POULTRY Innm ion Pomready lolly rllrll strum ledger in bum melfllll ban or liblSlodt rod mun white vein with piperI Phone PA c7421 auiu CImTuAnllA Pooplu ebbinth nobii uule bewtlu PlekvA1Vy Kenneb ohmic cm coilingnod IISHM wood tarsal BIY Hal WOOD Idell or um or In Rove William Colmun Anwn Illll Ihdnd pmvlla 7314 GIMI BODY llAInwooD or nunlace dro Phee AD lyr Gordon Clark phnnc PA $1521 in11 IP91 III Codflnllon 3L oizuu FARM EQUIPMENT MAsaltY Annie n=1rartor good unapo in sun rd Tractor John Deere 11lle migood buyineah born now low ADPly Stanley Simon1 Son crxlgiiunt aoium m0 Ilmnahm Ind Satc mlumelolmmflewsuflt Hilliera an lnllel otruaed 1111le iual hvu mrytning Lbo hoe1a ylul th momenta My 091 in an the Mn Phone in Ind PA Bufla Firm Sliv VU Ilium 5L Burk Md unlu No ll may OEEiCE SPACE rYolur Dddge Solo sealers 7SBiadford $1 Bpirie These Speciallyï¬Ã©lecledDépendalale nm liécnsed Winterized and ready 90 All fhoroughly checked andrithinrst class quadilign nan wuier Adair Aueflmur 11143 Iveday Doc Aueiion rule at he mend stundard bred lions caan blur implemnta Ind poultry loi Net Ion rialer Lot spoon Non nau Toiuhip one Imam ud umwgbgilt II Pm DD rcrn ierry Coumglniiu Aubflnfléflh lulu TENDERS Tender will no received by the on denungd up until Saturday Novem ber so 1W7 or the virrtaue ot stand Bulla III the 22 or yiy tender noi hemidly Phone PA P2480 mm led Ind PAVIIIIDIG Car all um WAï¬ï¬‚iflg baled Adultl mI Emmava isiaem gtml MMMZWMWmd ismnoglm 240 15134 Malawian In ma MPH on heat eontinuooa not yum Central imApmmeot but and cold vb rr PbmevPA 52811 15133134 Phone PA mg lbm 4way amendment 0n mu lower duplu Central Plum gtPA um alter nan isum Bin aunuusta Inflcunp An mmhnihblc unfunny Phone P0P IODEL gt 11 LAMB uttnetive unhirnihbcd npuhnnihuted PA um 1955 Plymbuih CIUb sedan 1515311 no am mmnm 0mm Gleaming linish newtiresbii conditiimed healing nirnianed apartment Ceri loo un lymdrlulleimofc 93m den immediate paceion Ph not in Mulu Phooe PA club gt I5IlIDn New Lowell 1513 0N 16mm one admin and 6001 FAMXLY GAR MI neuronhie ior young couple Phnua PA urn utter is pan mu 1954 Pontiac Sedan ISIMIH convenience Appb pave Wuu beach gt gt one owner low lliileage carin ï¬ne condition Tiresreally good PuuNlmED Rnom Apartment uP taui Apply Cumberland St crunched nonunion Pickup Dealer iorhambiir mutual hiid DKW animals VIAU M916 i7 151 Palm PA um LOW FALL PRICES Wm genlimo unison AWFREEZE 1958 PLYMOUTH 511101 SEDAIPï¬ Paulibutton drive custom ndioil ton radium Shhrp bnemvlncr Hr yea lull inth 1956 Studebaker 1955 mm nde iiiiishcd two tone black and sand Custom adiovcry clqln cu light Dump body smzcgiiity co NEW moron40m TIRES 13134 1954 FORD DUMP 3V2 Tori Speed Trans PJAxiej Bnnlfold Anihiilly Combination mn PilthlEh PAnncuuhs APPLY Tu BLACK STROUD LIQJMJR uhnn uniten ccnin locald 15493131 new decorled Immeduc pm Klanpr Sterling MCRIWI mNImltD room ipnrtnieht 1y decanted Phone PA on lioli name 31qu 1511111 APARTMENT room and lime 9mm Bedsilfllll room Ind kltlhen alone 10 CREDITOR hii pencil baring claim union the Brute DI ALFRED 0300MB MONEY blew the Tuwuhlp V29 En In heCalmly OI slmcoei RELIM amenwho died Dnlha Iain any DI October 1957 mull lorward name to the Menlned ml or be the 10th day December 137 liter IIIch date the meta will be dim1mm among the plflles eniltlcd IIIORIU And the ldmlnlnrniol will not be Ilr bk to my peflon Whose clllm Ill shall not hen have notice iiATm it barrio Ontario inn 2th day or November A11 1917 boys saAahhnl