Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1957, p. 7

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113 groansPA om month oio mam vicinity Air In Vhlkc In PA io nux mud and Holwigs sENéATIQNAL FALL GOODWILL oUsed Cars to lha overwhelmlnz pilbllc lb gleamher the lie 55 Panther nod Bulch no hm numeraul one ownerindein which we no oirerinx wholllain butlins I957DODGE V8 REGENT SEDAN Spotless orlginnl two lane men Ind Dover Vlille finlsh will mtchlnt ln terior pinhbitlton drive curiom redio direction new on Terrme wine only $2495 1957 BUICK VI SPECIALSEDAN Howleu orllliill Colonlll mun fin htinutoi1iutin lrlnnrilsdlon nir cunr dltlonlnl direction iizms Power mer Inz driven oniy 0000 nctuni miles undlnl vlluo Only $3195 55 PONTIAC V8 SEDAN showroom origini two tone men mull alr candltlnnlng dLrecLlon lllhu luw milee cor drivrn by one local owner 1me proutitui nuiamohile Orin $1595 54 Buick speCIal Hardtop inni two tone green nnieh 37ummnon custom radio llr nndmonlngr direction llzhu cu Driven oy iocni executive slucc new modam uiomoinie oi terrine nvlnl Only $1695 1953 BUICK SEDAN Newly reflnllhed in green motniiic with mrtching two lane green iniorlor nutomniic transmission custom radio direction lehu deep trend tires etc Its beauty Only $1295 TfiESE ARE JUST FEW EXAMPLES or SOME or OUR FINE TRADESON NEW PONl IIACSK BUICKS OLDER MéDELs alance Owing SpeCIasj Iny to choose from£01m nt heiow wholenlz or only bounce owlnz See themtry thembuy themsave dolllrs OPEN TILL 1000Ipin HalWIQeS USEDCAR SUPERMARKET PHONE PA 63652 97 BRADFORD ST SPECIAL 53gt CHEVROLET lTON CHASSIS QDEAL FOR ScHobLous quad mechnniéol condition heevy figwfin lglzoofmli antereistedv poi LATmnn PnoiIE ooz lslsolal13l4 CLEARANCE lm béuunv WANTKn Pullmrfireldyvla In Phone urn Stmdflnlc sprint needi nirois or en In Prod alumni in non Phone an an morning arlnor pm 43 nonunion sALr onnrur imam Home bedroom idioh 4plece huh llvlril room dlnlzil mom make SIono block cm of ominlon Store block from nhool Avalllhla DEC Applifll BllKIjL Phone PA Hui or PA Mm gt IBlnul Dogs Pol Shirl MALE CDLIJB Pu or nle AppL Hurry nun Khulna um CHIHUAHUA Puppiuchnriioion stock Liitie buuiiu PchAToy Konnrir phone 61W Colllnzwood 187131 Goad lelccuon Both nondheddlng cellarI xiiil ADvly Etnflyl Turkey lunch ldliufll Smlll depolll will hold Imlll Chrmmll Flinn PA um Rooms For Ilenl BBDRDOMMAN endbright in oum home Phone PA omvu 45iqu cosv BEDROOM close to GE Phone 1013130 nAcusHUNn Ind Frenonioooiefnug MunroF7 Euniu Milli El dozier mw lou ill of in i0 myflw rim min ot Barry momm mu mud Barrie on Nov ll i091 ow nodurn Emu moodI in con ioop pump Borden tron rIA uAI Royi Virtonn ri amnl°ri¥°io3io one DomCull iN APPRECIATION wish to ilillik my number Ind Mendnlor not or nodnen mm to me durlnl my inner geek min ll AUCTION sAI Wuflovn Undlr minorityoi he Poniie Trurtee inn undenltnod Win by publkfruouon tin hoio comma or uny Mirth 74 Grove St Elrrle out It 134 pm Wlller Adrir Aueuoneo Tenders wlllbo molveil by no on denirnrd up unui Saturny Nov