PO many and semiday ram and 23thc maniam be able to see him buths bescrnenamwoodP Dow 331 nomuery Chases Harvey will appear in muerestschool at oclock but nobodyiwut An active membero the Bar rie Thle Guild since its torn alien inlsoil Jean Gretno will hang up her apron to play the role at Eiwoods sister andflyr gt tleafmother Jean has been in sixpiays or the Guild and in tour productions in England ve land made her debut on the stage at the age at fourteen The Kinnelte Club and lllrinity Anglican Guild also heneiit tram Jeans enthusiasm JU OMAR GAFFNEY he thlrd corner 31 in The Male Animal Bill Mm Ches ey will charm arrie tiles hiregoers in the new role Judge Omar Galtney northern Ontario product Bill is naturally athletically inclined and demon strated this in hockey baseball and howling The YMCA also demands great deal of his time Bill has appeared in musical numbers in various shows spon sored by church groups DR SANDERSONV Therell be doctor in the house When Harveyls staged His uamewill be Sanderson alias Arlt thur Francis Lighthourn oi CKVRTï¬V and he is the vicepres ldentof the Barrie Theatre Guilo Remembered ior the male leadin The Male Animal Art was an active dramat during his uni versltydays at St FrancisXavier in Nova Scotia This native or New York city will diagnpseand analyze for the popular comedy DR CHUMLEY Dlrcctor actor publicity man and allaround organizer for the Barrie Theatre Guild is Ralph Cook Ofï¬cially an instructor at North Collegiate Ralph has dir ected number of high school plays as well as out oftheFlying Pan The Monkeys Paw and Frau Kramer An accomplished actor Ralph has played in Uncle Elwyn Hall at Healing The Male Animal and many others MYRTLE SIMMONS grade twelve student at BDCC Heather McNabh will play leading rolea Myrtle Simm ns POPULAR LOVASBLE Elwood Dowd played by Dave Patrick has hard time explaining away his best friend Harvey But theres no trouble explaining the tour newcomer tothc stage for her role asMarie Jenorin in the Georgian Bay Drama Festival earlier this year Heather won the Best Actress award Badminton HiY Club and cheerleadingkcep Heather pretty busy coepi VEJ LOFGREN AnotherGeurgian Bay Drama Festival celebrityle appear in the cast of Harvey Bruce Chap playing is Lofgren re ceived honorabl mention in the supporting actorclass while pol forming for the High Drama Club farmEr by profession Bruce School Mowaim NURSE KELLY Willa McLean wile oi the pop ular radioTV man Bob McLean will embark upon herflrst dra matic experience when shclplays the Nurse in liarvey Although Wllla has belongedlto the Theatre Guild for two yearsher only act ing has been inGrecu Room ex ercises wtlla is teachel of Grade two at camp burden Sing ing in the Burton Avenue United choir is another enjoyed eneigy outleL iwlLsoN Gama Electric will be well represented in Barriesdramatic presentation by William George Colis who will be known as Wil pretty supporting actresses surrounding Dave They arerlla McLean left Agnes Stout Heather McNabb and Jean Gretna Guild Bills tirstrole was in The Male Animal The 22yearold actor claims rugby is that about his only other interest gt BEITY CHUMLEY The female lead of The Male Animal Agnes LStout comes to the flanks Theatre Guild from Detroit her hirtliplace Employ ed as Secretary at CKVRTV Agnes is sometimes seen doing commercial work on the creen Althugti Agnos cant see veyshecontributes to the pllay with experienc pretty face ELWOOD Dowo pivot Patrick wellJmown my announcer playsthe male lead Elwood who ca hility and Dowd thees1 person MAXINE VJONES gt Womens Edltor Goldwater and armor Midland residentswere among those asgpartlclpents or guests at quiet wedding recently in Kuox Presbyterian Church Oakvtlle The former Miss Gisele Krueger of Oakvllle became the bride of Russell John Wedgeyoungest son or Mr 21nd Mrs Charles Wedge of Oakvll Charles wage of cold waterh brotherattire groohi was Showman The bridesnaid was Alias Gayle Wedge of Oakville ihe grooms alster The bride was given in man riage by Lester Leihelhy of Wes ton formerly of Midland reception or immediate relatives was held at the Oakvilie residence ot Mr and Mrs IWedge The latter is theformer Grace Lotherby of Midland The grooms grandfather the late Ernest Wï¬dge was born in Mid land and spdht his early years there Attending the weddingfrom Goldwater were Mr and Mrs Charles Wadgeand ii and Mn Robert Buchanan UNIVERSITY HONOR John Woods son of Mr and Mrs John Woods Bertzy St Barrie has been elected literary director of the University Col legeLibrary and Athletic As societion themain undergradu atesociety He is in his fourth and final year of the Philosophy and History honor course atUnl versity of Toronto BROWNIES BAKING lnnlsï¬l District Girl Guides and Brownies tea bake sale and bazaar will he held at St Anv drews Prahyiterian Church lec ture room$aturday Nov 23 from 2to friend rom Montreal Dave started with School drama tlcs ap eared in Patches the Universiy of estern Ontarios annual Bevu nd spent sum mer with Londons Little Theatre Apopular young man in real 1152 Dave pin anaturai role in ithe comedy You have never seen such at tention as you receive until you have heen looked after the eager Brownies and Guides at their annualtea The room will be gaily decorated oigcourae and Christmas carols will hesunz by the girls at 15minute intervals ROYAL FAIR Colonel and Mrs Lee at tended the opening ot the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair on Fri day night in Toronto as guests of Brigadier McKee Colonel Lee was also present at the GovernorGenerals lunch eon at the Royal York Hotel on Tuesday DOLL WINNING The little girl wrapped in 25 onedollor bills raffled off by the Sorbpihnists in connection with their annual Doll Fair was won by Corbett MacDonald of T01 ronto MrsTony Decarie of Bar rie was the lucky holder of the wirining tleltetvoo the Christmas CH SKATING SOLOISTS in accordance witlbthenewly instituted plantor Sunday solos brought to the Barriestraï¬ng Club by new professional Sue Enuns Linda Hagan Patricia Hay and Cynthi Lloyd periorm ed ongNov l7 ART LUB The next meeting olBarrie Art Club will be held in the Library Hall on Monday Nov25 at 891 aker for the evening is Alex Miller who is graduate qfrhc Ontario College arm He has travelled andstudiedexten siveiy in Mexico and England He is asvery competent lnstru Heads Boy l4r PERSONhis imnoloria Mantle of Bar rie llvill Toronto this zucst at the Park Plaza gt ooey and tamllynt Drona hav returned aiter spending the weekendw Mrs Green Allandale MMOEGENERALD BX director of the international Boy Scout Bureau has arrive call Ida iromEngiandh Hewill open upfbureaus new adquartcrs in Ottawa LARGEST CATTLE RANCH The largest cattle rapchin Mr and Mrs Guthnlechit North America is the Gang tick Alliston have turned Ranch in 80 it is larger than home aileron extended Vldt in the celebrated King Ranch jot Holland and France lexas gt chars games neonate rune rm fsuppurs Phonellnytinie Wethovokrieshe our large rock of led coats dressesondocceisbnespriced onto osaerifiee level lfever in were hm this is notiust another sole Ideal luv rény to replenishyour wardrobe out GENumegsELLour TO TllE BAREWA WEKEtcLOSIvNVG °URD90RS FOR GOOD OSHAWA lLS so