Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1957, p. 4

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May Wme From the Department of Land and Forests comes report on the forest fire toll inOntario during 1957 The report claims that the loss was far belowthat of lB58ihe area burned was 46071 ores this pestyear as against 226212 last year The one feature of this yearaxeportl at bothers us is the fact that human encies were re 1404 firs this year aslgalnat 715 in 56 rd torelire that there are that many thoughtless people value of our priceless natural resources our forests on littl match iolhe hands of an unthinking person who time to make sure it waslout one cigarette butt care throlrn from an automobile onecampiirethat someone did not roperlysmother to cause needless loss of valuable timber wildlife es ven hum 11 ii We glynrge pit portamen to follow the few commonsense rules of flre prevention nd more important still to preach the gospel of fire prevention to all people who you meet in the outofdoqrs it takes years to grow tree and seconds to kill it by carelessness We hear lot of comment this time otyear on the killing of deer Anyspecies of wildlife if allowed to multiply can eventually kill itself off by starvation Thc forests can support just so many of any species When the deer become too plentiful there is not enough forage to sup port them all and thousands literally die of bu er Many peoplewon der why there is season in an area one year and not season in that particular area in succeeding year This is planned control of the deer population 011 the average deer are fairly plentiful this yeah you would haves hard time proving that to some hunters but intalkingto some of them who have returned they report that the deer are plentiful The season is fasthawing to close for the followers of the elu sive Stcclheads onelmore weekend willscethc season officially closed in all areas Novomhcr 30 we had the pleasure of accompanying follow sportsman who tied into his first steclhead this past weekend For those who have not experienced this thrill it is hard feeling to describe The nearest can come to description is the feeling which peoplermust got when they are told that they have just drawn horse in the lrishsweepstakes You cannot compare the fight that steelhcad puts up to any oth er fish which is common to this part of Ontario As soon as they hit your lure everything seems to happen at once Your line plays out as though it was connected to winch This fighting game fish digs and dives takes to the air heads for the nearest obstruction and tries about every trick in the book to get away There is no mistaking what Iis on your line when you tie into one of these beauties They are such game fish that you are tempted toilet themgo as soon as you not them Whether they weigh pound or twelve pounds you are in for tussle every time We know many local sportsmen and quite few wbogarent so local who have yet to land steelhead We just could not feel that we had been fishing in any one year if we did notltie into stcclhcad Once thesteclliead season is over many loo fishermen will be impatiently waiting for the annual freezeup of La Simcoc We doubt if there is more heavily fished lake anywhere In this regard we trust that all local fishermen will ilphold the law as regards the taking of fish by angling You are allowed one line only You are allowed to angle with four hooks We do not believe that we have to deal with Snagging at any great length all local hooks cannot be fixed in any way so as to snag or tear fiSh We do not feel that we should have to talk at any great length 11 fish hogs as we know that we are all aware that we should only takewbat we can use ourselves and not trail around toall of our BOSS BROOKS Barrie goaltender makes great save on closein try won the gamein overtime pupa um 32 makingitthe third game in by Tom Clark of Peterborough Petes dark succession that thejlyers havevbeenpart of 3le score sweater In frontoi Brooks is Wayne Hatg The Petes It was also theloeais third overtime loss MarlborOs Play Hereiliomorriow overtimenea Itstoo bad that close only counts in horse shoes If it counted in hockey the Barrie Flyers would be well up in the OHA Junior standings But because it doesnt only comment that can be made is that theEtyers dropped their fourth onegoal game of the season and third in overtime play fishermen realize that your Second Time Wednesday night the Peter borough TPT Petes turned the trick for the second straight time winning 32 Last time the two clubs met in Petcrborougb the Petes took 65 overtime decision Ross Brooks was the victimized The goal that sunk the Flyera ship came at 411 of theioverti period when Dave Bessc ChunJ ky rcarguard saw hissoreen shot from the blueline trickle into the Barrie goal past Brooks Besse has probably seen less action than any other player on entlially settled in goalie Carons pads Mlxups total of 20pcnalties were handed out including fighting majors to Danny Patrick and Larry Babcock of the Petes Despite bad back Patrick got the nod Bill Mahoney andRoss Brooks bad stickswinging duel ln the seéood period Both were assessed minors with Murray Brydson sit ting out the two minutes for Brooks miserable