nu mommimmxafmmu Nov 121195 Fire Chief Pays Ti billé fq Barrie the 5mm must Manon filled hall and branglib the was tic tliistuiinyahe anon lid onhcnztod erewuamaliï¬n the bum ghuildinl he went up nounth is Iguana hythe ownf that awofjine found Offlce unconscious nun earntnidihomelo trunk an is We At dinner rim by Town liicre is no doubtin minfl mm frhey had last ElliotletlQfl bulimiate cumii arm at Barrie tlnt wewauldluvé madm of about 375 rnilea ammo and Made witty to him in ï¬rm Brigade on Wednesday Nov iife had it not been for Constable werebowllnl um 400 Ill anther than his Mile arm can izwin patd Lisbtsald one Irwin He also without we in the world weekend The directorslwith large tr voljmembervoluntcet yrnrker ptghed in thicvmikun der anvese weather circulgr as sand completed the ice making he ncw rings land markings onthe seven sheet present beautiful picture SATURDAY Nov 23 MlLESrROM pAItiglE SHANTY BAY RbAD FOLLOW Till2 SIGNS pm ShellslSupplicd This project is under thenuspict of theFieid and Streiun Research Group of the Conservation Club All of the proceeds gotowards Conservation projects in this district Come along and win youerhrlstmasFbwi and support worthyproject IwoWayFighi FoxOriIlia Mayor Cramp New Post There is to be twowny fight his tribute to the courage of mem reminded his audience that it was mi um mg have All0m them her anemia Police Foiue theyeariy discovery of the fire been int 81de paw were both tow Win the ham in Allandnle in April the that saved What might have been Fl mm mm the ma Counti Council 101me Janie said that Conslab slit an expensive blaze this fall that Constable Nani animal WW Mm This evening gm and when it told court he hadfol mm hr fly lunch arm dt hull um mm ml the tomcet the bus at Highway 400 ntllhelndaroadblockaetzl ccloclr Monday groupsA an own mmmevmghm are six gamcsqchcdulcd for each leg Mans Ind lam inOY GVOUI am in ES mpcmmn mm convicted him and levied fine 915m Elm of 75 and com with month beginning at three oclock there He ku attend by mom will he an instructional clinic lot himcf am who could offer new curlers men and women yer mue justiï¬cation for an hand to show the beglnners the was maul get home rudiments of the roarin game wi besomc and stanc This will last Clare 1le Joseh Menchclie of Bradford mm trum behud vch Saturday night the first of the mixed clubrjitncyswlll take place files 5$fggdw$mglyuiiahx 58 on hand will gétin the draw Plum me am or driver who 14 N9 Wfldfl0dl1Â¥r NZV 27 19 claimcdthat his car was damaged first bonsplclin the district Will when and mu mm vitational cvcnt starting at 900 which pad no Am That evening five hnks of widen SP wwg Barrie men go to Midland for an counsellor Chaney Evans def Special Effort While no special names should beainglcd nutpbecause there khas done by individuals we will men tion the club engineer William Parker along with the Kennedy former warden Speakan of fire veallia in restaurant on Dunlap Street in some Vuntlicb6t head not court wns adjourned as qiichly ah start play for theOKeete Tron Med m4 mo mph will atar their games There Babb chum me in every flavour T°m°mw 1°° saluml suspension othisdriving license Experienced curlers will be on jeedlng exam that he mm until 530 so me an time whose car struck another vehicle starting at eightoclock First walker the evidence hull faeffegï¬ yall be held in Barrierj mixed in ca med him an sele interclub match fending the accused claimed that been great amount of worlt brothersJack chairmanof tho REFEREE LARRY LEWIN of Gait is nesdnys game at the BarrleArena Fiyers Ull shown preventing nearduel Casey No 16 of Peterborough and Wayne between Pat herc play Toronto Marboros Saturdo night Hnig of Barrie Action took place in Wed STRIKES SPARES MENS MAJOR AGUE Deluxe 4dWright 42 Sainlces 41 Seven Up 40 Legion 40 Hyd 34 HEP Cats 32 Copaco 30 Chryslers 22 Corner Cupboard 20 3Driv Car18 BBAJ 90 1m Mondays Scores Corner Cupboard Chryslch Copaco