usnf the hockey wrinvsnasonism First thing we noticed when we crawled out of bed Tuesdny was that it wasnlt Winter But when we looked at dar with picture of the Flin FlonBombers on it we doubted and went back to the window Yup it was summer outside and winter inside through breakfast anyhow thcipieture ofjtbe mecr0ut the collie sunshine couldget it only tome and was to hang the calendar window and let fly theblin Iiyoure confused bowdo you think this reporter feels whos used to snow trom October through Mays Here it is the middle of Decemberand the Main streetisvshining as brightly as midJuly morninguCant ï¬gure Cant get used to it calendar back inside and pull the shades again So what Christmas cardlin1nlm Then it must he winter No one would play Jokellke thaLiAroundthe corner to the officewe hum summer winter summerpwinter First letter opened on the desk reveals itself to be another thcr8y3goliywere begihningto be Vinced winteiafter ails Kiitllol Beneathlthe mailsvisa folded newspaper The Sporting ltijlatiirallyfeatures baseball and that represean summer oes itl And thenthe headline Get Your Copy While its Hot What could behqt in the winter Must be summer Better bring the It just might be Th Merrych istmas Is shevkiddtng or just farsighted fWhat does aicllow do Isit sane to take poll of the staff to see what Seasonof th year it is In limmins wheres thati whorewe spent most ur life winter meant snow and cold and summer meantsunshineand warmth Wli theiieck is the matter with me this morning Last night was howlingniglit Drank nothing strongerthan coke Ate noth ing strongerthanapotato chip Could the smell of matches burning in iellows pocket effect us like that Gotta make decision soon as to what season of the year it is cause were coming to thcbottom of thesheafI and the typewriter could use new ribbon Better take another look outsideu doesnt smell like it its summer alright Butit So back outside we go and around thecorner Hmmm sign on the door says Barrie llyers Hockey Association Now ifutbat place isopen then maybe it really is winter it was open alright and Mrs George Young who familiar roosts Don Coulson manager of the team and work in that cubhyhole were at the Thought wed be little casual about our approach Didnt want to appear too doped cause thentheyd accuse us of just waking up Niele morning We said Yes said MmYonngyï¬ushlike Spring It has that something in thealcthat makes it feellikespringi Trapped What do we do now Could we ask the obVi us sleepylteaded question is it really ring or can one be dream ing so late in the morning Got ahetter plan Wed just stand around while and see if they mention any activities for laterin the day or night or week canivsay 1515 did though Coulson was putting elastics around small bundles of tickets Only put out1600 game he said Whatganie we asked ourself put us wise Mr Don ioniinugdjjnsi put out tickets for the aim five rows except in the middle of course géback as farasrthe eighth there Just put therest of tickets in box and hope thatswefllvhave to use em They werent too much help so we bid them farewell and tippy toed hack to the typewriter around the corner Better let him go on Hemay Friend Milan Babel the Lutheran minister was in the office when gothaek He was arranging for Christmas advertisement Howffflwe thought were gettingsomewhere man of the churcigeouldiit be goofy on such aheautiful day Whenihehad compieted hisflbusines he turned and remiiided game omorrow ri ht toni ht gt St Catharines By golly lg ayagalq5t rangeinents for Christmas There Tiien ourse it must be winter Dont bother to read further There is rlo more capuu zxrinis BOTH YOUNG AND OLDT is ahockéy gameat the areha including the he muscle requir in shop us that EXEICISEAS needed So to speak from the cradl grave of cours nobody the nearest calen walk ddwp staird to mail box ind pull out ayouknow mas card and then ano soineone walks by brimming HaveYourself Merry lie was right ltis time to make ar have many muscles and that all Barrie yer have barrier up front 01 thbm this week hut ltthey ca at over it it willbe ninst rewarding The barrier dig to Friday him thEir path to fourth plate in the OllA Junior standings And the most gt at the beginning Play Teens That is tonights lame With St Catharines Teelecs it Barrio Arena The Teeps havealways been rough on the Flyers They the Teeps are currently lead ing thcleague that makes them even tougher if llapEmms local lads can play as they did in tho last Bar rio meeting of these aggrega tions than they will have moved into fourth place by single