iteratornewton taeiiiniifnatmeadowawakeninmvw JainBreech wu noon mm turban MonM By mom anterior Future Development Coidylater ofï¬cials are hopeful that any future development on large scale at limestone de 170st in nearby Orillia Township would utilize facilities in the Coldwater area which are close to principal rail highway and Great Lakes transportation According to recent report in Toronto ï¬nancial journal large US corporation might pur chase 15200 acres containing lime stone deposits St Lawrcnce Cemcnt Company purchased land in thevicinity or Uhlhoif and the prospective deal may involve that company Ubthoti quarry has been shipping limestone trom Orillia Township or number of years It is said limestonewith low silica content has been iound which would bein demand for new process for high purity steel Representatives of U5 cor poration obtained information on limestone quantity and quality Georgian Bay port facilities and general shipping opportunities The Toronto publication report ed that the deposit lies within 24 roll miles of Midland and it is estimyated that if the us one poration clinched the $500000 deal its requirements would be from 1hrce million to five million tons ayear which could mean our trainloads daily during the eightvmonth navigation season This could involve the construc tion of l7mile private railway to Midland or Port McNicoll Forbidden by Act In reply to question at the last meeting of Orillia District Collegiate and Vocational In stitute lBDflld as to whether the board has ever given considera tion to establishing branch col legiate or continuation school for the Goldwater area chairman Harry Tissington replied that the High School Act forbade the establishing of continuation school in high school and vo cational district The matter was raised by Mrs Etlcy Levering of North River representative of Matchedash council on the ODCVl Board who stated Collingwood Collegiate was considering branch colleg iate or continuation school to serves villages oi Stayner and Creemore Trustee Clayton Parnaby stated that such branch school would be much more costly to operate in Coldwnt area owing to the relatively sinall achool popula tion He added that there would still be problem concerning teachers The board has been discussing plans in recent months regarding an addition to the present col legiate at Orillia to ease over crowding Goldwater yillage and Matche dash township did not approve debenture bylaws to pay their share at al new wing and the suggestion had been made by number of area residents that branch school in Goldwater would be more advisable than an other addition at Orillia According to reports sufli cient number of municipalities in the collegiate area are ready to approve the new addition and have the matter submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board for au thority to build majority of the eight municipalities furnish ingdebenture1bylaws is required before the latter boards approval can be obtained Orillia Collegiate and Vocation al Institute has expanded greatly along with increased facilities required by Orillia public schools In 1946 the collegiate had1li teachers and the public schools had 35 teachers This year there were 54 collegiate teachers and 76 teachers in the public schools In survey of costs of opere ation of schools in Ontario it was learned tbat cost of operation of Orillia schools is among the five lowest in the entire pro vince regrettable ioatureot the collegiatefs operations is the fact that out of totalgattendance of 1200studentsp scarcely 60 will liinishgrade 13 The vocational wingwas addv ed to provide training for stu dents not adapted to the regular course Certiï¬cates obtained in studeth in vocational claim are recognized by trade unions or the total present attendance school there are 550studénta Lransported by bus from outlying areas each day Attendance by areas is as follows Orillia 675 Coldwhter 18 Man 127 Matcbe dash 13 Medohte 80 Orillia lownship 2l8 Oro 64 Rama Vicloria County 30 Barrie and land Rama Reserves District oi Muskoka Gravcnhurat IPolnt Decision In remarks during discussion at the Orillia Collegiate Board meeting last week Chairman Han ry Tissington commented Weare coming to the point of decision where we are going to have to produce host ofgood scientists and technicians tocom pete with those of eastern coun tries theretore think that scholarships are essential espec ially for those students who due to aflairs at home might not otherwise have chance The meeting opproved renewal of accident policies to cover stu dents up to $100 if injured on any occasion while under supervision of teacher Many Coldwater district stu dents attend Orillia collegiate The liteEdwardP Beicn Edward Price Beacha brother of William Beach Sr of Cold water died in Toronto General Hospital on Nov 13 He was in his 66th year Mr Beach had resided in Wes too for about40 years and was owner of wholesale tobacco company on Weston main street under the name of Beach Son He was son at the late Mr WImnlhanelbqlt ram and SundayNov 1711 Chgrlu Carter was vial later for some as mdanmer mm the latter church took the aervices in the Victoria Harbour Port floNlcoll Coidwater Presbyterian circuit An Anglican Auxiliary group in planning banMn Coldwatar Dec Church services for Sunday were arranged as fol hoss Cumming set your Be optimin righta buzbut dont take job am because this WlsJood Seek Izpoaitionin which youare tolerated andwhichia suited to Churcher advised YourjbllltiengThe higher pay will come later Bev Mr Trinityone students received their secondary school honor graduation diplomas and 13 oth er were presented with commer cial graduation diplomas before capacity ludienee If the 13th an nual exerciser gt Harry Tlulngton chlirman ot the collegiate hoard cemented that 1957 end the first 10 years 10 mm Sunday School North Rive 230 pint Sunday School and Worship Goldwater 11 nm Sunday School 730 pm worship gtAngiieanRev Cburcher rector