled leather uch Penth eflarezdznn melon tour In new hensounblo Phone PA 8423 fIIlsdlo way RENT when on can own the new Remlnflnm Po hle Ion down $100 per week EhpnePA P165913 FURNACE Wand ar oll wflh link and molar wm sell ohenp App Ianor Ellnvnle phone Iorla 1an senecxxnIPNm on new Chev wul sell tor huhofler or wtll tnde fr phwulapll Porn aIrrle Exam 7145447 cmustAh mas Scolch Plnn nuo spruce llowell PnrtrlddePI Mm Ceplnl locntlou la gnu uh Plok yourtree LEATflBl Jump 1th umng or call rtorln um lk new nls nuo nlrlu he III lme ie Phone ltPA13425 nehlnn uke new moon entllntn unper for hl Pnlr ns lSill Emmrjflleclflc Pomh roothy week or monthlree nstlhlnt given onprepnlnor lnnlteor ewln mntlhlnc Apply at Sewintflnnh lna Dunlap st we Phone um Vmu Wemdrnxz cl upmen pl monstnllom firmlnn BentonInn the puty Ill Weldlng roblm ride SellaRB skull If noon on Room nnd loud or one lmln hoard Phone and 12qu qASHRATEracuord FOUJWIIIEJMISECIIHVG lllseIllolls 2l MllaruPPAmynm my PAID OR hlnnvr shntu llu nueed wooten $11 herlnndat Phone PAMW 7145146 PA 83185 SUBDIVISION AVAIJLABLEVSQON ulrenlentn hay is $390 Yearly evrIILABLEowa jewel $15100 cholee ot hnneh nlyle hedroorn one nlovzflyflh nton mnumd nttnehed nll In nowusvmw SUBDItViSI Johnna SL PUNK gsdlool lulu Centre one ehhlre or ltnneb le nree hedmoul Bungllnwhwml llIu outernu plnnr to room Prone Milk hreustoln hum hornet cyerlocklngoenuuml renewal Bu to uer whlt Ilelore you huyheted Dawnslaw hls to alter opNTchP STAN Gonstruchon PA 85284 SERVICE mesmAvr natured cook nd Nelson an RANCH GVSPLITA LEVEL BUNGALQWS ocAnAGE on ICLRPOBT onlth DEcdmmn droolinn KIiCHENSv émLLY LANDSVCAPED gthncmld ICQLOUBED BATH FIXTURES mmvrMAlgIlmc CEliAmc mi illvrmm BASEMENlisr KITICHEN ElijlAuSIPANé hmlING Null mohrchqlas rhlrls EllHeivmult recommendedenhdlvlnon censor YTIME Pol Punml Pumasth CALI Géllge Div II II sobrtosl 70 low 5580 mannt On Downwluwnrnenr the new gt and op ounu the newlgtolnlnlouatora soon Ielzltl 204 Almalaw Poll SPRING ncree hennglrul mfll pond 150 are gt quhslllpprlceï¬ rum Forjlnlohnl on more nnm nllmPan PALM Bowman ANDA smut PhoPlcmlm plum MlCHlE KFAFTOR AC0MPLETE REAL ESTATE ELRICK FOR qhuvINGvon sauna VMOMGAGES ARRANGED QNHA Hams NsunANcB APPRAISAL 150WEN ST PA 85583 161404 mullIll REALESTATE 3mm Membdr ot the dude humt Real Estate Bolnl Opal In snturdnyn um pm Near Dom nsNewStoIe Slx room stone house sllmjull prIce $2000 dawn wIll carry lure rent 51 Inrse roams bedroom llvlngvnwm dlnlng room nud lrlteheu Full hue inentyoll hentlng Por lull damn Russell pereon PA wax CUSTOM BUILTTHREE BEDROOM BmcgoBUwaiALOW $05le no WILL HARRY FOR APPIIomMAml slsllo MONTHLY 1NCLWING mmm AND PRINCIPAL Ilenutuuuy located Inthe northennt end or llnrrleon lnree 5m 115 lot with drlvewny Imth on IIvqu mnmnd extrn lnrxe tehen Place hnth Nlhnemell zlnundry tuhseold storage room htentln wtth on Muhammad or oeeup ney noour December all turn artlculnrl