Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1957, p. 3

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WE members and two visitors homogenizing hymn mood prove by the president rolinll was answered by Verse tron the1 Bible containingtbe th wordGlory Mn Bread reportedon thebooh now avail PAUSING OUTSIDE the church at carlton and Yonge which has meant so much to their livesin Toronto the four smalltown girls who love the big city are Doris left 335s June Marilynhand Jean They all arrived in Toronto in their teens land are now in their early twenties Warned by wellwishing friends that they would be lonely in the big city and that they wouldnt get toknow anyone not even their neighbors four small town girls have made pleasant and full life for themselves in Tor onto and their story is told in recent issue of the United Church Observer Marilyn Martin 23yearold daughter of Mr and Mrs George Martin 15 Bcrozy Street Barrie left her home town when she was 19 and fresh graduate of BBC commercial and board in the WCTUs Willard Hall large girls residence at Gerrard and Yongcx By becoming an active member of the Carlton United Church and being elected to the executive of its Young Peo plcs Union she met arid became friends with Juncllostler of Ban croft and Doris Baulch and Jean Watson of Port Hope The four girls found an apart mcnt inxtheuEgiintonYonge area and set up housekeeping They now have very active social life wellpaying jobs and more friends in Toronio than in their home towns Marilyn is employedyin the off ice of Americth Standard While living in Barrie she belonged to Trinity Anglican Church choir and was member of the United She took room particularly Too Busy To BeLoneilyf Churchs can But she is so in volved in Carlton United that she is unable to get bomeas frequent 1y as she would wish being active in the Churchsponsored Saturday Night Club weekly dance get together Although the girls missed the neighborlincss of small town when they first moved to Toronto they said they soon got over that Their advice to newcomer to the provincial capital is to win the YMCA or WCTU until she may meet other people who share an apartment one of the girls said After while she will make new friends through church Young Peoples activities and will find others who would like to live as we do But you have to go halfway to meet people in the city You cant expectthem to come to you all the time The girls like to entertain and often have their fellow YPU mem bersinixloan boughtravpiano to use on these occasions They have had as many as 30 friends milling through the fivevroom apartment which they have shared for more than year They are all busy in church ac tivities from September to May on top of all the first rate attrac tions which Toronto has to offer such as the opera ice shows top wish to able in the loéal organizations collection and gave verydoth cd report on the sectional foil rally which was held Vmentlyfit hawkefstonef Thefirst cbapter of thestudy book was very interestingly and instructively given by MrsA Perkins She enlightened her audience with facts concerning the land peopleaud conditions in Japan This was followed by shortdlscusslon on the Japan ese population of British Colum bia Mrs Lennox temperance secretary gave short reading directed to parents ofgrowing children instructing them to put stricter supervision on the reading radio listeningand telé vision viewing of their children inmoldlng childrens lives these medium can give lasting im pressions on the hearts of teen lhe devotional period was tak en by Mrs Jory the theme of which wasThine is the Glory based on the 2nd chap ter of Philippians verses to 11 Before departing or home the members enjoyed cup of tea andZa social hlalfhour Theatre Guild Wallis Personnel An organizational meeting and public audition for the second production of the Barrie Theatre Guild Glass Menagerie will be held Tuesday at 830 pm in the Barrie YMCA The Guild is looking for peo ple interested in going into pro duction setup The personnel needed are stage erevv sound effects men electricians prompt ers makeup costume and prop erty people Four actors two male and two fem 1e are needed for the play it self Those interested in trying out or the male lead should be ap proximately 20 to 30 years old The femaleyparts are an elderly woman and 205 Anyone is welcome to try out Directing the Glass Menagerie will be the vicepresident of the Guild Art Lighthourn yolinggirl iii hér movies Thats what they like about the city the hustle and bustle Angus wAs wvis Plan Yule Program The regular monthly meeting of Angus WA and W5 met on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Vic McMaster at eight oclock Meeting opened with everyone singing the theme song followed by prayer led by the president and everyone repeatingthe Lords Prayer Devotions were taken by Mrs West followed by ahymn Roll call was answered by 12 Min utes of the last meeting were read and adopted The treasurers report was given Various com mittces gave their reports The next meeting will be held in the church on Dec 11 as Christmas program followed by the election of officers for 1958 be meeting closed with the pah benediction Thehostess owed dainty