ï¬aï¬nbtrspealrrlnglisli maybe the foremost in gworkand give value for their wages Winléi Employment Bé Carried Oui ne lire to be unemployed andiit is cry easy thing to be alarmed out of all proportions bythe spectre of unem ggï¬hent irresponsible news reports of un Dyment do little more than make mountain out of the molehill problem recent article in arToronto paper laid lame for present unemployment in Toronto on the immigrants to Canad It ed that these newcomers were taking the Jobfrom the already established Can adlans The charge is of course grossly unfair to the immigrants Maybe those repair streets in Toronto of the work gang is on Italian by blith but why were they given the job Surelynot because they areworking at sweeten labor rates as is suggested in the article because it is diiiicult to imagine that in these en lightened days contractor or municipal ity would dare tocmploy them at cut rates Perhaps the truth can be found in the Vlact that these newcomers are prepared to They are also prepared to endure certain domestic discomfortswhich would not appeal to many Canadians Theultimate result is that these peoplemake money and make good in thegend When one is faced with unemployment figures at his time of the year it is worth whilereme boring that at the present time more people are employed incanada than ever before and that the population of the country has also increased considerably Another factor which does affect the pic ture is the belief of long standing that cer tainJobsparticuiarly in the building line cannot be carried out in the Canadian win ter Science has advanced rapidly in the past few years and today practically nothing is impossible to do in Canadian winter Not so long ago it was tbepractice to lay up the car for the winter months Today win ter driving isthe normal thing Andythe same applies to building and allied trades it needs iustalittle more careiul planni InLBarrie there are many examples work being carriedon despite wintercon ditlons Last year the new 06 plant was built during the winter monthsand this year to main street store and several large warehouses in addition to number of houses are being completed with snowon the ground An extension oiithis outlook across Can ada might go along way to produce differ ent unemployment figureand to stop un warranted attacksonimmigrants coming in to this country Perennial Grievance is Price Spread of Produce perennial grie free of thegtfarmerkor ofhis political spokesqien isthe factthat his produce wh reaches the shelves or the city retailer cari price gtmuchhlgher than the farmer rec Feeling on the subjectranges from dnild curiosity about the cause ofth rice shouting thatithere How to frame such law so as to do any good to anyone issomething that might stagger the wisestjurists The Printed Word oplnes Oneof the largestCanadian food retailers has annual gprofits equivalent to than two cents on each dollars worth 165 Since the companys sales are in the neighborhood of quarterbillion dol hershare oi the wagesoi the truckers rall waymep makers of eggboxes clerks of wholesalers and retailers who have Tahared in the task oi bridging the gap between the hens nest and the cashiers desk She is also paying share of the income taxes of all these middlemen which also includes theircontributions to oldage pensions un employment insutance premiums baby bon uses and other luxuries oi Canadian civiliz ation oi which neither she nor the hen has ever dreamed She is also paying the cost of artificiaisupport prices for such com modities as wheat and butter although the farmer who originally sold the eggs may not produce either Royal commission to investigate price spreads might make these points clearer to consumers than they now are Its cost wouldialso ratio lndireotly etaAthenians one by the buyer oi eggs Ediiorial Notes Tobacco men in western ontario say that chewing days are justiabout over chew lng tobaccomas 350year history Once there were dozens of brands now only two or three are available in limited quantities The tobacco needs special leaf and special curing Iiheresgoing to be more unemploirrtient this winter says The FinancialiPost uttho situation isnt tragic It lsvery different in kind degree and significance fromtthat ex perienced during the great depression There is broadrmeasure of business health in the number of people with jobs Indeed the number of people without Jobs serves to indicate how well until recently the influx of immigrants matched the countrys im medi te absorptive capacity in the last 12 montz immigrants have been pouring in at th very tihie whencanadlan expansion was slowing down Even so there is not ing tragic about the outlook Some temper ary difficulty this winter is unavoidable but there need be no fear of widespread hardship The temporary lull will offer chance to shalgeout rigidities and inflationf arycost increases resulting from thevery tight labor market of 1950 Gainionsof0ihers Creemore Honey King Creemore Star Ken Mitchell whose honey emporium is said to be the sweetest place in Creemprghis toihe congraiulated on the signal honors won at the Royal