DriveACar fly dro4 Seven Up 3Sainlees Legion Wright EBA HEPC Dcluxe Ed Green had the high scores forthe night his single was 333 and his triple 373 MENS MAJOR LEAGUE CN Telegraphs 49 Barbers 42 RCAF 4D Lakevlew 37 Legion 37 Allan Cook 36 Copaco 31 chlers 30 Smith Farm 29 White Oak 29 Stewartsvzg Aces Tuesdays Séores Allan Cook Stewarts gion ONT White0ak Lakcview Smith Farm Aces Copaco chlerss Barbers 2RCAF5 Clark Had the high single seorc of 335 Emms had the high triple total of 782 KEMPVIEW LADIES LEAGUE CGE 54 American 50Wchhs 46 Coop 42 NuService 39 and 38 Banbuys 33 Rays 31 But ers 28 Ken Emms 23 Royal Bank 13 Smiths 18 TucsdaysScorcs American Coop CGE Butlcrï¬s Banburys Smiths TOP GRIDDERS TO BE NAMED NEXT WEEK iarker or Patterson Kuntz or James Vaughan or Walker The sportscasters and Writers in major Canadian cities will hear who theyve pickcdfor the 1957 Canadian Schcnley football awards at dinner to behold in Toronto on wedncsdayniï¬t Nov 27 Parker and Pa erson are vyl Idihahorsaszhbimt out5 standing football player in Can ada Kuntz and James are nom inces for top Cpnadian spot and either Vaughan or Walker will be named lineman of the vear In addition to the annnunce ment of the awards winners the dinner is expected in tum up some fairly heated controversy as the members of the Fourth Es tate exchange views on football with club ofticinlsl In the past the nominators dinner has been useful clearing house foropin ions on both sides of the fence Five Six Ieams Intermediate Loop The Ontario Hockéy Associa tion Intermediate League Will comprise Bradford Iiiswords Stouflvillek Milton Orangcville and Benton lt Finalannouncement was made at an organization meeting earlier this week Still another club DeHaviliand Aircraft is considering entry to the loop and is supposedto give definiteanswer this week special loominators Two ExFlyersIOn Varsity Blues Townmates on the 195253 BarI rie Flycrs Memorial Cup champ ions Jimmy Robertson and Ralph Willis are on opposing sides this season in the Niagara Dlstrict Senior DNA group Willis is on defence for St Catharines Lov ers and Robertson is at his usual left wing post for Wcllandftzrow land Centennials Varsity Blues intercollegiate senior hockey team has two ex Bnrrie Flyers in defenceman Larry Stacey and right wlnger Johnny MacDonald Blues have scheduled nine exhibition games including atrip to Colorado be fore opening the schedule against Laval University Orillia Township HasConiest FOi Council and School Six names have been qualified to stand for three council seats in Oriliia Township hen the clef tion is held Dec These are Reginald Gregg Elmer Howell Elmer Johnson Carman Pringle Douglas Renshaw Mervin Sonics Onthe retiremént from munlb ial politics of Reeve Manford Horne Thomas Josliii got an ac clamation to move up from deputy for 1958 Councillor Wilfred Jer may got an aoclamation for dep uty reeve For area school boardtwo are to be elected fortwo years from Mrs John Aym Harvey Downcs John Hewitt Fred Newby Ex Warden Wilbur Reed Ralph Stev enson Mitchell Jack Corby meat Harry Michie Woodger Fraser Sutherland Bob Peacock Charlie Kearsey Bob Greer Dr Bruce Reynolds ice committee and George chair man of the games committee for extra effort in getting the sea son underway complete set of the finest new stones have arrived and an assembled ready for the curlers tonight Club Sklpd Skips for the ORceic games are as follows Group ALarry Hart Hairy Armstrong Oliver Cameron Ralph Reive Ted Jones Jack Kennedy John Ough Ralph Hayter Fra Boyes Morley Jack Nixon BilIStephou son Ray Livingston Group BGeorgc Kennedy Arl Powelli Ell Craig Tony Sasu George Dangerfield Wib Harr Mac MaeAuley Charlie Knight Matt Robertson JohnnyJohnson Jack Craig Clilf Elrick Gord Henderson Ji Crawford Fred Norris Group CRuss Landry Gard Henry Rusty Harmsworth Frank Hersey Shannon rBill lMayes McDowell Spiers Wice Bill Gibbins Paddy Miles Alex Coclvburnr Herb Dr Fred Vern