In QWau has returan lane hmmo utter anlpendlnx £1 viztannin we will er mum lazily Kr Indrllxs Alvin Smith and Vehm timed idendsyzt Wearn lid Langmue on Sunday SIlIlI Clans Panic number from here took in the Santa Claus parade ln Toronto Stinky morguf gt time bï¬ï¬‚$v 97 flipper am Church in hullro Wedngidly waniux Amod provided by or Vance Hunted Iwub of Bramwzn eu ratplrty sponson the Girl Guide Lac Ankhtlnn Orlnler 21 Nllg an DOM pr 32 Hopdulfl Ethel warms so Povexrl Ladies axle Blosaom wat ur199G¢lï¬e Woodrow 190 Lulouah Kneeshzwllï¬ Nornu simv Britlsh Calumhlll product lmrnmdrerlhnn 4700 mnulne turerxln 1956 werg valued at Stern W11 Ill his IE but Luv Buyview Hllllustnonh reach hls 80th neldi 01 4n Sundlyvld¢ cbldvnkr wlll 18 wish trinqufoo into Cnldwner hm 7775 WWAWWW In indienon at his plant ml Illness Mr Hawke made thI hour allunoeol Aboutï¬wo mgles twice on Nov ll Huheepl mlndolng chore add 19th Mr 27er 4h eldest llve hmthen including Eddie Hawk at Colman Normnn olMld lnd Garnzt gnd Harve aï¬nayï¬ trialIt thqwgekly uchrg wllh prlzu surged lollaws INCLIle lnr lucky that Harm Allan on Snurdlyand also number Ire unending the Rayal WlnteF Fair uy thy nut Ind Mrs Allan Glassford nd Hrs Jlli Bell and Mrs AllepMlller ylallod day with MR and Mrs 7M nhd mlly olelllston ape Su Mastery Drury Forest JacklIll flow Hill He nlso his two ILF tern Mrs ery Lawson MABy vlewllilland Mrs Leonard Leigh ll chel of Oshawa Noble 175 Junï¬imstmnl 175 mums mflgï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬g Lenl swim 173 Ruth Usher 173 prizes were won by Carol IPmctpr Triple Norml Noble 48115 Piper ls Camdls most valnlhle and ltlrs Jackson 470 crport nelller PI 0111 Slflle lt Rrozhlerl The most 11mph name in livinfl roam this léw price Long lotii and lovvely Expertly armor and heautyn Its Nylon The Miracle fabric canstmï¬ed to give yearspf servlce and beauty to your that wears almost forever needs nocuddllng And home rcsillant spring construction throughout ils moderhbrauly for yqurthme rmistlble nt Sturdy rigld hardwod runner Neatly tnllored ln pra Nylon Iriezé ï¬nal tydnflerful nylon vfrieze nvéilahlé inavylde £23133 ht rleqarntar cdlnlnsReglrlar$25995 save imulnted Trlple dr sser estwlth cad ed pt Vistas llrleell llugs eérmg sy are carpets llractrcal decorative nd equnl yer in modem or traditional rooms 39 9s mu 6195 4495 13 $295 f°