betloflwl forum villth Strand OIIWZC Kll Bulld Ill llle 21 Elihu or my lender not occurray lccgpled RAJ6087 liter pro 45130119 FURNISHED Badman Eulhhle lol or girls Bonn If dtslred Phone PA 61qu LAims nooni hated unvaried no1 nngeite use oi wnshlnlrmlchlne Mery st uiizm COMFORTAan Room block min downtown Iieuombie Phone PA 05310 evenings 151304 BRIGHT oien Iurnishrd bedroom in quiet home for genlleman cenini Near can Phone PA asoiL 4533155 Nicer mmiriied bedroom lhortdb tnnoeirom Tnmhiynn Phone PA um qr apply ownopen st 4513293 LARGE lrflnam nportmoni mrnisiied or partly Iumishod not or hot water On Blukq Si Phone PA 52077 5513843 BEDSlTflNG room iinen beddmh dishes mppiied une hlocklrum mun street Use mg Phone PA am nosmid FURNISHED Houiekeepinx room Sin zie Suitbnxlncsl girl Verycentni No restrlcllons Phone PA $7795 liter pun 451334 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP 3411311153 ihone PA 663311 PA 66487 Inc tell burn llllnilell 113p omina INDUSTRIAL IRON ND META ouniob SI Vim Moon Phone PA 66831 PA 87201 Mefol Er SENIE6 for Bérrie RIDES RiiasL BATmans momms LIVEVPOULTRY Our truckle Calif on it pald Speclll prim dallyetod Phxnrfllrflb Enigma5 PMAX Pi 15H KOFE lordranilgfgé mam CAR grngfirwitgAiaé le on EELS aimiai Wool IIbING Cabinet wnird up pmximntoiy 13 50 Phone PA Mil oi omm PIANO Wanted my all or mentor Pay rosin Piano writoetotinuhei ol plann nuke unvi prlcernlno nome edoms and phano number Box 45 anrrio Exnmlner anvss run v2 LING Ph ne PA 3913 83738 FIGS WEEKS or PA as cows due to runawNmL In Ind 28 John Deckortfipliong am llld Tllll cross Anm 27rii conictown oari average 900 III SCRAP RON METAIS FURS uoml Pox rUnTIIu PARTICULARSv APPLY To 5w BLACK Small NOTlCE T0 CREDITORS In the anrevul dorm ONmI late or in Tommi or sunninie in the County at Sham Farmer decoled cmmnons oi the IhoveMmedd celled who died ll tho Town of Gnvenhilm In the County oLMuol kohw an or Ibo llirm Seplmber 119 Are rlimby mulled pursuant to aflnlneo Act to lend tolho underlined proof Illelr clolméon 0r bolero 1h ll dly 01 December 57 gilerwhlchJue 1h sets Mia ullle wlll haflllflbum hvlnx record only to leiinn ol M5116 liq undenizned wlll thin hove ri co DATED rt Nrwmerkotihir 15th or November 1m JAMES orwN Blrrlgker Infi Sallcllor 21A Mlln Sheet Newmliliel Onllrlo ior Iiunseii John noun Executor 133139 AUCTION SALE HoUSEIIan EURNIVTURE ESTATE or LILLY MARTHA PRATT mom AUTHORITY 9K The =Public Trustee sATunoAYNov 23 11L Sharp I4 GROVE ST BARRIE Elgar Washer uke new inierno neinqrrnter llke new on Space lealekzflfl my like new vauinei Hot ninio 100d Kiichen nnnze cool or wood Kitchen hhle Round tnbie Cou neuter5mm urznn Settee Ind matching cholnsveral mot Kltchon Cupbonrd Treediefiew ingrnlchlne metal hederoooen bedfi DreniujWAh sand Sevaru trunks mum Cooking Uiennin ann mower Gordon tooie smeii qunntity or etoveienztn wood pins mnny other yllilnlile lleriir Aniieuo en Auctioneer ranon 3004 incsure Loonrt ouid hove or noan at tlll oule Tizuivis cAin led inuon Eloy Whiter non Auctioneer phoneJA 