tho ndmlnlatration long lDebalo CAS Répdrli Contlnued iron page one society the CA5 reply claimed Yulejnomlnees to our board are unaware or have lbrgotterl that and the net viï¬ supervisory responsibilities are shared as follows alias Jackson is the manamng directorandlhe locaidirwtor defined in the Child Weltre and is responsible to the blpd of directors for adminis tration and enforcement of the Cliild Welfare Act She also can riesvsome responsibility in the upenvialod olthcr protection vice and the com work as is the caseworï¬ size childlrenin around speca Dancesasvw ns being assistant managing direcv to ME Ruth Hutton is the busi ness dmlnislrator and is in charge of clerical staff The re port of the managing director at monthly meetings is combinp ion of the work of the society as whole Dr Delaney pointed out that the CA5 had accepted the Woods Gordon report on the society called for by county council last year and many of therecom mendations of that report had been implemented Hemade it very clear that in VEStigation of residence oi child coming inlolhbcare oi asociéty was something which hadnothing to do with the CA5 Every where in the province the mun icipality is billed for this over the years our society has been billed We have no control over this figure dioard Representation Referring to the 5050 repre sentation on the board he felt council was thinking of the Smith tion which existed in Peel Coun ty Whiie he felt that this was an ideal situation he reminded council that the Peel boardem braces all welfare work of the counb and not inst the CA5 Dr Delaney commented while itwas possible for the society to receive only its statutory pay lf they were an arm laminae an India em closer convention hey feltfthat iha gull which did notrzqulré advice from the barrio runuilabual Attblipolnt in dehlte he ar came confusedandlthcilllinute laced at present Wu largely due multwu the ndoï¬lon it mo tor eatil all gt understanding tion The rcply the CASwnsfihal seconded by Councilor Todd ol received and celerred back to lnniatil to the died that both the CAS or further tion asidea ébonunued from page one would be helping with this issue to absent them selves Canmiuec as Whoie Council went into committee as Whole wiih Councillor George Risk Béeton in the chair on agreement at council the chairman asked ille members of ms in the public gallery iftbey would mind leaving DrDeianey spcaid iortha CA5 replied that theyi cuid be very happy to leave it NQMers of the press were requested to leave too iorthe CAS did but think it would be air for there to he an opportunity of publish ing matter t0 the public which members of the CAS had had no opportunity to hear At the request ofcuuncil the chairmanasked members of the press to leave Neville Barnett news editor of The BarrieExr aminer asked permission of the chairman to address council lie with that he and his col leagues took Serious view of the exclusion of the press from meetings of public bodies al thongil if forced they would abide by the decision of council He pointed out the county coun cil were elected representatives or the people and members of the pres were also representatives the people For public bodies to hold closed meetings was in his opinion poor democratic govern ment Councillor Case rose to say The Einmlnor Radio Column wnwrs NEW pm month from today Santa Claus will make his annual Visit loyal good lads andlassies To msrkdhe Christ rrras season CKBB again has be gun programmingmusrc with Christmas theme Four Christ nins programs get underway today and continue right up to Dec 24 They are Christmas Wonderland 130 to 200 pan Carol Caravan 205 to 230 mm Chimes oiChrist mas 230 to 300 pm Program number four is of special interest to the children It is Santa Claus who will broadcast from the North Pole Monday through Fri day following the five oclock headline news In addition to the special shows CKBB will integrate Christmas music with other tunes throughout itsentire broadcasting days ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS We cant help but footnote memo regarding news coverage cnv CKJBB It is one aspect of broadcasting which seems to grow and grow on an average broad