Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1957, p. 8

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so ority Barries action was designed in the some of the known deficits Crusaders in bcountyCouncil To any observer at County Council session this week therecan be little doubt that the result of the recent court action by the Ibwn of Barrie has increased the resentment of other municipalities to the town We say increased because to degree the resent ment has always existed Too often in the past few years represent atives of the town have been outspoken in their criticism of proposed action by the county and too often they have vigorously opposed county action which was not in their opinion tothe common good to make these representatives popular in council The Town of Barriebrought an action ch resultedin Supreme Court ruling qu shlng of the moneyraising bylaw passed by ounty Council It was based on the met that the county had an illegal surplus andat the time theAcounty had no strong argument against the illegality other than the town was rather tardy in bringing the action later an amendment was approved by the Province of Ontario making it legal for the ooumty to put aside surplus of up to five per cent of the assessmentin this case about $57000each year upm total or 40 of the assessment over eight years Ten per cent of this surplus whichwas in tended as financial cushion to avoid short term borrowing from banks could be used to offsot taxes It is now arguedinsome legal quarters thatthls amendment should not become operativeuntil 1958 Further ohere is ap parently no legal sanction for the practice 01 municipality reopening estimates after the budget has been passed It has been known for some time that the council has been in the habit of carrying over surplus for which there was no auth main to force county council to abide by the rules Coupled with this Was also the belief orthe towns representatives that for any municipal or county government to carry large surplus was to invite Wasteful spending With surplus on hand it is too easy to find money for project which lwssihiyL would be otherwise No doubt other municipalities agree on the moral principles behind Barries action even lfthey feel the actual action taken was harsh These municipalities must surely face personaimoral problem when they are asked to endorse further misdemean ors of CountyCouncll at this session For faced with no monetary bylaw deficit in the cost of Judicial administration deficit in the cost of the County Childrens Aid Society and demand from Barrie for return of its sharevof the Surplus there seems no alternative but for the County Council to sanction surplus underthere gent amendment andta reopen the est imates already pleased to include at least The crusader may nottravel primrose path but sometimes it is good to be crusader Editorial Notes Dr Charlotte Wrian former maYOIVO and everybody went home at five on Friday case of cold wars doesnt seem to have sunk in the Roman Totenberg Ensemble well up to high standards of the Hundreds of who enjoy fine music presentedyby top quauty artists are given an opportunity to hear in their own community the very best Good sense and good taste are shown by the committee in selecting variety of musch sultvarying tastes of the concert goers Another service has been discontinued by the ONE Authority was givenrecently by the Board of Transportoommissioners to discontinue train services between Owen Sound Parkhead and Wiarton Railway suryey oi the sucrtrains each week showed the average number of passengers carried on each trip during 1955 ranged from to 28 Much opposition was presented but officials showed that asaving of over $40000 per annum would result to the governments owned railway At the same time the CNR and CPR are faced with new wage and other demands from 15 unions which theyclaim would cost them an additional $128000000 each year Gainions ovathers Sputnik On Weekends Fort Erie Lclchievicw With UAW President Waiter Reulhcr muttering about the founday week while Russia scnda aioit more Sputniks press dispatch from London having to do with Royal Observatory in Sussex dcservns mention Britons it seems like people in other parts of the world were upset by news of Soviet Unions successful launching of space satellite People in the London area thought it would be good idea to call up the Royal Observatory for information about Sputnik Came the reply from the Royalobscrvalory Theresgoing to be nobody hero to watch it We only work fiveday week 05 people know this wars arent won on founday week or even on liveday week Un fortunately realization Lhat this is true also in Officials Must Kleep Rowdyism OUT of Sports Guelph Mercury cover new world as he read mm BARRIE HEADS T0WE8T niscés union do things they enjoy But if they see that Mother and Dad like ings of the Romans two thousand Professor John Fauna of the social service departmentaIthe University of Toronto has cheating larceny fighting and downright sadismffi the professor hasbeen lambasted in return by sports authorities who defend athletics as char actor and bodybuilding medium Somewhere be tween the two extremes is more ambasied organIZed soothas points Leaders orrect view of organized athletics have azslrong case in the matter of developing citizenship through competitive sports There are millions ofpeople who have gone through the sandlot baseball leagues the small hockey groups and other minor league endeavors of an amateurnalure to become leading citizens They learned the values of fair play and they developed the urge to win inlany competitive endeavorand there are few phases of