29203 Ben1e 133114 MARKET mas WEDNESDAY now 20 noes CATTLE EGGS Poumu Hook phone anrri vPA um IVY1334M suws EDDIan in Quakerjpaco Renter in Phonr 4335 oro od condition 0in1 cow due in December lled Anne nun Swllur crown gain Phone PA 39538 fl1nl$l mum you Idas Ye Pin mo SprlnonI Cow nnd nod wu norLind iiu rd rectorLSneitn Farm Angus Fiona honors as item can zinUanAIvi cows no or to rrorhrn Purebred Guernrey ior oiher Halters Brand saws ppiy Creek Sllyner nmiao l1 Harms rowing 1mm month munoYGiil till Hamel Ind IHnl Phone Ora 1510 or call Bliln dykg0ro6t Dllll our usachev ceroondnion loo BIG nAniz Hello due in in do Rélltoredr Houtein iIoiror due in December Hemlprdjtockeflrlbout mpoundl pill Gordonjmnd on gt FEED Sprinzor Kalluilm Intel nndyfiuregredl ustod bycnw llll in Airodaru size H6511 WIsz old port Hoirtein Grade in lb Grade GradeB Grade 1105 lb Gmile Ernie Vlcclnltsd blood minimum day of 10001 vetm now add éiioire Moniieciookychinn Crb ll 11w Il WWW flog will take place lhe oiiiee 9tMuorwith lawn the mill inryo and Stony bath mummyliq qualifigi At thanominoflnn inceiinz link It Allistan on Hand Ree Ros Williams aminequ Reov TQKldorson were returned by motion emla pumalions or rlx énuncil uncles but only our qutlifled Former council membgrs nomi lied wore JW Tylor Bndbflry Bofien Bentlle and nriinn Oiliernumlnated Rulhvcn Gdldenberg Lewls lionblnzhfl hlornu Lalimer MoQuigge McLaughlin and McNabh Quolifylng or council no Taylor Bi EéhnieW 139 nor and Darling Two Ivaclt uncles remainun council Ndininatéd for thelliree vac ancies 9n the School Boardwere Dunn 11 Hand Harwuod Cooper andldrs Lalo Steele Only Dunn and llur wood qualified leaving one vac ancyfor spheolboard Former memberc Colllnx re turns t0 the Pub Utilities corn mlsglolimn reclamation Hors burgh and Cameron were goth nominated but lulled toqual Nomination date has not been sired but wlll probably be Monday cc DIED GROSEAt mpie Av Mondly Nov II snmuie oeioved wire or um iie Fred time in nor mh your uother oi ihe mo Theiine Gnu Ratio rt Lioyd endsnreidey run erniIIonie an Woniey 5L Blrrle no is orLWrdnesdly Nov 20 cameiery hlzlizr RMcIflflNflV 191950 Silly milled by IDamtliu nteririen Thoroion Mlenllyremembend by were honored by pinyin mditriLndoii theroou aim at Lheir niiih verury his mouth It the home qt their dulxhter and Ionblow Mr ind HmJilayd Cook If Mr and nlloyd John Cllllt dlolhllr mid Mn Georgelirry bfwillowdalo Wand Mrlnil Hi1 Robert Ulrywm with thelr hinllla Mr And Muslin aner and MrsArt Dyer spoke to their drughurnndsm Hr Ind Hrs Ed Dyer Shine who live in Los Anzeiesu SIN MEMORIAM Mooiin lnvlnl or bed who departed Ill llll 11114 19 lira Dih on Nov 30 Ill Lollrilly remembered by Ill tar Clrfla Iriil lanlnllV Blll 131 MOOIbln lwmmnry Dollllr who annymov 195 Far liar lllc inm lbmldlnl Bar 05 widinxrtori ruWaller nno uniy ALLANIona and iovinl minory ot dur lemmawin ion or 1951 Tondolrly im ever to Theflmuy msoNIn Minimum our Allan lluon who PM tawny ov i7 1m wnue you our lathe You ore ever in our Idly mined Ion coma