Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1957, p. 7

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OEFIACENSVPACE 15 lath Putin men or am or PM Phone PABmO vi APARTMENTS FOEIRENT ilflhk loathngnt NIXIPP Ilnan and nova wlth ueihér doll dryer Uuuty roaln canoes nylflmenh wllh eeperate entrances blocks lmlll downtown Burllo iAllPLY Al 224 DUNILOP 51 EAST Fort INFORMATION Bl31 GARAGE AT Toronto st Phone PA Poles lslaIlse ramnotm nousz month Phone PA mos 154m 200ml Apartment healed Adults 25 campheu Ave 151344 1100M Aplrunent lumlslsed Ab mlnen Phone PA Mlll loan menu liemed Bedroom Clans to ARM Phone PA 6608 157116137 7l kluh lvfl other Ngstymgrdfl In MIL Milled Store MoonMe 1M mm hydro eelhug Phono PA use gt um hula and um nppned steer engo PAWk Wmcuu rhul Ranch Ave rontnjn0nterlo sols7lul cummm mums order orthlm human my llateheryl All Prvven melon Phone on or not null can and ueua for Anne Phone PA 54 muolna Apply PhoanuPA one Hrh mm mm co uolu but linenAIAa elkl bedroom 110 Me gum Kw hick Iv Irou ufllllD mr ndu mullI or let us how our with your problems We fllllu wo must help all to he ounclvu Cull Cull Hun ex 71 ll We bolkvo our IJIILIJ are the MIL grow shipment Hive loll lurked wallet Dlyoldl Include Amel 111me ml nathroom andan Clue Long st none PA ones lolum mots hunt lurnllhod honekeept room Cenlnl laeetrlc not an electPlexelrllanlor not cold wet er tn room PA mu lslum RNISIIIII fiplfllflent mm Ind Lh Centnl locelloll lodcm dellI sell contungd Avnllahle Anne 14 Allqu Phone PA ml 1515511 wimtuzsn Coltac suit amall lem lly Water Ind Kalle lnzlde pomuon Ivllllble In Clmfl Eartha Phone Wlnu neaen sms lsmlse Mman room hours pleee bath on lulmce storm eh Bully fum thed 35 Aulllhle Dec 15 All Blldwln lane Allmdale 1Hle Moon bedroom apartment able tnnnedlately Overlooldnx Laundry mllltlea ms monthly ply Apt make st lsml 52 FORD euatomllne Sedan oflfiehmf aryPehruuy Ihouldma ordered now Auk ua lor complete 11 Copelsnd nnuz neeto AUTOMOBILES l7 hnymutll Demullslrllnr doar lemon door NASlLshksmhn l1ulgtsoN door sslllLulAN Convertlhle 63 AUSTIN door with realol HIGHVALUES szMezrEoRI Stzzhl°éwnm OW FALL PRICES ROOM mmllhed Iplrlmenl null ahle Dec Phone APA em lsum noanHoure 11an to down town AppLy sophla st West l5lsHsl ROOM unmmlshzd Iplrllnlnl Cen lnl vlJuilneu couple Phone PA 179 151354 52 norms much door Malay rdtop with radio 513mm door no Ill211034 dodr so lllLLllAll door n7sz ton Plexup 51 oqoql yrtnn flclup House room unturnlehed Air eonolu 7d throne nemnanle renLE eryxcnlsmh met Phone PAVWGS 151554 Hull00M Aplflmenl halted Ind Wile nip led Avnlhhle Dee lCen ILMl lolle mm Applylnfi Dundonlld St gt lsllllil $7225 153 MErEOR custom 1m ndlu in umlm condtloned haunt Mutemu lire sllnl Illhul mile cmwmmzzw ammo GLYCOL ANTIFREEZE PLAT hcmnnhle 7m you couple Phone PA um alter pm 15le137 FURNISHED Room Apereneot up talre Apply 92 Cumberland 5t lslaalu Pumst room apartment new 1y decorated Phone PA 66291 lslsstl amp SPACE to more central loan don Wrke Bax turns biennium ROOM Ilnlurnlshed heeled apert ment No children Phone PA 85330 lslsslsts Dehlers or Rambler andDKW 7V1AUTMOTORS lsso PLYMOUTH SAVOY SAX58AM smwcla