It the reï¬rhr monthly meetizfx at Central United churchWomqir popular taxbachelor gathering at his rriends in the SergeantHesse the Baarte The roll call which we answer ed by 20 members was replied to by verse from the Bible con taining the woid Shepherd The treasurer reported $135 had been sent to Simcoe Presbytery to date and letter of appreciation was read from the Fred VictorMis sion for the shipment of used clothing sent to them iron the ladies of Central Churc it was decided to have copy the Christmas program used at this meeting and list ofrall the members he put in the new chumh corner stone on behalf or the WMS The election of ofï¬cers for 1958 took place under the supervision of Rev Brenn andresulted as follows president Mreraiter Cook ist vicelprcsident Mrs Doidge 2nd vicevpresident Mrs Perkins smetsry Mrs Gillham treasurer Mrs Feltls Christian stewardship Mrs Orville Dobsoneonnnunity friend ship Mrs ElsieKnuppeassociaie membership Mrs Emma Christian citizenship Mrs Wilt liam Creed temperance Mrs Trowbridgc Missionary Month Mrs 13 Reynolds supply Mrs Allen Mission Band Mrs Beavis pianist Mrs Dobso social Mrs Gordon Wiggins liter ature Mrs Brain and Mrs Partridge press secretary Mrs Honey Mrs Ray Bishop accompanied by Mrs Beavis rendered the vocal solo infant Holy The devotional period led by Mrs Brenn had Christmas carols dialogue and story The follow were presented iemp Lawrence Brennan Tire salesmanrtcently married the former Eila Benson 01 St Marys in Barrie The couple are now living on PantsStreet The surpriseparty was organ izedvby Toby Copeland and was attended dry the many friendspf Lawrenceln towns FiESTIVALOF MUslc The Ckrnadian Club sponsored Christmas musicaie held in the Library Hall on Wednesdayrnec it had fairly smil attendance but was enthusiastically received Especially popular was the Fan tasia impromptu for piano by Chopin and played by1 Cristel Pas mans reception washeid atthe home at the Clubs president Miss Gwen Fife following the concert SUN LIFE CELEBRATES party for the agency force and the office staff otBarries branch at the Sun Life insurance Company was held at The Studio on Saturday Dec 14 There were 30 guests atthe annual yearend afloir The 25 children of the stait were guests at Savannah Lodge on ing ladies took part Mrs Slessor Mrs Cecil MoMulkin Mrs Perkins Mrs Trovibridge and Mrs Allen Tea and cookieswere served by the committee in charger om bunrm Dusting Petal ate and Blue Gross Flower Dusting Powd as 493 $575 up can and Bath Soc 525 Blue Gum riowtrMisu um commuter $350 rationnag ortch and Bulil So 75 Armoury on Saturday Dec 14 when he And his recent bride with turquoise rocking chair and floor Sunday er Santa Claus alias John Ni was present BranchManmer DAdamson attended both parties ZELLE ANNUAL The Better neutloosflommib tee at later in Barrie organised the annual Christmas party which was attended by 80 st mem bers and their friends Held in the Oddfeilows Bali theguess enjoyed dinner tor whichthe Rebekah Lodge meted and dancing to the music of Neil Hurtibeses orchutra Tony Decorer the stores man ager played Santa Claus for the exchange otgifts The statf also received its Christmas bonus dur ing the evening Members otthe committee re sponsibieyfol the success of the party were Mrs Dorothy Part ridge Mrs Mae Kemp Mrs Helen Monger Mrs Helen Hayward Mrs Blanche Glenn and Miss Joyce Crosse LADIES NIGiiT The members Kerr Lodge entertained their ladies and friends at an evening of dancing and cards and buffet supperon Saturday Dec 14 Lazier lW ions in charge asssisted by the ofï¬cers of the lodge Prize winnch were Mr and Mrs Norman Biacldraii Mr and Mrs John stone Mrs Lloyd Port ridge Mrs Spearin Mrs Lorne Whiting Mr and Mrs Mur ray Mills Beaver andK Cameron PAST NOBLE GRANDS The December meeting of the Past Noble Grands Club 01 the Rebekahs trick the form of ban quet held in the Oddfellows Hail after which the members went to the home of Mrs Bishop PresidentMiss Ranney was in charge Mrs Della Ross re ported the gift of iayette to the Salvation Army An evening of bingo tolltAWed the regular routine of business The gathering closed with the serving of coflee and Christmas cake The =next meeting will he held on Jay 14 at the home at Mrs Mills The Christmas party for the roar Hame residents will be Friday Dec 20 HOLD CARD PARTY card party was held by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Brother hood of Railway Traiomen at the home of Mrs Earl Hunter gton Saturday Dec 14 Some 40 mem hers and friends were present and enjoyed an