STENOGRAPHER DEPARTMENTS hurls sed Osmp Borden interested sppllosnis enquired ic pus typliu test or invam slid shorthsnd so wpoo solsry up to mm per niacin nosed on educsuon snd experience licetion leiism omlnsoe mm Nittonsi Employment omen 1and Post Graces should be nlrd lolniedislely wt gt Civil Servici Cummisslnli 5t culi Avenns Esct Toronto Ontario liu xxrrluxxcin lliilrdniratngunhp Mn ppy if csrnoe PA ow lmm HAIIIlRlSSEI elmrlcnced Good worllnl conditions AP iy Resins Curl Shop nunlop St est Pl vs MABRIKD MAN i0r lenrni IIrm worls Sepsrste house Apply chsrles illclril Phone PA um iisilis MEN Iilm Women lunted or service snd soles in slmcoe couniy Good sy Clr mnllll Applv II Mlpla ye un to run Mman AGED lsdy or pensioner to silly will eldtrly Indy dnyllme Will liVB room Ind boom in return Box I1 lisrrle musdin ilzllu CBANING Loriy ior privste raisi rnse Ssturdny morning every second week Top wngcs g2 gotwomsn Box WI 131 no Mr illJlzi no you NEED $5000 $1500 $9000 weekly Csrl be yours showing our product to your fliElIdi Men and WD men demonnralon required For In terview phone PA Mill lnyllmeu MEN everywhere like Avon Co us There lssn exclusive oppor tunity or you in be on Avon reples entduve In your neuhharhood PA 635 llmiu no You WANT get Ahend 15 family Rnwlellh business in Blrrle you huve air work hurd iol good roots write st once Rnwielghs ncp Klulmli 4005 Richelieu Mootrcsi Que Iiu EALEEMANNew and Used cm Ex peSlencu not essential but micron on smbition required This is choice opportunity with most sccepted 11 orrels good income snd othcr beoents Excellent chsncs to improvework in side nnd out Mr hill is Dunlap St West iuons ANYONE Clll elm $5000 week on commission selling for lending dis irlhulon or pnrtllhle typewriters v100 dawn Ind $100 well We require RR illrrle lvlflil PILLTorso Arln GRAVEL ncAVArmdAlrn lamina is ANN BAHIll sutt RUBBERVVSTAMPS pineORDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOKSTORE so nuNLorjiT Elfl TFUR Ind lsckeb Iii in loco condition Your choice for $350 JAMILBURNSON 182 DunlppWest PA 82832 i4dtnr ioNEs USED Purimmill EANTIQUIS is has itosa ALLANnALE Dealer ln itirnlshlnu nillily Ind dislincilon lulrle stock livllylvlii PA 06261 JCNIBY SALE OF BLINDCRAFT GOODS is are Luther Work Bs€13 Knit Good Goods iron the laundcrslt workshops ind rrcm rigid tryesilicnrsot lilrrie Ind Simeon nun THUR Pm SAT Nov 25 29 30 ATS DUNLOP 51 W51 it Novs Seoul next to iinn Fungi CLARKS USED re BED orist Complete with spring sildoew inner spring msttress $3000 cmNA carom each $1296 st 39 Sportanem lLf Elmsm sum luv in ceilenirondluoo PIN Iiini stnrphons PA in gt nun cdmhlnsilon VlmnVueuli sr sod Polisher Iliheoinplcu set loollllke mil5 mu PA um monmlm srs raspyIi stern lien childl milln silo nonnoose Phone PA urn tails St hens Sihlle it and doubl hill hhlu drawers that drpvc In Plum phone PA mil 1lu almonds CANOE lsn with plddlu New Reï¬llr ilfl One only DunloP SI FA 5301 TlMlu ss subURIiANriE Relresds winter tires with bisno new tin susrsniee ply Groves arcs Sn nest ststloo sis lleid til Phone 53535 llnlsi te Rohlndsle inn iim TOLEDO series used months hsli prise