Call Russell at olden mu 12709100 EULL PRICE Mod Vb flinging on 0W We room buenlenl all beaule lull cflnumllï¬ cmon PM 0MPIJETELY MODE DUBLEX REASONABLE now PA $10900 PULL PRICETwo eolnpleter prlvnte npnrtlnents 2nd4floarhu rooms wlth modern kltoheu nod nep nnto blml unto noorhns roo wlth mm Uchmlnd dlhettei corn thed nnd prlvahlth Thu property In not over need nnd In very cen tllnllx locnt Also he load up ue Call Nornn Shelwell PA MILES NOETK 0F BARHIE 1100 or MKEFRONTAGE slam mu PRIGE Arr contour 111 all nmflmcledlummur¢cnlhu and ibal metre wlth lhnl Vera re bnlblurdawn nnymen hen umlly decanted roolnn hlalmlilt Ind modern In dutl Thin home for yourselL no wmlmll prleejhritw hungloon lull Kenneth double lnr yehrr old Goudlnvertment See the Pnhml Clone to IlnmedIAtn nettle New room hrlelr hunnlow lull with ed ment Lnundry tube um am down men 932 57251 nry requlre enu rum to youmllClll mneml loudly btlllt llrx llvlnr room bedroom utehnnllluthv end Full SAWmvmsNAN thnt clarion onlylm mod mummhlmt Evgy lll eluvln In only 15 ynnnld thln home LI vmuutlmuwdmmed Ill mmuzn ele nlunuunnn nonn nnd cream in lully leneedIn hnek yhnl Chokers IMIWIIL clone omhoolluhgdhukllon Pullprle only pm chunmapzuss PA Ignaz llALPdlILE FROM BARhIE 31600 In all room rotten Jult tnlln mun own In new Alf your ludt$6m down malith In Inn on very low oneed hornL neo roonu kllchon nnd llvlnl mm nu CA1 tordetulr cannon WRIGHTva PA um FARMS FOR SAth ouoo nere dniry nunexcollulli hol my only mllu lronn anrrle lurnwny Well worth mintI Ilmlnm or meuent Ionn roll room hnek neural nnd home one Aood huy dAsklhl Price 500 utoincren njouuklrtnot lullmkqoli Pnlr hulldlnu PriceIlla Por more lnlorm lnn nnd to Inspect there enne ne rm huy enll Perry rd Ever PAMPM RESTAURANT BUSINESS Located on 27 lIlzhwny an town sou orllnrrle wul nropermnne the nn Jtlou lzht party Pully equlpped wIIhevery eoncolvnble needth devlu or good operntlon hulldlnu Ind lend nreur eluded Iu thlr nnIe Alulounhthln ls pdmnrlly nsumlner trnde there In Ite hu durlnm mar wlnter mon Annular lull ln lorurntlon wlll he elven end no Ip polntmenl arranged to Interestedjxr tleer 144a cnll CHAIlLllI READlavas PA 82817 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Brand Ranch 31er hunllnl hedroonu tIle hnthl fullydean nled Slam eoreens completed close to schnols and nhopplnz Down pnyenl or slow tony he nrrn Pny 1ka QUINN $I900DOWN BAMNCE AS RENT Lovely modern hunlalnw loented clu to module and ully modum In and district roomhome In BatP Well worth your Vlnspectlou Why not nnve the runner or ownlne home and your rem pomp to huud up the value yuu luv In yourOWN home bedroom tple hnlh1435 Full ï¬ll only 513000 SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW 13400 mm unz ow wllh hadnouns Beautlml torml tlle 4A oteeenmh nllstorlnn demen up plled Nlca nnlnhed roorn In his mom Peueed nnd gully lulqu tlcnuy nod wltlu mnrtgll Cnrrler