oil Bishlsrzï¬ lellfzï¬JIa 19 Lorna Garrett had the ladies score of 282 Louise Vii ebigb triple of 689 Mai MacDonald had thermens high aco 283 single and 668 trial EEIDAY MIXED LEAGUE State Farm 51 Waroicg 49i Won der 47 Per 46 Oughs 38 Spring 37 vinrlnl 34 North land 33 Rolls and Simpson 32 Bomhec 3i ShantyBay 15 Hydro teve Wigginsled the men with Afingleof 319 and triple of Mars Smith had the ladies iop triple of 676 Lilly Webb had the high single 265 KELOWNA CR Brewery facilities to manufacture npple cider are being considered by BC Fruit Proeegois Ltd Taking over local brewery has been suggested innlg Curling Club wili commune arbodnleplay In tho OKeeie common lddaynilht fllarehapbcenr some delay making lac due to the mild weather yblch bu canaedï¬ondenntion Lumps hilt blilldingmpon the in surface and ii ins impairing to flood Ynstqrdnyr polder ntalde nihbmght some motor of relief totho ice maker Ind ltwaa Wlem elehr on the lumps and nmvido month snriaee for flooding Today Work is proceeding on palntingihe rings vollln leer work gang membeh Ire asked to turn ontlhm thy night to ï¬nish the Job and curling should be start ed by aevon oclock Frldly night using the ï¬rst game on the printed schedules which will be nvaiiahla tomorrow The Arctic Tern often COVEIS 10000 miles of flight during migration um Kiliangonntinngm sponsor eat JACK home 91 EmmTon Sat blov Everyone meeting date has been eh ed from NOV26 to limiti out Mrs Casey and children are slaying wllili relatives in town willie Leonard il patient in Royal Victoria Bosnth Quilting Bee Memoerr oi Holly United Church WA are remihded of tho quilting bee in thelcburcb hostL ment on Nov 26 niternoon and evening gt strand Speaker Lloyd Cumming Stroud mi in Th6 whim oériuf Hm mutilationan ill be given liycliilrnh Nov 12 The meeting ed with hymn nd Scripture raid En Mi Jamey page taken by NitTyneth Toning chapter of the study book was uh en ivyHrs nice Mrs Meï¬rthur logiclosed with hymn no my er mnch was served by hostess Sewand Savz The Sew and Save blass Will be held for liour coming weeks for adultgroup from one oclock to four oclock Anyonn wishing to take this course pleaxe cantactï¬ï¬‚ra Albert Mn Earl Scott WlNeinu The Womenarlnstitutemot at Fnrostar oi tq his Sympgtha dell to Mrs WillinnrMcCtlllig nd Murrayln theioss o1 lovinghusband and lathe Also mJama limo aldJKcCuiIig McAithur in the losaoljheir bro leit on Monday by plane with her son Murray homeatxogémeos BC UNUSUAL snort THUNDER BAY GP Hudsonian godwlt spotted by locgl naturalisthasv thought to have strayed from its usual nouns lrom northern Hannah or the Axetll en route to uth lnerica itecl Kingdom port alter taking pint in ii series of NATO maritime eierelsesare these antisubmarine destroyerï¬escorts at the RoyaiCaiindian Navy Taken from tho senv iorlship HMCS St Laurent the shows succeSsiveiy he glamgmps Sago PHONE5 Floral Pottery china Tea Sets Pita Illurscio IiiMo ï¬llllidnhplsélecliony Fascinating 35983 Little motherfl will he deiluhtedl ol creamer runr Set consists to pot with lid cup rain ms and nintu souecwbox type Set 111 Accordions Eny to play etching tuna 10 Red bellows Green in tnl bound box inch 111 is Long SDouzlu Airplanes Hus hnsfl uni tenor metnl keysi Lilhographed in detail sturdy nll mehl siruciion rubber lira con Blnck Has iriction driven pmpellers Ecol 111 Baby Grand Pianos Play tunai key range of HIE 12 complete octave Vanished wood calirtruetlon ntnndn about high on lcga Incl5111 12Â¥ieee rustle Tea Sets Unbreakath and non toxic Service tor tour includes cunnsnuceri napkinsi tel not wlih lid area an SHEEI spoons Hard butter luii on and sol 1311 12 Dart Boards sinfully hound rinnnui lineup in inch with rmetnl plast Sel 111 Chemistry Sets Non harmiul nontoxic Attractively hauled cuntntns many climb is or various expel xlne with keyrtend imonu mixinl dishel rim llor Bruhtly open and knight car Sbell menï¬lly Iectlonn of curved Eduction 42 tuhu won book On Whgelii women planer Friendly little meta withvfllnnk humour of Ruin simulated bright eyeg Mounted on Red emailed no to frame on whom Each 01 rolled Complete dnm flignta House Ailrhller innd Sedan Flth linesiota del Colouriqu lithe sturdy metii construction robber tires motion inn drive meti ropllcn um polourihl only grinds Bgnmes wi mi VErhahoveli her caiernum not hatter Inch 17 Colournil sturdy lli nomination rubber tire Detliied lrl ti out on ra ihlifr with shirts sling Battery operated ms Minn Mixer hem hing ed to tin baéic uke ruione Metil cum itrugiion two beaten plastié tool hllh loch 111 lemon Sturdy nieiaiiooism gt For thoj lmie handy mnl item vise brace and hit scrnwdriver awl flle Clisz Convertibles Ensvtn ssenible Over able set culminate in out finely bowL gas battery throughout With struztionL ecirloolionol ploy frixlAii KitehenrsSeis gt oellghiml anh Uiibrelaiinble clips nucen more plastic dish inn nose datliled dab olnotl comm or guru head on Viny rustic 12 polls can and unaicronini Rich nnyon plusllinr ght rolling yea eontrastlng ruin mm rtooonj pituintilvred hllru Drew rln cotton flan nal lhtle wrapped in noooed cotton blow De£ailed Corona 312 Sednns lsts oi holiiehoici Eaten er bottle with nip ty 30 ples measuring aponn and cup sterilizing pnt nd many iiiPiaf mid with cover me more pieces If Futures remote con trol with winkerr urn electric motor Brightlypointedm=1 nun an 231 cnnstmmitlon rub bow with rcorin oriizlm oloilreri wood lull flawless Sad Dutch 50Spanl ri AIM16 will m5 lawfulivo enoy any tyleii it eepli bright aw loo skied cppper bottom min to int humli quickly