SEDAN I1 oowANsr mow PA 14331 knollbulan dee cllllom red one 13131 Rd dlreY 5M EHW use Palm Couch ln eroellentcondl Very low muult uon em down and talle over new gt 1955 150 mum Apply 71Colller St lsls7 olen cllp ll X9 HILLMAN uoodmechlnlcnl Eon 33£¥5hfiffi JEMEE gunfigmylnzdImneurg dltlon wlnterlzed nonumlcal trane la $895 Emmi SKDODGE All 333 DNB JEIDIIOOMoneIbedmm and one vaedlaom canal vlllh Alums mvenlencei Apply Blve Kreller Wnnn Belch 151171 APARTMENT lame unturntened rooms prlule blth and heeled Pnnclh ELPhone PA um arm 50 mer yin 15135131 FURNISHED sell conlllned Iplfl ment Only one block trons FOILO lee Phone PA 305 and PA 5671 alter no weekends lslsttl LOWEIL Duplex IIIe rooms nd uled bathroom all heated separate mlrdnce Many extraa 80 monthly Adulta Phone PA Hm lenom Thll If anu or Illndy body llle model car at Needs body eeuent oPPaflunll to eequlre nzmrulce mm Conl on PlVed OIL close to school Phone mu stroud 151364 OP UNFURNIEIIED noonu Heated and hydro Very central PA Mm lsmm UNPUILlellEl room ninrtment hented Wort end Phone PA 82863 15137 ROOM unturntshed unartinent hut ed on ground floor PhonePA mu l¥lsvtr BRIGHT Rooms on pavement not ond col water Phone Stm lDrl3 115137440 Punrllnlllzn Apartment heated move nnd lrle Cenlral Apply Brndloni st 15137 RDDMBD Apnmnent heeled Partly lurnlshad prlvule hnth Apply 62 TH lnsl lsmtl ROOMED House 1t Femdele Apply at so Maple Ave Bards Phone PA Beau lslaolsl LIGHT Houtekeeplnz yarns turn Ished lsedroom and kltchen Plume PA 54593 15135137 LARGE Room heated Excellent or emull apartment Close to arena Phone PA 037 lsusm LARGE Room healed tumllhed £113 nngettey use of washing mechlgle Bl Mary st 151354 MDDERN new enurtment unlurnlehed Aeafied one bedroom Adults Phone PA was 1513543 UNFURNISHED RoomslfiPPlLlls Mlple Ave at the rear or phone PA 33932 Aner slx 15137 UPPER Duplex central Adulu Gap age lnuluded PA oszul days PA la7 nlghts lslsolzs 2IIOOMBD unushed apartment sépn lute entrance Apply 106 Sophle st West 6to Em lsfuolafl noon Apnrtmcnt depanteentnncefi modern bathroom Illd kllchella Vacant 199 Eur Road 1513 4100M flushed apartment WI runneth and use 01 file Apply nunlopsl West 15137138 snnnnoowl new home Olkley Perle Avntlnhle Dec heat two month llhone PA eoasl lslsom lflwmvl hell eontulned uprtment olose to bus stop 0nelml7y welcome Phone PA moo 1513543 macs Unfurnished hrlck house olt heeled Florence Apply 33 Cool st Phone PA 31529 151384 Aluminum rooms and hath rprl Ylte entranceseo monthlyNo hlld ren Phone PA 636872 lolaols woman lurnlahed epnrtment vell nlale lmmedlntely Ahrtalnm No chll drenuPhone PA 117752 151374 man hrlm turnlshed ouoelreegt lnz room oll heutlnune rlneretorn neuonahle PA mm lklsolgal noon Apertmeht beslde hlunop flutedcontlnuous hot wnter Gobd lo outlawPhone PA on 15121138 noon untumhhed partment PflA me entrance prlvate path on Brun Ionl St Phone PA Hm lotlama lnelu dilute hath pofllfl 3200 Phone PAlMHC 1955 DODGE cnusonm 13159 smith Mono teen cum film 1915 MEIEUB mo Prlomuln IIEVVK more M9 Poncho 3110 don Parno gt 54 DODGE Panel rrrucr$us Ptnaete lon Stro 42m lslse rp clean to owner on see amt door ao eom lete oafl rnm 39 an rnfiwlnterlzed