PAGEAt Royal Stroild dlulhter CentreSimcocllowmens Asso ciation annual meeting will be held on Friday Nov 29 at Eden vale lit lel 134 Bazaar Tea and Bake Sale W56 nesday Nov 27 at Allsndaie Or lnEB Hall Ausplccs Crystal Chap ter Tea TlSket 35c 134 Piogresxive euchre party atvtir and Mrs Norman Tucks Tiles day Nov 28 BM pan Allspices Clown Ilium Prizes 134 Weekly elicllles in Aliandnle Orangemill every Saturday night 830 pm under auspices of LOL 432 Everyone welcome 134 Orchestra and choir concert blisemelit st Pauls Church Nov 30 pm Come and support your parish choir and orchestra Tickets on sale 134136 Dance lathe niiiaie otAndrews Orchestra at Guthrie Comunity Hall on Saturday Nov 23 at pm Dooryrlze Lucky spot Limch counter Admission 75c 184 South Simeon Junior Farmers public speaking debating and musical numbers will be held in Churchill Community Hall on Nov 28 Bveryone welcome 128133135 Bazaar tea and bitiw sole Wid nesduy Nov 27 at YMAYWCA Owen all from to pm Aus plces Canadian Lady Foresters Tea tickets 25c availablent door 132134135 Round and square dancing at Pine Crest on Friday to Wint Sparling andhis Melody Men and Saturdays to 31 Music Makers Pine Crest is miles south of Elmvalc Highway No 27 127 129433435 gtKinette Club atomic Christ mas tea and bazanr Wednesday Nov 27 36 pm St Josephs Auditorium Christmas decora tionslpersonnlized stockings balt lng Price 35 133134 Dance Friday Nov22 spon sored by Stroud Community Cen tre at Stroud Admission 50c Lunch counter Beottys orches mi in attendance Dancing from 930 till 130 133134 CNiBsalc of blind craft goody BORN nurvlmvoonnrpat Royal Victoria Hos ital Barrie to and Mrs John in venVoorde ER Angus daughter itleresa Christtnnl nmvAi iioyai Vlctoriu Holplbal Barrie on Nov ai 1951 to Mr and Mrs Edward HenryRit flame son iiotmvMr and ms Lorna Handy MLnesliig wish to announce the ap rival at their chosen son one brother or loan KENNETHAt lioyil Vetori nonal idl Barrie on Nov so 19 to Cpl and ran an Kenneth mbunlop st Wes tinomen ï¬lmy Anniu mx Royul Victoria lloapiul anonlo on Nov 11 lost to Mr Mrs Leonard Kirk loo John and Leonard McuiAN Mr and rs Donald Mc Lean nee Binrand announce the birth of deï¬nite Leah erlena lbs endures on Nov is 1357 at the 0mm General Hospital 134 MllCflINSONAr noyai Victoria 1195 pltnl Barrie on Nov so 1957 to liin and John Mltchlnaon Sttabanc Avon daughter Victoria Hospital Burla on Nov 20 1957 to Cpl and Mn James Peg lax Angus and Tony rsmcvat Victo Hospital Barrie on Nov 21 1957 to Mr and Mrs John relem Auandle daushtar itemm atom Vlctorln Hospital lldrpiiai nutHem av 21 lesq to liir Ind In amid Reid RR EllsmoNAt Royal Victoria Hoopi in Barrie on Nov 19 1957 to In 11mm ncAi Luna err amines wwrelz WWI IEIDIM ER WHILE177 Kiwi Si 400 on Nov 21 1957p baaketinre leather work aprons hiitxoods at SDulllopSt West Nov 2829 and 30 35th for Christmas and help Barrles sight iers 132134 Barrie and District Assoizhtioli for Retarded Childrenihvite all interested friends and supporters to open housc at King George School liil Blake St Honday Nov25 to 530 pm and to pm 134435 Continued tram page nine YOR REEVE av ACCLAMATION Bibtly thanked the people tor giving him an acclamution in Word ii Alderman Hambly also acclaimed in spoke otthe work hisromml tee had done to improve the waterirovit Indof the tenyeu improvement plan they hader the area between Maple Avenueand Titling Street All we want is little more money from the town Petrimouix said he would stand for election in Ward have only been here tour years and my heart and soul is in the WW Smith chimed that Bar rie was the ï¬nest town in Canada bar nonebut that he would have to sleep on whether he woulcl let his name stand or not Never Alderman Grlydon Kohl