cast day minimum of so itéms with local or district flavor find their my on one of CKBBs 23 newscasts The2 current volume of news has reached an alltime high it happens you are bound to hear it first on CKBB CARE DFFICIAIIS in Canada and US give unstinting praise to broadcasting to CAREs success in its continuing campaign for funds From thebeginning the broad casting industry has unselï¬sth given time and talent to assisting this program saysPaulJ Cour ian CARE of Canada director GOOD TIME was reported by one and all at last Fridays dance at Barrie Central collegiate Eur cee of the aï¬air was CKBBs pro pain dimmerand nocturne dise twirlenJack Rattle CKVRTV cumm neunaw Nov as 300 Tut turn no on oorv Th lillinnlin 00 Wayne it Sh SIOW all seem irwconununiw Nam Nana Nova ula Tut Iom rm cnnhuhm womans show can nauw newer needy oonn In no I40 wmam Theatre Mono mom I300 Nu Hemunu um um com Show IRJD Punt Market aanorl 1230 seam mun woo mu 45 Simon can Palm and home one saw nuueun nond Headline Nava Stan Taylor snow Christmas wauo 200 Newsmt and Carol cumin Chimes nf Christmas Time adila farm Market Report as ovum mu II Bulletin Honrdl NwYorh clue on Headline so Nun Headline moo Coming Evula crewman rnnm us Farm name noun no new no on Sun no FrontJnuo chlilengo uu omenc am urn 11 L1 moo rank saber in country Junction coon Hm airfoil sum ramauvlm ruo llevio My Favorite Aunt wnnunnvyhuov 300 loyal wanm nirw 315 The chriImMu 330 Wblnlnl slum 600corning event no Wolï¬rll Yhnh 750 Nola 09 Elton nouns Dp all New um Epom 00 anl os showtime neth oa ELM Tlllbi BM limitn 1105 vun carer snow noonurn mrenut mini no not News Headlines l210 Farm Market ECHO mo arts Dung on slrncoc Gaunt run ad Home II Bullisttn Bilrd mu Taylor on cuminwonderland Mr renew 039mm asses 544 no Inn 130 olnulnna Got 30ny Ellfl 1100 GIBJIIWI an row in loom commuan ml iron wmulnu chicane which Nov an 300 rm ruem Mastaunt Army 33a wanurn Show vuur moo 0m Mouse 31de nudy Mo Maggi Humor chiidnnl mural mslhu lano nun we canons mun 10 Wflum routo us ram alum 30 Ml us 3mm 100 130 can Allie Mlklfl 1000 Dlic iii 35 an Camuan lldofllfluvlo chlm of Horrors uo Nun and sauna 45 Farm Market Report on nm Enortacnm newline News 1an at Bren on boom in VB News sport score Nevin os showtime Review stun ruler show New trIoo mu uoa Good Nawi annu car all audio County inn and Hand Kaw Board society do feel thatthey the pressanii membe CAShe allowed to tly remainder th seasiï¬n Four councillors Unanimous Reporl Continued trom page one recommendation at the January session dontthlnlrhwe willgct anywhere like this First on Cost Councillor Cannon Downey Vespra claimed that this had been the first motion three years ago which drew attention the whole trouble with this direction rising cost of the Jh is that wehave not got control The Childrens Aid is set up lhey can claim their per diem rate hnd tell us to jump into the late it looks as if thats what they intend to do do thinkthat iiiCounty Council had 50 per cent represent ation on the board that would be the beginning oi the end of our troubles Councillor Emnsol Biédfdrd ielt thatthe origiml=cmnitloa of four should be given authority toigo little further to see if they could get the GAS to work with them Councillor VPinehln suggested thel point had been reached where the report with its recplmncndationa should be either accepted or rejected by council Recommendations On motion by Councillor Jer mey the report of the our own cillors was adopted The main recommendations embodied in that report are The council limit any payments to the society to the minimum of its statutory obligations until it is satisï¬ed the board and meme bers of the branch committee are functioning as collectively as in tended by the act The OAS should take all steps to make each community aware oi the child welfare problem and the need for volunteerrworkers at conununity level The GAS board should review its responsr ty to thebflice of thc managing director recognize the need to strengthen the admin istration and steps to correct weaknesses with in the organization joint review be made of all weliiara world within Simcoe Coulk tyto determine what is the func tion of the socini