hows barrister solicitonr Own street BAItluE obirim iiilion PRICED RIGHT bathroom Slnk and cupboard lut men Henna AIIFPU It upstairs upm Pring entrnnre Phone PA 151 meat as Owen st 151311 allle hunl Glenn room Ind MI Rooms Colt1911 Barrie uo per ninth Apply Duhle Hiiisdlle cony Suitlbll or Im hounheeplnly 15114 oiiheied hot wiiter and 111111 millgApbrtmeni nirniahed Aduita 1955 DODGE CRUSADER Truck is in excellent condition Phone PA H945 ibuyis only Abrraiiiors Phone FA 35119 SEDAN ztone green mum ndld throughout licensed and ready to newiient covers go work ifï¬Dï¬fï¬fï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬méï¬ï¬ $145000 WANTED BAYCITY MOTORS HIGHEST til rudlo DIIX blue Hal5hr 45Bradford st Barrie PRICES PAID 1953 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Sharp ciehh car tone blur not °V° mm PA 87931 SCRAP MEIAIS BATTERIES lad CDMILBIE Chevrolet Motor and ï¬6331or 13A 0643 body purinnnn Druid12 Eimvgilu mflflflgmaum 1953 sTUDAKER Vii LAND lNDUSTRIALlRON TENDERS CRUISE Sedln Wimflve LEASING OF TAXICAB CONCESSION Phone PA 60331 or PA 8420 sell chclp Apply 17 Dunlap Barrie Metal Salvdge or phplle PA W7 IJIJIl mm CAEsAr wholesalii RIDES ZRAGS BATlERlES meEns LlVE POULTle Ill 11m will um Ma Spurnl ND dellvm gina IMAX PUSHKQFF gold noiimdldgeugwmdn at ONE OPrHE BEST 1955 Dodge ROyaLancer Sedan equipped radio windshield washersautomatic transmisr gt sion new tubclcss tires amcunditioncd heating WM hutcd lplflment time to 1513114 buiiiiem uction Avllhhlc Dec Rent month Phone PA Hood utter an 1513011 Jame AC to illm central locu tion erte Box In barrio Examiner is pain PA P2 15bit Unrunnlsllln Apartment rooms and bathroom healed Aduil only Room unmrnlahcd apartment trig Andria central Phone PA mu PRICED TO SELL 1954 Dodge Royal Cdpcn Blue and Beige powerilile air conditioned heating wheel covers back up lights 13414 dio our man odn hniih clrlnl iow iiilea 1953 OHEVRomr EELAmE TWO D00 tone belgo and red new real coveru Gocdruhning sharp looking can 1952 STUDEBAKER CLUB COUPE tone maroon and beige lawmanre car 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN Medium biu good eiow coat irone poriation 1951DODGE causADEE SEDAN win blue new at coven Almost new whltb whll Lites Gdod nulninl low priced car 1951 DODGE SEDAN Dnrk metallic mm flnlah custom ndlo new seat covers Luxury model at blow price 1951 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE SEDAN park bide unih new ieat eaven extra good running car Gonduru good quality Phono Aim Lorre 1950 DODGE CUSTOM iii SEDAN gloLsTEINv nmrgns springerd ope Autnmatic transmiauiob cuatonirudio uiio Cows rpringerr any breeda Also let black ï¬nish with oei new white any Hones any weights Apply Mk wullttlres Mcwiteru Waverley Phone wiiveriu 145m 41min READEqu 1955 Chev 41m Pick up ncw cur condition one PA 57313 lsLulu 1941 171141 station Wagon him Is Admlnl Consul Tc lllon good con dition Apply Plhqul Resort Shlmy my Phnnc on 15134 15 AUSTIN inloofl running condi tion Deï¬tlm End signal ll is will ECONOMICAL MOTORING 1954 Dodge Regent Sedan finished Everest GrayMctaliic equipped with wheel cove crsseal covers turn signals air conditioned heating Oneown er Cellle poimonth Apply box his game Examiner lblllIJI Boom cellcontained furnished Ilia maul wlihndditionei and room Hm Prime obtrnnee but end in only Phone PA cam 151 noon Apartment partly furnished APARTMKNT rooms private bath 35 lmm wd PM and entrance laundry ciiiuei not mtar supplied Good parking Phone Pumsmsn