point over Peterborough Petes The Petes have 19 points The Flyershava 18 win for the locals would al so bring their playing average to 500 one point damp 20for20 The second has over or around the barrier is situated in Hamil ton and closely guarded by the highdlying Hamilton Cubs On Friday the boys will no doubt be tired butfrtheyll have one consolationi Theyll be vis rieal and Somethingku Butbaekinlh game at hand Itshnuld be real thriller lubsf meet extra fee cmus walk over it is in attempt stick outjof hisiMlkitas hands Blityrliorhan of the Flyeis bop ped Stanonthe liead smash drew blood and lilik nodded eight stioche wound Inst Catharincs last end th third period was high lighted by ahrawl with all the play onthe ice with the ex ceptlon of the goaltender getting into Mikita in Ruckus Mikrta was one of the featured players in this ruckus too along with teammatesiid Hoelmtia who leads the leoguein scoring Matt Ravlioh Wayne Hillmaii and Johnny McKenzie Danny Patrick ledrthe Flyeli IHE RED JACKETS mp Surprisingly enough fou champlohship team or as it is iour sldps never make rink Obviouslythe most important of the many factors that contribute to the successlof any curling fouisom com patabiiity or the ngness of any individual memberto unsel fishly subject his ownï¬ ambitions or feelingstn the team as Whole story behind the suoc famous rink in curling annals if you sk you will do well it eep this thought in mind when casting about for an otherlleatl second orvice at the Out here in Western Canada the skips not selected They are chose by those with whom dividuallst even ienceof 30 form rink he is automatically curlers Hrarely make nt swho cannot in Ontario Quebec York State In the following year McGaw and Grayreplaced Thomson and Ewartas lead andsecond andin theyEar of Confederatio Charles Perry replaced Shedden and assumed the duties of skip when David Walker famous Chatham ierland hotelman moved to Toronto to establish the er House he was asked to play established the team that for 10 long years lenge hurled at lied do by opponents Ywho strong steam each game th the Red eta vergeston utter disbelief St catharlnes rahurry odllligaiisein the playoffs for the third This aoceptedauyy chal waned temporarily but onhis NEED exercise healthythroughoutlife is to al sho dbe past time occupation iiisisiihebsixai series yo an ces Drllnny golmiolbyaicai Ed cator and irec wrest Barrie rm vwca iDne of thebest means to keep ex rcise and takepait in ath notrjust something that fgr ouhgpeople All age groups and hoice of activity should vary dep ng on age and physical fit ncs 7lhe iisual procedure untitletics our country is to start Dung sometimesbefore the Then there isa hustle general Vstifines take part the degree her recommend person 70 years of age toplax ice hockey bntfhe probably could do witha walk every day It is common derstanding that our particularly if give us all the e3 else Well that is trpth wit moder tion Evenif we york hard it adv able to have atleast some relaxing and stre hing exercise otherwise muscular tenslon and set too early in lit Byputting little more effort inthe physical care of ourbodif we certainly shall in in ce hockey tournament all ca adians rid 516 relegatedlto hespare board it to battle BobBlacirburn Tommy Bleek Norman Jacques was in and out of the angle in Wayne this of the Fly ers was airehdy sitting in the sin bin thus the homean Teeps had the man advantage in the man While it is hoped tha tempers will nottlare the stonin arines datethere lslittle doubt that vthe game will be rough one That is both clubs play it all the tim anyhow when they are the pponentsits truly wild and woolly affa mimcu Even whilethe Flyers arqget tip in mixups they playing far better hockey than they did lastyeer They already havevm points whichi ï¬nly few less than the tub compiledfali last season gMurray Dawson veteran rearguard has helped make the difference with his improved rookie from comena long since trai ingeamp Gametimé is 815pm as us rial It is one you you and you shouldn miss now the OKeefe competition settled eLaibatt Series not due to colrjpiepce until the new year owéver thée Ohtario nankard and Governor Generalsdrophy club represen tatives vernor Generals the latter the ilng in Ontario states The qiiartet played as thoroughly harmohious team re gr complete conï¬d ence in the ability and judg mentvof their skipand in the skili and ibyalty ofeaeh other Thcy did not regard any position on the nk superior or theywere incapable of gt ousyofoné another These purpou dchaiiicter torbe uiid