worker within the society The review should include the views of the medical legal ministerial profession gov ernment agencies uvenlle courts unamployment reliï¬ VON YMCA YWCA Salvation Anny service clubs Board Education and other groupsinterestedJm child Wellare The work of establishinglres idence of those taken into care by outside societiesshould be re viewed to see it it can be carried out more efficientlyand at less cost at municipal level Consideration be given to de ternlining the facts and informa tion which should be embodied in reports to he presented by the board to eachsession of County Council London England Tobacco gtZ=Buyer Claims Misquotéd iSirncoe Reformer Controvarsial tobacco buyer Elia ondon gangland despatclied strongly worded telegram The Reformer on Saturday from New York City stating flatlythat he would not buy Ontario tobacco under the present auctionplan and charging that hehad been grossly misquoted in press re lease last week by the Ontario Flueflured Tobacco Marketing Board Mr views as expressed in newspaper interviews eariy last week in which he warned he would not buy one leaf of Ontario tobacco unless the present change Réiterating his auction warehouse plan he eta in fhetelegra present planl will no bu is incompetent dangerous and will result in chaos take immediate Growers aiiman confirmed his SYCoanciiiorAbnor Rm rneauonmcs FOR me on chrmaavrnis shi URDAY will be bigger illion ever before commentary the game and various prell inarles will he heardtrom one end theeountry to the ot Worknnd parallel television irom Vancouver Island to tile piovlnceof Quebec 51ny as for as the Maritimés Arrangementstosend the llvef pictures of the game stations via the 115 had not been completed at our resa time Tilfacilities at Varsity Stadiumvinioronto 101 the great EastWest battleare illustrated above with sketch mnp showing the extent of the actualitysv distributh Maritime viewers Will see the game at the lobes on so day atternoon 24 hours after it takes place Coveragesof the football festivities in Toronto on radio andTVatarts lnihe10001100 urn period with the parade through doWntownToronto to the lty Hallwheie Prime Minister John Dleienbaker will ogflclate at ceremony 91 weicorn and then to the Stadium Wormup broadcastser the game itself will start at noon and train 1230 controlyltll twl ec game telecast 12 03 eron the CBC Dominion nett coverage will exten at least arid pos in progress to eastcons TV netWork en at the ï¬eld Repeat or SundayaDecembei ctéwss Mr aridlllirs Albert crawlers and Mrs Robinson nf Oro Station visited with and Mrs Alvin Cairns Visiting Recently Mr and MrsAlvin Cairns re cently visited with and Mrs Frank Crawiord at Onllia Mr and Mrs Ed Miles oiScari borough visited with Mr and Mrs Vic May gt Mr Mrs Vic Mayand Deli va ted recently with Mr and exColes in Barrie Mr and Mrs Keith Lees and family visited on Sunday witi Miand Mrs IMge Newton at Midhurst Mr aud Mrs Shanty hay Visited on ndgay with Mr and Mrs Charles Simp sunny utchinson icklingr of Home on Sunday evening Mrs MGairns of Crown Hill and Mrs Viola Slack of Sdarborough at ¢nded Congratulations to Mr and Mrs rask of Barrie on the birth Mercurys Club Dancecl Al Arnioury KEMPVIEQ HEN8B mEdl Valley 48 Tannng 44 Carpenter 42 olniilons to Lakeview 38 Reliable 35 Carpen ter 34 Duncan 28 Lair Sim lass 23 Shalfirocks 22 Valley Ta Elliott cos Carpenters Rel ble nu cw to Shamrocks sum ehigh triple or 772 KEMPVIEW MENS iC second Schedule East Endch ha so 35 985 Canada znry Edgar Bombers nun sum Bristo Wonder Beaver Butler Lam MondaysScores nuuers East Enders as Lernay had thehighsingle are of 310 Hawkins had the high triple of 783 Butlersï¬nacir SermceandEast riders qualify for playoffs by placingjirst and Second in the first schedule Collihgwood Mercurys won and lost gameiu the one Senior Borden Houses Saul underla BelliniCouri Sliil LONDON CPJA maiorconl tractormnd several subcontrac tors will start legal battling Mon day over responsibility for $l800000 Centrai Mortgage and Housing Corporation development forrarmy and air force personnel atcamp Borden CHMC refused to accept the workbccause it did not come up to standards The federal goverhment