Berhel mest Ailclr shes siocls Chrliims enrol Sine out And bolts Remnlbie Phone PA on Orini 7lum os BVINRUDB LARK Eleclric 85hp new m7 model with yesr wsrrsnly Resinr price use one only st 3509 snortHiven 97 nonlop st Est PA mil 7lMlu siloqu Stevens 7150 with ver chokcsnii recoil pro Demonstrstor like new Nubia l2 ll like new 540 spanliven 97 Dunlop St Elsi PAMOIB 7lJlll YEWRITKRE Dulce machines purlr Ihles lddlnl mchlnueuii reï¬ner nies Ind jcrvlrd GmGI Princes SL Blrrle phonePA MI 70011 llEYl HAVE you rargottell us Were still ln hiistnm st RR Simud ohone lurid Weldilifl School in winter lu sion inquiries invited Lincoln Are Weldon Ind suppilel in flock Andrllde is sons 1idli39 PERSONAL LADIES CENTh vCLOTHlNG ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR SERVICE HOPE Dunlap Wen PA $7M not west Bank 01 Nov Scotl 3012845 BIAUIY counselor Chrinmu ills make up and rum cure item are Ivllilblc from iiuy Prince rel Iltucd beauty counsellino Frederick 5L Burris phone PA NBS 30120 all 33 Smith corons representLive ISIIébï¬sig Mulehes itULCAsTER 5T Ind bedroo iivlorrooin kill IWMCW l3 dmam um Iiillprlee srld nwnlr will llll on terms NRA RESALE Owner liu been Lrlnllcrfld lud must all room Muhbumlov on lsnd scsped lot This home irrpouea tampon $1M down Blhnce clh rlctldrud perinnniii PAlNSWICK room bonnlow lbdmml modern Uichw lure ilvln room hithroom Pressure system In butln Only now FOR RENT aproonl lilingslow 51 pers month See us or Ilmlervicemtlom senersl riores roses bsrs Cliff Brown nuLTOR DICK ammoNneprcuntsun Jpl LONGTIN Represenuuvo Elm CAMPEELL liepresehudn mum3AM AW msnilcr REAL NATE BOARD umutbNiAma REAL rssAm Bolton LCAéioN REAL ESTATE BROKER Member or thinsrris it nistrict lliisl mute hosrd IUSB CARSON NOR mu PA use nnnlop at mousi ii onlovpmnsiiyl mmslpfunduiunmlvn COMPLETELY MODERN DUPLEX REASONABLE nowN Purina 910900 PULL miceNoeompletely privste spsrtmsnts and noor his room with modern xitelieo sod sep lllle blih Mun floor lill room with Jun kitchen snd dinette com hlned slid prlvstc bsth Thuproperty is not overpnced snd is very cen icelly loesled Also nes coil as site cru Nnrm sneuwoli st PA MILES NORTH ORBAREIE Ino OF LAKE PRONiAuE 313900 PULL PRICE An exception siiy weu constructed summer colllie LACEY REAEEWE mgï¬rigm uw ssesgvivomd oil tiemil rnii pricey Phone us rope gene for Mt moprflputy ll located 73 room hull with full WC oil huun nun lruiL trees man lives includinl cimpie of llrla hind lpriico Allin price 3115 Colin AI RM PA 5533 lllyurnd SUB AN HOME NO ll Hi WAY Nam hill price or BilI nihilrhln One bedroom home lulled on No ll llilhwly lull north or Barrie on corner lot 150 Ice no eat Pill bugmeril 16 lruil trees Very low urnabout $48 per yesr csil Ai Em PA dam anytime gt CENiRAL DOWNTOWN Hero iol Iiverooinom storey horns iocsisd very central to downtown Lh lng room with opalflrepince dliilnl room cenmicliiii hsth lnclliililil the near onilnsd room In mnmenyeail liqliii lsundry tubs Asking price illm Cell Arline or on spooiot slent This proporty is in excellent conditlnnvlnllde Ind out completely equipped with storms end scisells NAPIER STREET Time bedroom buntlow