crowd of less than of Ncwmarket and Andy Cioss of Gait linesmcn Llfrne Doolittle Aurora First Period Flyers Blackburn Davison Penalties Rolfe 149 Besse 416 Halg 822 Connolly 955 Boddy 1448 Casey and Haig 1631 Second Period Pecos Brisson Clark Casey Penalties honey and Brooks 1893 Spencer £13535 maxim 1951 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Showroom Colonial cream finishnAutomatic Transmission pow er steering Air Conditioning heater and defroster 6000 guar antecd actual miles Llatprice $4000 our pricenow ONLY isles 1957DODGE VBREGENT SEDAN Spotless original two tone green andDovcr white finish with matching interior puahbutton drive custom radio directl lightaetcleirific value ONLY 2495 1955 BUlCK SPECIAL HAkDTOP Showroom two tone greem finish with matching interior custom radio aircondllionlng direction lights whitewall tires 1a very popular model outstanding throughout s1850 REpUCED to ONLY 1955 PONTIAC vs sEDAN Showroom original two tone green finish air conditioning dir ection lights low mileage car drivenby one local owner Truly beautiful automobile ONLY 21595 1954 BUICK SPECIAL HARDTOP Lovely original two tonegreen finish automatic transmission custom radio air conditioning direction lights ctc Driven by local exccutlvesincencw modern automobile at ter cv oNLY $116951 1953 BUICKSPECIAlsEDAN Beautiful newmetallic green finish with matching interlorauto math transmission custom radio air conditioning etc Outstand iiig condition throughout up l952PONTIAC SMALL Hustle back coach Spotless Original metallic green finish interior like new deep tread tires air conditioning heater and defroster smart little automobile ONLY $795 1951 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Beautiful new two tone finish clean interior automaticvtransmis sion etc outstanding condition thrpughcut Sensational value ONLY 5650 friends trying to get rid of mess of fish which we cannot eat up or Budson Rolfe mm be ifilgrévfsblnahiéfg 5K3 73313335 39 5323 958 sum 951 METEOR SEDAN night when the hardhitting Tor 211 gtCl05518l1d 1920 Nice blue metallic finish clean interior A1 condition throughou untowariboros ppmcgotheiani¢ 1hird1Perioli 5575 Anna 3Pote5 Montague Dar This should be longawaited ling gt treat for you fans since this will gFlyers Dawson Rutledge 1950 PONTAC DELUXE SEDAN 3° Beautiful new blackfitinish air conditioning heater and defroster interior like new is car was inst thoroughly reconditioned in be the first trip to town ofthc Brydson perennial OllA finalists this year Penalties Eorhan 30 our shop motor overhauled ready for thousands of miles of troublefree driving 11 goaltender on both occasions the pame taste this year But The game supplied anbther thats the way thclhallbouncesi co ncidence too It was the third co estin succession which end egefiégsfirfiééefiggflmfig has ed In 32 score of the three the PM fainting mm the mile the my have 1° two Fl ers ened the scorin at 1823 The win moved the jubilant ofyme first péflod Petes well up into the first divis Cant Hold Lead lonwhile the loss to Barrie on doubtedly gave added hopes to St lts becomingnulte unanimous 1these days that thc Fiyors just Michaels College Majors and Taking them by and large we feel quite proud ofmostlocal out Elfdoors types but there is still some educating andrcminding be done in this area as elsewhere Tomorrow is anothcrrday lets leave some wildlife for tomorrow 442 Patrick and Babcock Pemmwgm Wn Cam majors 843 Darling 1144 fence Spence Lamb Dunne or with the woainv sass ALI Noras Will9 ure ocsnt looktike were going to have any fbaseball hays to th few months at least so lets try and bring on the sun shine with ttle baseball talk ut moneydwbether theyre suf So lets discuss the stories of the fellows wbo go from ags to riches with one Stroke of the pen the bonus babies Manytinies since thecurrent bonus rule was adopted in December 1952 amalor league club had discovered that what had appeared to Je dbllar sign was only question mark lathe five years hence there have beenfivc stando cess to go along with the many failures The St LoulsCardinals have been the big winners gliding along onthe arms of the McDaniel brothers Lindy and Man This past sea son the boys hung up combined record of 22 insand 14 losses other successes have been rare Detroit Tigers also benefited quite handsomely by the rule which says bonus players inust rernain onthe big league roster for two years or be placedon nonrecallable waivers The Bengalslands Al Katine the 1955 American League batting cham plan for $35000and RenoBertoia for $25000 Bertoia Canadian boy from Windsor Ontario hitonly275 last summer in 97 games it took Reno three years tolget in 115 games w1ththe Tigers Aftertwo years of riding the bench inTigertown Reno was sent to Charleston where he batted286 and showedall kinds of promise Thlspast major league season Bertoiawas the Tigers regular third baseman For severalwecks he was skimming aloug withm better than 400 average He tailed off eventually but still finished with respectable mark The Benats are confident that Reno has stopped kiddin es amalor lcagucr now and tbeDetroitfaiia and officials asesof sue benlhEr membertof Drabows National League Chic 195 ms ad 705 oung hurler with the