Waubaushene Memorial Church ll am Morning Prayer Matcbedaah St lohns Church pm EveningPrayu Goldwater St Matthiaschurch 11 am Sunday School pm Evening Prayer Fellowship Chapel Herman chker pastor Hampshl 10 am Sunday School 230 and 730 pm church sendces Presbyterian Rev Charles Carter minister pm Sunday School pm church service ManyOpportunitica There are manyopportunitles for young peo le starting out in the business professional world in canada but they shouldsedr niche which they Willindsat islaction in ï¬lling rather than and Mrs John Beach of Cold water and was born in Cold watcr With the death of Ed ward Beach water patrolman for the high ways department is the last sur vivor oi four sons George was killed in action at Passchcndale in World War and Gerry1 pass ed away in 1936 Beach was predeceased by his wife the late Edna Du puis Three daughters and two sons survive Tenders Called Tenders are being called for lease of Goldwater rink for the coming season SecretaryTreas urer Chester Martin of the rink commission will receive bids up to 12 ocloblrnoon of Nov 21 At recent meeting or the rink commission the chairman Albert Orton director Mel Wyley and the secretary were the only per sons present Bereavement Bereavement was suï¬tered by Mrs George Price Srof Cold water throughlthe death on Nov 16 at St Andrews Hospital Midland of her sister Miss RachelElla Breech in her 80th year The funeral service was held from Waubaushene Memor ial Church on Mondayand was conducted hy Rev Ross Cum Gilli dlwu PA 3770 wr rayr mm SEN William of Cold PL UMBiggtHEATING wa ENDUNLOPSIWESI at the distrlctbigh acth He said the district school war estab ithoprovide equnl opportuu lty ofcducation for all those in the district and to allow improved and new courses pouibleionly in aamvgnnnzyn no coed an intormation service at the lgbanese Legatlon In ottiwa on bebrlfoi all Arab Magus coun tries Mr Ghmuddine who at tended Oxford University irom 193039fservednwith therBrltish armyln Syria Palestine and Jor oval during the Second World reach ior high pay in work hold ing no satlslaction Rev Do id Churchefl of Goldwatervtold the graduatingf class atircom mencement exercises held at Orillia Collegiate and Vocational institute The Goldwater clergyman said in hisrcceot travels In Europe he heard many ng beollle lesstortunate lan express the wish they cohld their the Specil PreChrisirn tertain the boys larder school Prizes and arier were dis tributed as well as diplomas in Brie Goldwater Home and School Association holds its regular meeting at the schoolo Nov 27 when Mrs Woodwlo will give an address Coldwater dons Club will co and girls of Huronia 4H Calf Club and their leaders at abanquet meeting in the ParishHall on Nov 75 Priz es Won by the Cal Club mem bers at Achievement Day at Cold water Fair will be presented Madonte Townsth court of 4re vision will he held at Moonstone at pm Nov 27 Contracts Awarded Contractshavo been awarded in connection with highways iu flonreoeivcd bylooyd Igetherby HP or Simeoe am from Ben James Allen Minister at three strictures Ending eul verts granular hue and hot mix paving on Highway 101 at Port Severn atthe Severn River total distance of one mile Contractor Aiken manna Ltd St Ca tharlnes Contract 57240 structural steel or the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway overhead south of Cralghurat on the new highway Niagara Structural Steel Ltd St Catharines Turkey Dinner Huronia Agricultural Society has added something new to its activitiesin sponsoring turkey dinner in Eady Community Hall Friday evening Nov 29 lt In order that the society will know how many to expect they have requested any planning to attend to notlly secretary Ches ter Martin by Nov 27 program is being arranged mtuorwhica will he an addrul by John brinkynter warmth and mementos pioneerday inthis irca Case 01 Coneumion When she sulfaed were all resultingln head injury at her home at itlzthRlver title yearold Frances Gludall daugh ter of Mr and Mn Flatt Glead allwas taken to Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto In few days Contractor Bill wile rihtrnhomo unable With most deer parties re urn log another group lettiOold water last week or loulin Ialand where the season iatiater Included in the latter are Etley Levering Noble Werint Walter Orr Harry Cumin Nor man Danton and Carinanlhob town utilitarian new STORE so pawns Nextto Loblaws we manor armonuvmi you plummets mum 65421 CBRISTMASSEAFS oHave regular free chest rays mm flight lllltll PA 85983 Order Office PA 85961 cisiPu Visit your doctor for tuberculin test fiet EATONS party Planning service Eatons will choose the toys and gifts Nametag them and deliver in time for your Staff Lodge or Sirvioe Club Christmas Party take over Christmaswrap and Cllurch Tell us the Names rAge Groups Typeof Gifts andamount you wish to spend There is NO Additional Charge or this ser vice rehasel Freside Chairs ca Upholstered Arm Sink into old fashioned co tort the modernstyl Ronelisfg Arspe alchairior withflno sag spring base and back steelcoilsprings deeplyipadded withnew White cotton felt Gentle bu action fabric Built aï¬aving Prie fIlostess Chairs EATON t1 Special Prlce each you can inake substantia 10Noï¬agn shims Arm new spacesaving design ltichlyrupholst ered and deeply padded throughout CoverV laxation xafter busy day Comfortplanned ed in heavyweight Cotton and Rayon fab tie in decorator colours of Toast Natural Coral Gold Tone or Sage Gree Legs in eitherBlacK on Natural finish Brass fen rules and swiveltipsxon leg queen Anne Style Arm Chairs Enron Special Price each Withdhe traditionaigr or this Stylef and crafted by th ouse quharsoanitford thes oi For manufnhturerla clehrvaocelo high gra tinetion an beauty with outstanding work ayonCotton triali novelty maushipandmaterialn Ina heautilul Wal weave fabrics in many ecorator colours not finished woodwitb fine quality Rayon or wool Frieze fabrics in an attractive unthardwood frame padded padded back range of colours