until meeting of the Executive Meeting Executive of hair same Pro zresive conservatich Associllion met in Counter Parish Hill Smith of Midland of thel principal maltm of busines was consideration constitution preparedat the ge quert of the association by Mao Cartar and Mrs Lrlage or Oriilia and Mr Smith With some min orreviions ymhdopted lei lowioz discussion Llï¬yd Letherby MP for Sim on East welcomed the delegates to Goldwater He reviewed provincial devel opments in Lhegriding mafsaid highways construction was at all time peak in East Simme Al so there were extensive rifled1 bthepublic works department including improvements at Orillln Hospital school and the two mil liondollnr addition at Oak Rldss Ontario Hospital Peneun guishenel The inner ls schedul Mr Letherby rmlrnted activ irtes of the dcpartrneht of reform institutions labor force including improvements to th new provin cial park at Ba Lake There had beengmdiu installation rest room Iaci ties andnrovad building as 113 pmgram which would eventual result in the location becoming model provinciai park Mr Letherby added DrnP 311m oiOï¬llia MP for Sirocco Ens reviewed the accomplishments of the Dielen baker gooermnent in the gtbrleï¬ period since they hadassumed office Hostages for the occasion at which lunch was served were Mrs Lloyd Letherby and Mrs Lawrence Devlne Mac Carter thankedthe ladies for serving refreshments Advocates Utility Building when invited to speak at the recent nomination meeting Cold water clerktreasurer Chester Martin in brief remarks aid that while policies were outside his field one thing he would like to see council carry out would be construction of utility building Where village hydro and water works equipment could be kept Mr Martin said provision had heenmade in the budget hutnot carried through for dismantling the old hose tower lie suggest ednsmall building could beierect ed on the samesitc possibly us ing some of the salvage lumber Present method of storing village equipment and iools ï¬n two dil Ierent locations in unsuitable quarters had proved unsatisfac toryUMn Martin said Chimney Fire Coldwater fircmen and the purnpjerwere summoned to Ted Durniords farm home north of Goldwater about loepm Sunday However chimney fire which might have threatened the resi dence in the high wind and snow siorm had burned itself out and the services of the brigadewcre not needed Santa Clause Parade Dion HarryCowan told Cold waicr Lions Club that the Santa Clauszarsde sponsored by the members required all the assist anceï¬he members and community groups can give it to put the Dec21parade cessfully When the club theparade there werein bags of treats distributed now 750or more were needed said merchants would again be asked to contribute Wards the Santa Claus para lnreceniyearsthc uniorWo mens Institute have prepared the bags of treats for sahta min supplies receivled parade Tenders folRial Tenders from number to lease Goldwater air for the current ice season have been mision can he arrallfledi secretary Chest hiartl The conunission represens the entrainmen whof Mfue Thorink has been on organic minor minvemedts recently It is uéed Isan agricultural build ing at air mm wan thc march abaudon meal or theproseolof plan to finance aadconstrnoyanew com munity bufldlng in Goldwater farmer proposaltn have the rink transferrm to the community centre and converted intoi com munity centre mayAh ved Several yearsago plansjor con verting the building sontedwithout charge swan Reyes Orill ngmcer Excellent Civic Record General regret was expresed at tho decision of Thomas Sey rnour not to stand for reelection toAColdwater council for 1958 Mr Seymour headédothe poll for council last year and has béena uncillorior eight years by MPP and other spcnkers as an example 01 the hoursoLwork andtime spent on behalf otthe village by councillors without remuneration Many the mightiest problems he up Mr Seymours shoulders inhis capacityof chairman oi the roads and bridges committee which in cludes sidewalks and drains Tax payors attest be has performed an excellent servico inrthis and other capacitics Mr Seymour was born at Coul sonMedomePTownshrp but was raised south of Vasey He sold his farm in Toy Township in May 1952 to Leighton Dwinnell but retained Poems of bush on theth mat the western ens mour is the farmer Pearl honey and Was also raised near Vasey Finances Sound Goldwater villagcwlll rcach the end of 1957 in sound ï¬nancial cond ona statement of ï¬nances issuéd tothe ratepayers shows Atleast onc villagejn this area is financially in the red Anabstract statement of Cold watcr receipts and payments as sets and liabilities was prepared by cierktreasurer Cheder Martin undcr authority of council Vil lage auditor is Ralph Wilson Midland Period covered is Jan V1957 rho Nov22 1957 Using actual figures or bank at Nov 22 1957 as totalrrcceipts were $38908 and total pay ments $3530227 ed to $1636191 clitof atotal of $25600 Arrears or taxes prior to 1957 were $350472 At the 1956 arrears were about 000 Amount oi over $3000 owing he bank is oilset by nearly $9000 due in taxes Receipts included licenses $14250 provincial unconditional from 432079 roads $92747 home forthe aged $7583 Chile drens Protection Act $40237 rantot ownhailelection $45 town hall torsncie es rent of school building ceivcd but will not herd it lhafleniieï¬l10Â¥Lmeeï¬ns 112 was sihglcd out by Lloyd let ei keep of Goldwater have fallen on balance of $830585 was on hand Current taxes received amount end of ch ken cannery $890 bank lt 00 board 46 eluded salaries clerk assessor caretaker of cou houseand aud itor$l49945 ire department 5115259 public woï¬rs$l44342 roads =$l2664 public school maintenance 50 public school high school trance to Goldwater Mrs Soy new sidewalks $1600 municipal on We have thetcndency to teel Jill menu toward one vdw litiln and adjust to me out jail or aretorm utlon avea though his attitude may be entirely None of us has an rishtto lectoné who has remrnni in 1an decent or who has come into the ristian Church Rather it ls our duly to help him new way of lid child whodid no at some time disobey his Karena Therc is no nneorwje umans who has no at some time iisobeyed some of God laws Christ our Eider Brother never diaohcyéd His Faihers commands At thatliis Father hadwas His ct ffle came into the world to live among men toJcad them to thexnthcr and even died tor us alL He idoespot grudge his way ward bro ers their welcome home to God on the ricnfbcnctiiswhich theyreceive Irom Mrs Lou illicxï¬vrvAND too memo need attended acoii AlUn in mum nso ave Royal ViCloliI Hospital We hope 11° sch 5mm both are soon feelingbetter HoithUaited Church WA hold their annual meetingon Dec no no School will sponsor euchre Everyone is invi ll idea Common Saturday burn it under the cabooseoreven ow interosi this 540069main stre BL$11393 current surplus ti5290232 indicated in broke In most cases students are dressed much better than their parentsLChiiliwadt nc Prbgress motive ofhia own min menus in the oppmitedhccuomdepend in upon whether the train is edinz east or WESL whole lot intereftlng thingsto sce on this continent providing son had Mi inquire anon informed people ly ha al immune oHave regular free chest rays IVAJv Visit gqur doctor for tuberculin test otcrcat hill to