is re ported withholding $850000 rom SterlingConstruction Cu mo of Windsor pending position of several civillawsuits nowunder way in the Supreme Cort of On tarioto determine liability Mondays sitting ln Londons their son Craig gt Moved to harden Sgt andMrs Buchanan and inmllyirave moved to their new of Lthis week Heter Johnstonand Dale Fmser attended the yai Winter Fa for dayythis week home at Camp orden on Monday yisited in Toronto on eWomenls Institute held Supreme Court will start hear ing that is expected to last two wee lhe dispute regarding respon sibility Tatarted in 1955 and has developed into tween Sterling Construction the major contractor and some of the subitrades who worked on the project Figuring in the suits besides Sterling Construction areL and Cartagev and Development Co London the pain HillClark Francis of New Liskeard mill work con tractors and Ham on plaster ot Peel Consenlntqry of Music harm the pupils on splendid on squabble be loopover the weekend Close to 900 fans at Meaford watched the Mercs get trampled by the Knights Then in Or illia 700 fans saw the Mercs eke out at verdictrover the Pontiacs ohn and Charley MncDonald Bill Me omb McArthur Ray McCallum and Ed Louttit cared for Mentord Hcé Brainard cored for the Mercs At 0rlllia Frank Bergeron scored two goals for Coilingwood and singletons went to Bill Hagan AudyBellnnger Hee Brainard and Ron Taylor who wasawarded goal when an Orillia player thréw his stick at the puck Rick lipgg was tw goal man for the Pontiacs and Ray er OHAVJUNIOR AI St mm so Marlboro 13 Pelerborough llama 11 so 51 32 1410 is it 1a opponents 49 so to thtnwn Guelph xOttaw for only in an Relnltl Marlboros Burrie St Catharinea Peterbamugn libwae um on eer orough at mlit mesonsGuelph Marlbo on pmne the motherlobe tar is you More than 5179 articles oidaiy ve successful program rat Ed gar Hall on Nov ll bythepupils consumption synod are derived fronu Whit Mousseau Gnriepy counted the oth Barrie Garrison badminton Clubbeld acle roundvrobin on Friday evening at Barrie Arm oury noyMclarland who pulled down many of the top prires last selao wus high anan for theW night Jean Carrutllers was the high lady gt Prizes were also givcnto the man and woman with the lowest scores More than 35 persons attended and enjoyed ihc evenings rc creation which alter badminton includededdncingï¬ando lunch in the oiiiccrs mess summon would like to thank my friends and neighbor wnn were so kind Ind helpful when my houlo burned dawn Word cannot express mygratlluda aln Mildrcd Weir 2135 fiiiiifllii FOR SURE STARTS ECONO ltERiF TO ALL MAKES Elli ï¬EEPlEZDS HAIL RVILE littl PA 82487 uw is Your untrue ny nannv whom no boom or summons NATURAL CHILDBIRTH great deal or the worry and ear HI accompany pregnancy need not he The procesl at childbirth in one at the great min clu or mankind Ind not the torture chamber which so many expectant Ino then seem to dread Prcaent day living in probably rel sponslble or many compilecans which occur in childbirth little exercise each rich overcooked foods wenr tightclothln sleep too little and are unaplego comfortable pregri easy childbirth requires welldlvel oped body with proper wellvbalanoed People get too nutrition and goodrtruntunlllgn ment the bodyframework and iii ticuiar the hip and tailbone or entire only iaundergalng change help this an smoothly nervous tension must be re arise th moved the bfldy joints mustbe well allure and flexible Experience hlf shown hut chiro rnctic cr¢is most he ore thbAbtte tricinn and an easy natural childbirth The chiropractor can re ove atrcasu nndltninl keeping the scorniorts or premancy down to mlnlmumand prevent the tendency to cgnstipatln and impairment of circulation sneorm man during til time garter childbirth the body must make another readjustment back norm cy This is another lmporlnnttlino rgmnimauetlc care It is wonder ml aid in the restorationol body tissues and prevents backache whicb men sequel of pregnancy heterflng back to tnecalumn last week on HEADACHEuthEv second fTho most cammnnheoduche5 nrcular headaches includinlml mine gt and tenalcrl helddohcl which lrom sustained contraction of uscies or the Indï¬EA1 anhishould have read lavloll