lunch Legion Auxiliary Childrens Party The Ladies ion to the Canadian Legion held theirregu lar meeting Oct 29 in the Legion Hall Two new members were initiated They wereMnrjorie Crompton and Agrles Ferguson President Coin rade Diamond troduced them Members were reminded to bring their cles for the ctlon and bingo Which is to beuNov 29 omradc Kingis the convenert llJuring recess ticket were sold forthe flower fund liners being omradesBose Manning and Ag es Eerguson Comrade Moran was not present for the attendanco Th childrens Christinas par 15 to he Dec14at 9301 in he Armoury Members are asked package candy for th nt radeglloSe Manning 3rdVice srdent of Provincial Command fora PainsWick Meefing Household Hlfii$ The November meeting of Painswick WI met in the school on Tuesday evening Nov 12 After the business was dealt with theconveners ofhome econ omics and ham took over the meeting gt Misng Ycatos gave report on the Federated Womens inst itute meeting in Ottawa followed hyseveral good household and health hints Mrs Hawkinsgave paper on milk and had some clippings on household hints The roll call was answered household short cuts special meeting is called for Nov 25 to make favors for the hospital with The meeting closed by singing Lhc national anthem Frpits ofLahgr DichsSedat Ivy Education was the topic of ivy Womens ins tute for Novem ber meeting Thirteen members and three visitors met at the home of Mrs Ross Chipchase ltoll call wasansweredivby arvfavl oritc subject when at school Miss Dunn convener of citizenship and education charge of the race mg An article on the importance of good books was read by Mrs Bert McQuny and one the homemaker was read by Mrs Jack Cochrahe Mlss nnill read paper she had re drerl pleased with took Institutes While these are the outstanding persons there is also the friendly neighbor who is never too busy to help friend cheer discour aged onc brighten childs life or bring comfort to the aged These pcrsonstwin as prize the love and respect of their fellow men Mesdames Demitrolf Hogs garth Carruthers and Chip chase wore hostesses for the lunch which followed Cenire vespra Has PoiLutkSUpper In place of the regular meeting centre Vespra Womens institute held potluck snpper on Nov 15 atvMidhurst Beforestry Hall for the members and their fam ilies It was well attended with over so sitting down to aplentiful meal followed by entertainment provided by members with an amusing ski An improvised novelty baud gave severalgnuni rs ith Mrs Dawson conducti The chil nging and piano solos Dobson showed taken by her and Mrs Giffen on their recent 11 ha the is es for pleasant evening which closed wit the national anthem The next regular meeting will if on Dec 12 at the home of rs Silver Maple pared entitled We IMust Strive wVWin and pointed out that all nt things jmust be fought are Won onl result of perseverance and offerLl Mdny illustration re given as ex amples Marilyn Bell andDaibara AnnScott ut iiimany hours of practice Bell Edisonand Mar coni as inventors MIKEY Osler and sitting asVdoctors Madame Wash inrpo opencdtwlth thelode fill the Lo ds Praye Minutesvof last meeting were read gand adopted John so Presbyic VChJflChO so Tomlinson officiated cu thafull skirtlnviilg two panels toiling or tbebottoln of skirt he bade Hei finger Miss Joan noo McKee no prealdgd at the prettily appointed tea table whlc wu centred by threetiered wedding we Pouring in the evening theirgldari daughter Mrs IllvesServing the daintyre Mécoliaiid the brincsmhlds Imey 41m 03 manna anonylon sheer with matching batsTbey Les power Studio Anna Marie McBride dau ghter of Mr and Mrs James MoEride42 Penatongfitreet will marry Donald Kirby son of Mrs Bessie Kirby of Allistori The service wiiitake place in St Marys Roman Catholic Church in the near future Marie isa graduate or St Josephs High School and the Royal Victoria Hospital Training Schools Class 0157 carried white mums and carna Fiona Sid Squire vns groomsman Dennis Omega and John Macdon old ushersu Mn Pntt rcceivodrtlle guests at areception in the church hall wearing anegyhell and gold blo cade sheath dress with brown and beige featheredxhat and brown accessories She were corsage ofpink roscbuds Mrs Griggs assisted her in grey wool sheath dress and uphbirer blue imelusiné hat wi matching leather The couple lcfton trip to the West ENGAGEMENT Mr aners Methven Adam son Parry Sound snnodncc the engagement of their uyoungest daughter bisrgareriloanrPeggy to Mr Leon Pcriard son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Periard of Midhurst the marriage to take place at Collier Street United fChurch Barrie on Saturday Dec 31 at three oclock 135 wedding quarter of the income of all Oanadians comes from the wall ands luggage Makes Youillbe proud toheve such elegant luggage dsthis bear iioodtflirislmas Gilt freshman inllrw Mr and Mrs Danninun were the recipienh 0171 lovely gills flowers and ornate honor thempn thiahappydn Among these was televilibn set from the family television lampfrom Elnrstreet neighbours gift of tables from the staff of LIA =Wyant Motors Ltd point of interest is tlintJli seven children with their wives and families were oble to be present They are Mr and Mrs Larry Moves andfandly3arrie Mr