rmmm mMAYnov 221951 18 inattentth omcent norm Visit friendsin Place and Mn James Henderson leit Slt Believing urdny or weeks visit at Cru name of Kings cent Harbour Lake Si toe with vmem men yam Wm ML her dausbler Bulb Indfmny IndMrstIltor norm will bettnlllln Mrand Mrs Don Johnson in mix or lmmtholhrivtleltyfluet Mr and Mrs Vernon Wice mi ongizmquï¬Ã© $5 outside Durham rNc where Mr and lilrs Earl rwinspcnt 1T mo Dan Galbraith at Toronto spent at on researo gt last weekend with his mother his ï¬gyflgï¬twth Pd iminllnzwtleg Galbralth Mme no pm eelon bitehe com Winter in Mexico ingaiew days with hi in connected twink gt Mr and Mrs it lilaglnughlen Toronto leit Tuesday last or the sunny wflkm true 31th Elfiymwill spend the wm day lost in Toronto HILISDALE Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson 59 923 mac The WISmxï¬ï¬‚ was held visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs th 10 he young in yearsis mm mmst rat the Bunting Schamberg What We 83 when we link home oi MrsWillimltl5hrdllon Mr and Mrs George Wice visi M5 wmim Emiih Wh is in with LPNEH DIN M3 3316 ted Sunday with the latters molt 92 ENE 195 Johrï¬ton nfllldflfl scripture ther Mrs John Easttm Barrie interest in the dpinxs rennin ander ï¬s given by iii and Mrs wa Langiord WNW 55055 Miss Gertie Goddird leachole 512 Bradford nlld Mrond Mrs budgeEma also in mm Wind from Ghd William Wm 1051 mi randdraws Always sport she loyMraWillinm1honlpsonMrs Sum Wm and Mi ORV will take chance As the result Albert Cook gave the 1m Penny the other evening at Colgan she study on home mission Mrs won draw on bicycle although Johnstonsaid the bile wasall Mrs Harvey Magloughlen has we have not seen her riding packed ready to be sent and Mrs Emma home mil V15 Wllh around town She has great Cookclosed the meeting with grandsons who are eager to toke pmyer over ANGUS lemzeGne $353 623230 Mrs Mr and Mrs Ronald Williams VI and Ms and of Josqfh Len Mrs Clifford Exeter and Mr and Mrs Earl Norwood Spam few days canny 51 Mrs Alvin Drennairnnd Mrs Gor Dlxon Centralia spent éunday the parsfmga Wm ms home flï¬ieigfluhzuguei donRowe attended the Institute with Mr nnd Mrs KcithWeher Rev Gardnfl coming to shorterfullcr Iigureg banquet heldat Goldwater Wed nWthIl FltSgt and Mrs Stanley Mc Congratulations to Mr and Mrs cool sumlreSS emf jacket nesday evening Nov My lilullin and iamily Trenton spent Rï¬ngwflgï¬ggfoï¬ï¬‚wgï¬h casy to sew With our PRINTED Mise itessle nowat spent week Satur with Mr and Mrs Keith PATTERN with her brotlnetinhw and air Weheiy son Primed Jamm 45301 tor Mr and Mrs irvin Johnston Mr and Mrs Allen Dean To Successful Fowl Supper 16 lpw 20 21s Minwm rontfl spent the Weekend 01 The fowl supper on Thursday singlysundress visiting Nov 10 with Mr and Mrs Ham evening in the United Church was yggdinfsgngï¬egsckfl gregggkab Mm Jam Galbraith bold mom very sucmssml and mad ternr ait Easihinsacourate winterspent the past WEelt with Rev and Mrs Robert Lacey and lying sum as well as social time AW nan Send rim CENTS 5°C in Mr Ind Mm family Toronto spent the week by members and friends AM Cook rand end with Mr outrun Hnm 00 aim mm we mond ed for this pattern we print are vismng wit er pareil mm mm Monday Novy plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS end Mrsrnlllerit GlutI Attended WinterrFalr with Rev and Mrs Hewitt SW NUMBER In two we Mr and Mrs Duckworth Send order to ANNE AIDAMS Mrs Irene MacDonald returned and iamin spent the weekend in and Gamer Mm care of The Barrie Examiner P3 to Toronto with he son Curlye Toronto and attended the