only three you old Incted in one or the nicest block in llil eul Ind urge kitchen And ill llvlnl rooï¬ hill humor with lluudry tubs mmce Allin price only 110100CA11 Al Rose BEFORE Oil BUY TRY LACEYSL N0 omdATION PHONE PA 85298 98 BAYFIELD STREET ghouls ocoMMERcsAL AND SW8 PltoronTlss lalii For svpolnimeus Io Ice hullwn Inn and hilli bucan OFARMS INcOiiEPii0PERTII we would do this is Kym GOOD Ml may may unexbeelessre census st rescosm iiilea cullJnhnd yhil some of eulleiAmsic lions New NllA homelmhulhhln with iiiAnon anodem luoobuyrtihissesson yonwin isho Idvlnulo or silently win nnd next PLEASANT MODERNHVING NW BUSINBS AND SHOPS nil barium roomy bnilniow is sled thaw In down Barrio Mule you wilibogisd to own In ny exits and Mad llllo PM NIPm PA EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO BUY UNDER VLA Amorrncrorwlflrcoxy wellhull gunslow on msnvvey iionthe edge or town inst couple or miles out lhlI river you evlood invptsnent or me min iyIRIINVQ home in choicerloutlom Has it urge iiil Per lull illiormstion DAN comzvrrs PA M702 Duplu contslnlns two imam sosrt nlcnls in wondersn condition lloth spsrlments nit contelnrd on in ins irlle Mflliflfl to Bsoelii Brick instruction swsitios your spealon mi IlAlwus Po mEVES PA Miss PULL nitICEsmoo Show downBuulhlow with Iii coli venuncelu Aluminum now and screens Mfllllifly Plymenlllllllb ii rent 28 Call PERCY FORDEVES PA limo TRY SLESSOR FOR FARMS HOUSES BUSINESSES RENTALS DUPLEX CENTPAL brlaLdeobie district beam hurl lummuslm sndhitehso celinsny rhis burlnow is touted corner labour lrsny ilsunsr wimulouriminudium lull dor lint prieotruua SeverI nesv NIiA haom sod hotels lhlfollfllout Onisrlo la OD mm YOUR mm PROM 102 DUNLoPéi PilONEPA 8590i lemhrmopunoudunsan Barman rin welsnlsurA mr JV lamPA mki om LCOUTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Borrio GENERAL STORE South or Esrlle yesr sroundhusincss in thriving tourist resort over better then sismo csn be in cressed Living qnsrters over store swoonV lNCQME PROPERTY Brick constructhmi Three iellrconll ed apartment monthly rent 8200 Yearly llinl $15 Oil lllliilfl iiu 80 runule PAY iiS WAY isounAlhr bidirect Yurly turn lni li treed exceuent ores llilx invesiment ll worth looking It Clll Mr Msrshsll BD MICHIE mm on on REALTORS llleouls property is locsted nsn rsircloueos Holiu is out on Am nu aid lnd in esseiirnt comm Ind Ill Hunt contains our mail all Price 31 um um two storey chick on psved direct three rooms Hi lei12 loi bnildiri or workshop or lmmedliil museum hm ii huh Elmilr 1ch incmB IIALTORS ioowim st nsrris Phino PA on Evening PA um and PA ion Pia kvilew Eighis Puma gt RANCH SPLIT LEVEL BUNGALOWS WITH GARAGE OR CARPORT omit Programs MODERN KXTCHENS OSTONE moms ovum OVERHANGS here heliiilhil zhrdeii soil Used Hï¬hwly Nu ii two miles north or lawn 6ronin home llvlnl roam lflx 26 Willi ï¬replace unconï¬ned View Little Lshe Volley basement Irer liol wuler helilnli dillomhilc Iii mod conveniences Alsn leigo hen house born and other buildlnss on property ED 90 and but haltL will laryn livlnl room bedrooms bitchtil both and five Vcrllidlhi host noise has ilurnud mm mm REAL