Ken ur FY Sloa Churchill bon ndhuceaodour hrlatlan vlng Mil 59412913 LEN Cflmniinl Jam Stroudyoung people secretary flexibldi at which he mow am Earl Gil stricture 17h nmmnatngfeomnlltcï¬pon of ï¬le liieryvsloan2 in Open housewas held during the afternoon and evening when many triends called to offer eongratula and relatives were present from Monroe Michigan Toronto Owen Sound Brantlord and Thornton Bresidrng at tlic table whieh 3RD BARRJE BROWNIES An informal meeting was held Thursday evening Nov at he home of Mrs Lillian Gracey Brown Owl with Mrs Lil Fir man Tawny Owl helping to arm Brownie Mothers Group 14 mothers were present and an election of oflicers was held president and Mrs Mary Routten burg secretarytreasurer It was agreed the groupvouid meet on the first Thursday of every month 815 pm in the ladies parlo at St Andrews Church The tea and bazaar to be held this coming Saturday Nov 23 was discussed and it is hoped all mothers relations and friends willmakea special effort to atr tend BIARRIE GUIDES On Thursday in the basement ro of Trinity Anglican Church hmompany met for their weEkv 1y meeting Alter opening prayv ersthe captain introduced Mrs Corkanwho then took over for part of the evenin The girls had been asked to br odds and ends of wool and ribbons along with small dolls round clothes pins pipe cleanersand Kleenex tissues From this assortment of material the Guides proceeded to dress dolls and clothes pins undcr sthé direction of Mrs CorkanThe result was an array of colorful dolls in pastel tissue dresses Tlie Guides were also shown gift ideas made of disinnops dish towels and dish cloths made to look like dolls with Maids and they company it anked Mrs Corka with bravo rayo Campf evwas the closing part ijthe evening atwhich the an nouneemeots were made The rtant date ofthe future is Nov hyrteï¬anChuroh one to pm eventInnisfi District Girl Guide and Brownie tea bazaarand bake airChristmas shopping and to pickup some homemade pastries 5a dwiches and cookies willbe from to pm saturoéy Nov between and for tea NEWTON ROBINSON lst Newton Robinson emonyr tor enrolment of two Weenies and thepresentation badgerto three Brownies Also three Browniesflew upto Guides 23 the place St Andrews Pres table Friendsare invited to do at Mak it date to meet your friends at St Andrews Church Pack heldaespecialecern led their 50th wedding anniversary on Sun day November 10 at the term where they have resided most of their married lives The couple weremarrled in gullstoh Mr was decorated with golden mums we and roses tiunsand best wishes Friends Whiteside Whiteside gt The evnlngqirevlous to the oc ock caslon Mr and Mrs Whiteslde and neighbors new patrol leader whopreserited theta to Captain Stewart and she welcomed them into the Guide Cornpany The Brownies iolnedwith the Guides in horseshoe formation for closing taps gt Lunch served by the Brownies and their leaders Just MISSED BRANTEORD or Thompson escaped injury freak accident here Hew inst leaving aclothing store when part of wheel lflew voï¬f passing truck hurtling through plate ï¬gs window inches from the VMrs Gladys Parker was elected Make herChristmas ï¬llL magic with an enchanting giftoi perlume or cologn It youknow her avoritegscent ft shopping easy If not try to select erfumethats her type wonderful answerto the unknown is gift box of threenk more assartedpcrtumes nd colognes They usually confamufragmnces suitable for day time an mg wear puny tai Aï¬ter the demonstra and kes at the bake tableu Tea sumgm ValueeVer magi Tm Makesit greaterfl MWFL