modern life which are not competitive But there has evolved an unfortunate trend in some forms of sport that are not creditable and which contribute little to the values of athletic development It always strikes us as more matter of attracting gate receipts than playing good game when professionalvhpckey teams wi engage in slickswinging brawls whenever attend ance shows tendency to lag Professional wrestling and muchof the pro iessional boxing is not so much matterof top notch demonstrations of development but rather sordid and sadistic display which inflame spec4 lators Nor are some of the baseball football basketball and golf matches strictly according to By roan GRANT Continued frommNovq 15 are are ousahflsffaeqfufly interesting things to be seen out West if you care for nat ural attractionsthe panvted garden of desert flowers inAri zona the Garden of the Gods of all shapes of rock formation the many canyoris gorges mountain passes and the large natural rock arch in Utah where you can standland look up to the under side of 300 feet aboveyoupand other like attrac many my cousin who has large rult there thejlrsl and only tlrhe had seen her since sh had uisited us on Mary Street as threeyearold kid with her mother and father who had beenrback to Washington DC renewing the Usgovlernmentfor his large 650horse mail andexpress carry lug company from Northern Arie zona via El Pasclexason the Rio Grandlliver through loLos Angeles Thats saw the grapefruit nd nut ranch where wiil cvcrcnperience again and Jtlliil is the Mississlp twp vzl 25 on naturedgrog of cflfmrwo ers backyardol any private home in on one of those spacious paddie propelled smokeenshrouded cot lon and gambling carrying steamers from New Orleanslto St Louis and the ensuing leis urely trip up the siow moving connecting rivers trans porting those cotton bales andbig barrels of sugar molasses and turpentine to counecting river thisstory hasreache much greater length ihan had in tended there are many more ex periences1 could mention if necessary But1 trust itmsy rove at least as interesting as lmgthyskelch published in The Examiner on fThe Camp bellsof0ro contract with first date and rounding territory for that is nowrcarried on by molor trucks from bwinniug to end of the tri ter break in my family life in 1928 found it so lonesome that began another form of see1 ing other parts of theconlinent 1by taking our nths Greylt hound Bus trips each summer Eachirip coVered anything from 12000 to 16000 milesfiand pretty well covered the United States and Canada The magazine of bat Grey hound organization issuedfrom San Francisco once printed lengthy article in which it said points for distribution in sur memories for myself have list of hundreds of former their later homes many of whom met in my travels and whilemy going andcomings may possibly not inlerestyour read ers they surely havemany happy And The TorontoSiar just recenlJyedi torially slated Oneof the bean ties of old age is surer the rich and remarkable memories it pm vides And now cannot do much more than amblegdowynltown each day for groceries or the daily paper with stopover at Bay view Park for rest or return trip to Allsndai ads published byW Gage Barrie oldtlmers aud now often does ybur childodls book love of reading can greatly enrich your wnsor dau ghters life The radio TV and movies allcannula for the time of children as well as adults But reading in its challenge to the imagiustlon gives an individual combing which in unique If your child find real delight in books this is one of the finest gifts which you aaparents can pass on to the next generation Make no mistake about Aihic In the use nileisure children are rinfluenoedi by their permit actions If you take little limefor read ing and rarely spend money for new book do not be surprised if your youngllen have poor opinion of the importance of literature Adults do not get very far by urging child to read certain volume Because it is goodfor you£you will learn so muchl In their free time they want to reading and they know that books are prized possessions they too will be glad to add gradually to the books on their own shelf Our modern houses havesvery differ ent appearance from the dwell years ago but there is still truth in Ciceros comment room ior readers will readwilh new interestunodnr Ryersou book Black Mosee by Jessie Beat tie which makes the real Undo Tour convincing and lovable character Book Discoveries 31 Nancy cleaver What child has not you thrnun the slugs when book Icrleahu an spell and as watches eagerly for the test volume to add to his collection no number of titles flu Clarhelrwlnl Famodr Twiul Seriesnrc numerous and Canadian dill dmymrmaio see Can New Zealldii and fromCey ion bhvo 19loed the family Anoihér type book which bay particularly lih 500d annual and Number Elsie Apnual bricked with interesting railing including helpful ebb aeolian The third week in November is was Canadas Book Week Libraries and schools will celebrate But what about your Do you remunber John Ruskins remark lf book is worth reading is worth buying So dont wait for Christmas birthday butgo out now with yourfsou or daughter and purchase new book Whatbet ler iuvestme in you make wilhput books lsfias body with out soul Adventure stories have always been popular with boys and girls and in recent months several most attractive adventure tales have appeared among the new books Gunilla by Albert Viksten Thom uSgtNelson the story of Polar bear cub is colorfulexciiing story withan Arctic setting An other fine book picturing this frozen land is The True North by joint authors Falrley and lsrael Macmillan of Canada This latterbook