By noonr 11 The patriarch of ancient time couductedfarnily instruction or ihe children With the early rise of Christianity religious instruei lion wasglven to old and young alike in the MiddleAw reu gion for the young was greatly neglected with the result that later unit hecxgnevquite apparent that tho rvation of Christian practices lmmsirlewilhour some systannide organiatlongior iraining of the rlslng generation in religious conduct and princ iples gt minimum wisgtherust Protestant leaderjo orgaldle Sun day These Sluuday Schools organized by Luther and his eliuw Moimegs resulted in general hwakeningol religious thought Entire ysehoolaWere of ten made up ofradults who were very eager to read and atudythe Bible some of the $110913le ehlldren gught rmding ï¬rst so that the religious instrnctlon cduld he tterunderstmdl Sunday Schools were ï¬rst or gt ganized nirEnglandby Robert Rnikes ALthia time therewere no schools as we know them to day Onlyjhe children oithe wealthy repeived an addendum Tne small £ryoi theworlrinz people hid in labor every day except Sunday in the coal mines They spent Sunday ndplay oiten getting Robert Balkes ï¬rst Sunday SIlaool to ring the 111113 dren oï¬llhe street keeplngthern gainfully employed and thus pre ventingthe Weed prolana tion of bath Notgonly were the children given relig ious instr onbut they were also taug readin writinï¬ and friihmetic The Sunday Schogl Jested the entire day except the hour during which they attended public worship ihe Sunday School movement was biasing to these poor chil dren Later1h state began to the leaching oi the the sole of impartingre ligious lmow gige to the young School there 11 whispers or to run Lh ugh out on the p12 ample here also The Sung Schoolshe be well organ withclassesd1y1d rg to age groupsnot learning ability here sho waysch someone present to fperfmm each oifice and ateacher for eachclass If any membelï¬od the regular staff is unebleï¬o be present every effort should be de before Sundayif at all possi to 01 tom someonet0 if hisplrace for the time Nothing can wreak class aterithan to shove it with another especially if it hnplt pens iooogfle Each Sun School shoul have good order of service which will follosved at all timesj unless it is necessary to change or some special occasron In th wayfthechildren learn to ollow prder of worship Ii alsoégives them sense of be longing grgsecurity to know ex Lastly what to do next Of coursefihere will be no so ai or raci discrunination Each hildwill he treated alike regar lgmLWhat or limn Go When it me time new lesson uarterliesh Sunday schoolleather was once heard tova childwhose attendance We every Sunday because dpnft there nnyurposeinm 11 you abook he to remarkto another nthe way home fshecan book irony not the only one child was heard 6611 thefway she feels The teache should hive tr lesson wellpreporul He should read carefully allihe material in his quarterlyy also any assented ref ence material avdilableand benure nday morning He should declde whai pa in he wnnlatostressin particularand the order of their presentation Then go on Sabbath prepared the lesson paratlon he pl belorehand Theteacherthen ads to the elm what is printed 1n the lesson quarterly 0rhe ma to armed with 31 mposing pile of vol umes ma in sundry places with stringy ï¬gï¬peh Then he class excerpts 85 Nothing will put élfss eep mentally fast er than reoding at them1 few mlnuiesnt the outset the lesson period could spent on brief eviow of the previous lesso things to stick part of the time pouldVyell be snout in tench ine and reviewing Gammon This is fine way to teachtruth our faith and hay them com mitted 40 memory Encourage children1n class to expres their opinions and to ask questions About the lesson If we allow illemto exprestheir to clear up any nuaundemhn ngs mummy hav lfthey ask any quesn which we cant answer given inthe Much mom wl mistway mu questionsuslde and trying to make ourselves loolr all vase P0 MP in the class After all we have no time Iorsuch if we do justice to the iaskathnnd furthermore allowing gossip is setting poor example Sunday School teach er should set good example at all times Practise what you preach Do asJ say but dont do as dois very policy You then who teach ther will you not teachyoursell While you reaehagainst steallng do you steal diam 221 Parents should see that chil dren bï¬end Sunday School as regularly as posihle Often the lesson follovislon from the legion oftthe Sundaybefore It attend ance is irregular interest is at low ebb andthe maxiniuln value cannot be obtained Also regular attendance forms habit for lng every Sunday to theHouse of VGodL and the habit carry over to egu iendanee in the future Sometimes we feelthat Sunday School isnt having ueh effect on child but the results will show later 011 Rem ber Sol lhaln up aVehild ill the way sh heisolrl hewll it Pr be 22 TEACH not justread ill some cases little or um well be petition helps opinions we have better hence Mrs SuhdxyiSchool lesson isread at home and that any assignedmem They shouldahow inter in he Sunday School Never criticize the Sunday School and llSWolk1lll the prmce or ear Ishoi of the child in some homes to be good cltlze Sunday School is adults as well as We can learn greed dial diseugion an exc nae with others We gaingreater in sight andjunderstandingby pool ing ourythnughis We can also build one another up and anchor faith see 1039425 Heme days yo 11 beforethe evil days come and the years draw 11 when you will hefére the silvercérd iésnhpped or the golden bowl is broken or the pitcher is broken atthe loun th elibroken at the turns the earth as itwna and the Spirit returnsm God Who Ec 12v andB The earlier kidneysma IS handled 91 My work or 1Catechistlr is Well dren need if they are to growrull age one another in the Chris an have no pleasurejn ihemr panedat ï¬nestevery lilth Pin ii ml drih ox Barrie Highway 21 milu vicepres dent Ke Hams Nshpresld leonerd Steeves Mrs James HaggertytNapane Elma Bowed MllletgAlta secondf leeprehide 1209111113 Greenwood Bcdflrst an evidenceflintNotl more potent nown ngetlieraloltrtwoil chesbelawthe stemromaine one algae aaliy brat Head the lallrdear the ay co plih Agricultural wuiur laug church of the iutur all he better lands glorify God and to enjoy Him forever Centre on Friday Ho whichihe tool IthE Dance Ayenlng Vestry lhe Mum 22 Orch ngiy euchre ey Monday 111th in Ivy Sch yawn fld bl Wamelmflhw 000d prizes Adln Iiuncb prgyided 133 South Simone Junior public speakingp debating and malty Hell Friday Nav 21 Lucky spot prim Panendelll Orchestra Lunch served Admin Iioh 75 nd 50 Proceedscllrl musical numben will beheld in Churchill rCnInmunlly Hall on 23 eryonewelcome 135 Chriainiaabhuar an tea will imatedr ihnt unemployment here ml french2800 ny were ciiycouncll been con ai ring measur iorneetthe sit be eldathdlelloyva Hail cou ler St FridayLNO 22 r6111 136 Aus ice oi W0 ensAuk manual Baï¬leAlr Cadets Quilt an 5131133 Round and square dancing Pin Crest Fridayo Wlnt Sparling and hlsMelbdy MenLand Saturdays tothe Music flak rs PlneCrest is miles south or nunvaié HlshwayNo 27 127 Nov 21 3414pn1 St Auditorium Christmas deed tiona pérsonaliied atdekingafbak in Price 35c 133134 Dance Friday Nov spa aored by Strand 2Com unity Cem tre at Siroud Admission 50c Lunch counter Bennys orches tra in aitendanec Danclng from so on 130 pm 133134 0MB ale oi blind oral xooda basketware leallierywork aprons knit goods at Dunld Wed Nov 23mand 30 Shoptur 33135 sugar or ks Cellini1o will Deluxo ugh pie Filler NewBeouty nub Swivel Wheels LANCE for His N6 CI diver easy TERMS alle