said he hnd served sevenyea1s as Mayoroi DAMEBOSloInlovlng memory or beloved hllablndllid lather Frank mom noun nu nnllu BEGIN iarevar And his hllid we cannot touch Still we have In many memories the den we love so much His mélnory is ounkupalkb with which we willvnevel port God has him in ma keeping We have hlrn in our hearts Iilwm rememberedhy wife Hazel imd children nolorea Jim Carol and rail no IIABILISONln lovin rnerno of Mansï¬eld Herrisim gwho diedy rud denly two years no Nov 23 ms cinory is gilt or God That death cannot destroy vBvu rememb red Vera and Man ion lei DIED runAtnoyri Victoria Hospital nanlo on Friday Noam 1957 Ann Inrinda Hopkinx beloved wife or mean Pratt anndnr mother oi wlliiarn or Barrie Bdithflflra Fred Nelson of ivy Elmer nndlielen Mrs Bowmanth or Stroud Florence at home and Victor or summon in her 73rd year Resting atsennett mineral Home Barrie runarnl service St James United cn rein Strand Monday Nov 25 at pan Intennentst runes Cem eteryu Casket will be open in church from one oclock ilntil time or service humsuddenly at his residence 1w Main St East Hamilton on meal s2 Camp Jordan ion Glen Allen day Nov ii 1951 Wallace Tay lor beloved liiishand df Fr Jean Brooks and ether or lura st ChiitlijJt ncy of Midland Ind James ayin or St wulluds in his 55th year joineri rrom sum Illt Hilleliii Home Hamilton for service on Thursday 10 pm Crematl It Tpmnto relnatoriurn iv DAmhrosin who Fused lwl Nov Nov 21 at onion snowman essays the county in this years County Weed Essay contest 45 young writers otthe best essaysrecetved their awardsvtrom the Warden of the County Fisher Gantonmt the morning session of County Council on Thursday They were front ten to right Jim Penny Barrie4oulse Jill Unsworth Olillla Dawn Beeton Secon Collingwood but hadnever served as alderman or reeve He was uncertain as to whether he would stand for electionor not Newton laid claim to be ing one of thelargeltlandowners and taxpayers in Ward He would stand or electionln that ward and dectedhe wouldgive the best service he coal Alduaian1 tt otï¬ered himself for reelecti tors ii fourth term as representative oi Ward gt Aldeirniinjl Coughlin said lieconsidered riding ior elee eeve on the should either go onnr go homa He had not made up his mind NOLloo Busy Alderman Hersey sought electiolilo deputy move on the grounds that fthe present incum bent ot the dttice and chairman of the public worlis committee does not havetime to devote to the war Deputy Reeve Cooke seeking reelection replied The facttliat am busy man is no detriment text to right Constance Beauchamp submitted from all parts at Matson nidale Robbie KingIilnlsl carterAlllstonj mm om Teddy Gould specter solSouth Simcoe it only keeps me under the plies is most practch the present sure necessarypdeal with the time but will give them to altalrs of this growing town what maype in line witbtlle Reeve Murray Mills discussed iiR3 gays tow babiessheet and zout iio oped or to in taxes next year Re Ed atrolig craShes Mound 19 113 PVinl Waller Louie Orillia merchant 5035 Im it Was 9°39 and well kits curler received severe sha mentl when Mm More he drove hiscgarlihrough in ope Mayiir Willard Killzie briefly barricadeona street where sew thanked the people or theean ers were being in and into mound of earth iidelice they had shown by ac dainiinghim to oflice liehll VVPenetallg Brenda Birding Ivy undo Hall wye thefhackground left Campbell specwr forNonh suncoe and can Hella amen21bit School entertaimuent on Friday Gnae The miVIriehM Mrs Fred Grose were shocked on Monday to bar that the badpasaed any other sleep Mis Grose hilt been resident here for aj nun ber of years coming here in 1333 death at her tsunami Ind resided here until couple ot yearsego