tells of the Exploits of thegreat Arctic pioneer young Joseph Bernier early in this century and is worthy addition lo the Great Stories of Canada deefyolfievernoficedhow secliondovoted to the Indians our first Canadians attracls chil dren like magnet in any mus eum or art gallery Parents will be relieved to know that new book has been printed which will give the answers to the many questions which youngsters ask after such avislt It is Douglas Leechmans Native Tribes In Can The black and white illustrations in this book are well done junior reader would be delighted with file colored pictures in Picture History of Canada Oxford Press Every provinc has its own school system hut is likely that scholars anywhere in our Dominiomwuuld find hm vol umes particularly useful when struggling with homework related to our own history lnthe early days Juliother way by making pioneer times vlvrdfor our readi ers historical juveniles perform useful Isoovdce Spiuae Alnots byDR King Longmans Green tells of the early days in the West from the sbovelist of titles wiilheVawarded to read ers of For Parents Only for the best reply written on po card to either of these questiona The Christmas cm Liked Minn7 to hon concurs ONLY syndicate 315 Waverley Street Winnipeg Manitoba moonwnnv an ardent curl er in Barrieinvearly days and mathematlc master for5o years Ottawa in recentgddress to women toachem association in Toronto charged that domineering school boards more con cerned with construction than instrucmn mediocre calibredeloand payment forlthe row have contributed to the present triumph of ess and an apathetic sportsloving public doesnt Russian technology byjtheir rlgldcontrol of hesitate to contribute To this extent we can teachers Strong opinion indeed but there agree with the professorgz can be no argument withher further state WW be day were menti7hat educatio geared to teaching thel bad 9° athletics organized 5130 child 581111scipnné find the mhdamenmls may induce some people to chest but more often it impresses upon many of us the value of playing 213113me rggkaolrsgfiis 3° on pupa the gamefairiy whether that game onthe toda rspliiils fieldhor is our everyday endeavor Organ In these days of stress and mm which ize sport as one much to ease the pressures man is inflicting upon huge 11 is Nanny which might have led to more Juvenileldelinqueno to th 1m Ii has given many youngvpeople an opportunity ne 08 Forename number to let on steam in theright direction Fifty years patient hom We 915 cornemv the ago boys did not haveas much chance to partake ceasing stream of humans who are picking in sport because they had loo many duties to uppetty grievances and magnifying them perform at home Our soft way of hiring has out of all proportion It is good that christ romovedthese home dutiesand sport is the must and Some of that spirit valuable energy outletiso ety possesses mplgmérs If the officials who guid ur various organized hananas in their growing condi do Her was killed rovmgrlndiansin 1876f There is noxcomparison in the WeslernStaies of the present daysand nightsand the past when first visited those die tricts 65 years ago iike Virginia CitygtCarsou pity Reno then place of few flimsy drinking and gambling shanties and many other wild mining camps and cattle townsthey are all now just as modern and upto date as anything2is in the Ea But there is one thingno once had purchased the largest ticket ever issued by that com pany An he Victo Daily Timesvreportcr atlhe an of one or those tours interviewed me and thenypublished whole page story whichhe headed Twelve Thousand Miles gin Naive Min ules and mentioned couple of hundred special items that he thought would interest his read ers and in ill several extend ed tripsI sure had an intimai View of hundreds of large and al so small conununiiles as the motor car can now enter the lhe reuiainder of thievBanlt the rules We havese hole amateur athleli system evolve into routl whereby players of when for traders dealt with the Blackfeetiamnd Fort Edmonton The Young Surveyor is the tale of the trailfinding pioneers in the Roclnes written by Olive Knox for Ryersons When inte gration is such tal topic sen back by the the annual visit to Stkvincent Park for the chicken barbecue But still cnn enjoy my mem oriesmillions oftheln 5To be continued Mwhowas ever under his nstructlo there Newspaper Péepple Pubilicityfl Aided increase in deposits wasmostiy in currencies other than mp1 ment of the foreign currencies abroad Ior the year ended Oct 31 shows thatslalgely as result of an easement dim urslmee ini dermis total assets res1 million to $701niliion re bed gth 33th completion is erage you are use 000 shares saslziapoo wset second largest stock ered site Ha midweek inithetbagkslmear Entombe 05w ay311se nk You should note congratul lnig ed only 19552 61768000 to star girl the flhefdstsflzlf yzlgshhve We ave receve to co enigma meb Wigs thing darwm firenim operatiou possible from Neville illiofi gigfies and $4 000 91 taxes the Barnettand RedVFavero with Lima as vim anatwflroz 54744000 ginormous inthm an holders mo sn herd in printing on eluding harem diam utlo of 10 cents declared for out quarter 13 ml 105 hmwniedmto van million asunderreducti 5h amouu of $972000 added to Wle 99 myidedlproflts MQlluht the positslfollowing once in this accou at the year inth official closiil $1M Dalis in Vt insem Trinity Church drive for funds would feel ohliged tOwriie ybu anoie of thanks for the fine cov eared id aye given the am noon ransom noss smokes no ice square 85 Dunlop Street southjust east of oi waummum uno mimosaiii

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