New Sandy Koutax $25000 ac quisition in 1954 vast potential as Dodger but his 54 record last season fell sh rtof the ata ds for the youngfellow Kids who milst waltuniil or year includc Drabowa Jel Kindail of the Cubs McCormick otthe Giants oh Henrich afghe ills215It gigakGeraldrSchoomukerof theSenators Budd Pritchard of the to es ujuredlist does not count th bonusboys generally after sign Guelpb Biltmores the only clubs holding down lower rung than the locals gt Tecder Elated Teeder Kennedy Peterbor ughs freshman coach waselated fter the gameSaying that it was real big win for ourhoys Ted admitted that it could have gone either way but was mighty relieved when his club score the winning goal FLYERS HOPE TO WATCH RUSKIES Barrie Fiyer were scheduled to practise at 230 this afternoon Reason for the early practice is thatthe 1191s EXPGSUO so do MapleLeai Gardens in forum few hours later to witness the hockey game between the Whitby Dunlops and Moscow Selects Tomorrow night when the Fly ers meet the Marlboros here there may beone new face in the locals lincu ymond Du puis colorful rkhorse dc fencernan who is presently on the roster of the Newmarket Smoke Rings Both HaroldCotton Bost on Bruins chief scolit and Hap Emms coach ofythe Flyers were impressed with Dupuis perform ance against Unjonville last nigh Besides his ability to carryrthe puck the New Liskeardhorn bu puis can bodychcc ndErrlms goes for player whocan do Just yenfhrrseason looked good in the Smoke Rings first schediiledgame oi the season wh1chwas won by lopsided score Marcel Tessler potted about four goals andylton Barriage play ed solid game back on defence Aurie Jelly looked good between the pipes Beyervof Athlo swas soldto Yalf es and in lots Two lads are in the service Those drawing releasesnerr al re Kal he Pint front cant hold lead was the goalgetter blung the ice the uffed Jacques Caron ltdidnt take the Petes long to tie It on though After just 28 seconds of the second period Jerry soil thegPetes No marksman cashed inon goal mouth pass from Tom Clark Pat Casey started the play more than20 minutes until the scheduled finale George Manta tben bcafinngrooka easily his blistering screen shot at 830 of the frame Rutledge Makes Play Rookiedefenceman Marv Rut thecredit puck from his lu inev behind the Petes goal andfinally passed out in It as Rutledges first trip to the ce in the game and he looked quite impressiye The Flyers had ancea befbre the end of the sea San but just couldnt click Late in the period successive shots by Pete Panigabko Bill ban and Murray Davlso kicked out by Caron Just seconds later Pamgabkmhitthe post for the third time in the game ust CantScore the ed in the secondfframe wth etc Billy and Bernie Cote missing with shots ingqu ksuccession more than one occasion the puck liedhack feCarou ut couldnt make it way over he telltalelred line Forhan miséed another chance in the opening frame when he couldnt pick up perfeCtpass byPete Panagabko in front of the Peterborougbgoa The puck eluded Fonhans stick and evi sent tottleinin Powo hi1 of the onus rate 1953 only five still ar 11 in tbonlalors alllllist ills of the Tlgeraulillly Go 010 and Dick Schofie Satchel Plug alande righthandera sephson Crossland That was all of the scoring for gue did the damage here by out skating the Flyers defence for loose puck in the locals zone and Defenceman Murray Davisoii sent the gamejnto overtimewlth innumerable ircumstances revaile Ila on Pa ker Besse forwards Casey Erfsson Clark Montague Bab cock Hamilton Connelly Mahon ey Boddy Thurlby Darling Barrie goal Brooks defence llaig Westfall Davisou Black burn Rutledge forwards Pana gabko Cote Rolfe Forban Bryd son Cole Patricki Norrena Jo Officials referee Lewin Petes finally scored at 5020f the TonightSt Overtime Period gt Petes Besse Brisson OHA JUNIOR 41 37 at St Kitts Peterboro Marlborna Hamilton Barrie st Michaels 111 nottawa Guelph in lo 28 mt games count lol opponent only Thursdays nesulta Hamilton Guelph Peterberough Marlborol Overtime Wednesdnyl Result Peterbnruugh Barrio Mm Picture on Catharinca at Guelph Future Games Peterborough st Cath 11 5111111 FirStinlell who Exide designed an built thebatV first starter Beginnérs white orblack $493 not no pass or FINA GAS armva When yap choo choose the best From $1 am vounLocac axmc 950cHaYSLEIi6 CYL SEDAN ONLY s595 Spotless green metallic finish interior like new fullyvequipped Truly beautiful automobile I948 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Lovely metallic blue finish froster outstanding condition ousands of miles of troublefree driVing flurry bargain mob ready for foo this one Cur service department is ONLY 5595 very clean interior heaterand do throughout sound powerful auto ONLY51975 onevof the best in the district and we service erything we sell we specialize in on owner cars 1955 FORD Iz TON PICKUP Spotless original bluefinish Air conditioning directional lights low mileage Newtiuck condition throughout goNLY $1050 1953 EAka ToN PLATFORM defroster solid plat ready for lots of ONLY s995 son You chair can mimic poor are MANY Iona qunoosc mom naiwlgsioodwlu used rs 1CAN no FINANcnn 0N Low liars wirn Payments to somvounuiunonr or

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