hunted rooms Kitchen PA 39145 01 PA 995 157130135 °° PM Siam COMFORTABLE roamed aphrrnicht will t31th ouheated iflrlla glance lifnoeconoong in one ginï¬zfllï¬dfflï¬gmï¬u 333355 E1 PA um or lnmrmntion lsiaoiii 53 Pï¬glslml rigtad lpanrllmenl cc mm min ree ecu bath ROOM Sulie purin tarnished Cldsc mm In Mme mm GRAY COACH LIHNES TERMINAL BARRIE Scaled tcnders are invltrd by Gray Coach Line Limited Di the leasing claTlXIczbCDnctaIflmi at its any flinch Linen Terminal at Barrie 0u gr ii at Slum ï¬ï¬‚fï¬g Reasonable Phone PA Miami mm ROOM house with toilet rink in kil I111mm nicely Case to new Lobinw Store Phono PA chm mommy Aumm Dec on Main 51 Creemore 1Pergu lsiJills uNlUllNlSllEn heated room on making Stumgmnlefphonelsliim gig route No children Phone PA VERY dissimian immishell apart isium Room mu pemdm my incnt privntcentrlncc irlg and good tarnished Cn be divided Apply to Mlple Aye 15131 IlNPullleilED Roams Apply at rear 01 115 Maple Ave or phone PAM982 brtrr pain 15134 Amnmnm Room or uniurniihed henire district Avuilnhle immediate 1y Phone PA dam 15111 RODMBD furnished lpnnmcnl scir lllg entrance Apply ins Sophia st West to pin 154344115 Iqu Duplex rooms and bath sepbratc entrance 3110 per month Adults Phone PA 113299 1513234 Rooms Inmlshed Good iocntlon on bus mute overlooking bay Phone PA Halo 15433134 VlFOflTABLY furnishcd roonli iting room and kitchen Phone 12311115 15134 Ono owiier ought 51111111 1955 Chrysler Windsor Sedan new seat covers back up lights whncl covers turn signals finished deiightiul Patrician Blue Low MILEAGE 1956 Chevroiei Sedan Equipped turn signals air conditioned heating one owner car with under 15000 miles Hard to heal or RELIABLE CAR 1953 Dodge Régen Nice looking Sedan finishedBrentwood Blue Air conditioned heating Tender tom and conditions or tenlt army may hg Dutilned from the Agent Gray CuachrLlnu Limited Barrie render ore to be clearly marked as to contents and lire to be addrured to the Secretary 0mm Gray couch Line Lllriitcd Tendcn man be re ceive it the secretaryx oliice Yongc Street Toronto not later than iour Dclock ln the alternoon on Mon day December 2nd 1957 The highest or buy tender win not ueceaeiriiy be accepted Pawnf Secretary Liam MOBILE IIOMES HOUSE TRAILER 10 45 and um month fully equipped Will Accept mmitu car or Anything ureiul Dan at dawn payman Phillie om Victoria lehoul kill13$ IIVGSIOGII Wanted WANTED Registered shorthoird Buli cupbabrda Clean bright very central Suitable or iiduiir Phono PA 55175 151344 LARGE Rooms bath heated stove trig privaie washing laculuca lum Ished or uriiurnlshed Central location Adults Abstlinen Phone PA 847 151234 ROOM Apartment lvallbhle Dec Sell contllned all space hcatcu No dbiectionto children Must be alumn en Centrally Io Phone PA 9113 15127 DRILLIA Fully equipped grin and col iee bar in town Good business sad monthl Must have at 1cm months cc Apply Box 104 Barrie Ex 15134139 FplleslnzD sci contained apbrii nieni Onlyung block mm Pant oli ice Suitable tor couple or nurses Phone PA $3514 and PA 66718 nitcr and weekends 1513411 SflANIY wanted ilhonn PA 531 End135 ucun CAR Trailer withis or 15 wheel wanted Phgnc PA 94m 3181114 manilï¬hrï¬irauï¬nm AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLDf FURNITURE PA 1441 31324 PIANO Wuhiednnyblxc or nuke Pay ISIL Please write hinting height UI pdlloymlke and priceralao name address and plump numbnr an 47 Barrie Examiner 311 111413 DESOIOQDUSTOML SEDAN lct blunnutomitic ndlu Exception condition