wus mow qul nnutn no 1953 DODGE REGENT sen very and on lean eer noon Apartment completely decorled prlvnle hath prtvete enn trunce Ground floor super month dlnz hydrp Phone PA 445 uslsolsv gt ROOM lleure ln town or stayner not water and all cenventeneea Avll hle lmmcdl tely Apply Gordon Dam Box 32 stayne or phone 155 gt lgm AmAcrlvlzLy lurnlrhed room npertment on hm noor at modern home Centrally located ln pleuenr resldenllal aren Phone PA 52591 Ill137 mcELYJumlslled room heated npdrtment Prlvale entrance both oun tlnuoud Wynn water Clean Renault Able Downtown Apply Welllnnvll We 15qu APARTME self cantalned lute llflnx brlzgmulklltchen bedrooms pece enema Post amce mnmu Wm osuo 55 CHEVROLEI Conch cum nuut PA 94409 freer lmluh ln sneeze or $l 350 CARS Ar whole ele noes ms cnev Sldlll 1550 Vlllllul hllso Plymouth Plomsfedan 195 nick Applsyigl lo 55 MERCURY lssd Palm $165 excellentmotor new lwo door hardto lttery rhody opholetery od automallctranunlsa dndm o2 mnKOne owne eekende uon tone blue eeat tone aloe on ll Il gr lqyely candl $895 PwomOlt tone belle and red new rent one 55 PREFECT noodgrunnlno rharploqluna oar 52 STUDEBAKER CLUB rt llttl sed lth also no no 13 J35 CQUPE om mailman 1mm mm artonennroon nod nelze One owner 5795 low noneen cujn SSCHEVROLET BelAlr Sed usan Ind whlle lln teh whltewelltlree turn Anus atr condltloned henlllun 2am aflfilw mun $1575 55 MERCURY Lllcern Sedan alltomdtlc common custont rsdl Inuknhlckrnptflxhh wllluowtwuhe Ill cover one my er aglce new noosmuea overdrlveund mun anmP pon snlah clean car at low prlce elson hpn PA 5461 1313mm 1551 summon statlon Wagon less Metropolltan 1954 Nusll statesmen 1953 Studebaker Sedan ma Allan A10 1949 lrord Panel lAton Apply Hagald sory Moton 75 nayhelo sr Phone PAMIBS lslallsa or Prlvate entran PA lBlfllll ROOM Apartimenthevnlhble Dec Sell zontulned on spnne heated No uhjécuon In children Must be Ihlulll ers Cantrelly located Phono PA HUM 15127 ORILLIA Fully equipped ML and of tee be In lawn Good buslnux monlhly Must have of lent monuu in advance Apply Box 104 Ramona amlner lolsuas ulnar Room In vlllege one hilly lumhhed end heated wrung totlon avallahle to Allnndl oncomp Borden 30 monthly Phone 1an lroy Mr Peerler 15h INSULATED Colleges some hot ter relrlzenlors usedlear round monthly us and upApply menu lln currle Mickeluns cottons Join and Moeley wandl lsllotlwr FURNISHED room sultehledor cow ple nuo hnahelor apartment ldenl huslnere couple lheseapartmenu centrally located Aplzly en PA Moos evenlnns PA Mm 11 lfila 11 contillndd part5 haul nu can Newly lumlshad no no llne sun hullnweolple 1mm he abstalnengApnly nu kworth 15st return The chrhtenhen 30 women snow um Mann needy Loo moon Palm no sods Klnl donlnmmon aeolian covere 151D5ME lawman SEDAN 221mm vblllé new ant eon Almort new whlge mu urea Good months my prleed can 951 DODGE Dark metnlup mPllV Ankh culloln radlo new neat covert Luxury model WW 1951 PLYMOUTH GAMBRHJGE SEDAN lurk blue flnleh nevi extr noon runn no car ass Im II Sea seen zoo shun 0k annual MaulArn no country mom to volume flunk 045 am column show lulu cu um £35 Qyafi ommunl JD Movl ttlno um 1WDIa puntemunenluoruunonz hunt medlo all