wile unfitmay TOMPKINSln lavlnl memory George Henry Tompklnl whn altered llIn who be mac HI memory II II dell 10d Al inthe hour he pound uuy Penny 13 PATRONIII loving memory or our gnawing who puud awry Nov Her memory in our keepsho With which new never pert God her her in Hiljeepln We iievo hoLln our hum okvmv cannon fwroNquv Nov 20 no om no 7m rnterm us Chrlllllfl Selina OiI Wlflhr rir 400 upon can no In Tln Tln 600 Coma Event no thrn riunm oz nun Meiint Now on 040 viinon us soon mo on Halo mo oinnmnno no wm urn 1M Kraut Thutn 30 Munio limo Folio um cut n30 co minim um NM on invlwrh 1129 commuan NM iuo wmuinn chicno TuunsnAv Nov 21 300 not intom 3x solution Army mwomeno snow 400 anon None 430 Howdy nonoy Loomn Mwninr use dnnl Nmmi or Lone llnwlr we IIEvin up Howdy 500 hour on minim ow Camlnl uo Wortm CKBBPROGRAMS DIAL 1230 1200 imi sum or vzonaiuiy na 1220 Market i230 Now 045 Buuetin Bum Elmo DMIan Your cl 70 News audiiner 10 qua Fhr The DH moo Bullolln 7am Incl noun snow um um Nun Ind 5901 new lsaszs Lb in 15 Bob Mum show anti News sportscoru Hunt nroort éEEs 900 with v05 stun Tmnr show 00 35 not nonemoxeie Show DDNechfl 05 Jim carer Show Hill Coldwellllby shflw p55 audio Pregnant new Hm euqq 55 us rnrm nuke own nus Tool in Tue anmhfi xis Tin writtenrt uo Womenn no loo coon mm live ma Homo News Human mm 00 Norman Jim Carey No no ouoi For Now no spam sin on nmm um moo animrnn Hus Jim cahmn snow um claim nu Tody in Iurtr 20 community Mm nun novi ii In modemI TUIDAY NOV gt 1253 oio rel roeienii Flllll NOV 22 HelmI Nlmlllnn no rum thlllli 300 count of norm criuo Ln wud liil Ika wedding Innl orurhluherlifo Nov no or Ind niyntery crlppl which will be Iiide on fire iruch 6850 momma Rim min sou Siowrix minaisis wnsn warm nowu WHY Inosr©¥é caaoxso MECHANICSVI THEY WOUND UP BYICNARGING ME $33 ANIMW lTSOIIND$ llKE ALcEMENThMIXERJHFROM now on llL HAVEMY can EIXED ATHOME Looks LIKE rIIEsu92Iioum MKHANICS OVERHAULED PEMBERTONS WALLET BUT FORGOT THE MOTOR undoing tor Mnacninr Dymoiry the march Iero rnlse rnnde rorincrenred medial Blrd Ihowo Frunk45mnllwpod 13 vlctlm or Lhe disease how lmnnm Photo byRobort Crono Woodmen union Connor on thdr offduty one union 10000 Clnodlonl concern the mod research Ind poflmtoervioeo Here captain LW mro nim 315 on II llnlorl us mm Show 1m Indnan no Monday ponch mo snout It or nrnny KIYI NI Hockey IIIIs Klnl wim gm flood rhoo Mon In an In um one 2140 Juntinan o1 haJungl 19 WmIlinI IEVBDDWWIXLHDOW Tamianon Eco mm unketiunori v700 New snort scorer 710mm ireminor gm gun Erenut no on amomm honorin one New rod soon 000 Newl Maggi county on Balm soon uns dim Core Elm sh ii genuine rourle rt Dke 1220 mm moon 1250 aunoiin noun 100 New Heroine 102 at In Ell TM nu 11531 Sloan You EARN 4000 LAiYiiAIz ND HAVE BEENyAITING rim AN WITIlivlolilGAQE hmonTizEn ovnn Minion or EITHER is on animus co gt ACT no Eonsirfu unannoun WITH now anNT turban ii nnKfiHiK 30mm OAKLEYPARK 09K min NEW commwrn BLOCK OAKLEY PARK PUB YTHROIJGH TUES 23 2526

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