Brown llhrlrian oi the Childrcns Library iii the Public Library basement on Collier Street Nov ember 15 to 22 has bee named VYoung Canada Book Week in or der to stimulate interest among parents and teachersi1 who the fly ungstera are reading and it rej reading at all Miss Brown continues that par ents probably believed that what child eats is otconsiderahie im portance helping their plates with potatoes and meat and pouring milk into them But their minds need developing too Books are means whereby childs mental developmentmny keep pace with is physical gr wth mind goodhut unused and undeveloped always lopen to the loudest most iorceful argu manta the moat nsistent and in oidious whispers and the mm per kistent suggestions bccause there is no knowledge to contradict the evil whispers andthe suggestion of thc comichooks Childrens books deal in mat Qexs of interest to chlidrenin ways that children can understand They deal with human experiences which child with his limited ex perience can shareand in shar ing gr innionial stature ere is small list of books which are thebasis of any lib rary read over and over again during childhood and cherished in memory and passed on to the next Beauty or Jack Lhndonlfl oi The Wild are two very popularV onimnlhooks lor theyoung re male Little Women isvundenialsly apclassic Mm Gilt to the young should he ot iastingviiue Childrens interests change suddenlyand sometimes gilt book can broaden childs horizon by introducing newï¬eid of interest RIGHT Ann Gray seven of St Marys School is one of the many patrons of the Chil drens Library on Qollier Street Under the efï¬cient supervision of Miss Molly Brown Borrlefs Library ne of the pest equipped BELOW Exchanging ii ished reading material new adventures these young sters are providing themselv es with thorough backa ground in Emglish History and general knowledge that will be of use to them all th lives neration These standards make moslsuitahle at Christmas ifls really good Mother Goose ahould Head any such list Also few good picture books are must The Beatrix Potter animal hooks are popular in this category Childrenstllumnr may he found in one oi Dr Seusss nonsense stories Horton Hatches The Egg Thidwick The BigHearted case No child ought to grow up hout possessing at least one oodcollqction of fairy talesThe Arthur Rackham Fairy Book has Been suggested here tale of the heroic Greeksand the Scan dinavia contain magic and the struggle for good and evil and here JamesBaidwins The Story Siegfried and the Story of Rol delight any youthful reader As the chuaren mature Black VEDGAR wa and st Meet Tonight WA and W5 will meet at Mrs Ellis Hutchinsons Wednesday ening Novizn at eight oclock oil call paying of membership es This being the annual husi as meeting to attend Mc ean on havmgoneoi lier Grade pupils win ï¬rstand second place in public speaking 31b Guthrie and Barrie Narr Escape Mauricefland gt hunters Lucky hunters arrivedhome the he week after week in Vthe no hi Wayne Siessor and rtridgewere each lucky in etting nice buck Womens Instittue WI e1 theNoyembet at Mrs itllsoc Sheardow WilLCockourn were attendthétanoenmee in Barrie asgansweted with variety of cereals MarH Camphell dis chairman for East Simcoe ke on ABOVE Satellites ev where even in the Chiidse library Perhaps the late the flyingdog Ithe subye being given such serious téntlon by Dean Met lie five and ma iana seven both of Oakley Park iBrenda Corbett nine K1ng Amdous tastings éingheid by Jo Ann Fenley ei ht is Debby Usselma le Diana Meets Tootsie Evening Ci le willinmeet atJ Mrs Robert Sinclair Tea hostesses Mrs Joe McLean Mr tkinson seat our NROSIING IX BETTY CROCKER fiifll SYUAHY HOUSE BURNER 3133 SPltlAi SflUiD DRESSING KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SiKiAL HONEY POD Virgnamu 3H smmvs FANCY PEAS it 31 51mm FIVE ROSES FLOUR sllLIAtI rmtouls LEOP mum MUNARCH SPONGE PUDDING 251 45 IE NCIAL All VARIETIES CHAMPION DOG CAT FOOD 34534 srmau FOR MHULOUS SUDS mam nlt SAVE iï¬GRE ON inmékgzcï¬ï¬aï¬ as nu ma Ainox III LDBLAWI Néw IbucATIONQI 99 are usivsllv A1 OIL Anoriisu am VALUEI nomï¬un Eiililllllilifl IN DESK cu MEICHANUISI puacnass you MAY Ana PURCHASE UNI unanuwrnsmum CERTIFICATE