ESTATE This rice includes sii mrii fililiiér crn Norm sneleosu st PA SUNNIDALE RD DISTRICT DELUXE TRDLE ms Hm will 400 PIN Gilli II CUSTOM BUILTTHREE lionem inriiootlnnlon brink lot3m inEbngggiw 531050 $1332in moronsTi smios°u room NHAlAp rovcd mortgsgo csl WILL CARRY FOR APPRoxiiiATEu flu We mommy pm mm v$75WmigiTi gals£330 ï¬noiee or two limitsqu treded lone mm this leims Simmims ONLYS swam hesntiinlly locslcd in tile northesst For com lcte inspection hone PA Anny end or hsrrie 0n ge sir l25 lot m1 nvwiill ii orivewsy hrke bedroom living room ind extra large kitchen 1N STRQUD VILLAGE key Fam sum Mk Sham ipiece bstil Pull bnseinnt lsundry Pmcm FOR 53 SALE mman supplied 3543 tons cold storage room iorced sir am Very mm wwwmm mod lhenunz wlth all Will be rendy for rv ln bun lllow located on N0 11 111 in ANNUAL hoisting Match for drossed Geese niriroys 5sturdsy Bee on farm Lynn Russell one mi on end one mile north 01 cents nncy about December 15 For thriller psrtionlsm Veilll Rnsseu Carson Midllllfll Vlllnge Shotguns Imi shell snppued loliili7140 Close to stores DnAOHIEe Ind chur If PA Wl alrxhwoxd ldglfy slut retired Collpliii semi screen in NHA BRICK BUNGALOWS ml ohm in mi We have several to choose iron in eulrcd end this price represents we in the 311900 price like with low tell hnrgninl $995 COLLECTIONS eensciim No shire down psynlcnts sod smell monthly Puv merits These bunslows willhe ready QUEENS PARK DISTRICT sum strroonl soiid brick semi Credit some nsrris is Pom PA 7o Isan men snd women isles demonrtcstors ior the Christmss rush Typing or selling experience liot necussry Phone PA Ill sin to pm or slurp dny is pm 11231 $3 Posllions ruled IFULLY LANDSCAPED OFLECTRIC FIXTURES OCOLOUEED BATH FIXTURES Willl MATCHING amine um POPE oust Complete $1509 is ussll BUFFETS Your Choice each $1495 USED NORGE ELECNC RANGE Beautiful Conditionr $7450 5899113 MAch TURKEYS WED NOV 27 ti mil siser 0o term or ill Moriarty miles north i115 ldtortl on No Jl Highway It LEASES MORTGAGES FULL PRICE $7500 0n Highwsy Ii Blrrla iqu mod em bedroom bungalow withinched osrsgs end all modern conveniences Good lm ï¬ll Mr Complete with TV Intenril storm and screens and ven elllnehiindsl Law taxes with ll the advnuns of rum living and own proximity For Nilhcr idiomlion csii DAN CONNELLEVEIS PA 702 ACRES Prominent site level llnd buckin onto Highway 400 PIchlz BOOK HOME merythlng you would nslt tornothlns extra to buy green lswlu wslss storms screens rive wsu plsnncd spaciousrooms mirror finished onlt lloors decanted throughout Close to new Hlxli School CnllMr Msrsnsll Member nude Dislch Real Ends oosrd CiHlpernlive llstlrigs invited Interested in rentals Cull Cantu CONSULT us ON oanIDED hApEMENTs oluTcxIEN EImAiIST PAltis edit HEATING ONHA 37 MOiITéAGES Are You intgrestedl In obtaining the sérvices of neat responsible young married man 24 ycnn gs ge vorledeiszeirlence in 533 Towing gysggsm mm mgr time study our Excellent pemonol and business mien FLANNELEI iE BLANKEHS New $399 ences Apply Box is The osrric Exsmner NEw 61011135 HANPERs 5min Ail replies will be sincerely Acknow $795 ledged 2in1 MAN WITH chsln sow will