evening ofcords Prrze winners were mens hlgh NDliiS Webb ladies higb Mrs Gladys iiooperg other prizes to Roy Curtis MrsLena Webb End Mrs Anna Bristow 25 $1 bills Ferry 25 Adelaid The doildressed was won by Wednesday Dec 11 First Barrie Brownies had their Christ mas party at the home of Mrs Green 16 Dali Street Thre were28 Bro yea is something Brownie to Two Brownies edeived rthe sta one her woyear townics their three rwn arting r9 ShotsClaus and his helper to arriveChristmas carols and Brow songsbwere Am Oil And Met riggen lov Weyo £9 solus caught Toronto unlinked pull dadim to prove that King Town is fbuoyuit city swirl ing with life and glitter rt ate John deVlsserwninliw of Mr and ordon Reeve 4D Poydtz St protenl in the October issue oi Meeieanr the myth otToronto the dull Having come tram Holland in 1962 dohn become intertirtcd in photography threef years ago and has since wanderedthe citywith acamer Itwasnt ionghe rolesill be torc everything looked at struck my eye as picture realized had neverJenny seen Toronto before Once Lknew bow to see Toronto turned out to be mega womens District President Guest of Hillsdaie The regular meeting of Hills dale Womens Institute was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Fisher Ganton There were 13 members and two visitors present Mrs Gordon Thompson presided 111011 call was an unusual way to wrap Christmas present and tbemotto 0urbest thoughts come from thinking of others which was explained by Mrs William Douglas sewing class was arranged and another meet ing planned before Christmas Guests for the evening were Mrs Lioy Dunlop districtpres ident for North Simone and Mrs llawire leader of the +3 Club Mrs Dunlop conducted quiz discussion and themembers asked the two chair leaders Mrs Gordon Rowat and Mrs Hawke number of queatidns on their work with the club girls Mrs Brennan thanked the speaker donation is heingsen to School or Retarded Children Barir Areport on the area con vention was given by Mrs Josep Lea Eddie Espey was the winner of the wool blanket Refreshments were the hostess assisted by my Prowley and Mrs Taylor The December Christmas meet ingwiilbeheid at the home of Mrs Joseph Lee on Monday 30th There Will be an exchanger of giftsand each member is ask ed to bring samplwf Christ mas éalre oreaindy Dalston See Slides Of Queen VISIT The November meeting of Dai ston Wi was held at the home of Mrs Stanley Watson onThurs day Nov 21at pm meeting opened by raging the opening Ode rendin the Mary Stewart Collect and ea ing The Lords Prayer in unison served The roll call wasanswcred by gt each one naming hotbby Ithey wouldliketo do Ten members and tour visitors lanswered th rqil the meeting closed by talking round for phw tographer liis £ollectioh oi 23 colored photos contains shot of Sad lerl Wells ballet dancer under scarlet spotlight Tomato at night from the Bank oircbmmcrce tow er the same intersection under itferent weatlrer conditions and Institutes pay or the expenses ot ladies attending the leaders tnining course on sewtoaaver Several ladies will begin the course in January Members agreed to donate 10 to the burnedout Weir iund at mighurst Two ladies agreed to attend the roast beef dinner sponsored by the Cancer Association in Barrie Plans were made and people appointed to buy and prepare the giftsior the Christmas tree zThe Jueky draw was won by Mrs Hawker who is to bring prize for the next meeting Atter the business Mr hm eronfrom Orviilia was introduced and very pleasant hour was spent withcoiored pictures the Queens vislt to Ottawa and of Abgonquinfsrk and Oriliia Lunchwas served by the host esses and the date oi the next meeting is on Jan 19 nth pm at the home ot Mrs Clarence Brown The roll call is gilt for shut in boxes There will beexchange of Christmas gift and Christ mas story on the program The president thanked Mr Cam egon Wand the tea hostesses and singing God SavaTï¬e Queen ¢e Ferriale Santos Ar ï¬eeion Party iTheregrilar meetingapd Christ mas party of BeachWomens institute was held on liuesday af ternoon Dec 10 in the Library Hall which wasnnite festive with the usual Christmas decorations 28 members andfour visitors were mesmtm The president MVrsflW Kcarns presided and the meeting opened with the WI Ode and the Mary Stewart collect Mrs Kearns spoke words ot sympathy on the death of life member and past president of Beeton institute Mrs Strangwsy who passed away on Dec This was followed with two minutes silence and three The meetinggycre read andradopted Business letters and thank notes were read sung Then the