EXCEPTIONAL ¢IIICIS MODERN new npartmunt uniurnlshed heated One bbdroom Adults Phnnc PA was lsladiai LARGE Room healed iurnlshcd irlg rhngette usm oi washing machine 61 Juan st 15132134 LIRDOM Iurillshed apartment btdalt ting room rind kitchen CentruiPhonc PA sum 151121ai Rom Apartment separate entrance wgm bathroom and kitchun Vacant Pars Road 1515311 LIGHT Housekeeping Rooms Beli loam nndJlllclieri luliy lurrilsbcd Phone PA e359 BBDvsmlNG Room iind kitchen inn nilhed and heated Separate cntrgucc Phone PA 12709 1513134 RDOMBD Cottage now nvnuble Couple preferred Nc objection to baby Phone PA H042 15133135 Zjlmoms unfurnished or partly ur nLlhed ConnEL Rent reasonable hone PA 85033 15min Doom heated Eplrtillgni stove and n1 supplied Phone PA 19070 alter bnm PA Him lsmiai humus iurnlshed heated trig A1 lundbie Phone PA Mash evenings PA H944 daytime 1543331 1331151111171 Room kitchen private bathroom and garage Close to new Dominion store Reasonnbie 124 Puget non Pita7155 lslMIH PAllLLP Burnished Room not water ii cupboards East and No chudren 54152 151331 LARGE bright furnished housekeeo big room on heating refrigantor Reasonable PA 66301 nooMBD Apartment electric stove lefrigelutor oil heating Avail eat once PA 8425 15min heated immediately Abstulnen children Phunc PA 752 151314 WINTBRIZED furnished cottage on heated Apply thouanu Resort Shmtyvmy Phone oro ziii 1511Liii AVAILAELE immediately large room apartment unrurulsiicd with bath iii Ponegung St Phone PA 113895 isum MODERNfirmlsth and healed npurt riieiii private entrance Por gentlemen or business couple 57 Mary st isuilan Pstmerilriroun DITPPIvale huth and entnnco lieu wlri Rent at Ayply 52 Wmlm 15 VI APAEmENP lnrgc vunfurnldhed 0mm private bath and heuted Ennis SL Phone PA 150 utter 1513115 BTlsmnss Girl Piu lumiblied Ipllfl mt Requires hlmlher girl to share Phone PA $4Izallietwcczi hind allam ngvnb on hand bpartnient in udVi xhedmaml nu conveniences move irig and carport Phone21m iide 1513 npirtniuni ici andde iuppued Laun bgemeht 1100 Apartment on heat heavy motions and bright Adults Plea int rurroimding Phone 157112131 i4 EIDIODNLApIflmem Ground floor llchlItllnGd hot wlker helllnl hel mug unfurnished CultIII Phom 36380 151344 iiath com Cl Rcuon Wellingtgg monthly 345 and up ApPly Erwin Large sun room Garage Apply Cuit Brown Real ante phone PA 578 Viniii 1513343 room Absialners Avllllflble Dec 14 piece hath no laundry tubl Five Points on Hayï¬eld St Vacant self contained centrally located oil heated hot water bulhhle for couple rooin hcnied apnninenu lint watcrf 3513043 N0 351 iNsuuiEDcoitaga some hot ier rerrigeintoir tiled Year roun iin Currie Mickeliona Cottages Joan and Mosley wuan 1511mth WINTERIZED Cottage II Minds Point Large living room with ï¬replace bedrooms nnd kitchen iOil hentcdi is1ti1ia UNFUFNISBED room apartment main floor separate mint iind rick door rig and heuvy duty stove one child Weltnmei share baths Phone PA 81632 15111137 1100111 Apartment unlurniahed ground floor Front and back eniruncc water all heating basement block irom Der Phone PA D7325 151341 FOR RENT or period of nicbths room iurnlrned home bedrooms well furnished and in good location Rent $115 month No rulrletting con tact Henry Elrlck and Middle Real lard Phone P1135651 151311 Funmsnzn ground that apartment with one child Also2 room apnrtA menia 545 monthly unheuied and central App1y en st PA b2411 eycnip 15134 Prdpérly Dialed GAliAGE WANTED in or ncar Barrie or car storage Phone PA Mail