Wlnierjifair Although only young man Mr Mitchell is now one of theieading spiarlsts in Ontario He has specialized in honey bees since boyhood Zlle has takcncourses attire OAC on the culture ofbeesaild thcscfhave been supplemented by long experiencesHe has bee jyardsscsitered over ivide area with all processing now handled at his modern plantrinCreemore JIis winnings at the Canadian National Exhibition in August bavevnow been supplemented by more extended ihonois at ill Royal MrnMitchellls honey is now verydeï¬uiteï¬ recognized as premium produch Easy on the Doogh IiThePrintedlword Most people could save money thanthey team do It is notso very difficult to draw up budget author nfey islto urn then Government one place vgiere there is substantialclbow room for savings as shown the estimates isin departmental pub lishin Reports pamphlets bulletins and misv cellaneous publications of one kindand another iot up to tidy bill at the Queens Printer of some $7500000 year And despi frank rivlleges officiaioliawasannual postage is run pg around $5700000 The easiestloi all somebody else lar it does not do badlyon its stand margin profit but it is worth remembering that annual loss oftwo centsper sales dollar ould put it out oi usiness withoum any appreciable advantag the farmers whose produce it handles and theirfemilies and of departmental off comesftoihe onishlng ï¬gure of 5409300 ihe estimatesfo the fiscalyear 105758 Look at one more heading Special Servrces Here is gt5 really costly gravy boa with cohtemv plated outlays forlawyers architects engineers nslysls presumably eeonomic ban psycho analytic accountants translators writers and 019 ersémployed ona parttime or temper runni to $82000000 These re the ï¬gures as the estimates AnyoneWho hss eve roséii iggottogo easy onihe dougï¬couid surely iind few dollars to lopbe thos su 13cm Mammot AClt1$SA NEWSPClpel egl MondovwWed esddy Frldoy Bulidln FredGronthua nuke15 user in hosiery of the prodigal we see boy take his share of his father EON510 away mm rejecthim anyway He may fear $1 35 weanh the rebuffs of respectable peo ovu the home and mum take health strength intelligencegifts from God and Waste ihe mloosez living Thefath Vimourslory appar entIyliunde the 5011 of the estate at the boys mm gt names1Exmme BillililE stairsums train cm N6 22 Another moainterestiug hunt win from lhronfoto eap date excurs 1011 when seeing many obihe at lnctions of the view of at city from he folllou he top 01 Capitol Kiln0 the bit lumber Hts larg ubyiriandin the centre as wellas the extended military errliorypbelow you walks and The citysvenmbie brick side rain drains crossing them cut om of solid blocks oi stone as well as the meteryon reekwa contained ruck buildinz lt be may come to his ses ad it his wrong and think about re turnnzito God and to decent liv ing HOwover he may feel that God will be so disgustedas to piefeel that he has wandered away so far that it is impossible for him to return if hehss fsiili twill start back as did the gel no matter how tough may and long theng may seem Quest While the boy was still some main Barflngtoingouaimercisi are Novsscouajnmai the scene of he lsyenmgo his power blast at the end of that grovesroi form naval homes of var 200 yearsagoand located longside the largestm vie theatre in the city Ind almost nd Jbout the mo at irooiiva small park or square excepting of course the much nrger Beacon Hili Park la Vie orla located block or two dis iantjmmuro 1bove rpecial dietitian as we las the JD or 5040M change in the tide steamer landings Tidal change mflle Pacific coast is only eight feet Reversing Foils John NB had passed wonderful Reversing Fails where the St John River enters the Bay of Nudyï¬nd then by the steamer Helene had taken the 424mlle passage overhundy in ngby NS and on boilalifix NS by rgil The tideseems to and fall at greater change making nostiemptio detain him inflame 1mm home qw ï¬nm lian even at Halifax and thats orto keep him irorn making er We 5k Does failie truly love ins son Olle nugh also25kDaa God reallylava us if he allows séw him coming and ran out to meet him The 56 immediately ie ng fo hrless sired toibetaken macs ervant faihcr would hear none of this ills probable reason for the as versing falls making such chang It was the only place that ever saw where departingship us to 21 audio gut oursEIVéS in dressed the boyln the best made turn in its course by us thers to choose aWhale ofia time until the gift koin his father was gone Then the suddenlyf ac quired wealth no longer provided him with comfort and satisfaction Many may en life thoroughly or gave him alive help friends in loose living ive him on cut vThe prodigal st lasttook ob feeding pigsthe lowli worst of work for Jew This race considered pigs noteven ï¬t to be near let alone to care He was all alone and hungry ough to be very iempicd to eat pigs food No one paid him any heed wdl become for liquoerlut rather to drown some great disapp mentor grief in Which be feels all alone and forgotten and with ich he can no longercope Faint withhunger over endless and dx becausex of oecupationtiie boy came to his senses