cut christ NEWv TRILIKE LAMPS $1495 nus trees posts or do custom work Phone PA 04233 zlzllas NEW AUTOMATIC Kettles $877 IZBWEE with sedan delivery truck NEW SPEED Emerald wanu work delivering Willing to Hand Mixers $1938 Work in storelrhone PA 81653 LARKS Z183ltI36 HOME FURN Sti NGS WDULD mm to csre his child over yesrs old during the Vicinity First in anuesFor The Home liAyEIELi 51 allmSmnne PA E7702 anytime PHONE PA om ilsi Next igKlpblsws Switchbosrdmpen till NEWu xEiiIg MIRRDRS $238 TURKEYMATCHSiiflirdflyan It the out or Littles Hill lunLill mir BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY mm Sinii afllcii her and restaurant TEX sco petroleum products with one tiny garage room Iplltlnenl jun nullII Minn1e the Junction of own huh wsys will consider home ns Lrndc Very rcssonoble terms mu equipped ready to move in L3 Phone more iniornlstlon HAROLDFoilsrmEVES PA 84485 orroperty Msnshcment min YiJU SEE This AIDA PHONES it 1435 niflf SERVICE STATION Station with csr wash in the town ni EIflfll This thrillan blunt ls belnl outred or This or it then the can of the equipment Pumplnz over HES year The huiomhuc cur Wadi in extremely busy EXCEii El earlier mention an of the main streets ill Borne Thil isyaur zolden opportunity to be in your own busi lien 51250 full pflce Good lease modern all rumca Low downply with ressonnhle rent Trauma on 2nd quick possession irred rioor thst almost pay the rent Owner will consider equity or new bunglow ss trsde This is good buy the mum Nahum mm mm with NELSONMELROSE AVE bonlrswlll prove it ital For more ECORA lNG it ill bl tls id inronnstion rsil gï¬gÂ¥fhgi€ Pig Aerial VleizwanWJed hflcï¬nndi HAROLD FORSmEVES PA 34455 ANGUS uni ilireo emu llsliy pApER NGlNG it int eclose mt scroll elnnonhus nameplate in nil details 11 THIS WAS SOLDBY SLESSORS VPHONVE HE 95705 Ilonlo gnd Commerclll work Estimstss HARRY YOUNG route Csll Nondisnclrwell PA Ml Lobsoed livingdinine consoledon if you wish to buy or soil business Listing 924 Ilrzeï¬olzea hitches in nstlirsl ilnish call llAtlow FORSTER PARK 5T HDNE PAMlil slsnlii msiiasiiiiissgowg Fipgaicgyshe VIEW nchood s72 $13500 tuil pric r5 spaciouswell ouoroteerroomn will everywmodern convenience pills flnlllidd blhcmenl chubbér will fnlo oleuml omwu SUBDIVISION AVAILABLE sooN Priced ironlfsli500 to $11700 includins recrcstiop rooni laundry and mmsce rooms This modern brick Ilufllil adorned snd Pres humus Choice ot Enrichrier bedroom bun gnlows recommended subdivision HOME oPENFORf INSPECTIONANYfIME sol occupancy sbont December in For hill plfliGuilH lli Russell Clflon Ii duached hon Mm me on inlet EnLimos °i°iii on is FIVE APARTMENTS nssement torccd sirheuos isundry aux STREET bibs everything in good repair ihroulli $34500 run PRICE This nut Vscsni Possession lsnmedistely ultramodern ï¬ve suite Phone PA to limped Bum house Eschspnrtsnent epsrsio NBA MORTGAGE nï¬ach lawE listlil hug lgsndry no es sscineo co OVEVSTREETEAS on me pm my $13Mur1emzed Lbsdroonsihrleh hunzhiow centre his plan just two most lgiewI sndJocsiod inst 210 the new around ruer no yelflbl Hlly pointed lbrï¬lllhoiii men Ind many emit Back Fill Dozer Work