aboxs FOR voyso CANADIANS it has long been the complaint well justlfle ong cinadian childrena Iihrariansï¬ that there are lewlfjmysood Elory books With Canadian background All our family storiéa adventure and action yarns and Juvenile mystery iiories had British or worse still American settings But the alt uation has gradually beenim provlng Ivflllfld when want ed to set up adisplay oiCanadian books or Yoling canadasBook Week managed to ï¬nd quite number of very good stories by nativi Iuthnrswith native hack grounds True we have not yet produced Canadian TREASURE ISLAND ortALlCE IN WONDER LAND or TOM SAWYEB but it now begins to look as if we may given time and encourage mcnt Several writers have em erged who gives solidly satisfying rewards for reading and the chil dren like them Well in the juvenile publlcs eye at the momentis Farley Mow ats ï¬rst childrens book LOST IN THE BARRENS This is an immensely satisfying story con cerning the adventures of two boys Sandy MacKay and his in dian iriend Awasin lost by mis adventure on the edge of winter in Canadas terrible Barren Lands it is commonly believed and not without reason that no one can survive awinter in this bleak and desolate land of bitter cold incredible quantities of snow and total lack of food resourcesSandy and Awasin make out by dint of native ingenuity and little luck and the story of their adventures makes exciting reading Roderick HaigBrown Eng lishhorn but for many years resident of Vancouverlsland has published three adventure stories for boys STARBUCK VALLEY WINTER is atale of furtrapping in British Columbia mountain valley with dash of mysterious skullduggery anda good deal of the kind of outdoor danger and adventure which boys and girls lovcu The other two SALTWAT ER SUMMER and MOUNTED POLICEI PATROL exhibit the same interesting and exciting authenticity background In dccd inMr HaigBrnwns nooksI it is chiefly the setting which emerges forcefully His charac ters are alive and believable but not distinctly They lack that of divine improbability makes Alan Breck Long John Silver and Huckleberry Finn stick in our memories long after Zthe tales they adorned are un eertain memories However the loneliness and hardship of trap lpers life the peril and uncer tainty of salmonï¬shing off the coast of BC and the mixture of humdrum routine and breathtak WORRIED Dont roll and toss ail algae Just because you have tom North American van Lines mi aware the complete lob for you 10 the lnest its the WileApproved movlnr sen ice Call wish in mesm nuue acmypeu Linuted arenuror North Anaerlcua va Linea Moving no storagepivo puma Ave PhonoPAjdfls 10 with open house up the duties of mountedmolioe patrol chosen to deal in on with Canadas his tory Whithooks BUCKSKIN COLONISI dealing with early ya in the Canadian west TREA sou AT YORK which can cemed with the war of 1812 LAND DIVIDED thrilling tale of Audio and BUGLESVIN THE mus an actionpacked but auth enlic yarn or the ï¬rstMounties in the west are good stories and their quantity and Variety of ad venture are reminiscent of the childrens dction of couple of generations ago when authors like Henty Baliantyneand Marr yat were not so niggardly of per ilous events and human courage as their modern successors The Macmillan Company oi Can am is doing young Canadians good tumby publishing an even lengthening list of title in ser ies called GREAT STORIES OF CANADA lhere aie now ï¬lteon titles in thLI series of lively read able as opposted to text book accounts of events and personal itles In Canadas past and they number among their authors some of the best known ofmur writers including Marjorie Wilkins Camp bell Josephine Phelao Kerry Wood Pierre Berton and Max Sehull These are all stories of action and high adventurein the cuboi doors what publishers and par cnts eir abysmal ignorance of the child mind think of as oys books Never kid yourself the girls donjt like them too The supply of books of more femin ine nature is somewhat lessand with the exception of SUSANAII LITTLE GIRL WITH THE MOUNTIES of inferior quality Lyn Cook has written three books for girls THE BELLSVON FIN LAND STREET which tells of the struggle of the daughter of Finnish immigrants to income champion ï¬gureskater LlllLE MAGIC FIDDLER career story based on the childhood of Donna Gresco the Canadian violinist and PEGEEN AND THE PIL GllIM which has the Stratford Shakespearean Festival as its background These are compet ently written pleasant enough lit tle stories though somewhat lack ing in vigor and conviction There still remain severalas pects of our national life which are virtually untouched Why do our writers avoid like the plague the vigorous thrusting life of our growing cities the fascination of our national institutions such as the Exhibition and the Calgary Stampede And why are there no biographies of our greathockey stars and STATION Glad to report Mrs Wilson LARGE shamanism SHOULD on snounbnm st Giles Ladle yGuild hazaar no friend islooked after by MrsW nually byl theCatliolic Womens League is in iul szng in this pleturetaken Wednesday St osephs ï¬ts the shpport wondersa patron ars sewingatahle were stu yodngand oi Josephs High school palm articles entitle tied French poodles to please nlay were ursday evening wood orano when they broluhthonie tire first prizes from tho euchni PW enamel hfll ldren in the community are home from school with chickenpox Mr and