iiiany team of cham baseball football hock ey or in bulness aea Jadrets return for the sea 11 48712 the less another skip Almost afhnndred yeara ago aftelamfroin the Toronto Curling Club established reputation for themselves that not only spread eir iaine Eastern Can adn and the United scheduled Amenicans pond at fai with low mileag Radio windshield Washc Pain Veiy Brod Tires lirmlluiil hi one com finished outside the money words mggest the nobility of erson Webb my uvingston Fred Norris and George Danger field skip defeated the entry of Dr Alf Crossland lack Hamil ton Jack Corby and Fraser Su therltnd skip by 103 Monday Lad week Sutherland defeated the hem Shannon rink Today Shannon is billed to meet Dan geifield and this evening six rinks from Orillie will beon hand for eiurn interclub In the Tankard George Ken nedy andVerni Adams have both Scored wins over Harry Arm strong Adams Vme ts Kennedy who has been sldeinéd to week with the flu bomormw night His brother Jaok skipped the rink ingthe victory over Arm armis winner of the OKeefe Trophy who cant after to lose another game or will the Tankard ohnny Oiigh fill ed Iont Georges team the other regulars being JackrNixon Walter Craig West and Collingwood Barrie rinks were atthe Sat urday oneday spielswat Wes and ulngMJoa but both Ma jor Jack Smith Jim Morle Frank Hargreaves and Jack Ken nedy skip were at Coilingwood merson Webb Powell Wib in cmtnmocaian Curliln rim snicwnier Following the suixeu of ripe iments inttoe United States ontuirvetedmrtanrecently per foflned surgerydin sir Canadian owned thoroughbred horses forc edout of actioiirbyhnwed tendons Dr roctorhf Lexington Ky was the first to introduce surgery in the curing of the crip pling injury He did so on the advice of medical practitioner and the experumental opentlon ms performed on number of American horses Some oi them returned to winningform four months The bowedr tendon is severe leg Injury and few victims previ ously recovered suï¬ilhientlyutoreé some successful racing career within Common treatinent of thein Jury consisted oftheflrlng on followed by bilsteriig and ined lcatinn This treatment was de signed to reduce swelling and to lighten the ligamenttendon and sheath throuh counterirritatidn New Approach The surgical method is opposite in itslntended effect to that duced by firing and blistering in stead ot tightening the members of the injured area the operation is aimed at removing the all hesions between thesbeath and tendon enlarging and opening the annular hgamenf and enlarging the supenficlaltendoiirlng Then through daiiy exercise of the horse beginning immed iately after surgery the members are allowed free movement dur ing the healing procassf Lyiord Cay this years Queens Harris and Vern Adams skip were atJWeston EldonrGirs Goring former iy of Barrie yvas lead forthe Gordon Sioan rinkof Graven hurst attiie oakville internation al bonspielr which won second event the Diversey lrophyuDon ald Macdonald Iandu Donald Wy man were theother members indhetrialiat Taylor London Calling were the ï¬re Canadian thoroughbred tounder go surgcry at the Proctor firm last summer Dr Chassels veterinarian oi the Taylor establishment no companied the twoborses to Lex ington and attended theopera Lions inspired by what he awlr Chassels had similar hospital constructed and allowed the tech nique on six Canadian horses Lyfmd Cay was injured in raee following his plate triumph suffering bowed tendon of the air foreleg how was on the right foreleg Ly ford Cay was under saddle takinfl light exercise fourdiys after th tered daily atthe Taylor farm costly oumu if youre parent and appalled by the cost of outfitting your in hockey outfit youll be forested in this gt One outfit for Nationaiflock ey League player costs up to what with skates and shoes at pair gloves at $40 and stick up to $450 each not to speak of miscellaneous items such pas shirts pants socks pads etc And each NHL man has three uniformsone for home pme one for contests on the roadand anotherfor practice Most of the ska es aseason Things run even higher for the goallcsï¬v This big leg pads eost go throughtwo pairs of about $70 and the chest protector another$20 Goalie sticks are usually around$40 One of the NHLclubs estimates its bill for stielm alone runs $4500 aseason counting the fail training period roman nesmnncn The White House in Washing ton home of US presidents since 1800 was originally calledthe Presidents iaiacef The Barrie Junior Chambe sell Christmas trees again th Scbrcnndn onsrnuca 12 LOCATIONS 150 ssnvaroui uni ouu iIH iiii