meeneni sealing or low flnr inn or Loodmg waistline call ormShe we or PA dry human mum mm PHONE STEWART oxocuuvnsnolm Ii MW PM P252221 liiï¬ï¬dmini 3°2rÂ¥o°l rooms including living room with AINTING POR FURTHER PAhncUhAiu CALL Electric PA Awe litiii Its sn spsrtsnellt George Davies Joel Stalini RAB3186 Ms7204 6000 FULL PRICE Modern Bedroom Home sttecnsd ésrsge Allinllollln slorrne sereensv Many extrnil sum toll pricelo cre iIrIn room hangs hrsemcnt Smsnbsrn 0e psved ml 51490 Nil price Small home with extra lot in Angus WI KELLY REAL ESTATE HANDYMAN wants work cement work chrpentry plumbinl Pliniln and any ndfl John Phone PA 56596 2123135 YOUNG LADY wishes to do typing Ii liarne Address envelopes christnus cards or business letters written by hand it desired Apply Bax 102 Barrie Examiner zlsiias sALEsMAN rive yesrs experience in Isle nodestirnstine storage end long distance inrniture mnvlns with hIEkr ground in sii departments wouldlike to locate lnBnrrie district Aprlv Box 100 some arsmlncr 2l331M Lostend sound 1081 Pair of childrens glosses on Danid 52 or Queens Plifli Irui Phizne PA ones For Ditching Excavating oh ionntt COnsrrucli 7134 PlECE DlNEllE SUITE Phone Oro 03 Ilsi Ll bin noirhone PNAG 8441 r7issisi AUTOMATIC Electric asby Bottle sterilizer Phone PA 66757 7iii PAIR mNS Pihlflppiilï¬ulagb Wflm one 7s 711344 MODEL TRAIN cliEiï¬e Irtlciiloled KD XIIIEEi 3100 Phone PA Ill75871154 MANS Blue Grey Overcoat All 40 smurhone PA Milli sites un7yg PIANO excellent condition Ilid lone Queen Anne model grand Phone PA Hedi 1iii iBuimnn Bench Electric judge good Miami FEED MILL carries coni conditio Apply Vilny Loom Cssnp glib line of Pioneer Pellets and horde giiiaiu nimblel Mr All your poultry and fldeiiock needs Phone PA 84264 or PRESTO Model Dupli lung Mullins PA H4504 Anne Star Burrie prlcilcllly new Reasonable Phone maximJon strond 7in1 Deadline Fol Jolly 500 pun week dry preceding ill ï¬lial sidtoe Nous bmm FOB MflNllAYIAIDEDAY bus flmmidhl sng Broin ADLEIS isAllhEmmEONEn To PA exile In 445 Mill word Illiniriium80c Hï¬ï¬OLDB HART allowing consecutive insertions iii word minimum one 53 Gwen 5t CASH RATE word minimum 60 Following bonsécuiive insertions 2c ward minimum 40¢ mus BE PAID Wlfl odors UNDER $10 00 ANvDVN CLOSE TO DOWNTO lovely rooms in spotless condition Large kitchen hesutiml Wing room nnd dining room lsrgo bedrooms slid den upstairs Goodrglnle hns concrete floor Very hindy location manxultnhle or someone working downtownNo csr needed 1345 Cell DAN CONNELLEVES PA 57930 Meohlpe iIniisii LdSTPnir bi prescribed sun glosses Nov vicinity golller Si United church Phone PA om 171 LosT Mnichlng woddingensogemot rings Roysl ylctoris Hospitsl emer nency entrance about weeks sgo Reward Phone PA mans l7Isilas seed Ian Feed cmPPEWAlSeed Pototoes for solo ioo rnsny ior winter storage Buy now and save Arthur Snider Cnlghurst iolailii MODERN BRICK TRIPLEX CODRINGTON STu In Inpnotclinnul locstion ciore to downtown hurls Wsli plsnsled end spscious rstorey opsrtoienl building new this year hilly rentedlit 5m monthly mu altered far uie hy builder st rock bottom price snd telml lhselusive llstlnx