eondltlnned but mum lnal ureeallnlrh 100M mu 51 lllaAlzD brunt mom Separate Automotlc transmlulun Zoom ndlo Jet bllck finllh wlt Almost new white DEsdro CUSTOM noowl upper apertmen an omh iat fleomflnmr Inlned latte llvlrl room LI room flood lhllljplee modmlffimhems ownlown orePan flan Dec Phone PA wov 13518343 mom 3mm unmmhhéd llltchen prlvllegee huetnets couple slzweelr Also room s15 weplncouple wlth 433 gayenm doldéoul mtglnele pm llannyllel mm UNFURMSHED room apartment maln floor sepe te Klinevvlndnblflk dour HI and vy duty stove one rmalll ehlld welcome share luth room Almalnen noblenec ll PhonePA luau 151le mrlorn erlod month roommrnlahed ihnw well rmrnmled and an Rent sue month No taet Henry Elfl ll on Phone PA M583 tle radlo meheleau door hurtltop ered 11900 muea on clllzvllDLEr slams HAM llmnsm cfioosa Pllou We Hate Few Dp Qualhyvlru slur mwtvc Woomm 7m carol Perrhe my 7to74ur nuttle Bhow am News as snort Scum one our on snortqu looo New sour loom 11 New gushart soulu 00 195 AclldlzvnothrP lgton Exqu our FARGO zloN TsrAlnl in anoemllamue ltoplns rurnlehed overlooklnz hay Good loentlon0n our route Avllluhle not Phonemmfl lslsodn wrumslmn light mums lrlg and nave Adult only We 830 ma wing snort We bedelltlllgmom and vllltchellluln well hnted haul Phone PA H895 sgul CONTAINED furnished Wilt Ill1e rootu plue leund room entrance Em ond Pia3277 gt uslstrssn HOME unfurnished Iplflmelit rflvlu entrance nlld hath heavy our lung Veean Applyflwllllm 1513mm manna Ifloom Alafluent hed lnflnl roomyml kitchen Avuhhlee Phone PA 85494 127 Port lolssls7 now eonEmentarogflnl an Ple mm uodlnl Ph hf and Itchenette all melwaenehnaplu Allendale Phone FAWO 15438135 comoluABLY furnished room char Orgspentp Anlnton 1m GDGYGhfl 3o3im llfllljlm Houhm Pulls are 33410 Bo redwnwhlt docks wltla lsllnr PoNnAc coupe papers Phone 9742 aols1 Weeken MRW9EE Brahman ou one am 7110431 AUSTIN dam nedn and cm alum meemo Phone PAAoum lldellfl Alumna stetlon wagon good eon ulthu flwly PnhquInMmm nor gt11 ago an lfl HOUR Mon ml Laue PEAGLB Homnti nelrl mantyu old ginnan malleta Phonl Ammo Minerva do Flat BAMVIUDGIIS blue ml Chrl mu Maonu MQVJAxunleP PA I651 lorther lnronpouon nodular trytam 4k RfiV CHA whyu shun 1mm nit PAPls moo clc Neva tun so let lbw uso Wmuinn suuww Instr aw use any can llepeh mo nlllnne Forum sso name country uw Vets An 1hre 430 La sm rluhrlnu more 1130 luneh Party em Ediulllv show she Th War on stone meleeuln Ivante umnatiena unnu cKBBPRGGPAMS Eeldllne New on Jun Coll show no 3653003 lmln Pd 7m Pewhulk flown Plane Milli 35 Ink Butlle Elm mMlewl some all avail A391 001 to the dayunewheo laoll nopnnnn all Illa flue bl out Ill block Khan DealMin 8w lAVlllhll no Apply l7 Hllell aplhdls leun Ar iCLomlns ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR mwcx ore Dllnlvn Wm PA 570 Noonwat Bulk tilNOVA Wl rv 3011845 vBIAaIJIl noonelm chrlmnu make up and mkln lur ltenu nunhlo lrnnl me Jhry Prince at hunter conruler 5Lx8errlephmleEhm altlam mnmxuliNwament chn 10 1511 mm men too Try Inlqu 03me from tablets or double re ru new vltor on gbo lmp petlto due to Iron me omyaoe At poornuts Talon things all ion Sale LHCBITZB VL Apply Wlllllm Conn