Adams Hilton Harvey Paddison Bruce Group DMel Ayerst Bill Dy Dr Gerry Howard Burbidge Murray Mills Harold Smith more wasin FOR SURE ARTS ECONOMY SERVICE T0 ALL MAX Walter for thepositlon of Mayor of the Town of Orilllaas the result of qualifications completed Tuesday night in therunnlng are Reeve KenCurtts jandAlderman Arthur Truman Stuart Keyes did not qualify vihc positions of recve and de puty rccvc remain the some with Jadr McDonald iand William Greer taking the position Eight people are molesting tbcsix vacant seats onthe coun cil They are Frank Dolcort iLouis mncoz Albert Glass Vic tor Hall Gordon MacFarlane James McGarvey George Mc Lean Mrs Isobel Post There are three contestants for the twin seals vacant on the Wa fter Light and Power Commission They are Mayor Cramp former Mayor John Mclsaac and present sitting member Npr Ival Orscr The publlc school board re malns the same rmsgnvice FARMERS With the price of Beef Cat tie strong now is the time get the best return on your own grain and roughage Bring your own grainto us gand we willm your top quality feed th Shurgaln 32 Supplement Beef Maker This will put more wcight antiffinish your animal Finish iswh brings top prices Feed Shurgaln Cattle and Bag Min al for economy It pays to shopearly especiallyat Oughs your vChrlstmas éconoNAoo CLOCK Mono masterpiece of dynamic undermdeslglh Telechron clock movement tellsjtinicWali cs you tomuslo Will turn an appliance Ra dio is powerde tube ACDC type new card player may he played through sound systcm In Ivory Turquoise and Maroon s3995 SPEClAL FOR MOM Gerterplpflddtiie Portable Mixer ALllghtr poiftahlc ln lweighsroniy is short work of mixing ing and controls Easy to clean Sim pie to use Beaters can be re Comple White Yellow or Green srscm GIFTJTEMA one stop store because the many Christmas specials will go fast Call in tonight and See the terrific as sortmentof gifts already available and have us Layway your presents until PoRTABLE RADIO SA powcrfnlpconipact radio measures only Sturdy colourful plastic case foldavvay handle attractive dial control ldenl for that perfect Christmas gift to with batteries 92395 hedtiug FillgclMlp gt moved to allow mixer to he hung up Available in Pink PCE STEAK KNVIFE SET This handsome set of thinlch steel steak knives with their serrn dtlps and stagnandlcs make very consideratedglft suss For The Whole Family ALLVSTARVjHOCKEY GAME colourful game for thewhole family Provides all the keen excite ment of NHLhockey Two or four may play but everyone will have fun $995 Leagueaheduie startsflov 29 next Friday with Bradford at Frum schoolbcy essay Vice Milton Bradford opens at home Think of the thousands of mil Dorothy Harrison had the ligh the 1Ollowmg night against MiI non of Canadians employed as single score of283 Skip Mallion lon lumhcrmenri had the high ale total of 661 Rays 7RoyalBank and Timex st Word Ken Emms We Nu Dependable modern wrst wab chcs with clear casytareau dials and sweep second hands All have metal bracelets Same with luminous dials Regularly Sll95 and $1295 995 iiillhiltlillilw Billiï¬EBFiElllS in mum an HAGAN SERVICE Mgr galan PA 32487 PAM2€40r84504 ï¬rï¬tanyegglp andrpaper companies li3fiié an IS SHIPPING Theyarc rigidly protected by Fed FROMv TIRE SERVICE emlflaw gt Will flush WITH or WITHOUT water pressur Tho FlushOMatic is the perfect system for cottages Touch th accelerator Sllénl lractiona hundre and rural homes Order now down the cost of installat ALLARD PLUMBING Box 53 orLEFROY Ph otanglesandwnrvasahite push and pull keep you on theGO insnow slush inud Withoutlslip 59 And when the road dry Silent Traction whiape Anne St More than billion new trees grew in the forests of the Can guns Fon EVERYONE Alf camps before the frost sets in and keep Acomplcte rangeoi sizes ces for children men and Women limetestedvsemce best monegvservicer Whenyonuhduptolodobï¬ngym moneyproblamtoHFGCanhdaolarget assures GO IN SNOW WITH NEW DUNlOP SILENT TRACTION