whén iiailiag heath caused her to gtveopher apart ment and she moved to Belr lute Wluoo awhile went down with the Ania lo thehll of 18791 boot hill out 01 Well Soundto Willi church and Island While living here she was very Active inibe woman um Nations ot the All retained be memhemhip in the WMS MrsGrose wasipreiemasedhy her husband her only éhiid TheF ipa and brother and sister ivhollved rAlabm USA Anne umseth VSilsan saloon waldndf and Taylor Matchedash dinanus Sheminn Aqiala Linda Sun Linda Juniiestin Flos In Dunn County weed in An lulentic salmon or so lbs was caught by rod in tierway Quebec Clubs engaged in to intimation have 19000 Canadas provivnces spend 18 millions year on forest ï¬re pro vgltion woodis converted into pulp by pressing it on grindsione or by cooking wood chips in liquor it great privilege to serye second term as mayor The past year had been year at acconn Piishment dor the town and he looked Ward to further progress in the coming year frustrating six months had been spent negotiating will the cm respecting mile at property inure vicinity or drama ram 01 icehut the end was now in sight landthe New Year might see some jtoncrete plans or this building Barrie hadsufleredtrom hind sight rather than foresight but this years council had iertainly tried to have iorcsightiAs Mayor Bigger yields per acre at all to my being Deputy Reeve of Barrie lfwill do not only what wr ones hogancam unconï¬rm WILSON Him THE hes got fire my Waiter lJougnll Havvkestone Ontario flr pays 1o grow United Hybrids it TOUCH Willi You lililltl Hilltle FARM Act UNITED HYBBIPS scrotum withdeep flfliitelnéidofl smaller cob nipo foot mots to beat the weather plantcr plate graded for easy even planting and GroKtltcdljor resistance to disease Hellsums nth min hat for your wife Ferguson Fralloh Ell2 Stroud Ontario Retires County Weed in Church Sunday on Monday availing it was dadd ed to hold the Chris tmns Sunday roe WORK MOTORS bonds D380 Bum il Brenton Sf room no 959 United Mahmud ailsc wnsonspm weede in Sum0e and Port wcebndycmi Kim and litï¬nrlea earlor emrppent weekendvma Mnsndhtrs Oerr 3i Better Watch lliit Thelcbristmiis Holiday Sea Ion will be here before you knowit ioodtimlt till the Instme ute to llnve that favourite chair asurHotsTEaso CALL us soon Choose fabric cover ing from our latest oer lectlon ol Nyhld Wool or Viscose riesel chrome spin or bro on viiay delivery on made up from our stock of gahrics estnames wrrnovr oauohriou am rsiir allWNllili cu 34 Bnyfleld st Phone PA 66437 203 OvIen Phone on em THE FUEL SAVEDMORE THAN PAYS FOR THE COST OF CLEANING on BULRNERS AUTHORIZED sanas salmon BUTLER EtECIBlii We orrie lor sonco running Wool weed and innsorted styles and colours Broken sizes raiprm ALLOWANCE the oisycomisv lug Salt Desertiot Irang KhyberPass ltwas the mast rugged torturetest in automotive history to prove that theres nothing newer nothing better than jinn isolation completed the an dramaticmostgfuelling test ever gr en new car before itsannouncenlent The whole ueedas test track marssasoan conqueredthe took Paris by storm nodz 58 Form low for all night dr breezed through the Great ed up and thrpugll Jabled FDRDS NEW SAFETWIN HEADLIGHTS are the biggest ad vancein car lights since the sealedbeam lamp Not only do they mahance loltDS beauty but theyproiride two separate sets or headlights spedal lights forthigh tori beamjspeciallights rosirs New macro mama STEERING titres new re recirculating ball bearings th tjare practically meansleasyissmoothcoperation the ex best thingt steming Master Guide Power Steed ther improved tombke parking abreezagin ev spaces It does up to 75 of your steerin lose the feel7 of the road Truly theres nothing newer itsel has lanenaillllur the tightest