zlmvale phone firm pm Gum CHWBS lot vellllll Ap Nfionion Atktnm 1m CALIr Poll Aim none um um Robeflt Cmpbfill Uhlffflll ll was WEEKS om Applyllovnlu Cdlpwellushlnly ney Jhone ours Emflm Ids7 um 10 llu rlllnl year old snortnom Apply Scott nulr phone 111 Mlneslny WILL TAKE 40 ml tltlle loled or1 the wlnler Anly to Douzlu Hulk Chumhlll Phone Lemylhll BIrllu vonxsma BOKR oervleeanle qulet and wolllsle¢thll an out In tle bentrnr pl one emu staynor gt91rllls noun sPltleloxn Heller aood motlqu IAllo Pullgcal Apply camphell as will LBlrrle Phone PA zoom 9137 to flour Ple York Indunonce Yuan Shbnhorn tsuna Res Iolilh llcefl Onwlom Svll 9m SKI all 91374 rmle llBREFOBD null about 300 Ian WennllnxPl weeks old la starletPl weeks old Apply lsprt Illw Mlneslnu Phone on lune slung 3437 trues AND springer Human moan and puruhrzds nounted or blood ltesled by com Mme wrrnty AIM onlan Phone Joseph hrane um son llnl slrouo 912 57 re III omen Bound 2809 Anund Ind quilt and your that Roan Heller dueto call nee la Cow Ylllla red Sept 11 Re Li tered yotuhlre Boer years uuel and5aure also harnyerd or well me mad mlnure APPl Georze Shellleld out Harm Phone 515 name 91374 pH $25 Parn Harkt Inner um 10a mendlt0 vom Jo moo studie one uoonnc 4m nls Tedy ln sooth 1121 Community No soo Earth to Its noel no lovetorn usnnn It non um cu Newr Jilodlv in soon 1x29 mnumlty mm urn 132 lnns PAWorgan Jflfl Bundu anI fit uo Bob none Zggmmmt Blhl or cup FoolISall hollowlnx lhe Grey Mansfield who convenlenyu lh not home Central Cow Nil TV nllue firm Von nljht lli lily ln lmlli ugly Cup glme Vem Ken Illanoon Non30 ovall XVIITV Powhr movie an star AnnrSoalern wmoeimlmoss of ceremoniu or the mm which will lake view hour of mice LIBNegnrrhow lplncg Also commonwllll tDunolle lher Will null lrlo starring Samrnynl lrlhny Randell Ind owls flier HYDE rl own special ch diam for fleet mmflDBIDEOOM Cenlrel Phone PAW It luautn mmsnlm ammumard optlonal PhtnuAPA come 65415167 IEIIGIII Insuredroom cm ll lo vceled $6 Ieelly PhonoPA 15=M31 slrlau hoards wlth runnn¢ whler Ind tnlephone Welullflon Haul 45123mm Illl We of Iopl Ween moanlme brim new In eloee to Tomblyn PhanbPA lulu orgpoly 66 Cuppeflon Sf Blelfl Pumnmln Bedmoln laurlnen mnn prete hloekammdown town Phone 3445 letmast comrm urnlkhed block room down town sun weekly Phone PAum evenlnn 51m MUELY turnllhedbedruorn lnr len tlemn ln qulet home pown town new non near cal PhonezPA mu Itsman Fumslmngfitnlukleplnl room very oentral No restrletlnua er ol 1m and mm machtne Phone PA mm alter tstssylsI Puma lame ronln heated all em 55 per Wodk Pllnne Pl 6318 15417 runmsnnn nooMrtor renh rlelIe PA 582 5111188 llamst Illmuekeev room wlth ailteldedllctihg $300 telétllelnn ileum ondluoutss Oulmufllngtgripbllg uuoiltlie lo 9le sun treerlen guinea In no Men gt Tsid Euhhe combatant on Jail and on very Cunt ot tinnoel Dulyed no goal runnln on here moth Cam ng 3qu guarantee for two 39335 Priced for 97915 conventlonal lilyi gt gt $2190 rcoapllble lrndein HimMounted reg Wilmagal ropes 259 mm 51 SPONSQRPD olivine llpTARY ohms 9F BAlmm FOR llllHREE Auto We Fire With State lnsurancefiompanies GRAHAM

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