nor less nn non rootmm good ogmmmlly to nwn 3a omewllh nlglhe urunl extr Alvin been done lanxus Cnll PEBCÂ¥ aPollll mash DAN CONNELLTPABllï¬z JERRYQUINNPABWY GEORGE WRIGHT PA Plano mom Poltst PA 34435 9mm 1mm PAM lllflcllvo mdbfll mlflw Avnllnble ch FA 89944 In Pullmanlav SVPA P4455 ciflldlnm Saluteri blfllkxvlhonl Winmu In tuelud yr PA Mm plume lbmvlfl um oronto st or plumb Room uhIInhed cure or monthn munlll Adult Sop St Well none PA no 15 BOOM nelr oontnlned hunted un Iurnlnned nrtlnent Phone PA eml nner Mn lee14M 1100Mcemenlhoul nll eonvenlen cu AIEply house down ruht hnnd elder erndnle 1514211 Emma mrIlnhed ï¬tment up ante entrance Apply loll Sophia st wen to CPJn 1516417 noomnlv hented npnrfment ntove lrllruppum Phone PA 010 lfler 5PA 50403 MODERN nvnllnhle lnn Central nentln Phone Arm nlte pml 151444 MODERN bed home completely lumLflledI oII Ireted Jnn to Mnreh l5 Reasonnole PA wall 154451 HEATED upheld modern bellman npnrtluent In stru drlportmznt house allene Strand lsIlztl nDlIooM drtmunt hnrdyvood floors relrllarnto stove washer and drye centrnl Phone PA 092 gt 151154 APARTMBNIS two roolrl und one Zmcm Oll hentod wnternnd llght IIIPPuld Ghlldrln welcnme Phone PA 51 Isllztr aspenmm roolnwlth Irlchunett Ilsear lrlg unen dlshen rupplled 13le mm rnnln street Phone PA 960 Isllblle SMALL Housawlth modem convenl mllet Porn Bnrrle oumxh why 90 Immedllfe Polleulon Phnnu PA 1156 15145141 UNFURNISHED Roam Chlldrell wel come Central loenuo Reuonnble rent Pouenslon lmmedlntely Phone 51451 BBBKOOBL Ham turuhIi ror months llnully February Ind Marc Camplmly umuhed ly Ade Aida Strut PP 15Ill14 CowLBTELY highs home clot run or nnnn nn runry en trnl Adults Ahrtnlnereuox 15 nor rte hxnmlner lsIlolto 0N Ilmnnoom ons Irbedmolp end one mhedroo coou wIth lnrlde Ap Iy nnve Kramer lg lslmr locnuon on hun route averlopklnl hay Avnllnhle Jon honerPA $50M 151454 Crurnblw for 111 your Younlmu HG IBBWCBABLB lie In Lemme RI Duplex gtPrlvlmv entrance Adults one 145147 YWELLLEVURNISEED heated room npllrtlnent prlvn entrance hath eon unuoun wnrm water elenn hereonble 13 cltn mhlnws waluulzlnn 154454 ROOM Apartulelfln Ivlflhhlb now Sell cnnhlned halted Nu objection to cmldren Must be Ibstalnen Ce Irnlly muted PhonePA so or Canter st LARGE Apartment rnrulnhed hed rooms uvlnz lurklmllellwwlm Inn llu euphunrdn envy quty rdnn nn M2 Pflvnte tb lnlt er hent will all Pflvnu cubnee sings and Inn deck PhonagA 3m 15110 FARMS FOR IIENI mo qllnndIly aux 113144 45 odielenn Mlulngwhnnt Brndtord phone PR Ill141mm CUMMINB urn Mum earner plate line of Plonzer Jalleh Ind 142an needs Phone hem Anne Enrrle week old he wlumu crlfllfldlfl0m smlo con Bnotr Edger Ilqu YuriIns Olm Apply Strand cgddhnstro Phonesm Jerroumelgeu one due month old stroud 7m ILm Pulls lnlr DrIr oaf onlvee Item Pollen Pne lsllslw nnnle bedroom apartment 45 PA 86358 nllel5 1mm HIV lhnloonumeene Adulli GII you hunlop Wut semi Hours wut