utter prn 33131 BUNGALOW or bedroom Private pumhlgel will pi ail cull Home owners or human 1nv1tcd to wrltc pnflirulari in Box 99 Barrie Bxlminer 3319124 Rooms For Rent BEDROOM large and bright In quiet name Phone PA wall cosv BEDROOljiclgbetn GE Phone PA ow uitcr para 45113134 FURNISHED bedbluing roam Light hougekeeplli Andy Maple Alvsiu with running Plate Wefllnllun Hutu 4512843 SINGLE nDoME Icicphme mammal Pedro unsuitable or erlredï¬ Phone PA on girls bond 4513ng LAiiGE Eonin heated hirhiahrtliriii rangettr ur ot wllhlnfl machine Gl ery St 45132154 commutich Room block trorn dmtownloncllonbble Phone PA H5278 elllhlllll 45135134 Rooms turnirhed Will rent single ADply so mry st phone PA Mm alt pJn nous EPLNG Room Lady gentiemnn 12 between And pin in quiet homo Acid sti Cull isiai Adults only Ahnllncll Phone 34050 or apply 97 Owen St 45411113 33min cioan tarnished bedroom in dulctchamer orï¬nflflnflli Camiii olearccb Phonc P11716014 ib1mai LAMI 1hooiii ipplrlment furnished or naruitmruiihoduwii at hot wiicr on Bialgejt Phone PA on wsflgd renaming moat nmv an 11 II luIflcuh Ph PA mm utter 45 condition Crusader V8 Regent long wheelbase V2 toriExpress 45133134 gt 1951 Chevrolei Powerflite Sedan reï¬nished in Regatta Blue new seat covers snow tires Spotlessly clean RIDE 1N STYLE 1954 Dodgé Roy al Two tone white and maroon Sedan wheel covers backup lights radio whitewall tires air conditioned healing One owner GOT BIG FAMILY 1953 Dodge Savoy Snow tires turli signals air condiii GOOD TRANSPORTATION 1951 Plymouih anc Réfinished Equipped new seat covers STURDI PEUCK 1954 Fargo Panel Iliefiliiéiiedand thoroughlychec éd DEMONsrhAaon BAhGAlN Dodgé Regent Suburban heating Exceptional nnEd 1957 cyl Club Sedan finished two tonerwhite and black turn signalsgaii conditioning full warranty Very Iowmiieage lt Other 57 Demonstrators CLEARANCESVPECIALS 1950 Dodge Sedan 1950Plymclulh Sedan 1949 Plymbuih Coachv L945 Pontiqc Ks3 MotOrl 1949 Fordiudor 948 1395915 Sedan 1947 CheerIei Cééich 1951 Plymp wheel covers To lic soldwith vavuvilulaleiricliidé V8 chisader Stiburbd cind As TRADED 1N gtlvdflCIIEVRDLEI simAN MANY oriiEns TD cnoosn mail We Haveja Few Top QualiiydTrucks Sakiinflow iriun Exprud 1151 FARGO MON STAKE ii958 MODELS AVAILABLE LUNQW HAROLDTHILL LIMITED cbiyaer Piymoutb 1472182 BRADFORD ST iPHONEPA 85355 DmbEhNDSao an Dunlap st West Dims1 SPECJAL 195 cllEvnoLm 11011 CHASSIS STATION WAGON xsEATs14 IDEAL FOR SCHOOL BUS Gil7d mechanicai condition rhunvy duty tires on snow ti Aylrihg prico $57600 contact Cross Ask or iii hoomEirs or noard ond nooin Phone CUMJIIING noun ml can now take your order ior thicim non Hlllsidn Poultry Hatchery Au brunt provcn strains Phone or or better itlu come nnd sea iia tor iurihcr inioiination Anne st Phone PA 84254 or PA mm ziuitrwr cmcxii Illmicrl Poultry Porn at smart can ruan your drink require menta or let in help you with your problems We mun wemuu help youto help ourrcivcr cull Craig Hun tel 71 it stroud We benevo our chick are iii but ziuoiu yous WINTER mirrorsbray hu the chlclu broilers Spcchlmct chicks bnai purpose cockereu indin 111m Crm Millid Puiieia Anici In including lame stunted Agent Copeland 1m beetan phnuli obiii zim Room and Board PA 32813 1213343 DOOM AND BOARD Men pretcrred Phonic PA H393 1213334 Eotm AND noun gentlemen PhonePA 86689 1113311 ROOM AND BOARD for gunï¬mngn Private homei Phone PA 02528 iLiaitt noolu AND noAilD Parking space wiisiuiigiind lunch dqaired make st Apt iziaam WOMAND