Phone PA our rulr inspection nnylime This incurs inst iii Aprons listed below slid their loopedrowan log in sell your property when listed the odor why Youdul only with flieREAEiOB of your choice BOAKE zili landlord st jIA moi BROWN cur utlipnst srAum CARSON LTD ErDurilOp st 000115 lA 11 mm st HENRY Innch 15 Owen st KELLOUGH 47 Turin st LACEY ll ya hoyheldse ROGERS CHARLES sunniop St SEE THIS ONE Brand slewlunch style bilnlliW bedroom tileJihlh 4u11y decorated Sigmusmgnsh collgpletï¬ 4310 in Milan sn app own psymont nL$l5W mny he arronzed Ply rent to yourselfCull JERRY QUINNHES PA am home is located on besutinilly land WOLFEN DEN scsped lot ino good resideetlsl sleo Call Norm soclswell PA WI islsi slos tst PnonoPAHm on Eleclri 10 Ross Barrie PHONEVPABoilm ELECTRlCMOTOR SERVICE Welliod pleased to show you ilvery wide choice medium priced homes income flung llod building lots inn siiii close to frown PEQNE PA 34337 AN TIMEDAY OR EVENan AIR FOR SALE no Youan SPACE lovalycomhundlnlylew or thebuy up be seen lrom this ontstsndlng homer llrge room ulirrmnddrn dwelling with oil the lestu youwsnt in no nos To see is view con lacl GEORGE WEIGHT+EVWS PA 34800 MlCPnE PA was own tllluwu mmn $195000 Cnrrylpg onsrgeses low in $5800 month splory requirements so low is $390000 Yearly STERUNG TnUsTs hulk34min Mesnberrhsrrio diznistrict ll licmte Board AVAIEABEENow $14700 to $15100 Cholue at lunch style bedroom no guows with stone rdhu Ami attached arise WHO WANTS HOUSE7 NO ONE BUY HOME Almost new hung10w WI three nico bedrooms cnmhination living room end dining rnoni sttrsetlve on floors Kitchen in modern Clio Boo dais entrance hill All windows and clean have storm Ind meensï¬lorteiully decorated throulimut rwiii curryior About 000 monthly llicludinlllxel 830 See CHARLIE READEVES PA in am iiislur APPROXIMATELYJE ncres trout sod stream Price $5000 Apply on loo horrle Exsmlner lolsiun ROOM Cottage liesvy dirty hydro lolv taxes lsrso lot on main hlghwsy Sm nus nesr berrie $550 or quick sole App ON Dollie muselo lit134 isownsvlcw nr rielr the now lohosoe st Public School sndnp Numwp can may Named posits the new nnmlnion Stores Shop mm 92 no Pinucelltre school New well Ressonsble grilleslug choice or Rsnch style 9m llm SPPE thngsï¬fgam MICH IE REALTORS nUleNé To so 4411 126 in room ilwn nodded Cl to ubllc and high schools owner sun buider bhone PA 3428 ldlllldfl minimums vPossrsolnn new bungalow on innnscspea lot Central inrfle bedrooms with spn clinickitchen Law down payment my NilA at Pug enis PA Hui OPPwilt AVENUE browns Atom momsnu ntsrert snd tsxes gr ANbsPliii flqdimjy crosleyponstructios $11500Full Price sitoplii stucco Bilnlllmi hint HENRY Newmiter lnciudinz moddrnlilus sooninn slot Indcnld wstonsitll led on OR ANY momav iiARRIE acres mile on buy on Call ill Earn ltsiAL PsiATE ilnARn VDISTRICT NNA or custom bulit homes panel pomp 57930 Overlnhsills neontinzi Kempcnlclt is commPuma é° JERRY QmP CONTACT GEORGE PA 84800 Ii HAROLDFOBSTEM $4465 cHAitLlE READPAozail SLESSOR Emmott onsirugllon PA845284 Soldlerpu odrwl flu must st buss EnsMI $7995 Chili $143 is wslsbarn Rnfb hthR HANRIE nloTRléi REAL ESTATE admin