link No nl wtu ANYan knnwlllll the when nhoutn ol Jenn colllns Bender pleue eontnot Box ll Burleaululner solum BIAUKY Counxelor Christalq mu AUTOMOB ES HALWIGZS BalalnCéOWIngy Spec as The working mens chmleech purchase azood Lellnblgcar AT BMW PULL BREE2011 momma MORE 50 PONIIACDELUXE SEDAN nlr condluonlnl dlreetlon llIlhte nut olnntle Irnnmlnnlon deep trend IIer llnhle nulomoblle hnlnneo nwmz Lovely altternweee onu $39852 47 FORD SEDAN NIee VblIclI Emma Ienn hlteIl new custom rndlo Adnndy nttle ear nnlnnce oulng QNLII 3174433 47 MERCURYSEDAN Nlce ICE flnlzh clean lntnrlnr hllQll Ind excellent meebnulenl out Ianlnnee owlnu ONLY $19883 wicxmvï¬DELUXE COACH ggï¬ger and dlfmhll nllflbla Pprtetlon Blhnu owlll 5mm $1411 46 PONTIAC SMALL PASSENGER COUPE Nlfl blue Anlxh hllberL and do cullolI throth trnnrportnllon Ballnce nwlngv ONLY $9219 oownwf YMENT Ill PnlANCIALLYnESPtYNsmm mom see our ï¬ne dllpl hf Inge model one owner tomobue MANY MORE TQ CHQOSEEROM HALWIGs MOTOR Vco LTD Usw AR ISUPERMARKET 91 BRADFORD MUST sen Imchev eonnqun Pull prle Phone PA amz one ml CHEV Lamar limo lhllel Phone Jam Monllly Thursday 13le45 l3 DODGE Sednilp new motor and newurfl ln yery loodeondman Mint WONDER anrgnln nn newt hey rod nomplelo wlth rteerlnu wheel noneeensorlu ylevrphone PA Mm 1351 0mm wltbnow am tlru clock wlndohleltl here nnnnlulon prune on rn uth anuw In near nn Nev black hillnh yery elenn Interlnr top eondttlon throughout 1wolyrr terlor outstandlnt eondltl throntllr nut Hurry or thlr one hnlnuce owlnz ï¬lth red wheels etroner haulooh ï¬nIrh elenn Interlbr 9mg Abl mechdnlcal condmnn mild body brand new snowInk rSonltd nlllblu tnuluh In BIrtl luxa load Ema MAIDIo cu II lnr alum mm fllhv Hatchery All meme Phoue or not IA Pgummn Menuhin Pastrun n31 um Jsflï¬vm In DirIQ market with todnynt PA hm heme reln 11 MluemethJnane an ogquï¬ Pol ï¬led ECDhIJB PUPS for ule Phone PA me 89414 nnlel Pupplen hlnek and mum Huh min ulnlnture HMEHe Narwulnn llkhol uAclulIuNn AND he ooedulertloul he latm Excaval Doger Work FlirDltchin Ba Flll Phone PA honor Pmu Borne BenerlPainlers gt CAMPBELL Ava BRUSH PAPERING FLOORS PHONE PAINTING DECORNFING PAPER HANGING Hound ml commercl Freé Estllnntee heater and dnlmnter dlmtldn llthte ELECTR IC SMOTOR tannin by qullmed rteIn flllu Pb PA Hm IIAVE Iron Plekuu mar Would In dell rln merchandwe VE 5145 PlySlln Wéxlxlet RELTHBIgntgfhm Lln Innis mdrs pro 5n1fl slam in Joe owed an nervloe Tnlck Ietterlun alien due mom thew cudl cutout lama to EIlenijPA 5an 9P Porrnerly howls Au PE or léuuieluld ï¬nalen no eln n2 lrpe an hell allrapeclllly Selentule demo Ins Pree esttrnntes Phone PA soul otlhtt omsmmdnm from your Ihrmnmruptly or shuttersJuana Ml urvlce rno lor drum hone collect Bnrrle PA Helmco dan Younn Umlï¬ed 5m Tmpmlm olniron new dnltel nouruennnllnor Inde drau vgunrnuleed wont to Hartman none your home or none Hume PA um sltad lt WELLShues repnlred nnd tlled Apr