EoAnn IVhllnble in new home ror or girls laundry in eluded Phone PA 34298 121334 ltooMAND Baum Good menu elem room Parking space centraL Lado per week PboncPA D7190 lzuziai WANm working girl to room and board ery roaaonhble PhoangE On nghwby so Anzug gt 131124 ROOM ANI BOARD wanted Prefer ably in Roman Catholic borne by iii yellPald boy in Auundale dirtrici Phone collect Aurora Parkvtew 75652 1215 liveélock for Sale EEks OLD Phone sari gisnis ow niro zsPiuieiL land Brlardale luipoer rm aiauia cows AND cAchs About Lloilld 11 shanth Sionobaven Goldld Ben Nevin Klipper Elia July Tll56 rte run apen better nu 11 born wbte by Uppermiu crorna out Princess RoyI OPE11 llcr 4114 born relir by mlil Cronin bar and Jenna tn Oct at 11157 tovut1andsmnehvn Galdle inn 11y stonchnven Ouldl Penurn out or in iKtlwln nun hove yet to Cards of lhanks LEVThe ianiiiy oi the lite Eidred Loy express sincere thaniia to hair reiiuveu Wnds andgtnei£hbon or the kindness and sympathy extended during their recent herchvelncni Mr and Min Trotter and Mr and Mn Garnet Ley und nmiiieai ISI sEELniiAxEWe wlghto thank our iriendi and neighbors totthelr mhny ICU of kindness and expressions or sympathy ihnwn 11 during our recent bereavement at our iieioved mother We cinerlnuy wish to tbarnr the pull bearers the management of superior Propane Mrs Ruby Puceiia and Dr Turnbuu whoratowby in the home otheed 41dvern and Doug Shei druke Doug Vern Brown 134 AUCTION SALE Redistered Shorthorn Cahle Dairy Cows Swine Implements Hay Grain The undersigned ibeen ongngedbir ROSS DOUGLAS to sell by Public Auction at his arm Lot 17 8111 Line Collinwood Township MILES 50 TH 1701 THORNBIJRY THURSDAY NOV 28 name Ari OCLOCK NdON THE Panme Registered Accredited nnd Vaccin ated Shortth cattleSnndoon Aug usta Hannah born Se 24 1151 red bred hiarch 16195 sun can Eiiu Helen born Aug 953 hnil heirercuu by Upperrniu erllur101y mol Augurtu born Jun 10 ï¬ned bred Much 27 1957 Kiibumib Lovely Muldborii Feb 15 m7 red and ban col byllpperroiu cromar Nonpareli beta sin born April 91m roan and ball 31 by upbermi Cromnr Kin burnie Butterfly atli born Muy 1949darlrrounnenr caiving Stone haven Goldiu arri born July m4 pasture bred Jutland Rossher vendei born Pen 1155 roan and undead Maud Gem nu as 1952 red bred iambi 11157 Sm daon secret Girl Sept no 1152iod and halterull bycnnnar dhdrcbred toiniihnd strutiioro siltoun Laveilv av 1952 dark roan bred my 1157 JutlandAugusta iaznd Nov 1m rohn 71311 1m red nn mheflcr can bycros to lumndKllbumie an 1951 whitebred Enellb 15 1956 rial input ForQrcreroncc oliilsyo fpgcm ar LTINH ireSde ESTATE or LILLY MARTHA PRATT UNDER Aumoxiig or The Public Trustée SATURDAY Novz3l At Sharp 74Gizovcisn BARRIE Electric washer llkc now interna tionai neirigeraior llke now our Space Heater 200 gal tank iiire nuw ngurner Hot plate good Kitchen Range coal or wood Kitchen to hound tablocoul beater Small org Setteearid matching chairs Several odd chnlls Illntle clack Chlin Cali inct Kitchen cupboard IrcldldVSqwV ing machine metal beds Wboden bed Bruneia Wash stand several trunks Dishes conning utensiia Lawn mower Garden tools Small quantity bt stovclengih wood pius maï¬yvpther valuable items Auctioneers 17ch tburibels ghnuld have goud insulin or succegs at this sale dBnMsmhsn N0RESEBVE Auctioneer phone PA c9253 barrio gMARKET PRICES PgmALNqihzz boas CATTLE EGGS Pomqu As quatednbanst tipoperative Packers of Ontaiio HuiPie Hogs $2750 Sowsi $2000 CiCrack chv ied lneson iClelkL waiterAdgir 133154