Mrs Archie Woolen and family visitcd on Sunday withhlr and Mn Hamid Wan lcss and Afamily Egbert Mr and Mrs JackCarneron were supper guests Sunday at Mr and Mrs George McFadden Hillsdale Extend Sympathy Sympathyia expressed to Mrs John Muzyka nec Lily Train in the death of her husband on Mon day Nov 18 GeorgeTrain is in Tomato or few days to attend the Juoeral of his soninlaw John Muzyka Mrsl Kirkpatrick is spending low days lnStayncr with her Midhursl Slation Mr and Mrs LawrenceBrown and Roger Brown and Mrs Elsie Monteith spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Langhy Cold water Mr and Mrs Palmer and boys spent Saturday at the Royal Winter Fairin Toronto Baby Boy Congratulations to Mrï¬and Mrs John Robsan onthe birthoi baby boy Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Knapp werc Mr and Mrs Knapp and family Toronto Mr and Mrs Watklnaon and son Miller is improving nicely after her recent operation in Barrie hospital Miss Audrey Burton is oonflned to her home with pneua mania AlbertPearson had the misfortune to break one wrist recently Raturn of Huntch IThe men from this dimlet who were away hunting are all back and reported good luck Mrs Galrfield had sewing bee at hei homeWednesday getting ready for the church quilts that are ordered Mr and Mrs Nelson Johnstone called on relatives in Merter StatiomWhitby and Oshawa re neatly WeekendGnests Visitors over the weekend with Mr and Mrs Elwood and Ne son Johnstone Were Mr and Mrs Ray Shaw and daughters Rum and Charles Rogers Orillia Mrs Frank Leveringand Jos ephine Barrie spent several days with Mrs Howard Crawford and family recently 40th Wedding Mr and Mrs NuGraham 0rd Station areeelebratiug their 40th wedding anniversary on Fri day evening Nov 29tram 740 SHANTYCBAYI Weekensyisimxs Mr and Mrs Al Gallo Mrs Murphy and William Murison were weekend visitors withMr and Mrs Martin Mr and Mrs Locke nd familyfof Ispentthe weekend sympathy is extendedvt Wright in the passing father at Qrillia last Wednesday Birth of Dnitghter Congratulations to Mr Rodger Welsmanon daughter MoMullen Carrying Place was baptized in Thomas Church last Sun MrsWilliam Murisun of To ronto spent few days last week with her daughter Mrs RMar tin and tooklibtle Bonnieback Witth palad Sympathy ofCommunlty Sympathy of this community is extendedvto the family of the late Mrs Sheldrake who passed away ahthe home oiherdaugh ter MmlPouglas Brown Barn masparty lor the Sunday School cars gt and chiidern oprreshhool age livingrm kingsoftie willube at the ectory After thef Are business part the meetlng theer was ex altge jabrokcn hip Station is an aunt of Cecil and Walter Sutton ilomei with Mr SuttonDalston Hosp tal gt ittle Tommy Emms are home again after min or operations at Royal yictoria anty Bay held imthe Saturday eVenmg Oct pervwas served and in the hos Jane settle the the fine aborsavrng devices easy usoale IkeNero fiddling while the it presented Jud Dingman captain oithetcam wrthadresser set Howard Canrpbell presented ingman with the sports trophy fori the year 1957 Mix Robins presented Bon ne la who is soontoleAVe community with little gift list ehallï¬tea Duran of Tottenharn ho lived are several yearsdied nd was buried at StPatrick3 Cem et ry last week CW1 Euchre Atthe CW1 meetin Tuesday evening it was decided have euchre partyï¬next week and bazaar early in Deemnber vSeveral parentsof students at tended the commencement exer cises in ElmvaleHighv School Fri day evening Quesnblles grocery is being renovatedand moreroom made for the postal department dIoteLlhelpston has been sold and Mr andMrs Edger and boys have moved in JMr Edger is manager Elmvale High School audathe other boy at Phelpston rPuhlic Schoolï¬ msronicu MARKERS Gananoque losing out be cause there The tablets or signsih such places Kingston Perth and Lindsay where such groups operate bearthis out Gananoque Reporter Eoratlon Boh has enrolled at no historical so Bnphln 33 family Parry Sound and Mr and Mrs WatkinsonhMafliier Awayior Weekend any and Mrs Robson Toronto spent the weekend with John Charles Day spent in floronlo last week COLWELL few days Visitors over the weekend with the Culver family wcreCin App RonCulvor and waiter Thorold ot Barrieï¬eld Camp Kingston and Betty Lowery oi Barrio 01 Culver is away on army inspections THORNTON home from nosplm Stewart is home from the Roy Victoria Hpspital Barrie It requires aboiit years for balsamforest to reach merchant able size course WMy Ind andihlraArehlaJV warrenand Sharon at RoyalWlntcrLIai spent Wedne tendi Ind Fa ylnlo it rthe Royal Whit gt siting Mr and Mrs Henry and Mrs Clarence Mr and Mrs Illarold nd Alex Finlay son an smith the commencement Uistrict HighISchool evening Milaes Sandra pans land Ca 115 thcrine King won prire standing iirst rand mom on Man ACCOUNTANZIS PROESSIONA MacLAREN do EAR RBI AGED flTgolllarStJ Barflév LICENSED yMUNXIILFAI AUDITOR romomna Barrio omen Kigali Pia mar one Titupiddit Partner CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT as Dunlap Et laatl T¢IDh0nn PA YETENNARY DR CrthFLEMING dunuhï¬nwuma DB SPEAEIN smasher PHONE Hill 1a cometea amped Personal and Family Pia thing Eatatn Aril rou Key sme run FRIENDLYv nlaoushlo noun urn manpower nepmmtulnrungon ur rnce PhnnarPA M55 or Balm351mm orroMuav MAURICE EABAHBE Fm omitsmien biggest rnaoomu doom Dunlap ato °n3¢ maï¬a Im on ozvsmmaolt drank uvmosmu larrlatou ua anion amonglhe parentawh that