Royal 596 we weekend mhzmssï¬s 191 Dem5° Fm St we MacDonald where she will We Agricultural Winter Foir Satur Barbara and En Mcxeme Toronto Oni the winter months day night United States Trip fe Clifiord Porterand Glen Mur Born at Royal Victoria Hospital Mr and MrsGame Mcpreeor EDENVALE any spent the past week at Parry Congratmaugns Mn and Mrs spentlastweek With relatives in Sound on deer hunting trip John Marshall on the birth of the USA Stunner Sm Mrs Alvin Brennan and Larry babyhoy in Royal Victoria Haspv Wishslleedy Recovery Mr and Mrs HfloldGllChflsi sent the weekend in Toronto Sital Barrie on FridayNov 15 Mrs John Woolsey is patient and tam smynir Sued Where hBYW0mSEE the Winn in Royal Victoria Hospital Her Sunday WIhMr and Mm AW fur and 53 011 Fame Ministerial Visit many menus wish he speedy rey Gilfen aner and Mrs Rus Rev and Mrs Clarke New recove 5311 Sage To Royal Fair ry Among those from here on the To Rhode Island Religious Education column school husgoing to the Winter === Mn and Mrs George Dexter The 52nd annual convention of Fair Saturday were Patsy Playt RENT left on trip to miode 1515mm the VespraBarrie Religious Edu fold carol Train Helen ltlnnhle USA unis sistermnd brother eationCouncilwasheldinEdenn Rama BELM $5 New IWks inlaw Mr axioms DanielMacv vale United Church Saturdw Grom ken Wm By the hourtday week Donald who are both ill at time afternoon and evening with Word Wayne Dunn Jimmytllumhle and Anytime of writing Goodfellow presiding and Douglas Robert Wiggins gt1 Giffen secretarytreasurer Rev Mrs Thomas Mqrrison spent gt 35mm DRIVEACA Confined to Sunnirook cnurkholtier on no Tor weekend in Toronto with Mri Mor gt CO LTD Ms wlnfmwn59° onto led in the discussion and man VV Phone PA 66414 weekend With Arthur Winnlson gave two addresses The womanvs Miss Mhflyn Tylor spent ms SunanTOOk Hospital Torumo Association served supper Bev weaken in Ban3E gt with Mfg Vinet gave challenging ad Douglas Brandon mess °n cunfluons Communion service will lieheld Womans Amclntion SIN MGMs Pram TheWomans Association met CW1 55312 on Sunday lol the November meeting in the N°V 24 Im Wm MUGGSYANnSKEETE Waiiy3ish0P church basement on Thursday 99 Elmvaie in cm 1le ï¬lm as EEEUNGFlrE Nov 14 rith the president pre Marlmf siding an 13 members and two an Th Scï¬ re KNOW SEEMED visitors present The meeting was fwd 1523 Psalm 96 MrsyMhw CME WEN WERE xiieyes opened With hymn In Chm introduced the speaker Mrs New WM There is no East or West foll to Besse Guthrie who Iu by prayer During the husl lm PROMPT PLANT PA 84446 we president Centre lmc 10m ness period Mrs WMeNabb and DELIVERY OFFICE PA smt MrsG Degeerwete appointed to ï¬kbffdpï¬f iimfééi minim supervise making quilt for the the Cbï¬nmiam am The SARJEANT co LTD rm an on pt were name nomlna lng MARY sneer gt BARE committee forthe December meet ï¬iihmsi££$g°ifl$gtm Mb WEE er David Livingstone Alber Carey Dwight Mood Sir Wilfrid gt Grenfell Albeit Sweitze and Billy Graham If we nooul gt away with racial prejudice We would do away with war shelsai We must study our Bible is the text book and strive tob Ir more effective Christian II Maw thanked the speaker ndn iv collection wgsIaken amounting $13 fear nillssloélhsmlhr lnee Sigisï¬ttfiheziving leodlyrhlltl buslness benediction Lunehr was Congratulations to Crawford and George Miles who were members oin team whioh won ï¬rst prize in horseshoe pitching contest at th Mal Agr eulturaljWlnter Fair last Satur day Manning 15mm in theNonth Atlantic has on Intel of 40000 squal miles you on Ih nannywent Ilialrle in 1on print