len Miller wapehe the with farmers parents Mr and Mrs It you attendance were as follows ladie Vhllh been Joan ltobinson mens high Alien Milien lone hands eway tie Bruoe MillerA Maurice Miller El woodï¬uiiiet and Kay ONeil wiihjlye eac You guessed it no woman isalwaya right amu Community mu It was very busy and inter eating week at the rommunity hall beautifully decorated tor itheChnlstrms seasonlt Wedoes day night Essalownship con cu cfflcialsteachers and guests too in all sat down to hot tur key supper followed by very interesting film at the SLLaw rence Seaway by the Crothers Machinery Co dance brought very happy annual event to Barrie District Ls annual Christrnas 138 inattend Monday Dec16Esasfrown shin council met in the hall en joyed hot dinner andrwere hoststo the children at SS Schoo during the afternoon Lgouroaog IThe Christmasparty and meet ing of Glliord Womens Institute was held luesday evening Dec 10 ntgthe mine of unsui Neilly Jr Roll call was an swered by presenting gitts for Simcoe Manor After the usual minutes and businessrhad been taken care of tltefmembersde cided to hold penny sale in February committee Mrs Ross Neiliy Mrs Charles Chute Mrs Griffiths and Loquelliy conducted games and contests in the enjoyment of all mem bers There Was an exehange of Christmas nonsense and Mrs George Nesbitt led the singing of carols Alterthe meeting closed de lighqu Chrislmas lunch was served by the hostesses Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs DickWorgan and family of Thistletown visited with Mr and Mrs Ross Neilly on Sunday last Euchre Club Gillord Euchre Club held its party at the home of and Mrs William Kell on Saturday evening Following are the prize winners lst lady Eileen Todd consolation Ann llughes vmen Paul Russell Frank Todd Baptisinal Service On Sunday last Mr and Mrs William Kell presented their inl an daughter Marilyn June for Rev Sanders of ated In Hospital fihree of ourcitizens are in hospital Mrs Owen Bell in Bar riengs Thomas Plant inKirk land Lake and Louis ANeilly in Toronto Western Hospital speedy recovery is wished for all thre Mission Band ntyvnine children Inefl Gilfnrd church oh1Wednesda pee for their Christmas meet Roll call waslransweréd by My Favorite Christmas Carol Hymn 53 was sung followed by thelMissio Bandv Purpose There was an election of of conducted thetwo Mrs Neilly and Eddie Russell Bobbie Neilly 17k Neilly GaryBell gnomessum sang the Christmas caml For he worship service lyn Hug read the Pianist Mrs the ringing of can are dis ended the meeting followed th Mislonualnd mv Sim 0mm may vice mndenï¬lnnclrsmu neé renryBobbiegtNallly decanter An sum press misty Eddie Rum World gtErlandn soue The Sunday School Christmas tree and concutwis wellattend ed on Wednesday evening Much erodit goes totheteachera and pupils whg put on the concert gymnasi oi Community Sympathy goes to Mrs Elwood Hayley vin her sad bereavement She redeivedword on Friday that her only sisterI whorcsides in New York had passed away very suddenly orangeviile Visit Mr and Mrs Henry and girls spent Sundaywith Orange ville friends and called on Rons lather who has been very ill in Orangevilie hospital suffering heart attack Rev and Mrs Calvin and family spent day last Week with Sundridge friends We wish The Examiner and stail Very Merry Christmas Ladles Ald Annual like The annual Christmas meeting of Baxter Lndles Aid and WMS washeld on Tuesday Dec in the Orange Hall with anattend once of 15 members and one vis The meeting opened with the call to worship and singing at mom The otierloig Was tdren and dc cated wlth prayer by Mrs lurnbulLQuite genemus donation was collected for the ScotfMission to helpat the Christmas season The secretary and treasurers reports were given also the sick committee report Roll callWas answered with verse contain ing the word gltt The program committee Mrs Gauley Sr and Mrs HaughI brought very inspiring Christ mas message in the form of candlelight service The candies were lighted to represent differ entways in which we should keep Christmas to show the love of our Saviour duetwas sung by ouch and Mxsf rd Moo ey Mrs Cochrane play ed some numbers on her piano accordion which everyone en Joyed Mrs Gauley Srread an interesting article Was it Following the program the election of ofï¬cers Vtook place with Mrs LMcLachlan pre sidinguthe offices were ï¬lled as follows past president Mrs Menary President Mrs Ed gar vicepresident Mrs Calvin secretaryMrs Gauley Jr as sistant secretary Mrs Mooney treasurer for ladies Mrs Gauley Sn treasurer tor WM Mrs HDenney mem bership convener Mrs Mc Knight ngmm committeez Mrs Wallmm Mrs Edgar Mrs Denney lunch committee Mrs Brown 10 Turobuil Mrs Beyer sick committee Mrs ltuddick and Mrs Gauley Sr st Melachlan and Mrs McKnight Walkom flo er convener auditors Mrs Mrs Colvdn Th election closed with pray er by Mrs Manchl Flollowing the pletion of th busi ess thermeeting elosed ymn followed by the Lords Prayer repeated in lini son socialhour was enjoyed by during Whlehabounteous wl supper was partalreu of personland practical ulegr Vs Let Rough Denney and I21 lwnshd seamen vomit with your uréhu he Westing use Drye lt1your bol control lorthlta speed settings Convenient ejecto The uniionn action of the revolving agitator Washes dirty clothes cleanand dainty lingerie equally clean safely All your clothes are Washed all the time Convenient Control Dial provides warm or he water witha lick of the wrist lmo stops washer when openedqne loading and unloading EANDLEADER RADIO paid at durable choice at effect Giv llMlllelli tow PRICE trains or vengeful commune Flj restoue Clothes RIGHT NOW you can getthe lamii togeth Firestone Automatic Dryer at tremendottssa ng in ce time or Chrstrnas gt gt AND THEY FIRESTONE DRYER SHE worms large 16 inch in Vacuum Drying System ll host of other top note 1v Another wonderful gift id oyto cooking your choice or nonipletely automa three burnerseach with even dividually colored switches onehur er wit the revolutionaryvltherm Eye mueby mm ndLoewy Dryer buyMothero right in 14rln se outs andlng portaka may other Wetting houae engineering advancementssuch as Silver Safeguard gt Chassis andIuberSaver Clrufls in yo no tree donr mthervieep Anllablein 11and 17 Weighs fly as lbs Ava able ina choicenw Auriga gt 14 IIICh Portabl rayon bonnet socks specral14t98 flbmcairomr nr Vs Drill with air cooled motor yo Set also includes lplece drill bit set rubber hacking pad12 gt sorted sanding discs Lambs wool polish bonnet 8le adapterset paint mixer handy carrying cage If special 42888 POWER saw handles 311 cutting upto 5h Preclsloncut alloy steel gears oll retaining porous bronze hearings graduated ripping guide Has foot wire safety cord gt FIRESTONEVDELUXE VACUUM CLEANER COMPLETE WITH SEVEN ATTACHMENTS rug tool floor and wall brush upholst ery noule crevisextool dusting brush full length ft flexlble hose and two wands Precision engineered with superso tionfordeep dtivvnTleEning 195 on COMBINATION