jolly fellow ar rived amidmuch cheering He ers gave out thé re under gailyd corated here were pres énts for everyone and evena gift from Mrs santa Claus After the presents were received ope edandadmiredavery nic per was servedof sandwxcheshct chocolate lovelyvariety of cook es and candy canes Everyone admitted very nice Christmas partyaudit cdntetoa close over Taps and Brown Owls wishing everyone MENT Within minutes oflthe prevrous There is nothing more at Christmas QfogTSees his littienext doornetghbor aro all partof Toronto tovhim Thc cityat night heldthe most fascisttip Toronto bu thecop monolith magic that creates gla morfl herald John is employed by Simpson Sears in Toronto He has oom pleted an assignment to illustrate annrticie in recent issue of 311 but photography is still only lhobby witbhirp Idaho and the former Helen Reeve have bummerfled since April They met in Toronto when Helen is social worker Tho couple re planning trip to Holland nextspringn verses of hymn No 430 weresung by Mrs Rae The business period included the officers repork and plans were made by the committee in charge of the Christmas treat for Simcoe Manor VA short musical program fol lowedwith the singing of carols and vooal soih entitled Naur eth by Mrs Fowler amqm panied by Mrs JM Reynolds on the piano Piano solos were play ed by MrsCecli Reynolds The president Mrs Kearns in ttioduccd the speaker Mrs El wood McCague president of the Evening Auxdiimy oi Trinity Unit ad Church Mrs McCrgue gave an inspiring meséagc on the topic Gods our 10115 Mrs Ramsay thanked Mrs MoCague for coming and for giv ing such splendid timely talk The two Mrs Santa Clauses Mrs Mason and Mrs Wildasb were in charge of the exchange of gifts Carol No 74 was sung and alsothe W1 grace The December committee of hostesses Mrs Kearns Mrs cecii Reynolds and Mrs Bray serv ed dainty lunch and social hour was enjoyed by all Fer Christmas xiiivmg memories toys noses rnanacsmas accep me than in cm Certificate ertlfirates are for any Lamoun always redeemable and with eich miniature shoe ton the Christmas tre wnvn wounnnrur ELECTION also Auxiliari EriijoyslgPartyj The Womens Hoopla Auxiliary oi thoiboyal Victorla llozpltal held their ahhual Christmu party at the Laidiaw Residencenm dayDeelzvv The reacationJoomwu sled in festive splendorrflle Christmas dinner was prepared by Miss Molly Smlth hospital die titian and served bullet style Fiftyuveh members associale members and guests were present Entertainment was provided by Miss Normagilsyiim who read ered several beautiful solos also Mrs Lloyd Cock uns Miss lino da Young delighted the ladies with one at her humorous monologues Buying lair of Shoes Everyone enterch the party spirit when they joined in lane in the annealed by Mrs Perkins RoyChristie had dona ted number of exeaieat pook books which were won by several ladies The door prizeof the evening was won lty Keicey Mrs McCarroll presented Miss Molly Smith with email Em In appreciation dinnzrjsbe served The evening was spent playing various games including cards ncharge at all amngcmentstpr them were Mrs Epiettgflrl WMMrsKohlmeya Mrs Cutbhezt and Mn Tourde pear isworoby firstQucen Elizabeth meanings are among theeoilection at Towerottqndnn Kec your motor warni ing winter nights for easy starting and longer engine Lure lv Giverneoar Owner One for Christmï¬ Pilililliiililiiililu Moronstro 65 Collier Stt PA 8248 Aiillliillls liliiiliMilIiiiililSflliliEiiS if youre suffering from these ailmenteyou dont have to go to Saratoga lint Springs or Ball Springs Missouri Dalnean Barrie arcquailfied to give you physical medicine with Hydro Therapy Massageand Passive Exercises Consult your medical doctor first He will how your metabolic condition and advise as Arthritis it not controlled will get progressively worse 3iw admits Licensed Masses Vurounr ensmi ranks to thrust it amt its the craftsmen have knitted ingredienti in 15 gorgeous different experts Eve little care caaoioANs ï¬le 49 $393 hurtful ï¬HRIsrmis on your colaurchoi Wonderful ideas no matter wh way you look at of everything you could pas siny want to give in sweater Master sweater Meridians on very ï¬ne gauge machines inEngland Theirvfamoirs basic he ï¬nest pure botany wool dipped shades dyed excllisively for Evangeline in colours speciï¬ed by fashion tcb perfectionchew Meridian with fully hloncdjshapéior bestï¬t Onlya requ cdto keep your Meridians oltjliixuriousbeautythroughout its ionglitcho many features atsuch low price and only your faiourite Evangeline Sho has them Come aTuvqnniu Purchuient