and Mrs Orin Bannermnn and family Goldwater Mr and Mrs Norman Bannerman and family Ba Mr anders Clifford Bannermam and family Lions Head Mr and Mrs Stew art Bannerman and family Osh ond Mrs Harvey Mc were four daughters KONNIE the Kinette Doll and her wardrobe will go to the holder of theluoky ticket drawn at the Kinette Tea Bake Sale and Bazaar on Wednesday Nov 27 in St Josephs Auditorium from to Under the convenorshlp of Jean Gremo the com mitteeheads are Pat Brown Tue decorations and Isabel kitchen Joan Long andeot Wilson baking The proceeds of the event go towards Welfare work Rae and family Barrie and Brian at home Other ests here to join in the festivities came from Detroit Hamilton Toronto Newmarket Orillia Bradford and Barrie Openiliouse Toille lield Pathfinder An executive meeting of Barrie and DistrictRetarded Childrens Association wis held Nov 19in King George School on Blake Street The following business items were discussed Reporting for school affairs Mrs Hamilton rcportedthat the istmas party will be held on Dec atz pm Parents and brothers and sisters 12 years and under mayattend She they would be pleased to invite all other retarded children who are not yet attending school or are visiting home from Orlllia and their parents Grateful thanks are given to James Lowe for ar Ceorges your monogramFdr the honeymoon choose motelled vsethtj ydur jewellers He will show you swim selection of styles and colors own he sure toflnd merit yourfgoing7awaygcostuihe lust he right one to camel School Mr Bert Swan and Mrs OHalloran are on the commits to Mrs Haryeyiiiohnston andqus Charles Jamieson each gave very interesting reportron their stay at Big Chief vLodg Russell Turne conducted con cheer floran auction saleot aprons knitted articles baking and homemade eand WA Election The annual bazaar sponsored by the Womens Auxiliary of St Georges Church Alidndnle was held on Friday Nov 15 in St Georges Memorial Hall on Bur tonAvenue Receiving at the door were Mrs Wu NewtonSmith wife of the rector and thevpresident Mrs Charles Stuart At the head table which was decorated with mums Mrs Roy Marcellus and Mrs George Spearn poured tea 0n the tea table committee were Mrs Lorne Giihooly convener Mrs Lionel Brock Mrs Tom Burdett an Mrs Patrick Trainer The bake table was under the drectlon of Mrs Dallus Lee itli assistance from Mrs God frey and Mrs Joe McGowan in the kitchen were Mrs Percy Dix on and lieraides Mrs Reg Cain and lrank Collins The fancywork and apron table was convened by Mrs Charles Firman with Mrs James Klvell MrsHElbNobie and Mrs Charles Bell asslsting Mrs Alex Sim took tickets The Auxiliarys oEficers for the coming year were elected at meeting on Wednesday Nov 20 They are aliserving fourth term honorary president Mrs tonSmith president Mrs CharlesJ Stuart lst vice Mrs Children ranging the supply of candy San ta Claus will be on hand 01 suggestion of the education committee lavender and yellow have been adopted as the school colors Reporting for the PWPertl committee Mr Pattcnden said storm windows have beeninstall ed for present needs at the school Mrs Hamilton requested the property committee to supply two display boards for Miss Youngs classroom Permission was granted to the committee to proceed with theproject Program chairman Smith announ ed that film describing the chi drens activities atCamp Belwood would be shown at the next annual meeting After considerable discussion on financial expenditures the final budget was adopted for 1957 Social chairman Mrs Brown and her committee are busy with arrangeinenu forl open house Monday Nov 25 from tab and Ito9 pm The public are cordially invited to attend Dalius Lee 2nd vice Mrs Alex Sim secretary Mrs Reg Cain treasurer Mrs Lorne Gilhooly Living Message secretary Mrs Joe McGowan incmonth fund Mrs Fred Gosney Dorcas secre tary Mrs Charles Finnan Rev Newtonsmltll con ducted the election of officers Following the business meet ingrthe rector gave an inspiring address on the past years wur OPENING JEWELLERY IIIm sum Tuesday Nov 26 lfepai of all types VZGIBRADFORDVST gown ISTMAS Mrs Karl Marshall was soloist at the recent St Andrewl WMS meeting She sang Greatis Thy Faithfulness Dr William Little of the med ioal stiafzfof internal Nickel Company Sudbury end visitor with his parents Dr aners Little Toronto Street Mr and Mrs Geoffrey Williams Montreal were weekend guests of Dr and Mrs Turnbuil Peel Street Mrs William is sister of Mrs Turnbulla Theyatten the family baptismal ceremony St Andrews Presbyterian church at Sumhy noon for David Ross Infant son of Dr and Mrs Turn Mr and Mrs Mac Mc Master of Noranda Quebec spent lastxweek visiting in Barrie and area where they have many friends The staff of The Earrie Exam incr and their guests emWecl an evening of dancing at the Drillla Pavalon on Saturday The deadly spruce budworm can be controlled onlyby aerial spraying weare prepared to carry Dun your medical doctors prescription ohms sage and remedial corractiveexercises names MASSAGE5 BDGEHILI on APPOINTMENT ennuian will DAIN as vitamin Do YouNegd=3 exampii Niagara loom Nui from 50 to $1000 of mm icon Inmlhflcarmdln rilsWiLsolinUILiilNG Phone PAMSIO V9 was weckii

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