and realised that his tlidrsservant5 we off than hen tobe taken back in not as Son vhut as aghired rvaninlhat FEM yo respe fenough food about mediately hegan great was Ifafbtgottq If man perseve theway back confesses lus error and is truly sorry for his wrongdoing Goddiis Father 111 meet him on the way as wereiorgive forget and help him along the last part oilthe road back to normain happy Christian life Then man will reeerv the blessings and rewards resulting from Christian living All ihat the Father gives me will come to me and him who comes tome will notfcast out Johnszal Some may say OllZwell lve been anoid bumf raa ion ts too ie now You cant to old dog new tricks Its nelvelr too late in th of the orers in Matt amtray describe the ingdom of the laborers who Vrked only last hour of same reward iii eï¬ts as those who do so as lyr liie Only three thingsare nece essary as illustrated in thersto man mustsee own wron doing2he must feel trulygsorry for it he must seek God forgiveness The 7c dcr he beheld lhefuss nervdowell ther who bad quandered hare the partyso apgry that he refused to enie the peope alltlleirdivesl who talre the attitude of The elder brother flcscnt the to day received the Fall there are Iihose wi in he church churcilgollig mg long rope cable still mill The son log inJhwwuerdne end ratio at immdrtheicthe icr the big no sinnchion embedded in the dock whichrwas finally drawn back io ï¬le docip ready or the next departing ship This was probably caused by the strong iide lessening the Met the rudder was able to use And was probably thevreason for the Reversing Falls Andii seemed strangein tie up not dock you had recently left day or two previouslyonly this time it was go or 50vfeet higher or lower iével tha itwas when you de nted fromthesarne dock Quebec City Supreme IAnd than tbe supreme slbiy ris vaulte waste timeon Veeberespeak ingopwritlng about it for prob ahly many of you readers are better qualified than am for describing some of its stiractions having been there more than my rp By walking from the Upper Town down to the Lowerfiawnp through the honowlmad through gt no arch and the the narrow is changed conditronswlien yo reach there and the grand vi youhad st leitfromthe old ston rit or Citadel ihéPlains of Ahisham Chateau Frontenac Duff in Terrace BreakNeck Sta steep twisted little streeisy Arid the wonderfully subiim and the far stretches of the wide Waters of the St Lawrence pposite the large drew my plan And the rest was up to track VlEWime above WolfesCove cayuse or donkey or pae senger on xixbone stage up into the ills Aw person who could no 60 onythhig out there then from writing so editorial to cleaning type or roller or even making aroller made of black molasses etc ihad no ght to call binnelfa amino printer had hall Marcel posi iionspbui soon quit thanme there were liilufly other inur eling plaees lsrgeand men which museum and ind onlyso few years in which to see them They ll pald ihdr employeesbig city typo union becausmtha lyr fdei or Ann some 91 those early pint camps are now quite nimble cilia may Emory my MW at momma between Minneapolisva Paulat die top where the river was rbouttheï¬vidm of paved lizeei ind New orleans rpreads on lo 21 miles in escent ctr wiiythey call it he SCresccnt City And during hat trip patio shift on papers these two cities as well as writing onn pers in nearby names like Memphis Vicksburg Jain Kansascily0mlia little Rook St Louis Cincinnati and many other accessible cities Pittsburgh Trip About 55 years agol enjoyed threevdayi rip up the slow moviu Ohio River from Cincin pati Pittsburgh when stops were lniade every couple of miles to unload cotton sugar oic at tbofvcry many places bothsides and yeaisago made the same trip by motor bus in few hours Rates Were Cheaper gt in later years iraveliingg by Greyhound bus rates were much cheaper relatively as your trip was extended and you had pretty much choi as to rout any two on visionai palms your plans and combined price where yit Canada were made on by head officials long before your began your big 10000 or even 15000 miles and several months trip had paid for bEfore your home agent issued yourAicket And then your troult bles were over except when you reached one of the large central offices orally ismlot you do positedihat mall general ticket and thefageut gave you an ex tended one which gave you choice of any route you desired betweenihat central office snd megnext central office on you yourself Audit was an exceptional ex pcrience sideio the other of one of those lug passes by means of large busfrmh thefrontzseat of which you could drop anything youlwished nd it would fins instance in passing lyroach ten firmaon railway Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of going through San sVGolden Gate Parkand its vanous attractions including tho wirenetted enclosed aviary covering even large trees for ioosllngibirdsï¬and pedestrian th birds walk fro end toend fl ng overhead and ilim iuzei osh fish yr anytime to largeor sin ll star or flog hdoks may catch outsian crswoidh car worm aysand for Parliament gr andpolitiu of Barrie later